Trump is the only guy who can get away with not releasing his tax returns

Here is a link to some of Hillary's policies, moron. She doesn't keep changing her mind from hour to hour like doofus Trump.

Hillary for America starts right here | Hillary for America
And here are the Trump policies or promises, or maybe they are just suggestions:
Build a Wall
Deport 8 Million People
Ban Muslims
Determine how international trade works and then fix it
Cut taxes, Increase taxes, and simply taxes

You forgot to add that he is going to make Mexico pay for the wall....that's very important, as it will not increase our debt!
The likelihood that Mexico would ever pay for that wall are about zero. This insistence that Mexico pay for the Wall shows how little Trump understands about international negotiations. If the president of Mexico agreed, he would be impeached. You can not publicly insult a national leader and his people and expect any cooperation.
I don't think the government of Mexico will have any choice in the matter. Trump you have no idea how much power a President has or doesn't have.

Mexico will have no choice? Bwahahaha....what is Trump going to do to make Mexico pay? Insult them? Or maybe he'll push the button! You're so naive.

There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Naive my ass.
Here are the Disgusting Names Planned Parenthood Activists Just Called Donald Trump

"The Planned Parenthood abortion business rallied its members over the weekend, along with the campaign of abortion activists Hillary Clinton, to oppose presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

During the event, the abortion supporters behind the abortion company called Trump a litany of disgusting and offensive names. As the pro-abortion Huffington Post reports:

“Asshole,” “racist,” “chauvinist,” “dangerous,” “unqualified” and “pendejo“ were all words Planned Parenthood volunteers used when asked to share their thoughts about Trump. One woman said she thought a fart noise would be more appropriate than an actual word.

Nearly 1,000 of Planned Parenthood’s most active volunteers gathered in Pittsburgh this past weekend for an intensive Power of Pink grassroots training, the kickoff for the organization’s 2016 work. The group has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton, so mobilizing against Trump will be a major focus."
Here are the Disgusting Names Planned Parenthood Activists Just Called Donald Trump

"The Planned Parenthood abortion business rallied its members over the weekend, along with the campaign of abortion activists Hillary Clinton, to oppose presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

During the event, the abortion supporters behind the abortion company called Trump a litany of disgusting and offensive names. As the pro-abortion Huffington Post reports:

“Asshole,” “racist,” “chauvinist,” “dangerous,” “unqualified” and “pendejo“ were all words Planned Parenthood volunteers used when asked to share their thoughts about Trump. One woman said she thought a fart noise would be more appropriate than an actual word.

Nearly 1,000 of Planned Parenthood’s most active volunteers gathered in Pittsburgh this past weekend for an intensive Power of Pink grassroots training, the kickoff for the organization’s 2016 work. The group has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton, so mobilizing against Trump will be a major focus."
This is absolutely awesome.
Why? Who gives a rip about his tax returns, and why?
He already said he is in the middle of an audit, and won't show returns until that is finished.
What's the big deal? Just something to harp on??
Why? Who gives a rip about his tax returns, and why?
He already said he is in the middle of an audit, and won't show returns until that is finished.
What's the big deal? Just something to harp on??

Because it has been customary for presidential candidates to release at least one or two of their most current returns since the 1970's, because people wanted to know how much their president made.

And................being audited is no reason to not release your tax returns if you're a candidate. Nixon released his while he was being audited.

I think Trump is scared of what they may show.
Why? Who gives a rip about his tax returns, and why?
He already said he is in the middle of an audit, and won't show returns until that is finished.
What's the big deal? Just something to harp on??

Because it has been customary for presidential candidates to release at least one or two of their most current returns since the 1970's, because people wanted to know how much their president made.

And................being audited is no reason to not release your tax returns if you're a candidate. Nixon released his while he was being audited.

I think Trump is scared of what they may show.

Maybe so, but I don't care. And I doubt Trump is scared of much, and certainly not this. Come've never seen him talk about it? I have. More than once.
Why? Who gives a rip about his tax returns, and why?
He already said he is in the middle of an audit, and won't show returns until that is finished.
What's the big deal? Just something to harp on??

Because it has been customary for presidential candidates to release at least one or two of their most current returns since the 1970's, because people wanted to know how much their president made.

And................being audited is no reason to not release your tax returns if you're a candidate. Nixon released his while he was being audited.

I think Trump is scared of what they may show.

Maybe so, but I don't care. And I doubt Trump is scared of much, and certainly not this. Come've never seen him talk about it? I have. More than once.

The only talk I've heard about his taxes is him saying he CAN'T release them because of the audit (which is a lie, because Nixon released his while being audited), but will release them after it's done, probably sometime after he's elected. I've also heard him tell a reporter that it's none of his business what Trumps' effective tax rate is.

If he's not scared, then why doesn't he just release them?
When it comes to releasing records and after Obungles the left's best bet is to just shut up

You lie. Obama released his tax records.

He won't release his college records.
He probably didn't release his latest colonoscopy records either. It's nobody's fucking business. Trump, et al, don't have any requirement to release private records to the public. Taxes are the business of the taxpayer and the IRS, not the nosy public.
When it comes to releasing records and after Obungles the left's best bet is to just shut up

You lie. Obama released his tax records.

He won't release his college records.
He probably didn't release his latest colonoscopy records either. It's nobody's fucking business. Trump, et al, don't have any requirement to release private records to the public. Taxes are the business of the taxpayer and the IRS, not the nosy public.
Bullshit. After that ridiculous birther conspiracy theory of his, its everyones fucking business less he be a hypocrite.
He's very wealthy and likely pays low taxes. Still not gonna support the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Movin on...

You're being so generous with that scumbag. He probably hasn't been paying taxes and his supporters don't mind that they support someone that will tax them (if he were to become President - big "if") while he gets to rob the country of much needed funds. And FYI, Trump was accused of rape, and Bill was never found guilty of don't try to act so uppity with your dumbass choice.
Trump actually did rape, but Clinton was only accused.

Good to see that the party of Family Values goes with the things that were accused,but never shown to be true.Trump raped, but Clinton was asked.

Sorry, but Hillary never did anything that was sexual. Trump did.

If you're gonna attack her for that, then you have to acknowledge that Trump has done much of the same, with a bit more than what Hillary has been accused of.
Well, we have a HISTORY of the Subversive/Socialist/DemoRATS using taxes and LIES to defame their opposition!So why would Trump oblige them with a tax return?

Of course, the lying Socialist/DemocRATS admit to LYING after the fact...."We won, didn't we?"

He's very wealthy and likely pays low taxes. Still not gonna support the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Movin on...

You're being so generous with that scumbag. He probably hasn't been paying taxes and his supporters don't mind that they support someone that will tax them (if he were to become President - big "if") while he gets to rob the country of much needed funds. And FYI, Trump was accused of rape, and Bill was never found guilty of don't try to act so uppity with your dumbass choice.

Like i said, unimportant in the whole scheme of things. I'm not gonna support the corrupt witch and her serial rapist husband.
He's very wealthy and likely pays low taxes. Still not gonna support the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. Movin on...

You're being so generous with that scumbag. He probably hasn't been paying taxes and his supporters don't mind that they support someone that will tax them (if he were to become President - big "if") while he gets to rob the country of much needed funds. And FYI, Trump was accused of rape, and Bill was never found guilty of don't try to act so uppity with your dumbass choice.

Every poll is saying that the majority of independents are very troubled by Donald Trump's failure to release his taxes. His campaign manager was on television this morning reiterating that Trump tries to pay the smallest amount permitted by law which tells me at least we know where this is going.The spin will be that the law allows Trump to pay nothing and that is the American way. The problem for Trump is that he is the only person in America who believes it.

Ronnie Raygun said "Trust but verify" and Donald isn't going to worm his way out of this.
I'd like to know what his effective tax rate was, because I'd like to know if he's paying more or less in taxes than the average American.

We already know Mittens had a tax rate of around 14 percent, when the average American has one of around 28 percent. I bet you the reason that Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns (and it's not because of an audit, because Nixon released his while being audited), but rather because his tax rate is even less than what Mittens paid.
Where are the transcripts to Hillary's speeches? She admits 1.5 freaking million dollars for a couple of 20 minute mystery speeches while Trump is undergoing the usual anal investigation by the IRS. Sooner or later media pressure will forceTrump will release his tax information but it ain't likely that the media will throw anything but softballs at Hillary.

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