Beto unveils a new veterans' care plan financed by "war tax" paid by non-veterans

Its about time.

First, we have an obligation to do whatever it takes to give the veterans what they need.

Second, we have been in Afghanistan for 18 years and it has been nearly 30 years since the first engagements in Iraq. Enough!

I agree we should separate taxes and make sure people who support war and veterans
can direct their taxes there instead of paying for welfare for deadbeats they don't believe in funding.

At the same time basquebromance
I believe Beto and Bernie and others who believe in funding "universal care"
should also create equal options for taxpayers to fund that
instead of the death penalty they don't believe in funding either.

Why not let citizens enroll in either mandatory military training and service
OR medical training and service, and fund the programs they believe are the priority?

Where ALL taxpayers AGREE, yes, that should be nationalized policy for everyone to pay into.
We DO agree to SOME level of national security and military defense.
We DO all agree to SOME of the national funds for SOME medical institutions and services.

Instead of fighting politically over terms and areas where we DON'T AGREE
make those optional to fund where taxpayers can CHOOSE to direct their taxes
toward either military or medical programs. And keep the parts we DO agree on as centralized federal policy.
One thing about these Moon Bats. They never heard of a tax that they didn't love.

I actually would be in favor of a "war tax" providing we did away with most of the other Federal taxes. If Congress declares war then the American people that voted in the representatives should be sent a bill.

In fact I would like to see the Federal Income Tax, Corporate Tax and other taxes repealed. In its place each American would be sent a bill each year for the equal amount of defense and other necessary government expenditures. I think that would stop a lot of this worthless Federal spending including the welfare state.
One thing about these Moon Bats. They never heard of a tax that they didn't love.

I actually would be in favor of a "war tax" providing we did away with most of the other Federal taxes. If Congress declares war then the American people that voted in the representatives should be sent a bill.

In fact I would like to see the Federal Income Tax, Corporate Tax and other taxes repealed. In its place each American would be sent a bill each year for the equal amount of defense and other necessary government expenditures. I think that would stop a lot of this worthless Federal spending including the welfare state.

I'm more in favor of the Fair Tax Act.

But the topic is not all the other taxes. Cut most of the other federal taxes and the veterans would be at the bottom of the list of those who get our tax dollars. This specifically earmarks taxes for veterans.

Maybe a "war tax" would cut back on the enthusiasm for going to war and staying there.
One thing about these Moon Bats. They never heard of a tax that they didn't love.

I actually would be in favor of a "war tax" providing we did away with most of the other Federal taxes. If Congress declares war then the American people that voted in the representatives should be sent a bill.

In fact I would like to see the Federal Income Tax, Corporate Tax and other taxes repealed. In its place each American would be sent a bill each year for the equal amount of defense and other necessary government expenditures. I think that would stop a lot of this worthless Federal spending including the welfare state.

I'm more in favor of the Fair Tax Act.

But the topic is not all the other taxes. Cut most of the other federal taxes and the veterans would be at the bottom of the list of those who get our tax dollars. This specifically earmarks taxes for veterans.

Maybe a "war tax" would cut back on the enthusiasm for going to war and staying there.

The problem is not how we are taxed but the fact that we require taxation to support a big bloated out of control Federal government. Changing the tax system on change the mix of winners and losers. We need to simply stop spending so much money and reduce the taxes of all Americans.
Can we get over this line that people join the military for altruistic reasons . We have a professional military. They join for their own benefit .

Now what we should have is a mandatory draft any time we go into war. The pols might think differently if little Brad and Chad might be on the front line .
One thing about these Moon Bats. They never heard of a tax that they didn't love.

I actually would be in favor of a "war tax" providing we did away with most of the other Federal taxes. If Congress declares war then the American people that voted in the representatives should be sent a bill.

In fact I would like to see the Federal Income Tax, Corporate Tax and other taxes repealed. In its place each American would be sent a bill each year for the equal amount of defense and other necessary government expenditures. I think that would stop a lot of this worthless Federal spending including the welfare state.

I'm more in favor of the Fair Tax Act.

But the topic is not all the other taxes. Cut most of the other federal taxes and the veterans would be at the bottom of the list of those who get our tax dollars. This specifically earmarks taxes for veterans.

Maybe a "war tax" would cut back on the enthusiasm for going to war and staying there.

I am not against all taxes. There are a few we need at the Federal level. Defense, State Department, courts etc. Taking care of our vets should be a number one priority.

We can do the necessary things probably for about $1.5 trillion a year, maybe less. We could cut out $3 trillion a year in Federal spending and that money infused into the productive economy would cause an economic boom like the world has never seen before. Americans would have a lot more spendable.

The basic problem has always been that the cost of government is too high and that is what we need to correct. Everything else is just political hogwash. .
Can we get over this line that people join the military for altruistic reasons . We have a professional military. They join for their own benefit .

Now what we should have is a mandatory draft any time we go into war. The pols might think differently if little Brad and Chad might be on the front line .

How does something be a profession remove the idea that people can do it for altruistic reasons? My wife is a nurse, she gets paid for her work but it is far more than that to her. There are far easier ways to make the meager pay a nurse makes than doing 12 hours shifts as a floor nurse.
Can we get over this line that people join the military for altruistic reasons . We have a professional military. They join for their own benefit .

Now what we should have is a mandatory draft any time we go into war. The pols might think differently if little Brad and Chad might be on the front line .

How does something be a profession remove the idea that people can do it for altruistic reasons? My wife is a nurse, she gets paid for her work but it is far more than that to her. There are far easier ways to make the meager pay a nurse makes than doing 12 hours shifts as a floor nurse.

Lots of people love what they do. But ain’t no one saying we should exempt nurses from taxes because they are doing us a big favor .
Can we get over this line that people join the military for altruistic reasons . We have a professional military. They join for their own benefit .

Now what we should have is a mandatory draft any time we go into war. The pols might think differently if little Brad and Chad might be on the front line .

How does something be a profession remove the idea that people can do it for altruistic reasons? My wife is a nurse, she gets paid for her work but it is far more than that to her. There are far easier ways to make the meager pay a nurse makes than doing 12 hours shifts as a floor nurse.

Lots of people love what they do. But ain’t no one saying we should exempt nurses from taxes because they are doing us a big favor .

I would be on board with that! :21::21:
Why is every goddamn Dem solution a TAX INCREASE??? Here's an idea, cut bloating government spending and waste to fund it. Did Dem's just squeal like stuck pigs?
“I have been in office for many years, the Military is very important to me, and at no time in my professional life has the U.S. Military been as strong as it is right now.” - Gruesome Lissy The Sissy Graham

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