Trump is the Sign of US Capitalism's Collapse

Nobody is going to read that communist tripe.
Is that because MAGA morons are illiterate?

There's a Crisis in US Capitalism -

"U.S. economic policy now focuses on what is already the worst business cycle downturn since the 1929 crash.

"As data accumulate, it may well prove to be the worst in global capitalism’s entire history.

"Forty million jobless U.S. workers find incomes lost, savings disappearing and over-indebted family finances worsening."

Commies talking about economics......isn't that like virgins talking about sex?
Those who have read Karl Marx know capitalism the best.
Nobody is going to read that communist tripe.
Is that because MAGA morons are illiterate?

There's a Crisis in US Capitalism -

"U.S. economic policy now focuses on what is already the worst business cycle downturn since the 1929 crash.

"As data accumulate, it may well prove to be the worst in global capitalism’s entire history.

"Forty million jobless U.S. workers find incomes lost, savings disappearing and over-indebted family finances worsening."

Commies talking about economics......isn't that like virgins talking about sex?
Those who have read Karl Marx know capitalism the best.

Why does bailed out capitalism work so much better than bailed out communism?
Surely you jest. You want to see genocide, just look at the history of socialism?Marxism/communism. First you disarm the public, then you kill everyone that dissents publicly.
Capitalism has killed hundreds of millions of native Americans over the past five hundred years; why do you believe communist crimes affect that reality?
I think I have not ever heard of capitalism being listed as the cause on a death certificate. Nor have I ever heard it listed in a medical journal or on the news.

Is that a viral pandemic that will generate a permanent lockdown?
I think I have not ever heard of capitalism being listed as the cause on a death certificate. Nor have I ever heard it listed in a medical journal or on the news.

Is that a viral pandemic that will generate a permanent lockdown?
That really depends on your faith in the profit motive.

If someone dies because capitalists chose profits over public health, then the medical cause of death had an economic root, as the current pandemic reveals once again.

How Capitalism Kills During a Pandemic

"It means that capitalists prioritize profits over the welfare of their workers and of humanity as a whole.

"Owners will make their employees work in uncomfortable and dangerous conditions and refuse to pay them a living wage.

"They will pollute the environment with deadly toxins and planet-destroying greenhouse gases before spending money on safe production processes.

"And they will oppose life-saving social policies like Medicare for All because they increase their taxes and strengthen employees’ power to bargain for better wages.

"Which brings us back to coronavirus."
There's a Crisis in US Capitalism -

"Trump is a product and sign of U.S. capitalism’s exhaustion.

"The long, cozy governmental alternation between GOP and Democrats after the trauma of the 1930s Great Depression had achieved its purpose.

"It had undone FDR’s redistribution of wealth from the top to the middle and the bottom. It had 'fixed' that problem by reversing the redistribution of wealth and income.

"The ideological cover for that 'fix' was bipartisan demonization of domestic socialism combined with bipartisan pursuit of Cold War with the USSR.

"The major GOP vs. Democratic Party dispute concerned the modes and extents of governmental support for private capitalism (as in Keynes vs. Friedman, etc.). That minor squabble got raised to the status of 'the major issue' for politicians, journalists, and academics to debate because they caved to the taboo on debates over capitalism vs. socialism."

The Coronavirus has given the US Capitalists a reason to delay their move to New Zealand.

For at least a decade serious investors have known that debts that can't be repaid won't be repaid. With consumer and corporate debt at record levels and major Wall Street banks who've made loans and guarantees which can NOT be covered WITHOUT support from the Fed, serious investors have known a major break in the chain of payment is inevitable.

Covid-19 has provided the government owned by the investor class a good reason to create trillion$ ostensibly for "small businesses."

Who among us is gullible enough to believe that con?

The crony-capitalist who destroyed Capitalism?

The Big Banks' Ticking Time Bomb that Could Cause the Next Recession |

You are a little confused about this.

The US capitalist economy was going great until Biden's Chicom buddies fucked the whole world with their virus.

If Trump is reelected the economy will quickly recover.

If Biden is elected (heaven forbid) we will return to the failed economy we had under Obama where family income decreased, poverty increased and economic growth was dismal.
Make up your fricken mind, you complain about the deficit then ask for a handout.
I think you're conflating consumer/corporate debt with national deficit/debt.
Regarding the latter, I don't believe it's possible for a sovereign state printing its own currency to ever run out of money.

So the solution is to just print more money? Brilliant...dumbass.
Tax the fuck out of the super-wealthy.

Do we really need all these billionaires?

High tax rates don't incentivize anyone to invest.
They incentivize capital flight and tax shelters.
And Ike's top corporate rate was 52%, idiot.
* ok, we’ll have lower investment for a while.
* codify harsh criminal penalties for tax shelters and capital flight - at least for corporate inversion.
* I’m fine with 52%.

* ok, we’ll have lower investment for a while.

Much lower, for a really long time.

* codify harsh criminal penalties for tax shelters and capital flight - at least for corporate inversion.

LOL! Don't hold back, give some details.

* I’m fine with 52%.

You're also an idiot.
So, again you have nothing. :lol:
Tax the fuck out of the super-wealthy.

Do we really need all these billionaires?

High tax rates don't incentivize anyone to invest.
They incentivize capital flight and tax shelters.
And Ike's top corporate rate was 52%, idiot.
* ok, we’ll have lower investment for a while.
* codify harsh criminal penalties for tax shelters and capital flight - at least for corporate inversion.
* I’m fine with 52%.

* ok, we’ll have lower investment for a while.

Much lower, for a really long time.

* codify harsh criminal penalties for tax shelters and capital flight - at least for corporate inversion.

LOL! Don't hold back, give some details.

* I’m fine with 52%.

You're also an idiot.
So, again you have nothing. :lol:

How could I have anything if you won't explain your brilliant plans to criminalize capital flight?
So the solution is to just print more money? Brilliant...dumbass
Stop thinking like Trump, Loon.

"Why Balancing the Budget Is a Silly Idea

"Spending creates money and taxation destroys it, then spending creates it again.

"Modern money is like a circuit — money is spent into circulation and taxed back out.

"A balanced budget means that the amounts entering and exiting are equal.

"Deficit spending — more money being spent than being taxed — means the non-government, aka the people at large, must gain wealth.

"A surplus — more money being taxed than spent — means the people at large must lose wealth.

"If the goal is to create jobs, increase the production of economic value, or develop resources, then a budget surplus is clearly the worst strategy possible and even a balanced budget is unhelpful at best."

"Spending deficits are equal to the people’s surplus."
So the solution is to just print more money? Brilliant...dumbass
Stop thinking like Trump, Loon.

"Why Balancing the Budget Is a Silly Idea

"Spending creates money and taxation destroys it, then spending creates it again.

"Modern money is like a circuit — money is spent into circulation and taxed back out.

"A balanced budget means that the amounts entering and exiting are equal.

"Deficit spending — more money being spent than being taxed — means the non-government, aka the people at large, must gain wealth.

"A surplus — more money being taxed than spent — means the people at large must lose wealth.

"If the goal is to create jobs, increase the production of economic value, or develop resources, then a budget surplus is clearly the worst strategy possible and even a balanced budget is unhelpful at best."

"Spending deficits are equal to the people’s surplus."

Yep, your way makes so much more sense...dumbass.

You are a little confused about this.

The US capitalist economy was going great until Biden's Chicom buddies fucked the whole world with their virus.
You are conflating the economy with the stock market:

Wall Street Banks Tank One Day After Fed Chair Says They’re “a Source of Strength”

"If these mega banks on Wall Street are in such good shape, why did the Fed have to jump in on September 17, 2019 – months before the first COVID-19 case appeared anywhere in the world – and start pumping hundreds of billions of dollars a week in loans to the trading units owned by these banks?"

Trump's economy is just another bubble, and the Corona virus was an economic miracle in April for parasites like Trump and other speculators.
You are a little confused about this.

The US capitalist economy was going great until Biden's Chicom buddies fucked the whole world with their virus.
You are conflating the economy with the stock market:

Wall Street Banks Tank One Day After Fed Chair Says They’re “a Source of Strength”

"If these mega banks on Wall Street are in such good shape, why did the Fed have to jump in on September 17, 2019 – months before the first COVID-19 case appeared anywhere in the world – and start pumping hundreds of billions of dollars a week in loans to the trading units owned by these banks?"

Trump's economy is just another bubble, and the Corona virus was an economic miracle in April for parasites like Trump and other speculators.

The problem that the US economy has is that the US is a filthy ass welfare state with almost 40% of the GDP going for the combined (Fed, State and Local) cost of government. How in the hell can Americans get ahead with the filthy government taking so much money out of the productive economy and giving us not much in return? The welfare queens, Illegals and Libtard special interest groups make out but the people that pay for it suffer.
So the solution is to just print more money? Brilliant...dumbass
Stop thinking like Trump, Loon.

"Why Balancing the Budget Is a Silly Idea

"Spending creates money and taxation destroys it, then spending creates it again.

"Modern money is like a circuit — money is spent into circulation and taxed back out.

"A balanced budget means that the amounts entering and exiting are equal.

"Deficit spending — more money being spent than being taxed — means the non-government, aka the people at large, must gain wealth.

"A surplus — more money being taxed than spent — means the people at large must lose wealth.

"If the goal is to create jobs, increase the production of economic value, or develop resources, then a budget surplus is clearly the worst strategy possible and even a balanced budget is unhelpful at best."

"Spending deficits are equal to the people’s surplus."

"If the goal is to create jobs, increase the production of economic value,

Then we should reduce government spending that doesn't increase the production of economic value or worse, destroys economic value.

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