Trump wants to execute drug dealers

Trump reportedly told friends he wants to execute every drug dealer in America.
Trump has Duterte envy, unchecked power.
Lets check the fascism list:
I'm sure you think everyone has a fundamental right to be a drug dealer...
i suppose if you take it at face value, we can be whoever we want to be. drug dealers included.

just some choices have some pretty serious ramifications.
If Trump really said that he would be my hero. Execute them on the spot. Right on the sidewalk.

There was recently a young girl who got high and clawed her own eyes out. She will go through life an addict and blind. Execute the bastards.
These drug dealers are certainly scum, but we have due process of law. Anybody thinking contrary to due process doesnt understand the values of our country.

And BTW, anybody doubting Trump said this. All this is just more praising of Duterte.
Not really the point. The point is that it is legal in 9 states.

Wrong, it's still illegal and the feds could bust them if they chose.

So much for the conservative argument in favor of states rights. Now you’re back to blowing the federal govt again

Not really the point. The point is that it is legal in 9 states.

Wrong, it's still illegal and the feds could bust them if they chose.

So much for the conservative argument in favor of states rights. Now you’re back to blowing the federal govt again

Funny how regressives only speak of States rights when it comes to drugs, which fall squarely with the supreme courts bastardization of the commerce clause. STFU and pay the piper, you're the ones that wanted to dance.

If Trump really said that he would be my hero. Execute them on the spot. Right on the sidewalk.

There was recently a young girl who got high and clawed her own eyes out. She will go through life an addict and blind. Execute the bastards.
These drug dealers are certainly scum, but we have due process of law. Anybody thinking contrary to due process doesnt understand the values of our country.

And BTW, anybody doubting Trump said this. All this is just more praising of Duterte.

You don't think being a mass murder shouldn't be a capital offense? Drug dealers kill many more than 17 a day. Give them their trial and hang the bastards.


LET ME GUESS, Dudmuck----- you're a drug dealer.

So now anything REPORTEDLY said is now news?

Look at all of Trump's danger signs! Puts America First! Wants a secure country!

Where were you when Obama was using the IRS to identify and suppress his enemies? Had total control over the media? Lost 800 billion in 2009 to mass cronyism he called QE1? Suppressed opposition in 2012 to get reelected?

And if having a supreme military is a sign of fascism, our military has been supreme through most of our history making all of our presidents fascist, and this country has never had religion and government intertwined, good god man, where have you been living?

But I like the idea of branding our politicians on the forehead for their crimes. If we started doing that, Hillary would be tattooed head to toe!
If Trump really said that he would be my hero. Execute them on the spot. Right on the sidewalk.

There was recently a young girl who got high and clawed her own eyes out. She will go through life an addict and blind. Execute the bastards.
These drug dealers are certainly scum, but we have due process of law. Anybody thinking contrary to due process doesnt understand the values of our country.

And BTW, anybody doubting Trump said this. All this is just more praising of Duterte.
Leftards only care for due process when it suits them, otherwise it’s guilty until proven innocent.
So now we have conservatives advocating for the execution of drug dealers without giving them their constitutional right to due process.
If anybody wants to see how conservatives feel about American values, look no further than this thread.
Going by conservative logic on this subject, let’s look at a different scenario.

According to the conservatives in this thread, drug dealers should be executed without due process because their product kills people, whether directly killing an addict by overdose, or indirectly harming or killing innocent civilians by causing an addict to endanger others to get his fix.

Now let’s look at guns. Would these conservatives say the same about a person that sells ammo or weapons out of the trunk of their car that end up in the hands of someone who commits murder? So, the guy who sold armor-piercing ammo to the Las Vegas mass murderer — going by conservative logic — should be taken from his home and executed on the sidewalk.
Yeah ok. “Potheads” don’t endanger anything more than a bag of Doritos. This isn’t 1960. You can live without fear of psychotic pothead motorcycle gangs driving through your flower bed

Tell that to the families of SIX DEAD FIREFIGHTERS from Worcester, MA on the night of 12/3/1999.
Yeah ok. “Potheads” don’t endanger anything more than a bag of Doritos. This isn’t 1960. You can live without fear of psychotic pothead motorcycle gangs driving through your flower bed

Tell that to the families of SIX DEAD FIREFIGHTERS from Worcester, MA on the night of 12/3/1999.
Homeless squatters who started a fire in an abandoned building.

Homeless squatters who started a fire in an abandoned building.


And???... And!!!!.... And didn't report the fire. Nor did they let anyone know they were no longer in the building... because ghey were HIGH, and afrzid of ghe consequences.

Five hours later when the fire became noticeable outside the building SIX firefighters woild end up entering the building on rescue missions. None left the building alive. Both wastes of flesh and oxygen should have been charged with six counts of MANSLAUGHTER!!!!!!
Does it hurt to twist oneself into a pretzel for the moron in the WH every day?

All of you love this idea. You support it. But you don't want to believe that he said it. You don't trust the media which reported it. I believe it's because deep down, you know it's wrong for America and is something the president should be advocating.

In a few days when he blurts it out on live TV, you'll cheer like Eagle's fans, though.

You're an idiot. I've been advocating treating drug dealers as mass murders for many years. Hundreds a day die from their poison and many more die at the hands of their customers. Add in the general violence in the drug trade amongst competitors for territory and you get more dead. You also pay higher prices for everything you buy because of drugs. Feel free to try to disprove any of these FACTS, you can't.

Does it hurt to twist oneself into a pretzel for the moron in the WH every day?

All of you love this idea. You support it. But you don't want to believe that he said it. You don't trust the media which reported it. I believe it's because deep down, you know it's wrong for America and is something the president should be advocating.

In a few days when he blurts it out on live TV, you'll cheer like Eagle's fans, though.

You're an idiot. I've been advocating treating drug dealers as mass murders for many years. Hundreds a day die from their poison and many more die at the hands of their customers. Add in the general violence in the drug trade amongst competitors for territory and you get more dead. You also pay higher prices for everything you buy because of drugs. Feel free to try to disprove any of these FACTS, you can't.


Legalize them. Problem solved.
Does it hurt to twist oneself into a pretzel for the moron in the WH every day?

All of you love this idea. You support it. But you don't want to believe that he said it. You don't trust the media which reported it. I believe it's because deep down, you know it's wrong for America and is something the president should be advocating.

In a few days when he blurts it out on live TV, you'll cheer like Eagle's fans, though.

You're an idiot. I've been advocating treating drug dealers as mass murders for many years. Hundreds a day die from their poison and many more die at the hands of their customers. Add in the general violence in the drug trade amongst competitors for territory and you get more dead. You also pay higher prices for everything you buy because of drugs. Feel free to try to disprove any of these FACTS, you can't.


Legalize them. Problem solved.
Seriously. The answer is NOT to deny them their constitutional rights like the American Taliban wants.

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