Trump Pardons Convicted War Criminals


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Now, just to show I am fair, I really don't have a problem with this....

Handing out murder convictions in a war zone is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.

Trump Pardons 2 Service Members Accused Of War Crimes And Restores Another's Rank

President Trump has issued pardons for two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murder in Iraq.

"For more than two hundred years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country," said White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham in a statement released late Friday. "These actions are in keeping with this long history."

The officers include 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who has served six years of a 19-year sentence on two charges of second-degree murder and obstruction of justice after ordering his soldiers to open fire on three unarmed men in Afghanistan, killing two of them. He had been convicted in 2013.

The other pardoned officer is Maj. Matthew Golsteyn, a West Point graduate, who was awaiting trial for allegedly murdering a suspected Afghan bombmaker in 2010. The trial was scheduled for next year
I agree with Trump. These guys volunteered, went thru the tough training programs, went to war, maybe had a lapse in judgment, went to prison, and should not have to be punished for the rest of their lives for temporarily crossing the line in a war zone. We don't want our soldiers to have to lawyer-up before going into combat. The fucking terrorists started the shit, so what happens happens. The troops now know that Trump has their back.
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So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.
President Trump bravely did the right thing as he basically does 99.9% of the time!

Hopefully he will pardoning Roger Stone after the latest hoax passes.
Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.

These weren't cases where someone was murdered. These were cases where the troops came under fire...

If Trump pardoned the guys who raped that 15 year old girl, then I'd have an issue.

Firing up some enemy scouts in a war zone... that was perfectly acceptable.

So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.

Soldiers murder people dumbass, that's what they do, that's what we train them to do, that's what we pay them to do.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.

These weren't cases where someone was murdered. These were cases where the troops came under fire...

If Trump pardoned the guys who raped that 15 year old girl, then I'd have an issue.

Firing up some enemy scouts in a war zone... that was perfectly acceptable.


The military has a code of conduct and rules they learn from day one of basic training. In the Marine Corps we learn them before we even fire a weapon for the first time.

These people were found guilty by their peers, in other words their own fellow service members said that what they did was fucked up.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

We going to let police do it too? They are doing a tough job.

We can give some leeway as to the fog of war but to pardon? To go against the military suggestions?

We had a case where a local soldier was at a checkpoint in Iraq with two others. They raped and murdered a girl, killed her parents and set them all on fire? But hey, no problem?

Do we want our troops killing people at will? I am sure mistakes are made but they is why these things are investigated.

Soldiers murder people dumbass, that's what they do, that's what we train them to do, that's what we pay them to do.

No they do not dumbass anymore than a cop shooting someone in the line of duty is murder.
Amazing the low view you people have of our military
Trump just insured a couple million vet votes in 2020.

These people were found guilty by their peers, in other words their own fellow service members said that what they did was fucked up.

They were NOT peers, they were cod sack lickers that did not like gung ho people in their toon showing them up, so the cod lickers got together and fragged them for it, the cowards.

I was a Marine from 63 to 66, I know the type.
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Finally, our troops get to be as bad as the people we fight. You hear that boys? Republicans want you to be monsters.
If you want to win a war you need people willing to do what it takes to win.

But no....Democrats want us to show more compassion for the enemy than they are willing to show to most of America.
So, we should allow a soldier to murder people? I don't think so.

I am just going to extract this piece so that you can savor the sheer stupidity of it.

Mmmmm...what a nice piece of stupid...sooo juicy...would you look at the marbling? much dumb packed in there...let's have a taste....mmmmmmmm...mmmmm!

This would go great with a side of paint chips and crayon.

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