Trump Utterly Destroys Hillary In Debate

He won the last 2 on substance hands down.

Hillary actually expects voters to believe that investment in the Middle-class will ever take place, or that she won't raise taxes on everyone. Excluding her donors that is.
I'll bet you $10 Trump loses, and I'll give you 10-1 odds

So you're throwing in the towel on the issue under discussion?
Oh no, Hillary won all 3 debates as indicated by every semi reputable poll conducted about any of them no longer quibble about Bill's wife being identified as a congenital liar?

I wouldn't say that.

I just found the lesser used "congenital" a bit odd.

I know that "congenital" means Bill would be incapable of telling the truth. As opposed to a "pathological" liar, who is in control of the lies.

If Bill were a congenital liar, he wouldn't have been able to admit that Monica Lewinski...and know...

For your viewing pleasure:

Oh....wait....not was Barack Obama who destroyed her in the very same terms that Trump does!

Barack Obama Calls Hillary Clinton a Liar and A Dirty Trickster

Same Hillary......same critique

Utterly destroyed is putting if mildly. Trump was polite and kept Hillary on topic. Trump may have a slot for her in his Cabinet, Secretary of HEW?

I was thinking more of a spot in an oubliette.....
Oh....wait....not was Barack Obama who destroyed her in the very same terms that Trump does!

Barack Obama Calls Hillary Clinton a Liar and A Dirty Trickster

Same Hillary......same critique

Huma-Lover Humiliated

That's about the only time I've ever admired Barack Obama. He did all the things Trump is being criticized for. In every look he gave her, you could hear "nasty woman" on the tip of his tongue.
I'll bet you $10 Trump loses, and I'll give you 10-1 odds

So you're throwing in the towel on the issue under discussion?
Oh no, Hillary won all 3 debates as indicated by every semi reputable poll conducted about any of them no longer quibble about Bill's wife being identified as a congenital liar?

I wouldn't say that.

I just found the lesser used "congenital" a bit odd.

I know that "congenital" means Bill would be incapable of telling the truth. As opposed to a "pathological" liar, who is in control of the lies.

If Bill were a congenital liar, he wouldn't have been able to admit that Monica Lewinski...and know...

For your viewing pleasure:

I can see more in the first frame than watching the video. Bill is seated behind his desk in the Oval Office. No American Flag shown and house plants in the windows and he has a deep frowning grimace.
Trump did so great during all three debates that the flood of Republicans vowing not to support him or vote for him continues to this day and his poll numbers continue to plummet. He is being given less than a 10% chance of winning vs Clinton's 90% chance. Historically Red Republican states are now being looked at as questionable and battleground states. The man has become one of the most despised candidates in American history.

Perhaps you'd care to entertain this query.....

As the candidate you have chosen is known as a criminal and congenital liar, revealed to have sold access to the United States Government, ....
.....and the other is acclaimed as a successful entrepreneur, who has promised to embrace the Constitution.....

....what is the ar gument in favor of the former over the latter?
First, your assessment of Clinton as a known criminal and congenital liar are subjective opinions as is your allegation that Clinton sold access to the US government. You have listed a long list of unproven allegations in your "scandals list". Trump scandals are, on the other hand, created from his own recorded comments, video's and court documents, sworn testimony and the public record.

There are several Republicans I would have and could have supported over Clinton, but I am not being given that choice. The Republicans chose an unhinged loose cannon with a horrible temperament and mental issues as well as a horrifying lack of knowledge or even motivation to learn about the important issues.

The sane candidate with experience will get my begrudging support.

You have been revealed as a liar so often, that this post is simply gilding the lily.
The pretense is much so that even the Liberal house organ...

.... the Mexican paper...the NYTimes states:
"In April 2012, representatives from Qatar were apparently hoping to get “five minutes” with former President Bill Clinton while in New York to present him with a $1 million check for his foundation as a birthday gift from the previous year.

While it is unclear whether that meeting ever took place, the offer,mentioned in one of thousands of hacked Clinton campaign emailsreleased by WikiLeaks last week, was an example of the complex ethical issues the Clinton Foundation faced in managing relationships with foreign governments when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. It also raised questions about whether the foundation had fully followed procedures it had voluntarily agreed to in order to avoid those very issues."

In here last debate, Bill's wife made it known that you has no understanding of the role of the Supreme Court, nor respect for the Constitution....

..yet you will support the criminal enterprise over Founders' America.

What more is there to say.
Good cutnpaste PoliSpice!!! [emoji35]

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Trump did so great during all three debates that the flood of Republicans vowing not to support him or vote for him continues to this day and his poll numbers continue to plummet. He is being given less than a 10% chance of winning vs Clinton's 90% chance. Historically Red Republican states are now being looked at as questionable and battleground states. The man has become one of the most despised candidates in American history.

Perhaps you'd care to entertain this query.....

As the candidate you have chosen is known as a criminal and congenital liar, revealed to have sold access to the United States Government, ....
.....and the other is acclaimed as a successful entrepreneur, who has promised to embrace the Constitution.....

....what is the ar gument in favor of the former over the latter?
First, your assessment of Clinton as a known criminal and congenital liar are subjective opinions as is your allegation that Clinton sold access to the US government. You have listed a long list of unproven allegations in your "scandals list". Trump scandals are, on the other hand, created from his own recorded comments, video's and court documents, sworn testimony and the public record.

There are several Republicans I would have and could have supported over Clinton, but I am not being given that choice. The Republicans chose an unhinged loose cannon with a horrible temperament and mental issues as well as a horrifying lack of knowledge or even motivation to learn about the important issues.

The sane candidate with experience will get my begrudging support.

You have been revealed as a liar so often, that this post is simply gilding the lily.
The pretense is much so that even the Liberal house organ...

.... the Mexican paper...the NYTimes states:
"In April 2012, representatives from Qatar were apparently hoping to get “five minutes” with former President Bill Clinton while in New York to present him with a $1 million check for his foundation as a birthday gift from the previous year.

While it is unclear whether that meeting ever took place, the offer,mentioned in one of thousands of hacked Clinton campaign emailsreleased by WikiLeaks last week, was an example of the complex ethical issues the Clinton Foundation faced in managing relationships with foreign governments when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. It also raised questions about whether the foundation had fully followed procedures it had voluntarily agreed to in order to avoid those very issues."

In here last debate, Bill's wife made it known that you has no understanding of the role of the Supreme Court, nor respect for the Constitution....

..yet you will support the criminal enterprise over Founders' America.

What more is there to say.
Good cutnpaste PoliSpice!!! [emoji35]

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

We have left her kind behind. Never forget.
Oh....wait....not was Barack Obama who destroyed her in the very same terms that Trump does!

Barack Obama Calls Hillary Clinton a Liar and A Dirty Trickster

Same Hillary......same critique
A critique that works only because of New BS GOP propaganda...
They have the same policies, and the same policies as Bernie for all practical purposes. Maybe Hillary will do better at getting them passed. Thanks to Trump spitting the GOP and Hillary not being black and being better at sausage making..
Oh....wait....not was Barack Obama who destroyed her in the very same terms that Trump does!

Barack Obama Calls Hillary Clinton a Liar and A Dirty Trickster

Same Hillary......same critique

Huma-Lover Humiliated

That's about the only time I've ever admired Barack Obama. He did all the things Trump is being criticized for. In every look he gave her, you could hear "nasty woman" on the tip of his tongue.

BS, hater dupe. That's clean politics, word games, and neither were lying. You dupes wouldn't understand.
Oh....wait....not was Barack Obama who destroyed her in the very same terms that Trump does!

Barack Obama Calls Hillary Clinton a Liar and A Dirty Trickster

Same Hillary......same critique

Huma-Lover Humiliated

That's about the only time I've ever admired Barack Obama. He did all the things Trump is being criticized for. In every look he gave her, you could hear "nasty woman" on the tip of his tongue.

BS, hater dupe. That's clean politics, word games, and neither were lying. You dupes wouldn't understand.

"You dupes......"

Of course, all of your posts reek of both ignorance and bias.

But....out of curiosity...your limited vocabulary devolves back to 'dupes' more often than not.

Which leads me to question whether you've read a book with that title, by an actually scholar...a Stanford scholar by the name of Dr. Paul Kengor....


"Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century"

It's a detailed study of your cult.

Have you read it?

Have you read any books that don't require Crayolas?
Last edited:
Problem is Mrs.PoliticalChic Trump is no Obama, not even close.

It WAS a lie that Obama was for Iraq. It was factually true that Trump showed at least lukewarm support for Iraq invasion.
It WAS a lie that Obama touted Republican policies, it is factually true that Trump promoted some VERY liberal policies, including even single payer healthcare. It is also true that Trump said that Democrats are better for economy.

You don't need to make shit up to win against Trump - you can just hold him at his word.



Problem is Mrs.PoliticalChic Trump is no Obama, not even close.

It WAS a lie that Obama was for Iraq. It was factually true that Trump showed at least lukewarm support for Iraq invasion.
It WAS a lie that Obama touted Republican policies, it is factually true that Trump promoted some VERY liberal policies, including even single payer healthcare. It is also true that Trump said that Democrats are better for economy.

You don't need to make shit up to win against Trump - you can just hold him at his word.




Perhaps you'd care to entertain this query.....

As the candidate you have chosen is known as a criminal and congenital liar, revealed to have sold access to the United States Government, and wishes for open borders ....

.....while the other is acclaimed as a successful entrepreneur, who has promised to embrace the Constitution.....

....what is the argument in favor of the former over the latter?
Perhaps you'd care to entertain this query.....


As the candidate you have chosen is known as a criminal and congenital liar,


revealed to have sold access to the United States Government, and wishes for open borders ....


.....while the other is acclaimed as a successful entrepreneur, who has promised to embrace the Constitution.........what is the argument in favor of the former over the latter?

Thats true...he did promise that, no shortage of promises from mr.Trump..but he SOOO much more than that.
Perhaps you'd care to entertain this query.....


As the candidate you have chosen is known as a criminal and congenital liar,


revealed to have sold access to the United States Government, and wishes for open borders ....


.....while the other is acclaimed as a successful entrepreneur, who has promised to embrace the Constitution.........what is the argument in favor of the former over the latter?

Thats true...he did promise that, no shortage of promises from mr.Trump..but he SOOO much more than that.

Clean up your language, and try the post again, you know, like an adult.

As the candidate you have chosen is known as a criminal and congenital liar, revealed to have sold access to the United States Government, and wishes for open borders ....

.....while the other is acclaimed as a successful entrepreneur, who has promised to embrace the Constitution.....

....what is the argument in favor of the former over the latter?
Trump Utterly Destroys Hillary In Debate

living in RW lala land is a very special place. To get in you have to be able to imagine events that never took place then defend your imagination to the death, then pretend YOU won too.
Trump Utterly Destroys Hillary In Debate

living in RW lala land is a very special place. To get in you have to be able to imagine events that never took place then defend your imagination to the death, then pretend YOU won too.

Gads, you're a dunce.

You just revealed you didn't read more than the title.

Pretty much why you did so poorly in school.

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