Trump Struggling To Stay Calm As Russia Investigation Continues


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017


So are we as a nation still just going to not talk about how freaking nuts this is.

President Trump has a new morning ritual. Around 6:30 a.m. on many days — before all the network news shows have come on the air — he gets on the phone with a member of his outside legal team to chew over all things Russia.

Trump now has a dedicated morning phone call for the Russia investigation. It's like the presidential daily intelligence briefing—but for what people have been saying about him and Russia, and nothing else. It is now a scheduled part of the White House day. It specifically targets, among others, the special counsel leading that investigation.

The calls — detailed by three senior White House officials — are part strategy consultation and part presidential venting session, during which Trump’s lawyers and public-relations gurus take turns reviewing the latest headlines with him.

They also devise their plan for battling his avowed enemies: the special counsel leading the Russia investigation; the “fake news” media chronicling it; and, in some instances, the president’s own Justice Department overseeing the probe.

Oh, thank goodness. A dedicated morning call so that his team can battle his avowed enemies: anyone who talks about Russian election hacking and the specific investigators investigating it. That is a brilliant idea that is no way a symptom of a deranged narcissist losing his everloving s—t while his entire team watches.

His advisers have encouraged the calls — which the early-to-rise Trump takes from his private quarters in the White House residence — in hopes that he can compartmentalize the widening Russia investigation. By the time the president arrives for work in the Oval Office, the thinking goes, he will no longer be consumed by the Russia probe that he complains hangs over his presidency like a darkening cloud.

Spoiler alert: It hasn't been working. Another spoiler alert: Anyone who thought it would work hasn't been paying attention to just how bottomless this man's need for ego-fueled vengeance against his invisible enemies has always been.

And so we're treated to stories like "Trump is struggling to stay calm on Russia, one morning call at a time" which is a headline you would expect to see written about a celebrity battling their rampant drug usage, not a sitting president battling an investigation which he insists will find nothing and is completely meaningless except as vehicle for making him, ensconced in the most powerful office in the nation, feel bad.

Trump 'struggling to stay calm' as Russia investigation continues
This latest media liars attack has already failed. These people continually making up these lies should be punished.


So are we as a nation still just going to not talk about how freaking nuts this is.

President Trump has a new morning ritual. Around 6:30 a.m. on many days — before all the network news shows have come on the air — he gets on the phone with a member of his outside legal team to chew over all things Russia.

Trump now has a dedicated morning phone call for the Russia investigation. It's like the presidential daily intelligence briefing—but for what people have been saying about him and Russia, and nothing else. It is now a scheduled part of the White House day. It specifically targets, among others, the special counsel leading that investigation.

The calls — detailed by three senior White House officials — are part strategy consultation and part presidential venting session, during which Trump’s lawyers and public-relations gurus take turns reviewing the latest headlines with him.

They also devise their plan for battling his avowed enemies: the special counsel leading the Russia investigation; the “fake news” media chronicling it; and, in some instances, the president’s own Justice Department overseeing the probe.

Oh, thank goodness. A dedicated morning call so that his team can battle his avowed enemies: anyone who talks about Russian election hacking and the specific investigators investigating it. That is a brilliant idea that is no way a symptom of a deranged narcissist losing his everloving s—t while his entire team watches.

His advisers have encouraged the calls — which the early-to-rise Trump takes from his private quarters in the White House residence — in hopes that he can compartmentalize the widening Russia investigation. By the time the president arrives for work in the Oval Office, the thinking goes, he will no longer be consumed by the Russia probe that he complains hangs over his presidency like a darkening cloud.

Spoiler alert: It hasn't been working. Another spoiler alert: Anyone who thought it would work hasn't been paying attention to just how bottomless this man's need for ego-fueled vengeance against his invisible enemies has always been.

And so we're treated to stories like "Trump is struggling to stay calm on Russia, one morning call at a time" which is a headline you would expect to see written about a celebrity battling their rampant drug usage, not a sitting president battling an investigation which he insists will find nothing and is completely meaningless except as vehicle for making him, ensconced in the most powerful office in the nation, feel bad.

Trump 'struggling to stay calm' as Russia investigation continues
We feel your butt-hurt.
Trump seems fine. You left wing nuts and the media though... take some Prozac.

Oh, thank goodness. A dedicated morning call so that his team can battle his avowed enemies: anyone who talks about Russian electionhacking and the specific investigators investigating it. That is a brilliant idea that is no way a symptom of a deranged narcissist losing his everloving s—t while his entire team watches.

Yeah. Except for that, you've got a point there.


So are we as a nation still just going to not talk about how freaking nuts this is.

President Trump has a new morning ritual. Around 6:30 a.m. on many days — before all the network news shows have come on the air — he gets on the phone with a member of his outside legal team to chew over all things Russia.

Trump now has a dedicated morning phone call for the Russia investigation. It's like the presidential daily intelligence briefing—but for what people have been saying about him and Russia, and nothing else. It is now a scheduled part of the White House day. It specifically targets, among others, the special counsel leading that investigation.

The calls — detailed by three senior White House officials — are part strategy consultation and part presidential venting session, during which Trump’s lawyers and public-relations gurus take turns reviewing the latest headlines with him.

They also devise their plan for battling his avowed enemies: the special counsel leading the Russia investigation; the “fake news” media chronicling it; and, in some instances, the president’s own Justice Department overseeing the probe.

Oh, thank goodness. A dedicated morning call so that his team can battle his avowed enemies: anyone who talks about Russian election hacking and the specific investigators investigating it. That is a brilliant idea that is no way a symptom of a deranged narcissist losing his everloving s—t while his entire team watches.

His advisers have encouraged the calls — which the early-to-rise Trump takes from his private quarters in the White House residence — in hopes that he can compartmentalize the widening Russia investigation. By the time the president arrives for work in the Oval Office, the thinking goes, he will no longer be consumed by the Russia probe that he complains hangs over his presidency like a darkening cloud.

Spoiler alert: It hasn't been working. Another spoiler alert: Anyone who thought it would work hasn't been paying attention to just how bottomless this man's need for ego-fueled vengeance against his invisible enemies has always been.

And so we're treated to stories like "Trump is struggling to stay calm on Russia, one morning call at a time" which is a headline you would expect to see written about a celebrity battling their rampant drug usage, not a sitting president battling an investigation which he insists will find nothing and is completely meaningless except as vehicle for making him, ensconced in the most powerful office in the nation, feel bad.

Trump 'struggling to stay calm' as Russia investigation continues

Has your buddy Obama lawyered up yet?

Top Democrat slams Obama administration's response to Russian hacks
it's just a matter of time..... the only question being:

will he either resign, get impeached, or flip out so hard that he will be removed due to a severe & irreversible case of cray-cray?

This latest media liars attack has already failed. These people continually making up these lies should be punished.
Yeah, and lets start with Trump!!
The New York Times used a full page to print all of 'Trump's lies' since taking office
Trump seems fine. You left wing nuts and the media though... take some Prozac.

Oh, thank goodness. A dedicated morning call so that his team can battle his avowed enemies: anyone who talks about Russian electionhacking and the specific investigators investigating it. That is a brilliant idea that is no way a symptom of a deranged narcissist losing his everloving s—t while his entire team watches.

Yeah. Except for that, you've got a point there.
A more rational explanation is it's what all large business executives do everyday. It's the morning meeting or conference call to go over what is going to happen that day.

Are they all hiding something as well?
it's just a matter of time..... the only question being:

will he either resign, get impeached, or flip out so hard that he will be removed due to a severe & irreversible case of cray-cray?

The time already arrived. The left lost their shit right on schedule.
The level of self delusion among the left on this issue continues to boggle the mind! It still hasn't quite sunk in that there's nothing "there" when it comes to Russian collusion...has it, Kiddies?

You need to take a step back and realize that the Democratic Party has totally lost touch with what the American people want and need! You're so obsessed with "getting" Trump that you're letting idiots like Elizabeth Warren be the face of your Party...which is a recipe for disaster in upcoming elections! Fake polls and fake news isn't going to win for you anymore. The people don't believe the polls and they don't trust the media.
Trump seems fine. You left wing nuts and the media though... take some Prozac.

Oh, thank goodness. A dedicated morning call so that his team can battle his avowed enemies: anyone who talks about Russian electionhacking and the specific investigators investigating it. That is a brilliant idea that is no way a symptom of a deranged narcissist losing his everloving s—t while his entire team watches.

Yeah. Except for that, you've got a point there.
A more rational explanation is it's what all large business executives do everyday. It's the morning meeting or conference call to go over what is going to happen that day.

Are they all hiding something as well?

All large business executives have dedicated phone calls about the investigation they are under that could get them fired and imprisoned? LMAO.

Almost lost the coffee on that one.

Two things.

Trump isn't a large business executive. He's an elected official, subject to the laws of the Constitution.

And how does Trumps ass crack taste by the way?
it's just a matter of time..... the only question being:

will he either resign, get impeached, or flip out so hard that he will be removed due to a severe & irreversible case of cray-cray?

It's been "a matter of time" for the last 6 months.
It seems that CNN is struggling to remain calm after they were caught in a lie and were forced to apologize while the investigation is shifting toward Hussein's A.G., Loretta Lynch.
Trump seems fine. You left wing nuts and the media though... take some Prozac.

Trump sycophants have no room to talk about anyone else. Only someone with Trump Derangement Syndrome would say he is alright. The fact is that Trump was not under investigation. Thanks to Trump's egomaniacal actions, he is now under investigation. Trump is crazy.
his recent response was fantastic - reminding everyone that whatever happened was done on Bam Bam's watch

too bad for Hillary that the Obama Administration was unable to properly secure American communications

so sad

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