Trump Jr. Is Not the Problem

Moron still doesn't understand Jr's email is proof positive " There's something in there."
Keep living in denial. I remember folks like you took the same blind attitude with Nixon. How'd that turn out?
John Dean: this is worse thanWatergate.
But what does he know, right?

LMAO! I don't participate in the elections of the banana republic but I know a load of bullshit when I see it and the motivation behind it. McCain, Podesta, Hildebeast are 1000 times more involved with Russia than Trump and I don't have a problem with it because Russia isn't MY enemy. I have a helluva lot more respect for Putin than I do the Barrypuppet, the Clinton and Bush crime families. Russia is being used as a scapegoat to cover up the criminality and corruption of the DNC which is why SHILLS like you refuse to address the contents of the leaked e-mails. You are not pissed about the incriminating are simply pissed because it was revealed and that speaks volumes about your lack of integrity.....get it now????
Podesta and Hillary aren't under federal investigation. The Trump crime family is. Funny you keep forgetting this.
Just like that laughable tweet when the orange anus connected Podesta to the DNC. He wasn't a part of the DNC. Your ignoramus president keeps bearing fruit for comedians all over the country.
Dumbest president ever.
GW Bush: I'm off the hook.

ROTFLMAO! You don't have the faintest fucking are merely a troll and not a very good one. Obamamonkey gets a free pass, the Hildebeast gets a free pass but trump up bullshit charges on Trump.....seriously, you can't make this shit up. Leftards are all "Don't read those damning e-mails!!!!! It was the Rooskies!!!!!"..........tooo fucking funny.
You couldn't point out one thing I was wrong about. All u can do is exactly like your mental patient President. Scream Obama and Hillary.
You seem more than a little unbalanced yourself..

Actually, I couldn't point out anything that you were "right" about is the problem. You always shy away from addressing the contents of the released e-mails....why is that?????
Because this thread isn't about Russia hacking the DNC, it's about Trump's collusion with Russia and Jeff Sessions settling a money laundering suit with a Russian criminal.

Why don't YOU want to talk about that?
Exactly. They didn't see a problem with Hillary because they didn't view anything she did as immoral.

I guess you didn't bother to read the piece and her comments about idiots who say "but Hillary", or who cry victim and blame the MSM.

YOU are exactly the kind of Republican she's talking about.
The kind who ruins your story with the truth?

No, the kind who denies the problem, claims that Democrats are just as bad, and who claims Trump is just a victim of a biased MSM.
You mean like Bill Clinton was a victim of a vast right wing conspiracy?

Bill Clinton withstood 6 years of harassment by Republicans determined to bring him down. Tell me again about all of that charges against Bill Clinton. I know of a perjury charge for lying about a blow job. Other than that, what do you have? Nothing.

Bill should not have lied about that blow job. So that one is on him. But the rest of the bullshit thrown at him - no charges, no indictments, no convictions.

Even Ken Starr had apologized for his part in the witch hunt against the Clintons and said it was wrong.

And right wingers today are still calling for prosecution of the Clintons. You get E for effort and F for continuing to flail a dead horse. If after 25 years and $100 million you still haven't found a single witness or a shred of evidence, it's time to let it go.
Bill Clinton gave missile guidance system technology to the Chinese government in exchange for financing his 96 presidential campaign. THAT is treason. BILL CLINTON should apologize to the American people for selling them out. He should also be in prison. We wouldn't have to worry about China OR N. Korea attacking us with nuclear weapons if he had not done that. And yeah, Republicans fucked up by not going after him for THAT instead of perjury in a sexual harassment case.
LMAO! I don't participate in the elections of the banana republic but I know a load of bullshit when I see it and the motivation behind it. McCain, Podesta, Hildebeast are 1000 times more involved with Russia than Trump and I don't have a problem with it because Russia isn't MY enemy. I have a helluva lot more respect for Putin than I do the Barrypuppet, the Clinton and Bush crime families. Russia is being used as a scapegoat to cover up the criminality and corruption of the DNC which is why SHILLS like you refuse to address the contents of the leaked e-mails. You are not pissed about the incriminating are simply pissed because it was revealed and that speaks volumes about your lack of integrity.....get it now????
Podesta and Hillary aren't under federal investigation. The Trump crime family is. Funny you keep forgetting this.
Just like that laughable tweet when the orange anus connected Podesta to the DNC. He wasn't a part of the DNC. Your ignoramus president keeps bearing fruit for comedians all over the country.
Dumbest president ever.
GW Bush: I'm off the hook.

ROTFLMAO! You don't have the faintest fucking are merely a troll and not a very good one. Obamamonkey gets a free pass, the Hildebeast gets a free pass but trump up bullshit charges on Trump.....seriously, you can't make this shit up. Leftards are all "Don't read those damning e-mails!!!!! It was the Rooskies!!!!!"..........tooo fucking funny.
You couldn't point out one thing I was wrong about. All u can do is exactly like your mental patient President. Scream Obama and Hillary.
You seem more than a little unbalanced yourself..

Actually, I couldn't point out anything that you were "right" about is the problem. You always shy away from addressing the contents of the released e-mails....why is that?????
Because this thread isn't about Russia hacking the DNC, it's about Trump's collusion with Russia and Jeff Sessions settling a money laundering suit with a Russian criminal.

Why don't YOU want to talk about that?

I have seen no "collusion" between Trump and Russia and certainly nothing that is illegal. What we do know for a fact is that the very Russian government that you and your ilk are demonizing greased the palms of Barrypuppet, Hitlery, McCain and Podesta. As far as the Jeff Sessions settling a money laundering case? I find it HILARIOUS that all the top Google articles about this tries to frame the debate that it was about hacking the's bullshit...a "nothing burger". Until I see something that isn't right out of the lamestream media mouth pieces I am going to simply file it away under "If Only This Was True For Leftards".....get it now???
There was nothing in that post he wrote that wasn't true. I don't have any use for either political party but the way that Trump has been attacked while not applying the same rules and scrutiny to the last three puppet presidents is obvious to me. You couldn't care less if Trump could actually steer this country out of the ditch because he doesn't have a "D" by his name and he isn't a blatant socialist and that is all there is to that one.

I guess you completely missed the 17 investigations and special prosecutor hired to take down the Clintons, the 7 Benghazi Investigations against Obama's administration, none of which found any evidence of wrong doing, and the ongoing Fast and Furious investigation.

Trump is dealing with ONE investigation and his entire administration is being paralyzed by it.

Spare me, the stonewalling done by the Clinton, Bush and Obama admins are legendary. I HEARD the whistle blower's own testimony about Benghazi from their own mouths. I HEARD the testimony from whistle blowers about Fast and Furious and what the goals Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress. Lois Lerner stonewalls and claims her hard drive took a dive. Who in the fuck do you think you are dealing with here? This is what I do all day, every day. You are simply a partisan hack. I know that these sacks of shit are protected by the Deep State and I have seen the "dog and pony" shows of these investigations. The one where Comey admits that the Hildebeast compromised national security by using her private server but (snicker) "She didn't mean to do so" that followed a meeting with Bill "drop trou" and Clinton lackey Loretta Lynch. You are barking up the wrong tree, sis. Next time you get pulled over for a traffic violation and tell the cop you refuse to accept the ticket because "You didn't mean too" and tel me how that works out for ya.

What I do know is you don't know the purpose of a paragraph, or supporting evidence. No one cares what you purport to have heard, and those of us who watch the events in your rant as contemporary events know what is true and what is bullshit.

"No one cares what you purport to have heard"

I don't "hear", I read, research and discern information and since when did a troll like you become the spokesperson for this forum? I certainly wasn't consulted....was there a coronation ceremony? Do you know that other leftards also claim that they are the official "spokesperson" for USmessageboard as well? There seems to be a conflict and you all need to settle on one. (snicker)

"and those of us who watch the events in your rant as contemporary events know what is true and what is bullshit"

Per CNN, MSNBC, Huffingtonpost, Washingtonpost, NYT, etc, etc???? Oh HELL yeah, that's (snicker) "truth" right betcha.

LOL, you and Sarah Palin, "read, research and" ... sure you do. You admit discounting the MSM, which leaves the question, what do you read and research?

Tell the reader, what is the source of your claim? Come on, you have time to google something, otherwise you will be struck dumb as Palin did when confronted by Katie Couric.

Since 90 percent of ALL media is owned by six huge conglomerates and the heads of those six have a seat on the CFR and the Committee of 300? Yeah, I am going to say that the news is purposely spun. I have absolutely no trust in it at all. The days of true mainstream investigative journalism died a slow, painful death before you were even born.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! NATO is a fucking joke and a tool of the U.N and always has been. Your understanding of the real history of NATO is utterly pathetic. You should listen to Major George Jordan's Diaries speech....easily available on youtube. It would take an hour to listen to but that is 50 minutes longer than your attention span. LOL!!!!!!

Please, you're blithering. Your not even making sense anymore. There are real problems in the world which you ignore in favour of the Rothschild banking cabals, Deep State conspiracies, false flags.

If you want to read about REAL shit going down, read The Shock Doctrine. Yes it's a thick book with lots of big words, but I managed to read it in about 4 days, after work.

Great. Yet another book by yet another social activist. Canadian no less.

If you want magical realism, you would do better to read some nice Borges, Rushdie or Marquez.
After we saw the democrat party give a standing ovation to a democrat congressman (Gerry Studds) who was convicted of sexual abusing a male page and Hillary's husband declined into a street pervert offering young girls n autograph for a BJ session in the White House and Obama telling the Country to admit confused boys into the girls locker room and confused men into the ladies room and authorized the IRS to spy on American citizens and authorized the federal cops to give thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the left suddenly assumed the role of the morality cops? Don't make me laugh

Exactly! The people demand the return of Senator Craig, of Minneapolis men's room fame!

Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! NATO is a fucking joke and a tool of the U.N and always has been. Your understanding of the real history of NATO is utterly pathetic. You should listen to Major George Jordan's Diaries speech....easily available on youtube. It would take an hour to listen to but that is 50 minutes longer than your attention span. LOL!!!!!!

Please, you're blithering. Your not even making sense anymore. There are real problems in the world which you ignore in favour of the Rothschild banking cabals, Deep State conspiracies, false flags.

If you want to read about REAL shit going down, read The Shock Doctrine. Yes it's a thick book with lots of big words, but I managed to read it in about 4 days, after work.

Great. Yet another book by yet another social activist. Canadian no less.

If you want magical realism, you would do better to read some nice Borges, Rushdie or Marquez.

Did you look up the bio of the author of "The Shock Doctrine"? You will be rolling your eyes just like I me.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

Again, to borrow from Brooks, beyond partisanship the GOP evidences "no attachment to any external moral truth or ethical code."

When they push morals and ethics, liberals whine.
Now liberals whine that they aren't.

I see the common thread.

Liberals complain when conservative push their religious beliefs regarding their private sex and family life on private individuals, who are entitled to live by their own morals and ethics within the limits of the law.

What we're complaining about here is public individuals who flout the laws regarding accepting help or influence from a foreign government to win an election, who disregards the ethics requirements regarding accepting money from foreign governments, the nepotism laws, disposing of private business interests before taking office, and who are openly using the office of the President to line their own pockets, who are alienating your allies and fracturing your alliances in aid of a hostile foreign government, who is openly racist and xenophobic, not to mention misogynistic.

That's a far cry from private morals and family life.

What we're complaining about here is public individuals who flout the laws regarding accepting help or influence from a foreign government to win an election, who disregards the ethics requirements regarding accepting money from foreign governments

Yes, Clinton accepted illegal Chinese contributions in 1996.
Who did it since?

the nepotism laws

Letting Hillary run healthcare reform in 1993?

and who are openly using the office of the President to line their own pockets

Yes, the Clinton "Foundation" is a travesty.

who are alienating your allies and fracturing your alliances

I agree, Obama shouldn't have done that.
I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! NATO is a fucking joke and a tool of the U.N and always has been. Your understanding of the real history of NATO is utterly pathetic. You should listen to Major George Jordan's Diaries speech....easily available on youtube. It would take an hour to listen to but that is 50 minutes longer than your attention span. LOL!!!!!!

Please, you're blithering. Your not even making sense anymore. There are real problems in the world which you ignore in favour of the Rothschild banking cabals, Deep State conspiracies, false flags.

If you want to read about REAL shit going down, read The Shock Doctrine. Yes it's a thick book with lots of big words, but I managed to read it in about 4 days, after work.

Great. Yet another book by yet another social activist. Canadian no less.

If you want magical realism, you would do better to read some nice Borges, Rushdie or Marquez.

Did you look up the bio of the author of "The Shock Doctrine"? You will be rolling your eyes just like I me.

I know of her and her "work". She's typical of the species.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.

As a liberal, I agree. I wonder though, how do you feel about the Supreme Court's decisions in CU v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC., and how McConnell is literally bribing Senators to vote for the health care bill?
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.

As a liberal, I agree. I wonder though, how do you feel about the Supreme Court's decisions in CU v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC., and how McConnell is literally bribing Senators to vote for the health care bill?

Money in politics is as old as politics. No law is going to change money buying influence and putting candidates in office.

You don't think Reid and Pelosi twisted arms and made offers for votes? Every hear of the Cornhusker kickback? Even ole Bernie Sanders grabbed a piece of pie for his vote.

Payoffs for states get Reid to 60

Ben Nelson’s “Cornhusker Kickback,” as the GOP is calling it, got all the attention Saturday, but other senators lined up for deals as Majority Leader Harry Reidcorralled the last few votes for a health reform package.

Nelson’s might be the most blatant – a deal carved out for a single state, a permanent exemption from the state share of Medicaid expansion for Nebraska, meaning federal taxpayers have to kick in an additional $45 million in the first decade.

But another Democratic holdout, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), took credit for $10 billion in new funding for community health centers, while denying it was a “sweetheart deal.” He was clearly more enthusiastic about a bill he said he couldn’t support just three days ago.

Nelson and Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) carved out an exemption for non-profit insurers in their states from a hefty excise tax. Similar insurers in the other 48 states will pay the tax.
Trump is the dirtiest politician this country has ever seen. He's been in violation of the Constitution the moment he took the oath of office.
So you try to cover for that slimeball by bringing up Bernie?

In other words, you're a bleeding heart liberal and republicans are worse than democrats in every way. Ok, your views and prejudice icrystal clear.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.

As a liberal, I agree. I wonder though, how do you feel about the Supreme Court's decisions in CU v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC., and how McConnell is literally bribing Senators to vote for the health care bill?
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.

As a liberal, I agree. I wonder though, how do you feel about the Supreme Court's decisions in CU v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC., and how McConnell is literally bribing Senators to vote for the health care bill?

Money in politics is as old as politics. No law is going to change money buying influence and putting candidates in office.

You don't think Reid and Pelosi twisted arms and made offers for votes? Every hear of the Cornhusker kickback? Even ole Bernie Sanders grabbed a piece of pie for his vote.

Payoffs for states get Reid to 60

Ben Nelson’s “Cornhusker Kickback,” as the GOP is calling it, got all the attention Saturday, but other senators lined up for deals as Majority Leader Harry Reidcorralled the last few votes for a health reform package.

Nelson’s might be the most blatant – a deal carved out for a single state, a permanent exemption from the state share of Medicaid expansion for Nebraska, meaning federal taxpayers have to kick in an additional $45 million in the first decade.

But another Democratic holdout, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), took credit for $10 billion in new funding for community health centers, while denying it was a “sweetheart deal.” He was clearly more enthusiastic about a bill he said he couldn’t support just three days ago.

Nelson and Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) carved out an exemption for non-profit insurers in their states from a hefty excise tax. Similar insurers in the other 48 states will pay the tax.

You've misconstrued my comments on the two CU decisions.

[Your point is valid and I too abhor how members of Congress spend hours each day in solicitation of money for the reelection]

The dark money is what I find to be most troublesome. Given the Russian Question, and the concern from both sides of the aisle on foreign intervention in our elections, the Russian's and other adversaries can anonymously fund commercials for months supporting or attacking those running for office of POTUS.

My comments about McConnell are valid, he is bribing members of the Senate; of course he's not the first leader to do so. The difference, McConnell is putting American citizens at risk with the flawed product they've cobbled together in the past few weeks.

McConnell is culpable for his misfeasance in failing to provide advice and consent to President Obama's USSC nomination.

So what McConnell is doing is worse because the bill is flawed? So BOcare was brilliant legislation and therefore Reid's bribery was justified? That is just brilliant.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.

I work, don't need to steal old man. You are a blind lefty that will suck off anybody who promises more freebies. Who is the thief here?

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