Trump thinks America was great in the Reagan years, but a video doesn't


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
show that. He does have the same ideas which is good, but he didn't think Reagan years were that great. If Reps keep bringing up Reagan, they are delusional, he nows wants to drop the higher rate to 25%, but in this video on minute 6 he says the tax act of 1986 was a disaster and thought lowering the rate to 25% was a big mistake (doesn't sound like Trump was a fan of Reagan's triple down economy):

Donald Trump says the last time America was great was “during the administration of Ronald Reagan.”

Donald Trump was on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday and told Chuck Todd that it was during the Reagan Administration, “you felt really proud. I don’t think since then to any great extent, people were proud.”

Read more:

and now a video in 1988 with Oprah,

Trump says a lot of's fun watching the left react.

He's playing you all like a fiddle and that includes the media
Also in the first video listen to min 26, about raising taxes.

SassyIrishLass, did you even listen. Reagan was a failure, and its time for the GOP to admit it. When Bush said "Read my lips, no knew taxes", yes he lied, but he had no choice but to raise taxes, after Reagan lowered them so much.
Also in the first video listen to min 26, about raising taxes.

SassyIrishLass, did you even listen. Reagan was a failure, and its time for the GOP to admit it. When Bush said "Read my lips, no knew taxes", yes he lied, but he had no choice but to raise taxes, after Reagan lowered them so much.

Reagan may have been the best president this nation ever had. Like everyone he did somethings right and he did some things wrong. Our current president is consistent in that he does everything wrong
As a 72 year old citizen, I have witnessed the administrations of a few Presidents. In my own humble opinion, Reagan was the greatest President this nation has had during my 72 years. We fielded a 600 ship Navy and totally broke asunder the Soviet Union under Reagan's watch. He ended the Cold War and had the Berlin Wall torn down.
As a 72 year old citizen, I have witnessed the administrations of a few Presidents. In my own humble opinion, Reagan was the greatest President this nation has had during my 72 years. We fielded a 600 ship Navy and totally broke asunder the Soviet Union under Reagan's watch. He ended the Cold War and had the Berlin Wall torn down.

Yes I remember the 80's well as well, and no they were not good years. The wall came down to the Afghanistan fighting the Soviets. I remember the contra Iran affair, selling arms to Iran, allowing heroin into the US to make money for weapons. The tax decrease killed the country. Reagan in my opinion, catered to the rich.
When Ronaldus Maximus was elected, married couples filing jointly paid 54% of their taxable income over $60 thousand in federal income tax. For taxable income over $162 thousand, the rate was 68%, and the top rate was 70%. Think about that: 70%. If you got a bonus, you would be lucky to see ¼ of it after deducting state and local taxes as well. Reagan ended this insanity, dramatically decreasing and simplifying the rate structure while INCREASING revenues. (But the Democrat Congress outstripped the increased revenues with even more new spending on the Welfare State).
When Reagan took office in 1981, the American naval fleet was at its lowest level since 1940 and military morale was at its lowest level since the ending days of Vietnam. He personally reversed that.
Reagan called out the Soviet Union for the “evil empire” that it was, and he showed them that they could not compete with the U.S. economically, militarily, or culturally, thus eventually resulting in its demise. People under 40 years old have no idea how huge this was, but at the time it was incomprehensible.
Like Reagan, Trump is not one to get bogged down in minutiae. He probably doesn’t know the name of the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, or the details of…just about anything. But the President has two million people working for him, more or less, and there is no problem getting the relevant information when decisions are required.
And like most intelligent people, the older he gets the more “conservative” he gets, so we Republicans just have to hope that he is not the same guy who said glowing things about socialized medicine, the “right to choose,” and certain Leftist jurists. Most importantly, he understands that controlling immigration and keeping illegals off the voting rolls is an existential issue for the U.S.
He seems more like Reagan than anyone else of recent vintage.
Yes Reagan called the Russian empire evil, but you forgetting Gorbachev, Thatcher and Germany's role in it and also the SU was in disarray. Yes Reagan built up the military , just like the GOP wants to do now, we need a strong military, but unfortunately the GOP wants to use it like Bush did, which got us into a financial mess again, just like Reagan.

Well now Trump wants to lower taxes to 25% for the wealthy, I agree with Corp taxes, but not with his individual tax brackets he has on his site.

I remember well the days of having nuclear drills and hiding under our desks. Seems to me Russia never did get rid of nukes did they?

Reagan and Bush Jr. did us great harm in my opinion, and the rich got richer and the middle class and poor, poorer under both of them.

(side note, we did not have the multi millionaires, and billionaires like we have today, in the Reagan years, and I'm quite sure he never raised mim. wage which was what at 3.15 or close to it.)
Also in the first video listen to min 26, about raising taxes.

SassyIrishLass, did you even listen. Reagan was a failure, and its time for the GOP to admit it. When Bush said "Read my lips, no knew taxes", yes he lied, but he had no choice but to raise taxes, after Reagan lowered them so much.

Reagan may have been the best president this nation ever had. Like everyone he did somethings right and he did some things wrong. Our current president is consistent in that he does everything wrong

I didn't vote for Pres. Obama, but I do believe in looking back he will be seen as one of the best Presidents.
Also in the first video listen to min 26, about raising taxes.

SassyIrishLass, did you even listen. Reagan was a failure, and its time for the GOP to admit it. When Bush said "Read my lips, no knew taxes", yes he lied, but he had no choice but to raise taxes, after Reagan lowered them so much.

Reagan may have been the best president this nation ever had. Like everyone he did somethings right and he did some things wrong. Our current president is consistent in that he does everything wrong

I didn't vote for Pres. Obama, but I do believe in looking back he will be seen as one of the best Presidents.

If fucking up everything one touches he'll be one of the best
Also in the first video listen to min 26, about raising taxes.

SassyIrishLass, did you even listen. Reagan was a failure, and its time for the GOP to admit it. When Bush said "Read my lips, no knew taxes", yes he lied, but he had no choice but to raise taxes, after Reagan lowered them so much.

Reagan may have been the best president this nation ever had. Like everyone he did somethings right and he did some things wrong. Our current president is consistent in that he does everything wrong

I didn't vote for Pres. Obama, but I do believe in looking back he will be seen as one of the best Presidents.

If fucking up everything one touches he'll be one of the best

ACA, bailing out the banks to stop a disaster, the Iran nuke deal, making the world safer, those are just a few of his accomplishments.
Also in the first video listen to min 26, about raising taxes.

SassyIrishLass, did you even listen. Reagan was a failure, and its time for the GOP to admit it. When Bush said "Read my lips, no knew taxes", yes he lied, but he had no choice but to raise taxes, after Reagan lowered them so much.

Reagan may have been the best president this nation ever had. Like everyone he did somethings right and he did some things wrong. Our current president is consistent in that he does everything wrong

I didn't vote for Pres. Obama, but I do believe in looking back he will be seen as one of the best Presidents.

If fucking up everything one touches he'll be one of the best

ACA, bailing out the banks to stop a disaster, the Iran nuke deal, making the world safer, those are just a few of his accomplishments.

You just listed at least two failures, Obunglescare and the Iran deal, epic failures.
Also in the first video listen to min 26, about raising taxes.

SassyIrishLass, did you even listen. Reagan was a failure, and its time for the GOP to admit it. When Bush said "Read my lips, no knew taxes", yes he lied, but he had no choice but to raise taxes, after Reagan lowered them so much.

Reagan may have been the best president this nation ever had. Like everyone he did somethings right and he did some things wrong. Our current president is consistent in that he does everything wrong

I didn't vote for Pres. Obama, but I do believe in looking back he will be seen as one of the best Presidents.

If fucking up everything one touches he'll be one of the best

ACA, bailing out the banks to stop a disaster, the Iran nuke deal, making the world safer, those are just a few of his accomplishments.

You just listed at least two failures, Obunglescare and the Iran deal, epic failures.

Hey they were both good things, and both a long time coming. I'll admit the ACA needs work, but its off to a great start, and I disagree with Trump, that its making the Ins companies rich,

one of the problems in the gov now need to make expanded Medicaid non optional at state level, since the GOP in 18 states did everything they could to make it fail.
Reagan may have been the best president this nation ever had. Like everyone he did somethings right and he did some things wrong. Our current president is consistent in that he does everything wrong

I didn't vote for Pres. Obama, but I do believe in looking back he will be seen as one of the best Presidents.

If fucking up everything one touches he'll be one of the best

ACA, bailing out the banks to stop a disaster, the Iran nuke deal, making the world safer, those are just a few of his accomplishments.

You just listed at least two failures, Obunglescare and the Iran deal, epic failures.

Hey they were both good things, and both a long time coming. I'll admit the ACA needs work, but its off to a great start, and I disagree with Trump, that its making the Ins companies rich,

one of the problems in the gov now need to make expanded Medicaid non optional at state level, since the GOP in 18 states did everything they could to make it fail.

You sadly uninformed and I have neither the desire or time to educate you. Carry on with the licking of Obungles butt
I didn't vote for Pres. Obama, but I do believe in looking back he will be seen as one of the best Presidents.

If fucking up everything one touches he'll be one of the best

ACA, bailing out the banks to stop a disaster, the Iran nuke deal, making the world safer, those are just a few of his accomplishments.

You just listed at least two failures, Obunglescare and the Iran deal, epic failures.

Hey they were both good things, and both a long time coming. I'll admit the ACA needs work, but its off to a great start, and I disagree with Trump, that its making the Ins companies rich,

one of the problems in the gov now need to make expanded Medicaid non optional at state level, since the GOP in 18 states did everything they could to make it fail.

You sadly uninformed and I have neither the desire or time to educate you. Carry on with the licking of Obungles butt

Do you have the ACA, or know anyone who does? Do you want to discuss it, I do, you could use some education. What else would you have in mind. Everyone on Medicaid?? Not paying a dime?
If fucking up everything one touches he'll be one of the best

ACA, bailing out the banks to stop a disaster, the Iran nuke deal, making the world safer, those are just a few of his accomplishments.

You just listed at least two failures, Obunglescare and the Iran deal, epic failures.

Hey they were both good things, and both a long time coming. I'll admit the ACA needs work, but its off to a great start, and I disagree with Trump, that its making the Ins companies rich,

one of the problems in the gov now need to make expanded Medicaid non optional at state level, since the GOP in 18 states did everything they could to make it fail.

You sadly uninformed and I have neither the desire or time to educate you. Carry on with the licking of Obungles butt

Do you have the ACA, or know anyone who does? Do you want to discuss it, I do, you could use some education. What else would you have in mind. Everyone on Medicaid?? Not paying a dime?

Get lost, maybe go bash some Jews or something...there is the reason I'll never take you serious and now I can add Obama butt sniffer to the list

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