Trump Needs To Clarify Businessman

Those GE's washers now cost more now than when they moved.

that's the pure beauty of Republican capitalism. If you can make a cheaper washer you can drive GE into bankruptcy. Why not go for it and get filthy rich.
That would be pretty tough at this point in my life since corporate bullies sabotaged my business and then robbed us through the courts of any justice by falsifying court transcripts through bought and paid for judges. If we had been left alone and that had not all happened you can be assured I would be doing some pretty thoughtful consideration on doing just that. It sickens me to think how many in this country sold themselves for little of nothing and that our corrupt leadership allowed it to all happen for a few bucks that they just played 'let's make a deal' for.
I would be doing some pretty thoughtful consideration on doing just that..

Dear, the point is that thanks to Republican capitalism everybody would be doing just that if they thought they could beat GE on price and quality.
Dear, the system is too corrupt at this point for anyone to even consider a start up. If Republicans or Democrats were so great they would make sure that ALL are protected against bully companies, corporate sabotage, fraud and true capitalism was adhered to but that is not the case.
Define the sound bite..."Less Competitive"

dear, American companies face the highest corporate taxes in the world and that makes them less competitive.

Got it 1+1 =2

Another Limbaugh sound bite...
America = 2nd lowest EFFECTIVE Tax Rate in the World.
I know all the sound bite, moron...ALL OF THEM.

It's NOT the Tax Rate, it's the Wage, the Benefits, the Pension and the Hours.
Try again, Rushbot!
Every famous MNC today that started from a garage started with wealthy parents money.

Apple?????????????????????? See why we say stupid???

My bad!
You're right!
And you want to know why THAT'S ironic?
Apple is the one Tech Corporation I keep bringing up to you that DOESN'T screw Americans!
When it comes to R&D and Software Development Apple implements Comparative Advantage!
And that's why Wall Street HATES Apple.
Oh man, I've got to thank you for reminding me.

Tim Cook, MY APOLOGIES!!!!
Every famous MNC today that started from a garage started with wealthy parents money.

Apple?????????????????????? See why we say stupid???
You must be lost in some sort of time warp.
EB is an arrogant, egocentric, Low Information, sound bite driven, dribbling idiot.
I know he's still out there someone trying to find another sound bite.
But it DOESN'T matter; I've heard them all. I've investigated them all.
Neo Conservatism Ayn Rand's "FEEL GOOD" Objective Realism; no logic need be applied.
If I was wrong about Neo Conservatism Ayn Rand's "FEEL GOOD" Objective Realism, EB would have pointed out the error of my ways, but he can't.
Every famous MNC today that started from a garage started with wealthy parents money.

Apple?????????????????????? See why we say stupid???
You must be lost in some sort of time warp.
EB is an arrogant, egocentric, Low Information, sound bite driven, dribbling idiot.
I know he's still out there someone trying to find another sound bite.
But it DOESN'T matter; I've heard them all. I've investigated them all.
Neo Conservatism Ayn Rand's "FEEL GOOD" Objective Realism; no logic need be applied.
If I was wrong about Neo Conservatism Ayn Rand's "FEEL GOOD" Objective Realism, EB would have pointed out the error of my ways, but he can't.

dear, why are you so stupid and illiterate? You associate conservatism with only Rand
What about the entire Conservative /libertarian intellectual canon?
take your pick- Aristotle, Cicero Chesterton, Strauss, De Tracy, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adam Smith, John Locke, Milton Friedman, Nosick, Hayek, Von Mises, Sowell, Wm. Buckley, Kirk, Burke, Q. Wilson, Rand, Patrick Henry, C.S Lewis, Voegelin, Belloc
Every famous MNC today that started from a garage started with wealthy parents money.

Apple?????????????????????? See why we say stupid???
You must be lost in some sort of time warp.
EB is an arrogant, egocentric, Low Information, sound bite driven, dribbling idiot.
I know he's still out there someone trying to find another sound bite.
But it DOESN'T matter; I've heard them all. I've investigated them all.
Neo Conservatism Ayn Rand's "FEEL GOOD" Objective Realism; no logic need be applied.
If I was wrong about Neo Conservatism Ayn Rand's "FEEL GOOD" Objective Realism, EB would have pointed out the error of my ways, but he can't.

dear, why are you so stupid and illiterate? You associate conservatism with only Rand
What about the entire Conservative /libertarian intellectual canon?
take your pick- Aristotle, Cicero Chesterton, Strauss, De Tracy, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adam Smith, John Locke, Milton Friedman, Nosick, Hayek, Von Mises, Sowell, Wm. Buckley, Kirk, Burke, Q. Wilson, Rand, Patrick Henry, C.S Lewis, Voegelin, Belloc

EB posted a like post like this already and you simply need read the following paragraph...
EB posts general FoxNews sound bites whilst I provide real life examples with a thorough explanation of how our current Free Trade Agreements violate 2 of the 7 facets of Comparative Advantage.

Page 6, Message 58 through Page 12, Message 115.

You see EB, thanks to how predictable and dull you are, I simply point out that you already posted al least some of these names and I already destroyed you.
I already destroyed you.

if so why so afraid to provide your best example? What does your fear teach you??

ALL of my posts are informative.

EB posts general FoxNews sound bites whilst I provide real life examples with a thorough explanation of how our current Free Trade Agreements violate 2 of the 7 facets of Comparative Advantage.

Page 6, Message 58 through Page 12, Message 115.

But EB NEEDS to ad hominem his way through a discussion; he's all insults and no substance.
ALL of my posts are informative.

please cut the BS. if you are opposed to free trade tell us exactly why or admit with your silence or attempts to change the subject that you are a typical liberal without the IQ to defend yourself.

No, no, retard, as I have already posted SEVERAL times, I am NOT opposed to Free Trade as formulated by Ricardo.
Now, retard, go back and read my well thought out postings (I have been kind enough to delineate the Pages and Message #, presuming, of course, that you can read. A presumption I am beginning to have doubts about) alongside your ad hominems and intellectually dishonest postings that reveal you know NOTHING about Ricardo's Free Trade.
I will not repeat myself for a Conservatard or a Libertard.
ALL of my posts are informative.

please cut the BS. if you are opposed to free trade tell us exactly why or admit with your silence or attempts to change the subject that you are a typical liberal without the IQ to defend yourself.

No, no, retard, as I have already posted SEVERAL times, I am NOT opposed to Free Trade as formulated by Ricardo.
Now, retard, go back and read my well thought out postings (I have been kind enough to delineate the Pages and Message #, presuming, of course, that you can read. A presumption I am beginning to have doubts about) alongside your ad hominems and intellectually dishonest postings that reveal you know NOTHING about Ricardo's Free Trade.
I will not repeat myself for a Conservatard or a Libertard.

please cut the BS. if you are opposed to free trade tell us exactly why or admit with your silence or attempts to change the subject that you are a typical liberal without the IQ to defend yourself.
Incidentally, I’d like to hear Trump’s views on civil forfeiture.
Here is an issue that The Donald can use to make a dent in Democrat California:


Our left-leaning Legislature isn’t exactly known for its commitment to protecting the constitutional liberties of the citizenry, which is an understatement of great magnitude.


That’s why I was so stunned Monday when the Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of one of the most significant reforms to come before it this session — one that promotes a core concept in the Constitution’s Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments: due process. S.B. 443 reins in the ability of law-enforcement officials to seize private property through a disreputable system known as “civil asset forfeiture.” Increasingly, police agencies grab the cars, homes, and cash of ordinary people by alleging the property was used in the commission of a drug crime.​

Because the agencies target the property, they need not convict or even file charges against its owner.​

August 18, 2016, 12:15 am
Asset forfeiture suffers an unexpected setback.

Shock: Legislature Does Right Thing on a Liberty Issue! | The American Spectator

When I first heard about “civil asset forfeiture” I immediately thought about the XVI Amendment. The original lie said that robber barons and wealthy crooks would pay their FAIR SHARE. How has that been working out for average Americans?

NOTE: Al Capone became the poster boy for the income tax after he did time for income tax evasion. Take this one to the bank. Civil asset forfeiture will end up punishing every American just as did the XVI Amendment.

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