Trump wants to execute drug dealers


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2017
Camarillo, CA
Trump reportedly told friends he wants to execute every drug dealer in America.
Trump has Duterte envy, unchecked power.
Lets check the fascism list:
That sounds like a perfectly lovely plan to me... So long as it includes the owners and operators of every "legal" weed shop in the country as well.
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Trump reportedly told friends he wants to execute every drug dealer in America.
Trump has Duterte envy, unchecked power.
Lets check the fascism list:

For anyone who has ever watched their loved one slowly become an addicted monster who will seek to get high at any price and then die of an overdose, I can understand wanting to kill drug dealers.

For anyone who sees that illegal drugs kill about 150 people a day, more than people dying by guns, I can understand wanting to kill drug dealers.

For anyone who sees the lavish lives of drug cartels and the corruption they inflict on governments world wide, I can understand wanting to kill drug dealers.

For everyone else, they want to keep the revolving prison doors open, the borders unsecured as drugs come over, and a society that is so permissive that abusers are coddled and patched up and then sent back out to repeat their addiction until they are found dead. For these people they love the status quo.

I'm sure you have all heard that the war on drugs does not work in the US, and they are partly correct. The war has failed, but the lie is the notion that there was ever a war to begin with.

If anyone is interested in what works, just look to Singapore.

Singapore's policy keeps drugs at bay | Michael Teo

It is possible, for this has been proven. All that is needed is the political will.
And this is all from some guy named "Jonathan Swan" who apparently got the info from some unnamed "official?"

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