Trump Promises To Bring Back Operation Wetback - Again


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Now, some may get really excited about this bold new promise by Trump to use the military and all of other applicable state and federal power to deport the illegals....but....he promised this already....multiple times....he actually campaigned on doing this way back in 2015.....

"Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a “deportation force.” Trump was pressed for specifics on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” by co-host Mika Brzezinski, who asked if he would have a “massive deportation force.” “You’re going to have a deportation force, and you’re going to do it humanely,” Trump said. “We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them across, back across the border. It’s a silly argument,” Kasich fired off during the debate. “It is not an adult argument. It makes no sense.”

Well, by now, we should be use to Trump just promising shit he and his campaign have no intention of delivering on - it is just something that feels good to say at rallies and campaign stomp speeches. But using the military to deport dirty filthy brown people has been done before..Operation Wetback....

Eisenhower did Operation Wetback and was able to deport over a million wetbacks (yea, some of them were American citizens, but who cares) - and although it didn't last too long - maybe if we can get the GOP presidential candidates to commit to doing it again, this may be the one issue that Republicans can run on that is popular to the majority of Americans -- and the fun part will be, actually deporting American citizens as well...I can see how triggered the libs would be if we deport filthy brown people like AOC or Maxine Waters and other darkies and watch them try to get back to the would be totally fun to watch....Because if Trump or the GOP don't follow thru on this promise, it is going to look very much like they know their voters don't really care about delivering on policies -- they just care about hearing the kind of rhetoric they like.

Now, some may get really excited about this bold new promise by Trump to use the military and all of other applicable state and federal power to deport the illegals....but....he promised this already....multiple times....he actually campaigned on doing this way back in 2015.....

"Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a “deportation force.” Trump was pressed for specifics on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” by co-host Mika Brzezinski, who asked if he would have a “massive deportation force.” “You’re going to have a deportation force, and you’re going to do it humanely,” Trump said. “We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them across, back across the border. It’s a silly argument,” Kasich fired off during the debate. “It is not an adult argument. It makes no sense.”

Well, by now, we should be use to Trump just promising shit he and his campaign have no intention of delivering on - it is just something that feels good to say at rallies and campaign stomp speeches. But using the military to deport dirty filthy brown people has been done before..Operation Wetback....

Eisenhower did Operation Wetback and was able to deport over a million wetbacks (yea, some of them were American citizens, but who cares) - and although it didn't last too long - maybe if we can get the GOP presidential candidates to commit to doing it again, this may be the one issue that Republicans can run on that is popular to the majority of Americans -- and the fun part will be, actually deporting American citizens as well...I can see how triggered the libs would be if we deport filthy brown people like AOC or Maxine Waters and other darkies and watch them try to get back to the would be totally fun to watch....Because if Trump or the GOP don't follow thru on this promise, it is going to look very much like they know their voters don't really care about delivering on policies -- they just care about hearing the kind of rhetoric they like.

Trump didn't campaign in 2015. Yeah, I stopped reading after that obvious falsehood.

Who knows how many more factual errors are in there? :dunno:
Eisenhauer was the President of the government.

But if Trump gets back in, it will be Trump against the government.

They will lambast Trump as a racist while praising Eike who initially embraced the legislation.

They won't let Trump do anything.
Controlling our border will be a great accomplishment for Trump, AGAIN. It's a shame that Biden destroyed all of Trump's border security to flood our country with slave labor and easily manipulated illegal voters. This is just one of many areas where Biden has been a total failure.
Nice title, it exposes you as the racist you are.
So the person who is vowing to bring back Operation Wetback (A real government operation) is not the racist

But the guy recognizing it is? That is the usual for you fragile right-wing cowards....
Eisenhauer was the President of the government.

But if Trump gets back in, it will be Trump against the government.

They will lambast Trump as a racist while praising Eike who initially embraced the legislation.

They won't let Trump do anything.
If "they" won't let him do anything -- why vote for him if you are already saying he is a weak bitch
It's better than getting things done with Diaper Joe

More spending and inflation anyone?
Inflation is down......and the lowest among all so-called developed countries...

Wages are up..and unemployment is the lowest it has been...EVER....

Remember when you morons cared about unemployment until your cult leader fucked up ....and now yall don't even mention it anymore...weird..
Yeah, I was wrong about that. Thanks. He started in June 2015.
Well here is a chance for you to be right about something...

Now that you know he ran on this same shit way back it safe to say that him promising to do it now is equally as much bullshit as back then??

And you don't care about it because you think he hates the same people you hate and that's all that matters?
So the person who is vowing to bring back Operation Wetback (A real government operation) is not the racist

But the guy recognizing it is? That is the usual for you fragile right-wing cowards....
Operation Wetback was in the 53-54 and has not been used since. We need to control illegal immigration, if people want to come in through proper channels, then I am fine, if you want to open borders, fine, I am against illegal immigration. You bringing back a derogatory term just to flame a board is uncalled for and insensitive to the Hispanic community.
How so? That was actually the name of the Operation back then.
Back in the 50's correct, we called blacks a name back in the 50's that is considered derogatory, do you want to use that term is well? That is moronic logic, why not bring back sexual harassment? How stupid do you want to be, I thought we advanced through that but apparently the lefts show again they love this.

Now, some may get really excited about this bold new promise by Trump to use the military and all of other applicable state and federal power to deport the illegals....but....he promised this already....multiple times....he actually campaigned on doing this way back in 2015.....

"Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a “deportation force.” Trump was pressed for specifics on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” by co-host Mika Brzezinski, who asked if he would have a “massive deportation force.” “You’re going to have a deportation force, and you’re going to do it humanely,” Trump said. “We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them across, back across the border. It’s a silly argument,” Kasich fired off during the debate. “It is not an adult argument. It makes no sense.”

Well, by now, we should be use to Trump just promising shit he and his campaign have no intention of delivering on - it is just something that feels good to say at rallies and campaign stomp speeches. But using the military to deport dirty filthy brown people has been done before..Operation Wetback....

Eisenhower did Operation Wetback and was able to deport over a million wetbacks (yea, some of them were American citizens, but who cares) - and although it didn't last too long - maybe if we can get the GOP presidential candidates to commit to doing it again, this may be the one issue that Republicans can run on that is popular to the majority of Americans -- and the fun part will be, actually deporting American citizens as well...I can see how triggered the libs would be if we deport filthy brown people like AOC or Maxine Waters and other darkies and watch them try to get back to the would be totally fun to watch....Because if Trump or the GOP don't follow thru on this promise, it is going to look very much like they know their voters don't really care about delivering on policies -- they just care about hearing the kind of rhetoric they like.

NYC Health Official: Illegal Immigration Bringing Tuberculosis, Polio to New York​

Operation Wetback was in the 53-54 and has not been used since. We need to control illegal immigration, if people want to come in through proper channels, then I am fine, if you want to open borders, fine, I am against illegal immigration. You bringing back a derogatory term just to flame a board is uncalled for and insensitive to the Hispanic community.
I am talking about actual AMERICAN HISTORY -- your desire to whitewash or erased that history is something most of your right-wingers do when someone shows you the bullshit that conservatives once praised and cheered for in this country..

Your cult leader is ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNING ON DOING IT AGAIN.........and let's not pretend you idiots don't still go around calling these people wetbacks...yall already have been dehumanizing them for all this time...don't clutch your pearls now when I hold a mirror to your face...

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