Trump melt down continues

that "letter" you were just sent, was written before the election in 2012 and was a promotion to get people to go out and vote against Obama..., and ALL of the Benghazi committees have debunked anyone being given an order to stand down.
that "letter" you were just sent, was written before the election in 2012 and was a promotion to get people to go out and vote against Obama..., and ALL of the Benghazi committees have debunked anyone being given an order to stand down.
I know when it was written and my charges are the truth.
My dd214 states Honorable. I have been working and paying taxes for 53 years. And am still working. And still voting. Definately not for scum like Trump.
that "letter" you were just sent, was written before the election in 2012 and was a promotion to get people to go out and vote against Obama..., and ALL of the Benghazi committees have debunked anyone being given an order to stand down.
I know when it was written and my charges are the truth.
Your charges are bullshit. Something you specialize in. So, see you 9Nov16 LOL
Hard to say....we have Trump saying he LOVES WAR, and trump saying he'd basically start a war by blowing up anyone who taunted our navy, said he'd kill the terrorists and commit a war crime and kill their wives and kill their children too....

He's said some real doozies on this....
Much like Hillary who actually let people die.

Who did she let die?
I just received an E-mail from one of my active duty friends who was working in Vicenza, Italy at the time of the Benghazi screw-up. He included this bit of info he found. It explains why veterans despise Obama and Hiliary.

Ambassador Stevens, Seal Team Six, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Chattanooga Military Recruiters Have In Common With You? You Better Pay Attention

The United States military is in a state of war in the Middle East and President Obama has committed the unprecedented action of firing two senior level command officers for what would comprise the leadership of an attack force against Iran and potentially China and Russia. This action is so unprecedented, so reckless, that it is difficult to comprehend. Please allow me to offer a sports analogy in order to explain the magnitude of this action. Imagine that your favorite football team was on the eve of the Super Bowl and the owner of your team fired both the head coach and the quarterback the night before the big game. Wouldn’t this throw your team into a state of disarray? Of course it would, and subsequently your team would face annihilation. This is exactly the case with our forces in the Middle East after the firing of these two military leaders at this critical point in time. The deposing and subsequent arrest of AFRICOM commanding officer, General Carter Ham, and the firing of Carrier task force commander, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette is an irresponsible move by the Obama administration and has left a leadership void in the Middle East that has needlessly put the lives of our military at risk.
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements will require approval from the Senate. Why would Obama engage in such a reckless act when the country is so close to war? Very simply, both men were jointly attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards, despite being told to stand down by Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. There is now proof that Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening he order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There appears to be a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. I have come to realize that if this President is re-elected, Obama may face a well-deserved coup from his senior military leaders.

It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show, 24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.

Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi,Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”

There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.

Adding fuel to this conspiratorial fire is the fact that the mainstream media refuses to cover these points despite overwhelming evidence. My advice to the American public is burn down the phone lines of the corporate controlled media and tell them to legitimately cover the events at Benghazi.
***NBC – 212-664-3720 ***ABC – 212-456-7777 ***CBS – 212-975-3247
The murder of Stevens and his team at Benghazi could be a seminal moment in American history. We know from last year that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya,obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists who this administration armed. Additionally, the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. Additionally, there is a growing movement in the military to rebel against this administration. Panetta was shot at by American troops while landing in Afghanistan. The former commander of our forces in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was sacked for his “disrespectful comments” about the Commander-in-Chief. And now we witness two senior level command officers fired by Obama because they would not be complicit in the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

As the facts continue to come out, it is clear that Obama, Panetta and Clinton are accessories to murder. Some feel that they are the masterminds behind the murder of Stevens. All three individuals should be charged with treason, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder and for violating Trading with the Enemies Act. If any American airliners are brought down as a result of their heinous actions, they should face additional charges of accessories to murder and depraved indifference. General Rodriquez, who arrested General Hamm, for attempting to launch a rescue effort, should be charged with aiding and abetting murder and treason. Chris Stevens was certainly no angel. However, he did not deserve to sacrificed in order that Obama could cover his criminal tracks.

Whether we are talking about Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, murdered by drug cartel members who were supplied with weapons by Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious gun running program, or we are speaking of Chris Stevens, murdered by Obama related forces to cover his illegal gun running tracks, how can anyone who works for this administration and feel comfortable that the this President has their back as they risk their lives doing what their country asks them to do?
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Much like Hillary who actually let people die.

Who did she let die?
I just received an E-mail from one of my active duty friends who was working in Vicenza, Italy at the time of the Benghazi screw-up. He included this bit of info he found. It explains why veterans despise Obama and Hiliary.

Ambassador Stevens, Seal Team Six, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Chattanooga Military Recruiters Have In Common With You? You Better Pay Attention

The United States military is in a state of war in the Middle East and President Obama has committed the unprecedented action of firing two senior level command officers for what would comprise the leadership of an attack force against Iran and potentially China and Russia. This action is so unprecedented, so reckless, that it is difficult to comprehend. Please allow me to offer a sports analogy in order to explain the magnitude of this action. Imagine that your favorite football team was on the eve of the Super Bowl and the owner of your team fired both the head coach and the quarterback the night before the big game. Wouldn’t this throw your team into a state of disarray? Of course it would, and subsequently your team would face annihilation. This is exactly the case with our forces in the Middle East after the firing of these two military leaders at this critical point in time. The deposing and subsequent arrest of AFRICOM commanding officer, General Carter Ham, and the firing of Carrier task force commander, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette is an irresponsible move by the Obama administration and has left a leadership void in the Middle East that has needlessly put the lives of our military at risk.
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements will require approval from the Senate. Why would Obama engage in such a reckless act when the country is so close to war? Very simply, both men were jointly attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards, despite being told to stand down by Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. There is now proof that Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening he order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There appears to be a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. I have come to realize that if this President is re-elected, Obama may face a well-deserved coup from his senior military leaders.

It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show, 24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.

Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi,Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”

There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.

Adding fuel to this conspiratorial fire is the fact that the mainstream media refuses to cover these points despite overwhelming evidence. My advice to the American public is burn down the phone lines of the corporate controlled media and tell them to legitimately cover the events at Benghazi.
***NBC – 212-664-3720 ***ABC – 212-456-7777 ***CBS – 212-975-3247
The murder of Stevens and his team at Benghazi could be a seminal moment in American history. We know from last year that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya,obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists who this administration armed. Additionally, the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. Additionally, there is a growing movement in the military to rebel against this administration. Panetta was shot at by American troops while landing in Afghanistan. The former commander of our forces in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was sacked for his “disrespectful comments” about the Commander-in-Chief. And now we witness two senior level command officers fired by Obama because they would not be complicit in the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

As the facts continue to come out, it is clear that Obama, Panetta and Clinton are accessories to murder. Some feel that they are the masterminds behind the murder of Stevens. All three individuals should be charged with treason, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder and for violating Trading with the Enemies Act. If any American airliners are brought down as a result of their heinous actions, they should face additional charges of accessories to murder and depraved indifference. General Rodriquez, who arrested General Hamm, for attempting to launch a rescue effort, should be charged with aiding and abetting murder and treason. Chris Stevens was certainly no angel. However, he did not deserve to sacrificed in order that Obama could cover his criminal tracks.

Whether we are talking about Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, murdered by drug cartel members who were supplied with weapons by Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious gun running program, or we are speaking of Chris Stevens, murdered by Obama related forces to cover his illegal gun running tracks, how can anyone who works for this administration and feel comfortable that the this President has their back as they risk their lives doing what their country asks them to do?
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
I lived in Aviano for 3 years! Dad was Stationed was a NATO station at the time, but later became a larger Air Force Base vs an Air Force Station.......WOW! What a Flash Back! Haven't heard the name of that AFB in a while!

It's not too far from the place Hoss says his friend was at, Vicenza...which was Army.
Much like Hillary who actually let people die.

Who did she let die?
I just received an E-mail from one of my active duty friends who was working in Vicenza, Italy at the time of the Benghazi screw-up. He included this bit of info he found. It explains why veterans despise Obama and Hiliary.

Ambassador Stevens, Seal Team Six, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Chattanooga Military Recruiters Have In Common With You? You Better Pay Attention

The United States military is in a state of war in the Middle East and President Obama has committed the unprecedented action of firing two senior level command officers for what would comprise the leadership of an attack force against Iran and potentially China and Russia. This action is so unprecedented, so reckless, that it is difficult to comprehend. Please allow me to offer a sports analogy in order to explain the magnitude of this action. Imagine that your favorite football team was on the eve of the Super Bowl and the owner of your team fired both the head coach and the quarterback the night before the big game. Wouldn’t this throw your team into a state of disarray? Of course it would, and subsequently your team would face annihilation. This is exactly the case with our forces in the Middle East after the firing of these two military leaders at this critical point in time. The deposing and subsequent arrest of AFRICOM commanding officer, General Carter Ham, and the firing of Carrier task force commander, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette is an irresponsible move by the Obama administration and has left a leadership void in the Middle East that has needlessly put the lives of our military at risk.
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements will require approval from the Senate. Why would Obama engage in such a reckless act when the country is so close to war? Very simply, both men were jointly attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards, despite being told to stand down by Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. There is now proof that Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening he order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There appears to be a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. I have come to realize that if this President is re-elected, Obama may face a well-deserved coup from his senior military leaders.

It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show, 24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.

Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi,Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”

There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.

Adding fuel to this conspiratorial fire is the fact that the mainstream media refuses to cover these points despite overwhelming evidence. My advice to the American public is burn down the phone lines of the corporate controlled media and tell them to legitimately cover the events at Benghazi.
***NBC – 212-664-3720 ***ABC – 212-456-7777 ***CBS – 212-975-3247
The murder of Stevens and his team at Benghazi could be a seminal moment in American history. We know from last year that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya,obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists who this administration armed. Additionally, the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. Additionally, there is a growing movement in the military to rebel against this administration. Panetta was shot at by American troops while landing in Afghanistan. The former commander of our forces in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was sacked for his “disrespectful comments” about the Commander-in-Chief. And now we witness two senior level command officers fired by Obama because they would not be complicit in the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

As the facts continue to come out, it is clear that Obama, Panetta and Clinton are accessories to murder. Some feel that they are the masterminds behind the murder of Stevens. All three individuals should be charged with treason, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder and for violating Trading with the Enemies Act. If any American airliners are brought down as a result of their heinous actions, they should face additional charges of accessories to murder and depraved indifference. General Rodriquez, who arrested General Hamm, for attempting to launch a rescue effort, should be charged with aiding and abetting murder and treason. Chris Stevens was certainly no angel. However, he did not deserve to sacrificed in order that Obama could cover his criminal tracks.

Whether we are talking about Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, murdered by drug cartel members who were supplied with weapons by Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious gun running program, or we are speaking of Chris Stevens, murdered by Obama related forces to cover his illegal gun running tracks, how can anyone who works for this administration and feel comfortable that the this President has their back as they risk their lives doing what their country asks them to do?
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Aviano is roughly 1200 miles from Benghazi. Less than 2 hours away. An F-16 travels at 1500mph with a range of 2000 miles. They could have gotten there easily. But what do I know? Too bad the military wasn't involved.
Who did she let die?
I just received an E-mail from one of my active duty friends who was working in Vicenza, Italy at the time of the Benghazi screw-up. He included this bit of info he found. It explains why veterans despise Obama and Hiliary.

Ambassador Stevens, Seal Team Six, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Chattanooga Military Recruiters Have In Common With You? You Better Pay Attention

The United States military is in a state of war in the Middle East and President Obama has committed the unprecedented action of firing two senior level command officers for what would comprise the leadership of an attack force against Iran and potentially China and Russia. This action is so unprecedented, so reckless, that it is difficult to comprehend. Please allow me to offer a sports analogy in order to explain the magnitude of this action. Imagine that your favorite football team was on the eve of the Super Bowl and the owner of your team fired both the head coach and the quarterback the night before the big game. Wouldn’t this throw your team into a state of disarray? Of course it would, and subsequently your team would face annihilation. This is exactly the case with our forces in the Middle East after the firing of these two military leaders at this critical point in time. The deposing and subsequent arrest of AFRICOM commanding officer, General Carter Ham, and the firing of Carrier task force commander, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette is an irresponsible move by the Obama administration and has left a leadership void in the Middle East that has needlessly put the lives of our military at risk.
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements will require approval from the Senate. Why would Obama engage in such a reckless act when the country is so close to war? Very simply, both men were jointly attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards, despite being told to stand down by Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. There is now proof that Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening he order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There appears to be a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. I have come to realize that if this President is re-elected, Obama may face a well-deserved coup from his senior military leaders.

It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show, 24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.

Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi,Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”

There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.

Adding fuel to this conspiratorial fire is the fact that the mainstream media refuses to cover these points despite overwhelming evidence. My advice to the American public is burn down the phone lines of the corporate controlled media and tell them to legitimately cover the events at Benghazi.
***NBC – 212-664-3720 ***ABC – 212-456-7777 ***CBS – 212-975-3247
The murder of Stevens and his team at Benghazi could be a seminal moment in American history. We know from last year that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya,obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists who this administration armed. Additionally, the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. Additionally, there is a growing movement in the military to rebel against this administration. Panetta was shot at by American troops while landing in Afghanistan. The former commander of our forces in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was sacked for his “disrespectful comments” about the Commander-in-Chief. And now we witness two senior level command officers fired by Obama because they would not be complicit in the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

As the facts continue to come out, it is clear that Obama, Panetta and Clinton are accessories to murder. Some feel that they are the masterminds behind the murder of Stevens. All three individuals should be charged with treason, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder and for violating Trading with the Enemies Act. If any American airliners are brought down as a result of their heinous actions, they should face additional charges of accessories to murder and depraved indifference. General Rodriquez, who arrested General Hamm, for attempting to launch a rescue effort, should be charged with aiding and abetting murder and treason. Chris Stevens was certainly no angel. However, he did not deserve to sacrificed in order that Obama could cover his criminal tracks.

Whether we are talking about Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, murdered by drug cartel members who were supplied with weapons by Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious gun running program, or we are speaking of Chris Stevens, murdered by Obama related forces to cover his illegal gun running tracks, how can anyone who works for this administration and feel comfortable that the this President has their back as they risk their lives doing what their country asks them to do?
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Aviano is roughly 1200 miles from Benghazi. Less than 2 hours away. An F-16 travels at 1500mph with a range of 2000 miles. They could have gotten there easily. But what do I know? Too bad the military wasn't involved.
EXPERT: There Is Absolutely No Way Military Assets Could Have Reached Benghazi In Time
Who did she let die?
I just received an E-mail from one of my active duty friends who was working in Vicenza, Italy at the time of the Benghazi screw-up. He included this bit of info he found. It explains why veterans despise Obama and Hiliary.

Ambassador Stevens, Seal Team Six, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Chattanooga Military Recruiters Have In Common With You? You Better Pay Attention

The United States military is in a state of war in the Middle East and President Obama has committed the unprecedented action of firing two senior level command officers for what would comprise the leadership of an attack force against Iran and potentially China and Russia. This action is so unprecedented, so reckless, that it is difficult to comprehend. Please allow me to offer a sports analogy in order to explain the magnitude of this action. Imagine that your favorite football team was on the eve of the Super Bowl and the owner of your team fired both the head coach and the quarterback the night before the big game. Wouldn’t this throw your team into a state of disarray? Of course it would, and subsequently your team would face annihilation. This is exactly the case with our forces in the Middle East after the firing of these two military leaders at this critical point in time. The deposing and subsequent arrest of AFRICOM commanding officer, General Carter Ham, and the firing of Carrier task force commander, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette is an irresponsible move by the Obama administration and has left a leadership void in the Middle East that has needlessly put the lives of our military at risk.
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements will require approval from the Senate. Why would Obama engage in such a reckless act when the country is so close to war? Very simply, both men were jointly attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards, despite being told to stand down by Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. There is now proof that Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening he order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There appears to be a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. I have come to realize that if this President is re-elected, Obama may face a well-deserved coup from his senior military leaders.

It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show, 24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.

Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi,Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”

There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.

Adding fuel to this conspiratorial fire is the fact that the mainstream media refuses to cover these points despite overwhelming evidence. My advice to the American public is burn down the phone lines of the corporate controlled media and tell them to legitimately cover the events at Benghazi.
***NBC – 212-664-3720 ***ABC – 212-456-7777 ***CBS – 212-975-3247
The murder of Stevens and his team at Benghazi could be a seminal moment in American history. We know from last year that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya,obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists who this administration armed. Additionally, the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. Additionally, there is a growing movement in the military to rebel against this administration. Panetta was shot at by American troops while landing in Afghanistan. The former commander of our forces in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was sacked for his “disrespectful comments” about the Commander-in-Chief. And now we witness two senior level command officers fired by Obama because they would not be complicit in the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

As the facts continue to come out, it is clear that Obama, Panetta and Clinton are accessories to murder. Some feel that they are the masterminds behind the murder of Stevens. All three individuals should be charged with treason, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder and for violating Trading with the Enemies Act. If any American airliners are brought down as a result of their heinous actions, they should face additional charges of accessories to murder and depraved indifference. General Rodriquez, who arrested General Hamm, for attempting to launch a rescue effort, should be charged with aiding and abetting murder and treason. Chris Stevens was certainly no angel. However, he did not deserve to sacrificed in order that Obama could cover his criminal tracks.

Whether we are talking about Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, murdered by drug cartel members who were supplied with weapons by Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious gun running program, or we are speaking of Chris Stevens, murdered by Obama related forces to cover his illegal gun running tracks, how can anyone who works for this administration and feel comfortable that the this President has their back as they risk their lives doing what their country asks them to do?
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Aviano is roughly 1200 miles from Benghazi. Less than 2 hours away. An F-16 travels at 1500mph with a range of 2000 miles. They could have gotten there easily. But what do I know? Too bad the military wasn't involved.

Yeah..........and going at full afterburner will eat up their fuel faster, leaving them less time on station to try to help.

Besides.............the only CAS (Close Air Support) aircraft that is worth a crap for close in fighting is the A-10, which is a hell of a lot slower. many F-16's would you have sent? One doesn't have enough of a bomb payload to be very effective unless you have the skills of Luke Skywalker shooting a missile through a 3ft square hole on the Death Star.

In order to be even moderately effective, you'd have to have sent a full squadron, because they don't carry much ammo. would you have gotten them out? The only effective way is to use helos and a rescue team to get them out. And helos only fly at about 160 mph, meaning even if they were turning on the tarmac with a full team ready to go (they weren't), it would have still taken at least 8 hours to get there.

You're right..............what do you know? Apparently nothing, because you appear to not know what is required for rescue missions.

If they REALLY wanted to rescue Stevens, the CIA station chief just 2 miles down the road would have sent a rescue team (who were also his bodyguards) back to pick him up as soon as the attack started rather than waiting 3 hours to let them go get him.

I suggest you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime and then get back to me.
I just received an E-mail from one of my active duty friends who was working in Vicenza, Italy at the time of the Benghazi screw-up. He included this bit of info he found. It explains why veterans despise Obama and Hiliary.

Ambassador Stevens, Seal Team Six, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Chattanooga Military Recruiters Have In Common With You? You Better Pay Attention

The United States military is in a state of war in the Middle East and President Obama has committed the unprecedented action of firing two senior level command officers for what would comprise the leadership of an attack force against Iran and potentially China and Russia. This action is so unprecedented, so reckless, that it is difficult to comprehend. Please allow me to offer a sports analogy in order to explain the magnitude of this action. Imagine that your favorite football team was on the eve of the Super Bowl and the owner of your team fired both the head coach and the quarterback the night before the big game. Wouldn’t this throw your team into a state of disarray? Of course it would, and subsequently your team would face annihilation. This is exactly the case with our forces in the Middle East after the firing of these two military leaders at this critical point in time. The deposing and subsequent arrest of AFRICOM commanding officer, General Carter Ham, and the firing of Carrier task force commander, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette is an irresponsible move by the Obama administration and has left a leadership void in the Middle East that has needlessly put the lives of our military at risk.
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements will require approval from the Senate. Why would Obama engage in such a reckless act when the country is so close to war? Very simply, both men were jointly attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards, despite being told to stand down by Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. There is now proof that Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening he order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There appears to be a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. I have come to realize that if this President is re-elected, Obama may face a well-deserved coup from his senior military leaders.

It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show, 24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.

Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi,Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”

There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.

Adding fuel to this conspiratorial fire is the fact that the mainstream media refuses to cover these points despite overwhelming evidence. My advice to the American public is burn down the phone lines of the corporate controlled media and tell them to legitimately cover the events at Benghazi.
***NBC – 212-664-3720 ***ABC – 212-456-7777 ***CBS – 212-975-3247
The murder of Stevens and his team at Benghazi could be a seminal moment in American history. We know from last year that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya,obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists who this administration armed. Additionally, the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. Additionally, there is a growing movement in the military to rebel against this administration. Panetta was shot at by American troops while landing in Afghanistan. The former commander of our forces in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was sacked for his “disrespectful comments” about the Commander-in-Chief. And now we witness two senior level command officers fired by Obama because they would not be complicit in the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

As the facts continue to come out, it is clear that Obama, Panetta and Clinton are accessories to murder. Some feel that they are the masterminds behind the murder of Stevens. All three individuals should be charged with treason, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder and for violating Trading with the Enemies Act. If any American airliners are brought down as a result of their heinous actions, they should face additional charges of accessories to murder and depraved indifference. General Rodriquez, who arrested General Hamm, for attempting to launch a rescue effort, should be charged with aiding and abetting murder and treason. Chris Stevens was certainly no angel. However, he did not deserve to sacrificed in order that Obama could cover his criminal tracks.

Whether we are talking about Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, murdered by drug cartel members who were supplied with weapons by Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious gun running program, or we are speaking of Chris Stevens, murdered by Obama related forces to cover his illegal gun running tracks, how can anyone who works for this administration and feel comfortable that the this President has their back as they risk their lives doing what their country asks them to do?
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Aviano is roughly 1200 miles from Benghazi. Less than 2 hours away. An F-16 travels at 1500mph with a range of 2000 miles. They could have gotten there easily. But what do I know? Too bad the military wasn't involved.

Yeah..........and going at full afterburner will eat up their fuel faster, leaving them less time on station to try to help.

Besides.............the only CAS (Close Air Support) aircraft that is worth a crap for close in fighting is the A-10, which is a hell of a lot slower. many F-16's would you have sent? One doesn't have enough of a bomb payload to be very effective unless you have the skills of Luke Skywalker shooting a missile through a 3ft square hole on the Death Star.

In order to be even moderately effective, you'd have to have sent a full squadron, because they don't carry much ammo. would you have gotten them out? The only effective way is to use helos and a rescue team to get them out. And helos only fly at about 160 mph, meaning even if they were turning on the tarmac with a full team ready to go (they weren't), it would have still taken at least 8 hours to get there.

You're right..............what do you know? Apparently nothing, because you appear to not know what is required for rescue missions.

If they REALLY wanted to rescue Stevens, the CIA station chief just 2 miles down the road would have sent a rescue team (who were also his bodyguards) back to pick him up as soon as the attack started rather than waiting 3 hours to let them go get him.

I suggest you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime and then get back to me.
Having been involved in rescue missions, I guess the "expert" knows a hell of a lot more than me, what with him flying a desk in some headquarters. I have heard that there's such a thing as airborne tankers for refueling. Too bad the USAF wasn't allowed to do the job they're trained for.
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Aviano is roughly 1200 miles from Benghazi. Less than 2 hours away. An F-16 travels at 1500mph with a range of 2000 miles. They could have gotten there easily. But what do I know? Too bad the military wasn't involved.

Yeah..........and going at full afterburner will eat up their fuel faster, leaving them less time on station to try to help.

Besides.............the only CAS (Close Air Support) aircraft that is worth a crap for close in fighting is the A-10, which is a hell of a lot slower. many F-16's would you have sent? One doesn't have enough of a bomb payload to be very effective unless you have the skills of Luke Skywalker shooting a missile through a 3ft square hole on the Death Star.

In order to be even moderately effective, you'd have to have sent a full squadron, because they don't carry much ammo. would you have gotten them out? The only effective way is to use helos and a rescue team to get them out. And helos only fly at about 160 mph, meaning even if they were turning on the tarmac with a full team ready to go (they weren't), it would have still taken at least 8 hours to get there.

You're right..............what do you know? Apparently nothing, because you appear to not know what is required for rescue missions.

If they REALLY wanted to rescue Stevens, the CIA station chief just 2 miles down the road would have sent a rescue team (who were also his bodyguards) back to pick him up as soon as the attack started rather than waiting 3 hours to let them go get him.

I suggest you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime and then get back to me.
Having been involved in rescue missions, I guess the "expert" knows a hell of a lot more than me, what with him flying a desk in some headquarters. I have heard that there's such a thing as airborne tankers for refueling. Too bad the USAF wasn't allowed to do the job they're trained for.'re right.................they COULD have refueled the F-16's in the air to give them more time on station. Only trouble is, how many tankers were in the area to help? Do you have that information?

And..................if you had any smarts, you would know that an F-16 carries the kind of armament that is considered "danger close" at less than 100 yards. The compound was smaller than that, and there is no F-16 pilot in the world that could have taken them on all by themselves, because they don't have enough ammo.

How many aircraft would you have sent, and if you sent more than 3, how are they going to coordinate their attacks so they don't crash into each other?

Like I appear to have clue zero.

If you want something that can do the job close in, you need an A-10 Warthog or an Apache Longbow helo, but both of those have a significantly slower airspeed than 1500 mph. I think the Apache can reach up to 200, but the range isn't that far.
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.

The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Aviano is roughly 1200 miles from Benghazi. Less than 2 hours away. An F-16 travels at 1500mph with a range of 2000 miles. They could have gotten there easily. But what do I know? Too bad the military wasn't involved.

Yeah..........and going at full afterburner will eat up their fuel faster, leaving them less time on station to try to help.

Besides.............the only CAS (Close Air Support) aircraft that is worth a crap for close in fighting is the A-10, which is a hell of a lot slower. many F-16's would you have sent? One doesn't have enough of a bomb payload to be very effective unless you have the skills of Luke Skywalker shooting a missile through a 3ft square hole on the Death Star.

In order to be even moderately effective, you'd have to have sent a full squadron, because they don't carry much ammo. would you have gotten them out? The only effective way is to use helos and a rescue team to get them out. And helos only fly at about 160 mph, meaning even if they were turning on the tarmac with a full team ready to go (they weren't), it would have still taken at least 8 hours to get there.

You're right..............what do you know? Apparently nothing, because you appear to not know what is required for rescue missions.

If they REALLY wanted to rescue Stevens, the CIA station chief just 2 miles down the road would have sent a rescue team (who were also his bodyguards) back to pick him up as soon as the attack started rather than waiting 3 hours to let them go get him.

I suggest you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime and then get back to me.
Having been involved in rescue missions, I guess the "expert" knows a hell of a lot more than me, what with him flying a desk in some headquarters. I have heard that there's such a thing as airborne tankers for refueling. Too bad the USAF wasn't allowed to do the job they're trained for.'re right.................they COULD have refueled the F-16's in the air to give them more time on station. Only trouble is, how many tankers were in the area to help? Do you have that information?

And..................if you had any smarts, you would know that an F-16 carries the kind of armament that is considered "danger close" at less than 100 yards. The compound was smaller than that, and there is no F-16 pilot in the world that could have taken them on all by themselves, because they don't have enough ammo.

How many aircraft would you have sent, and if you sent more than 3, how are they going to coordinate their attacks so they don't crash into each other?

Like I appear to have clue zero.

If you want something that can do the job close in, you need an A-10 Warthog or an Apache Longbow helo, but both of those have a significantly slower airspeed than 1500 mph. I think the Apache can reach up to 200, but the range isn't that far.
About the fighter planes, I would have to defer to williepete and Divine.Wind They're both fighter pilots.
The closest help was at the secret CIA station that was only a couple of miles away, but the trouble is, the CIA station chief wouldn't let the rescue team (his bodyguards) go to retrieve him until it was too late.

BTW.................the closest station to Benghazi that MAY have been able to send in a rescue team was Sigonella Sicily, but that was scrapped by someone in the chain of command (not Hillary) to stand down and they then tried to mount a rescue mission from Aviano Italy (which was further away than Sigonella BTW).

I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
Aviano is roughly 1200 miles from Benghazi. Less than 2 hours away. An F-16 travels at 1500mph with a range of 2000 miles. They could have gotten there easily. But what do I know? Too bad the military wasn't involved.

Yeah..........and going at full afterburner will eat up their fuel faster, leaving them less time on station to try to help.

Besides.............the only CAS (Close Air Support) aircraft that is worth a crap for close in fighting is the A-10, which is a hell of a lot slower. many F-16's would you have sent? One doesn't have enough of a bomb payload to be very effective unless you have the skills of Luke Skywalker shooting a missile through a 3ft square hole on the Death Star.

In order to be even moderately effective, you'd have to have sent a full squadron, because they don't carry much ammo. would you have gotten them out? The only effective way is to use helos and a rescue team to get them out. And helos only fly at about 160 mph, meaning even if they were turning on the tarmac with a full team ready to go (they weren't), it would have still taken at least 8 hours to get there.

You're right..............what do you know? Apparently nothing, because you appear to not know what is required for rescue missions.

If they REALLY wanted to rescue Stevens, the CIA station chief just 2 miles down the road would have sent a rescue team (who were also his bodyguards) back to pick him up as soon as the attack started rather than waiting 3 hours to let them go get him.

I suggest you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime and then get back to me.
Having been involved in rescue missions, I guess the "expert" knows a hell of a lot more than me, what with him flying a desk in some headquarters. I have heard that there's such a thing as airborne tankers for refueling. Too bad the USAF wasn't allowed to do the job they're trained for.'re right.................they COULD have refueled the F-16's in the air to give them more time on station. Only trouble is, how many tankers were in the area to help? Do you have that information?

And..................if you had any smarts, you would know that an F-16 carries the kind of armament that is considered "danger close" at less than 100 yards. The compound was smaller than that, and there is no F-16 pilot in the world that could have taken them on all by themselves, because they don't have enough ammo.

How many aircraft would you have sent, and if you sent more than 3, how are they going to coordinate their attacks so they don't crash into each other?

Like I appear to have clue zero.

If you want something that can do the job close in, you need an A-10 Warthog or an Apache Longbow helo, but both of those have a significantly slower airspeed than 1500 mph. I think the Apache can reach up to 200, but the range isn't that far.
About the fighter planes, I would have to defer to williepete and Divine.Wind They're both fighter pilots.

So you're admitting that you don't know if your plan would work, and that you have to defer to other people. Thank you for admitting that.
About the fighter planes, I would have to defer to williepete and Divine.Wind They're both fighter pilots.
Williepete was a fighter pilot, I was a helicopter pilot and fixed-wing flight instructor but most seasoned military pilots could logically discuss the problems.

IMO, napalming the area around the consulate and the CIA annex would be impractical. Not only it have killed innocent civilians, but probably a lot of friendlies too since there was some movement going on that night. Fog of War stuff.

The problem I see with Benghazi wasn't that an airstrike wasn't deployed, but that they were put into such an untenable situation in the first place. My God, it was the fucking anniversary of 9/11 and we left two small groups of Americans to stick their necks out in a still hostile environment like Benghazi? Why wasn't Stevens at the Embassy in Tripoli that night? What was the big deal about Benghazi at that particular time?

The reason we lost good Americans that night was not because there was no air cover and not even that a QRF wasn't launched, but that our government stuck them in that position in the first place without an exit plan nor a contingency plan in case they were attacked.
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If you want something that can do the job close in, you need an A-10 Warthog or an Apache Longbow helo, but both of those have a significantly slower airspeed than 1500 mph. I think the Apache can reach up to 200, but the range isn't that far.
While this is essentially correct, why weren't assets nearby to help? If the political situation didn't allow it, then why were our personnel told to stay in Benghazi instead of evacuating to Tripoli before 9/11 that year?
Hard to say....we have Trump saying he LOVES WAR, and trump saying he'd basically start a war by blowing up anyone who taunted our navy, said he'd kill the terrorists and commit a war crime and kill their wives and kill their children too....

He's said some real doozies on this....
Much like Hillary who actually let people die.

Who did she let die?
I just received an E-mail from one of my active duty friends who was working in Vicenza, Italy at the time of the Benghazi screw-up. He included this bit of info he found. It explains why veterans despise Obama and Hiliary.

Ambassador Stevens, Seal Team Six, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Chattanooga Military Recruiters Have In Common With You? You Better Pay Attention

The United States military is in a state of war in the Middle East and President Obama has committed the unprecedented action of firing two senior level command officers for what would comprise the leadership of an attack force against Iran and potentially China and Russia. This action is so unprecedented, so reckless, that it is difficult to comprehend. Please allow me to offer a sports analogy in order to explain the magnitude of this action. Imagine that your favorite football team was on the eve of the Super Bowl and the owner of your team fired both the head coach and the quarterback the night before the big game. Wouldn’t this throw your team into a state of disarray? Of course it would, and subsequently your team would face annihilation. This is exactly the case with our forces in the Middle East after the firing of these two military leaders at this critical point in time. The deposing and subsequent arrest of AFRICOM commanding officer, General Carter Ham, and the firing of Carrier task force commander, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette is an irresponsible move by the Obama administration and has left a leadership void in the Middle East that has needlessly put the lives of our military at risk.
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements will require approval from the Senate. Why would Obama engage in such a reckless act when the country is so close to war? Very simply, both men were jointly attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards, despite being told to stand down by Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. There is now proof that Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening he order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders. There appears to be a growing body of evidence that the military is rebelling against this rogue President. I have come to realize that if this President is re-elected, Obama may face a well-deserved coup from his senior military leaders.

It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason. I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show, 24, as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.

Even though the corporate controlled media refuses to cover the events in Benghazi,Representative Buck McKeon wrote a letter to Obama in which he boldly stated ”As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (author’s note: General Hamm) and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief.”

There’s growing evidence that US agents in Libya were at least aware of weapons and militants moving across the border. The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA and he brokered arms deals with Al-Qaeda and their affiliate rebels in both Libya and Syria. Can anyone imagine the political fallout to this President if word of this had ever leaked out? Stevens was the link between the CIA and al-Qaeda. With Stevens out of the way, the trail could grow cold and the American public would be none the wiser. This is why a rescue attempt was not permitted and this explains why two senior level officials were sacked for trying to do so.

Adding fuel to this conspiratorial fire is the fact that the mainstream media refuses to cover these points despite overwhelming evidence. My advice to the American public is burn down the phone lines of the corporate controlled media and tell them to legitimately cover the events at Benghazi.
***NBC – 212-664-3720 ***ABC – 212-456-7777 ***CBS – 212-975-3247
The murder of Stevens and his team at Benghazi could be a seminal moment in American history. We know from last year that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya,obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists who this administration armed. Additionally, the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner. Additionally, there is a growing movement in the military to rebel against this administration. Panetta was shot at by American troops while landing in Afghanistan. The former commander of our forces in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was sacked for his “disrespectful comments” about the Commander-in-Chief. And now we witness two senior level command officers fired by Obama because they would not be complicit in the murder of Ambassador Stevens.

As the facts continue to come out, it is clear that Obama, Panetta and Clinton are accessories to murder. Some feel that they are the masterminds behind the murder of Stevens. All three individuals should be charged with treason, conspiracy to commit treason, first degree murder and for violating Trading with the Enemies Act. If any American airliners are brought down as a result of their heinous actions, they should face additional charges of accessories to murder and depraved indifference. General Rodriquez, who arrested General Hamm, for attempting to launch a rescue effort, should be charged with aiding and abetting murder and treason. Chris Stevens was certainly no angel. However, he did not deserve to sacrificed in order that Obama could cover his criminal tracks.

Whether we are talking about Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, murdered by drug cartel members who were supplied with weapons by Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious gun running program, or we are speaking of Chris Stevens, murdered by Obama related forces to cover his illegal gun running tracks, how can anyone who works for this administration and feel comfortable that the this President has their back as they risk their lives doing what their country asks them to do?
Spam e-mail...very convincing.....
I didn't reveal who wrote it. It didn't convince me. I already knew the bastards let people die when help was within 2 hours away. Siege lasted 13 hours.
About the fighter planes, I would have to defer to williepete and Divine.Wind They're both fighter pilots.
Williepete was a fighter pilot, I was a helicopter pilot and fixed-wing flight instructor but most seasoned military pilots could logically discuss the problems.

IMO, napalming the area around the consulate and the CIA annex would be impractical. Not only it have killed innocent civilians, but probably a lot of friendlies too since there was some movement going on that night. Fog of War stuff.

The problem I see with Benghazi wasn't that an airstrike wasn't deployed, but that they were put into such an untenable situation in the first place. My God, it was the fucking anniversary of 9/11 and we left two small groups of Americans stick their necks out in a still hostile environment like Benghazi? Why wasn't Stephens at the Embassy in Tripoli that night? What was the big deal about Benghazi at that particular time?

The reason we lost good Americans that night was not because there was no air cover and not even that a QRF wasn't launch, but that our government stuck them in that position in the first place without an exit plan nor a contingency plan in case they were attacked.

Exactly. The movie 13 hours kinda explains the whole string of errors.

1) Stevens refused to leave his compound.
2) Because Stevens was told to stay in his compound, he sent his bodyguards back to the CIA station for some time off.
3) When the attack happened, not only did we have ZERO assets in the area (other than a surveillance drone), but the CIA station chief (that was 2 miles away) refused to allow Stevens' bodyguards to go rescue him until it was too late.

No................there is no way in hell that we could have mounted a rescue attempt in time.

Divine Wind is right, Stevens and his crew were in an untenable situation.
.....I recommend you watch the movie 13 Hours sometime. It was written with the help of the people who were actually there.

And no....................Hillary didn't have anything to do with Stevens' death.
There one where the specops guys were told to stand down? Yep, saw it. Excellent movie!

I agree Hillary didn't have anything directly to do with Steven's death. She was completely out of the loop due to her paranoia about using classified government email. Her own email was unsecure and, therefore, unauthorized for use of classified material.

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