Trump Rape Accuser On Anderson Cooper Say's "Some People Think Rape Is Sexy"


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Cooper immediately cuts to commercial. This woman is certified insane. Watch Cooper's expression and body language.


AWKWARD: Anderson Cooper Stutters, Cuts Interview Short After Trump's Rape Accuser E. Jean Carroll Calls Rape "Sexy" (VIDEO)

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Dear White_MAGA_Man
What she means by "some people think rape is sexy" refers to:
1. rape being seen as an act of sex instead of an act of violence to humiliate, abuse and injure someone
2. some men fantasizing about rape, similar to sick people who kill or torture to get a euphoric high

NOTE: Even if she is unstable or scattered
if she is lying about being raped she should be held responsible for that,
if she is telling the truth, that issue should be resolved if she really did suffer an assault.
Someone having mental issues is not an excuse to take advantage of them by sexual or legal abuse.

I would agree with you that if she isn't telling the truth, of course, that's a problem.
But it's REGARDLESS of her mental or emotional status.

Cooper immediately cuts to commercial. This woman is certified insane. Watch Cooper's expression and body language.


Dear White_MAGA_Man
What she means by "some people think rape is sexy" refers to:
1. rape being seen as an act of sex instead of an act of violence to humiliate, abuse and injure someone
2. some men fantasizing about rape, similar to sick people who kill or torture to get a euphoric high

NOTE: Even if she is unstable or scattered
if she is lying about being raped she should be held responsible for that,
if she is telling the truth, that issue should be resolved if she really did suffer an assault.
Someone having mental issues is not an excuse to take advantage of them by sexual or legal abuse.

I would agree with you that if she isn't telling the truth, of course, that's a problem.
But it's REGARDLESS of her mental or emotional status.

Cooper immediately cuts to commercial. This woman is certified insane. Watch Cooper's expression and body language.


Its about being guilty and then having to prove yourself innocent when accused and the damage is already done. A surefire Alinsky tactic. These are supposed to be newspeople. At least have training as newspeople. Progs control the message. Its not even complicated. Most Repub males are going to be skewered as rapists and molesters.
The Media knows that they have no credibility so they have long since abandoned any journalistic principles. Just weeks after being decimated by Juicy Smellit, they go right back into putting unverified accusers in front of a world wide TV audience.
Trump's election was like an arrow straight into the heart of the establishment.

so when the establishment fights back, of course it will look ugly
The title of the thread is wrong. She did not say "some people think rape is sexy". She said "I think MOST people think of rape as being sexy. Think of the fantasies!"

It's obvious that her story about Trump is nothing but one of her rape fantasies.
I don't think she got the memo about Anderson Cooper being gay. It looked like she was turning him into one of her "fantasies"!
I’d be so embarrassed to call myself a liberal these days. All they do is lose and look deranged.
Nobody would even rape her, too ugly... There goes her fantasy.

And better keep the other fantasy she keeps spreading to herself.
Boy, this story died a quick and quiet death after the Anderson Cooper interview.
Bernie Sanders seems to think rape is sexy; didn't he do a lot of creative writing about his rape fantasies when he was a young man (not that I think that doddering old wreck could get it up nowadays)?
That fucking asshole didn’t speak with this loon, before putting her on the air? And obviously hair and makeup didn’t help her out. He looks exactly like what he is. A dim, no talent faggot liberal cock sucker. This is why dims are shit. Unfortunately, they did the same thing to Kav. Hopefully, he gets to pay them back for decades. All of you lefties deserve the douche bags that are coming in 2020! I’m looking forward to the comic relief.

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