Trump Trolls Red Hen....Their END Is Near

Red Hen will be fine, despite the dotard’s pettiness. How’d you like Poland getting its ass whooped yesterday, btw?

I could care less about soccer, really.

As far as the Red Hen being fine, you may be right.

We'll see if the Liberals really get behind the joint and support it to make up for Wilkerson's decision to "86" millions of conservatives.

The Dixie Chicks decided to do the same thing, on a larger scale, against President Bush- and told their conservative patrons to listen to something else. How did it work out for them?
And now republicans pretend to have not like Dubya all along :rofl:

Ficke retards
Trump saluted a NK general…. He’s the living embodiment of a pussy who doesn’t have a clue of what he is doing.
Obama is a beta male...get over it..he bowed to ever world leader. Trump saluted a general out of respect during a you really are dumb.

He saluted a general because he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to; this was after he got taken to the cleaners by “little rocket man”
yeah he didn't pay billions in cash for hostages......he didn't remove sanctions, he didn't unfreeze 150 billion worth of assets....but your beta male Obama did all of that.

and yes the President does salute military personnel....but being a commie, you wouldn't know that.

so how did he get taken to the cleaners?

Uh no. Especially ones from murderous regimes….
So how did he get taken to the talk shit, now back it up.

Kim gave up nothing; Trump cancelled the war games.

Winner, Kim.
They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
Yes the small little business attacked him. Thin skin Donnie has to make it a national story. :rolleyes:

Yep. The OWNER wasn't "thin-skinned." No one heard of the story until Trump weighed in, right? The Red Hen owner said: let's kick the PS of the president out and deny her her right to eat! Hungry people standing on the sidewalk now too late and with no reservation wandering around town now wondering what they will do about dinner! Wondering what other restaurateur they can trust to go to without humiliation. The Hen now without a working phone number, loss of business, thousands of bad Yelp reviews, other businesses not affiliated affected and lots more bad to come, all because the owner had such a board up her ass about the politics of a customer who just came in to eat and was minding her own business?

political views are.
the colour clothes they wear.
their hairdo.
the car they drive.
their sexual preferences.

As a restaurant, your only responsibility is to serve the damn food in a clean, fair, reasonable and healthy way. That the Left condones much less applauds such fascist attitudes shows why the party is doomed and what is wrong with America.
Loss of business? This will boost traffic like they’ve never seen. Best advertising they’ve ever had :thup:

Sure. You WOULD think that only liberals ate there before right? That's why Sarah was there? You think that none of the seven of her party and any of THEIR friends will eat there, none of the Yelp reviews will matter, the website or phone will matter and that NO democrats will read about this and say to themselves: what that lady did kicking customers out just because of the work they do really stunk? You're saying that no democrats put ethics over politics? You think this place that looks like it only seats a dozen people at a time will not suffer because of national, no GLOBAL bad press? You think so many more people who never ate there before are going to line up to eat there now because they are SO PROUD that the owner there acted like a total asshole hateful bitch? You might be possibly right, because that is all your party has left is hate and vengefulness at imagined wrongs.

Just imagine what you'd think if during his 8 years Obama, his family and all his cabinet were treated that way and denied service in public places just for being democrats and for all the lies that Obama told and HIS press secretaries!
Again, best advertising they’ve ever had. It’s farm to table and vegan friendly. Republicans don’t eat there. How did Sanders fat ass wander in there? Who cares?

Better hope all of the farmers who supply her, all of the inspectors that license her to stay open, all her tax auditors, all of the police who patrol the neighborhood, all of the fire-fighters and a thousand other support industries her business directly and indirectly all rely upon all feel the same way as you do and all put personal politics over the ethics of treating people who've done you no harm that way!
While i don't think Trump should be targeting them directly, people have a right to complain and boycott the restaurant for how they treat people: all people. The best way to keep a business honest is to be subjected to marketplace determining whether or not they're worthy of the public's business.

If they do shut down, what will be ironic as hell is that the owner asked Sarah to leave in the name of her employees not wanting her there. Her boss listened to her employees and now those employees may very well be out of a job because of it. Perfect example of why employees don't necessarily (and usually don't) know what's best for their company compared to the leaders of it.

The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.

You are correct that the proper response is to avoid the business if you disagree with the choice of the owner.

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Coming off eight years of governing exclusively for illegals, bottom feeders and wack-jobs....This president vowed to do work for America’s Best....he’s made that very clear. Sucks for you huh?

Who are America's best? Implied in this ^^^ post is a comment from the book 1984:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

I'm sure this ^^^ is too abstract for the poster [BrokeLoser] so I'll explain to him(?) that the quote's use of "animal" is in fact the human animal.

To the brokeloser America’s best are non-college educated white males. He hates everyone else

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That is incorrect

we like people who know obvious stuff, like there are 2 more no less

Ignorance of biology too ^^^.

Is there no limit to this lack of knowledge by so many regular posters?

As a good and honest liberal, I will once again try the impossible, to offer examples of why this ignorant comment is not true:

First, look up parthenogenesis; next see also:

Ambiguous genitalia

Q. Is it possible he of lack of knowledge will follow these leads and learn he was wrong?

A. Doubtful
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
Yes the small little business attacked him. Thin skin Donnie has to make it a national story. :rolleyes:

Yep. The OWNER wasn't "thin-skinned." No one heard of the story until Trump weighed in, right? The Red Hen owner said: let's kick the PS of the president out and deny her her right to eat! Hungry people standing on the sidewalk now too late and with no reservation wandering around town now wondering what they will do about dinner! Wondering what other restaurateur they can trust to go to without humiliation. The Hen now without a working phone number, loss of business, thousands of bad Yelp reviews, other businesses not affiliated affected and lots more bad to come, all because the owner had such a board up her ass about the politics of a customer who just came in to eat and was minding her own business?

political views are.
the colour clothes they wear.
their hairdo.
the car they drive.
their sexual preferences.

As a restaurant, your only responsibility is to serve the damn food in a clean, fair, reasonable and healthy way. That the Left condones much less applauds such fascist attitudes shows why the party is doomed and what is wrong with America.
Loss of business? This will boost traffic like they’ve never seen. Best advertising they’ve ever had :thup:

Time will tell.

One does note with interest that the Republicans are not jamming the streets wearing funny hats and signs shouting annoying slogans, and blocking traffic.
Yes the small little business attacked him. Thin skin Donnie has to make it a national story. :rolleyes:

Yep. The OWNER wasn't "thin-skinned." No one heard of the story until Trump weighed in, right? The Red Hen owner said: let's kick the PS of the president out and deny her her right to eat! Hungry people standing on the sidewalk now too late and with no reservation wandering around town now wondering what they will do about dinner! Wondering what other restaurateur they can trust to go to without humiliation. The Hen now without a working phone number, loss of business, thousands of bad Yelp reviews, other businesses not affiliated affected and lots more bad to come, all because the owner had such a board up her ass about the politics of a customer who just came in to eat and was minding her own business?

political views are.
the colour clothes they wear.
their hairdo.
the car they drive.
their sexual preferences.

As a restaurant, your only responsibility is to serve the damn food in a clean, fair, reasonable and healthy way. That the Left condones much less applauds such fascist attitudes shows why the party is doomed and what is wrong with America.
Loss of business? This will boost traffic like they’ve never seen. Best advertising they’ve ever had :thup:

Sure. You WOULD think that only liberals ate there before right? That's why Sarah was there? You think that none of the seven of her party and any of THEIR friends will eat there, none of the Yelp reviews will matter, the website or phone will matter and that NO democrats will read about this and say to themselves: what that lady did kicking customers out just because of the work they do really stunk? You're saying that no democrats put ethics over politics? You think this place that looks like it only seats a dozen people at a time will not suffer because of national, no GLOBAL bad press? You think so many more people who never ate there before are going to line up to eat there now because they are SO PROUD that the owner there acted like a total asshole hateful bitch? You might be possibly right, because that is all your party has left is hate and vengefulness at imagined wrongs.

Just imagine what you'd think if during his 8 years Obama, his family and all his cabinet were treated that way and denied service in public places just for being democrats and for all the lies that Obama told and HIS press secretaries!
Again, best advertising they’ve ever had. It’s farm to table and vegan friendly. Republicans don’t eat there. How did Sanders fat ass wander in there? Who cares?

Better hope all of the farmers who supply her, all of the inspectors that license her to stay open, all her tax auditors, all of the police who patrol the neighborhood, all of the fire-fighters and a thousand other support industries her business directly and indirectly all rely upon all feel the same way as you do and all put personal politics over the ethics of treating people who've done you no harm that way!
They probably do, since it’s Hillary country :itsok:
Yep. The OWNER wasn't "thin-skinned." No one heard of the story until Trump weighed in, right? The Red Hen owner said: let's kick the PS of the president out and deny her her right to eat! Hungry people standing on the sidewalk now too late and with no reservation wandering around town now wondering what they will do about dinner! Wondering what other restaurateur they can trust to go to without humiliation. The Hen now without a working phone number, loss of business, thousands of bad Yelp reviews, other businesses not affiliated affected and lots more bad to come, all because the owner had such a board up her ass about the politics of a customer who just came in to eat and was minding her own business?

political views are.
the colour clothes they wear.
their hairdo.
the car they drive.
their sexual preferences.

As a restaurant, your only responsibility is to serve the damn food in a clean, fair, reasonable and healthy way. That the Left condones much less applauds such fascist attitudes shows why the party is doomed and what is wrong with America.
Loss of business? This will boost traffic like they’ve never seen. Best advertising they’ve ever had :thup:

Sure. You WOULD think that only liberals ate there before right? That's why Sarah was there? You think that none of the seven of her party and any of THEIR friends will eat there, none of the Yelp reviews will matter, the website or phone will matter and that NO democrats will read about this and say to themselves: what that lady did kicking customers out just because of the work they do really stunk? You're saying that no democrats put ethics over politics? You think this place that looks like it only seats a dozen people at a time will not suffer because of national, no GLOBAL bad press? You think so many more people who never ate there before are going to line up to eat there now because they are SO PROUD that the owner there acted like a total asshole hateful bitch? You might be possibly right, because that is all your party has left is hate and vengefulness at imagined wrongs.

Just imagine what you'd think if during his 8 years Obama, his family and all his cabinet were treated that way and denied service in public places just for being democrats and for all the lies that Obama told and HIS press secretaries!
Again, best advertising they’ve ever had. It’s farm to table and vegan friendly. Republicans don’t eat there. How did Sanders fat ass wander in there? Who cares?

Better hope all of the farmers who supply her, all of the inspectors that license her to stay open, all her tax auditors, all of the police who patrol the neighborhood, all of the fire-fighters and a thousand other support industries her business directly and indirectly all rely upon all feel the same way as you do and all put personal politics over the ethics of treating people who've done you no harm that way!
They probably do, since it’s Hillary country :itsok:

Nope. It's Hillary city. The surrounding county went big for Trump.
Red Hen will be fine, despite the dotard’s pettiness. How’d you like Poland getting its ass whooped yesterday, btw?

I could care less about soccer, really.

As far as the Red Hen being fine, you may be right.

We'll see if the Liberals really get behind the joint and support it to make up for Wilkerson's decision to "86" millions of conservatives.

The Dixie Chicks decided to do the same thing, on a larger scale, against President Bush- and told their conservative patrons to listen to something else. How did it work out for them?
And now republicans pretend to have not like Dubya all along :rofl:

Ficke retards
Who is this "Dubya?" (-:

I think the restaurant was wrong, but any Trump public face should not be eating in restaurants because they will be at best trolled, and very likely have something in their food they neither know about or want. LOL

but what's sort of telling is that other restaurants with the same name, but no ownership connection, are getting trolled by the Trumpbots. Clueless.

Red Hen eateries feel the heat after Sarah Sanders booted from Virginia restaurant with same name
Who would ever treat a customer like that holy shit.

Not just a customer apparently. According to a waitress, Sarah was there with 7 other family members - who, btw, are not employed by the White House...

“I just served Sarah huckabee sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members” wrote Jaike Foley-Schultz.

It is the Left who recently donned the mantle of 'you must service all customers whether you want to or not' - it is the Left who uses the courts to punish business owners who don't comply. But the left can claim no moral high ground here. Either business owners can pick and choose who they will serve or they cannot...and those business owners will bear the cost - not legally or violently, but through market forces.

There was an instance recently when a pro-life group was asked to leave a coffee-shop because the owner disagreed with their views. That group left quietly and no litigation ensued, as far as I know.

I support the right of a business to refuse service at their discretion across the board - have yet to see one self-proclaimed liberal on here agree. Yet this action they applaud and the 'Honorable' Maxine Waters urges more of it - open harassment of Americans going about their daily lives whose political philosophies she disagrees with. Yikes!
took her tip away, money she would have made to feed her family. wow.
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
Yes the small little business attacked him. Thin skin Donnie has to make it a national story. :rolleyes:

Yep. The OWNER wasn't "thin-skinned." No one heard of the story until Trump weighed in, right? The Red Hen owner said: let's kick the PS of the president out and deny her her right to eat! Hungry people standing on the sidewalk now too late and with no reservation wandering around town now wondering what they will do about dinner! Wondering what other restaurateur they can trust to go to without humiliation. The Hen now without a working phone number, loss of business, thousands of bad Yelp reviews, other businesses not affiliated affected and lots more bad to come, all because the owner had such a board up her ass about the politics of a customer who just came in to eat and was minding her own business?

political views are.
the colour clothes they wear.
their hairdo.
the car they drive.
their sexual preferences.

As a restaurant, your only responsibility is to serve the damn food in a clean, fair, reasonable and healthy way. That the Left condones much less applauds such fascist attitudes shows why the party is doomed and what is wrong with America.
Loss of business? This will boost traffic like they’ve never seen. Best advertising they’ve ever had :thup:

Time will tell.

One does note with interest that the Republicans are not jamming the streets wearing funny hats and signs shouting annoying slogans, and blocking traffic.
Because there aren’t very many of them and even less support the dotard and porky Sanders
Red Hen will be fine, despite the dotard’s pettiness. How’d you like Poland getting its ass whooped yesterday, btw?

I could care less about soccer, really.

As far as the Red Hen being fine, you may be right.

We'll see if the Liberals really get behind the joint and support it to make up for Wilkerson's decision to "86" millions of conservatives.

The Dixie Chicks decided to do the same thing, on a larger scale, against President Bush- and told their conservative patrons to listen to something else. How did it work out for them?
And now republicans pretend to have not like Dubya all along :rofl:

Ficke retards

He was preferable to the Democrat alternatives, by far.
Red Hen will be fine, despite the dotard’s pettiness. How’d you like Poland getting its ass whooped yesterday, btw?

I could care less about soccer, really.

As far as the Red Hen being fine, you may be right.

We'll see if the Liberals really get behind the joint and support it to make up for Wilkerson's decision to "86" millions of conservatives.

The Dixie Chicks decided to do the same thing, on a larger scale, against President Bush- and told their conservative patrons to listen to something else. How did it work out for them?
And now republicans pretend to have not like Dubya all along :rofl:

Ficke retards
Who is this "Dubya?" (-:

I think the restaurant was wrong, but any Trump public face should not be eating in restaurants because they will be at best trolled, and very likely have something in their food they neither know about or want. LOL

but what's sort of telling is that other restaurants with the same name, but no ownership connection, are getting trolled by the Trumpbots. Clueless.

Red Hen eateries feel the heat after Sarah Sanders booted from Virginia restaurant with same name
Yes trump sheep are as dumb as it gets
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

Sad that so many unhinged regressives attack people simply for supporting President Trump.
Trump started it, snowflake :itsok:

I know, he won the election. That started the great meltdown of the left.

The meltdown started in 2000. It just took Democrats awhile to get used to having their masks off.

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