Trump Rally Cancelled

Not only him. He let Bannon steal money that his donors sent in for the wall. Then when the Fed's came after him...trump pardoned the dirty fat slob.

The trump Mafia had been screwing over his donors for years. And they seemingly love it.
And nobody has brought up the obvious conflict of interest in Trump pardoning Bannon considering he worked on slime's campaign & in the W.H.
IOW, I struck a nerve.
Will you trolls EVER get new material? This is AOL chat room stuff.

But you go right ahead and hold Hunter up as shining
Which I did not do. So another old troll tactic. Like a10 year old on social media.

Pretty pathetic, my man. I think maybe you have a lot of growing up to do.

And you certainly don't have a place in any mature topic or discussion.
You, of course, do not actually believe such hyperbolic, desperate, attention begging nonsense.But you got your attention, and that's what really matters. Totally worth embarrassing yourself for...
Yes, thank you for giving it to me. Though I do feel bad for taking advantage of your neurosis.

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