Trump is now George W. Bush

Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
One airstrike = two endless wars?

Coming from a guy who started a thread lamenting the escalation of tensions with Iran this comment is rather sad. Pick a side and stick with it. Confusion like this is a sign of an addled mind.
what is it you think Iran will do? ewwwww, you must be skeered, huh? Why didn't you react this way when Bin Laden was killed? What is different? Please, me believes you to be confused.
The ony wars we are involed in are the ones we were before Trump was elected and when he talked about leaving Syria his critics on both the right and left pissed their pants over it.
Leaving Syria wasn't the problem. Bailing out on our allies with no warning and leaving them to Turkey's tender mercies was one problem. Another is that the greatest beneficiary of this move is Russia. It gave them easy access to the area, and allowed their Ally Iran to extend it's influence as well. And with the Kurds now allied with the Syrian government we essentially gave the Russians our best partner in the area.
bailing on which allies is that? Syria isn't our ally. Fk dude, Turkey is. hly crap, how's that arm up your arse feel? wow. never an original thought huh masterbaiter?
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.

The Kurds are (or were) our allies. Turkey may be a NATO member (for now) but they certainly don't have our interests anywhere in mind, and they are currently cozying up to our enemies.
And I've gotta say, you tRumplings seem to have an unhealthy obsession with my ass.

What's up with that?
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
One airstrike = two endless wars?

Coming from a guy who started a thread lamenting the escalation of tensions with Iran, this comment is rather sad. Pick a side and stick with it. Confusion like this is a sign of an addled mind.
The confusion is all yours. You made the assertion that the airstrike = Bush's wars not me.
My calling you on a stupid statement here in no way conflicts with my post.

Your tunnel vision prohibits you from seeing the big picture.
The ony wars we are involed in are the ones we were before Trump was elected and when he talked about leaving Syria his critics on both the right and left pissed their pants over it.
Leaving Syria wasn't the problem. Bailing out on our allies with no warning and leaving them to Turkey's tender mercies was one problem. Another is that the greatest beneficiary of this move is Russia. It gave them easy access to the area, and allowed their Ally Iran to extend it's influence as well. And with the Kurds now allied with the Syrian government we essentially gave the Russians our best partner in the area.
Trump could have given six months notice or a years notice the reaction in Washington would have been the same.
I can't speak for other folks, but mine would have been different. A measured, planned withdrawal could have been managed in such a way as to avoid most if not all of the problems I listed.
when you become president, then you can implement them.
Which basically means you can't respond intelligently (big surprise there) so you tried to get in a jab.

You missed.
The ony wars we are involed in are the ones we were before Trump was elected and when he talked about leaving Syria his critics on both the right and left pissed their pants over it.
Leaving Syria wasn't the problem. Bailing out on our allies with no warning and leaving them to Turkey's tender mercies was one problem. Another is that the greatest beneficiary of this move is Russia. It gave them easy access to the area, and allowed their Ally Iran to extend it's influence as well. And with the Kurds now allied with the Syrian government we essentially gave the Russians our best partner in the area.
bailing on which allies is that? Syria isn't our ally. Fk dude, Turkey is. hly crap, how's that arm up your arse feel? wow. never an original thought huh masterbaiter?
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.

The Kurds are (or were) our allies. Turkey may be a NATO member (for now) but they certainly don't have our interests anywhere in mind, and they are currently cozying up to our enemies.
And I've gotta say, you tRumplings seem to have an unhealthy obsession with my ass.

What's up with that?
they are? when did they become our ally? Are they part of the UN? Turkey is. That makes them the ally. what a fking idiot. the Kurds are a people, countries are allies.
The ony wars we are involed in are the ones we were before Trump was elected and when he talked about leaving Syria his critics on both the right and left pissed their pants over it.
Leaving Syria wasn't the problem. Bailing out on our allies with no warning and leaving them to Turkey's tender mercies was one problem. Another is that the greatest beneficiary of this move is Russia. It gave them easy access to the area, and allowed their Ally Iran to extend it's influence as well. And with the Kurds now allied with the Syrian government we essentially gave the Russians our best partner in the area.
Trump could have given six months notice or a years notice the reaction in Washington would have been the same.
I can't speak for other folks, but mine would have been different. A measured, planned withdrawal could have been managed in such a way as to avoid most if not all of the problems I listed.
when you become president, then you can implement them.
Which basically means you can't respond intelligently (big surprise there) so you tried to get in a jab.

You missed.
how so? when you become president, you can run the military as you like. what is wrong with that statement? dude, get off the cliff, that's a long way down from there.
The ony wars we are involed in are the ones we were before Trump was elected and when he talked about leaving Syria his critics on both the right and left pissed their pants over it.
Leaving Syria wasn't the problem. Bailing out on our allies with no warning and leaving them to Turkey's tender mercies was one problem. Another is that the greatest beneficiary of this move is Russia. It gave them easy access to the area, and allowed their Ally Iran to extend it's influence as well. And with the Kurds now allied with the Syrian government we essentially gave the Russians our best partner in the area.
bailing on which allies is that? Syria isn't our ally. Fk dude, Turkey is. hly crap, how's that arm up your arse feel? wow. never an original thought huh masterbaiter?
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.

The Kurds are (or were) our allies. Turkey may be a NATO member (for now) but they certainly don't have our interests anywhere in mind, and they are currently cozying up to our enemies.
And I've gotta say, you tRumplings seem to have an unhealthy obsession with my ass.

What's up with that?
they are? when did they become our ally? Are they part of the UN? Turkey is. That makes them the ally. what a fking idiot. the Kurds are a people, countries are allies.
Damn kid. You got yer keyboard and yer mouse and you're just-a bangin' away without a clue aren't ya.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
One airstrike = two endless wars?

Coming from a guy who started a thread lamenting the escalation of tensions with Iran, this comment is rather sad. Pick a side and stick with it. Confusion like this is a sign of an addled mind.
The confusion is all yours. You made the assertion that the airstrike = Bush's wars not me.
My calling you on a stupid statement here in no way conflicts with my post.

Your tunnel vision prohibits you from seeing the big picture.
This thread is similar to your in the sense that I am speaking of the "run up" to a war. Look at the comments from Trumpers all now screaming for our troops to be on themarch. Trump tweets that this guy killed "millions". Just like W's run up to the Iraq War it is a lie. Suleimani was a bad guy in a region full of bad guys, but there was a reason other presidents as well as our allies did not kill him, including the Israelis.

You are obviously backpedaling. Grow a backbone and stick with your initial thought. We are running up too quickly to War. Just like W.
I guess he's sticking to the "2 in 1" Dubya idea of war. Iraq and Afghanistan it was, now he is pissing off both Iraq and Iran.

His chances of reelection are also plummeting, I would think.
Iraq isn't mad at the US. you are a fking fool for that thought.
Your ass must give you lots of information, because what you write isn't even true.

This article is a few days old, thus before the drone strike on the general.
Iraq slams US air strikes on its territory
The ony wars we are involed in are the ones we were before Trump was elected and when he talked about leaving Syria his critics on both the right and left pissed their pants over it.
Leaving Syria wasn't the problem. Bailing out on our allies with no warning and leaving them to Turkey's tender mercies was one problem. Another is that the greatest beneficiary of this move is Russia. It gave them easy access to the area, and allowed their Ally Iran to extend it's influence as well. And with the Kurds now allied with the Syrian government we essentially gave the Russians our best partner in the area.
bailing on which allies is that? Syria isn't our ally. Fk dude, Turkey is. hly crap, how's that arm up your arse feel? wow. never an original thought huh masterbaiter?
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.

The Kurds are (or were) our allies. Turkey may be a NATO member (for now) but they certainly don't have our interests anywhere in mind, and they are currently cozying up to our enemies.
And I've gotta say, you tRumplings seem to have an unhealthy obsession with my ass.

What's up with that?
they are? when did they become our ally? Are they part of the UN? Turkey is. That makes them the ally. what a fking idiot. the Kurds are a people, countries are allies.
Damn kid. You got yer keyboard and yer mouse and you're just-a bangin' away without a clue aren't ya.
I don't play games. Go get your board game Clue out and have fun.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
One airstrike = two endless wars?

Coming from a guy who started a thread lamenting the escalation of tensions with Iran, this comment is rather sad. Pick a side and stick with it. Confusion like this is a sign of an addled mind.
The confusion is all yours. You made the assertion that the airstrike = Bush's wars not me.
My calling you on a stupid statement here in no way conflicts with my post.

Your tunnel vision prohibits you from seeing the big picture.
This thread is similar to your in the sense that I am speaking of the "run up" to a war. Look at the comments from Trumpers all now screaming for our troops to be on themarch. Trump tweets that this guy killed "millions". Just like Trump's run up to the Iraq War it is a lie. Suleimani was a bad guy in a region of bad guys, but there was a reason other presidents as well as our allies did not kill him, including the Israelis.

You are obviously backpedaling. Grow a backbone and stick with your initial thought. We are running up to quickly to War. Just like W.
You love you some hyperbole dontcha.

I have posted FOR YEARS that we need to bring our troops home.
One airstrike =/= endless wars.

Get a grip fool.
I guess he's sticking to the "2 in 1" Dubya idea of war. Iraq and Afghanistan it was, now he is pissing off both Iraq and Iran.

His chances of reelection are also plummeting, I would think.
Iraq isn't mad at the US. you are a fking fool for that thought.
Your ass must give you lots of information, because what you write isn't even true.

This article is a few days old, thus before the drone strike on the general.
Iraq slams US air strikes on its territory
hahahahahahaha, you think that's Iraq. We know it's Iran. but hey, fk, why investigate the truth's.
I guess he's sticking to the "2 in 1" Dubya idea of war. Iraq and Afghanistan it was, now he is pissing off both Iraq and Iran.

His chances of reelection are also plummeting, I would think.
Iraq isn't mad at the US. you are a fking fool for that thought.
Your ass must give you lots of information, because what you write isn't even true.

This article is a few days old, thus before the drone strike on the general.
Iraq slams US air strikes on its territory
hahahahahahaha, you think that's Iraq. We know it's Iran. but hey, fk, why investigate the truth's.
Most people can tell the difference between q and n, not you apparently.

And you're such an idiot you probably don't even know the Shi'ites are part of the Iraqi govt.

In fact, you probably thought the Iranian general was killed on Iranian soil.
Last edited:
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
i think few are OUT to start a fight, but the fight was started long ago. have you actually looked at the history of this general? or are you just here to be ANTI-TRUMP and spout out some bulletpoints?

i'm guessing #2 which i suppose is fitting for your shit, but thought i'd ask just the same.
Republicans please quit electing presidents who have yet to learn the price of war.
Obama was at war with someone for HIS ENTIRE TWO FUCKING TERMS
obama did a shitload of drone attacks. looks like trump is following that lead but it's disingenuous to say that obama was a peace loving president when he did well over 500 drone attacks in his tenure.
Leaving Syria wasn't the problem. Bailing out on our allies with no warning and leaving them to Turkey's tender mercies was one problem. Another is that the greatest beneficiary of this move is Russia. It gave them easy access to the area, and allowed their Ally Iran to extend it's influence as well. And with the Kurds now allied with the Syrian government we essentially gave the Russians our best partner in the area.
bailing on which allies is that? Syria isn't our ally. Fk dude, Turkey is. hly crap, how's that arm up your arse feel? wow. never an original thought huh masterbaiter?
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.

The Kurds are (or were) our allies. Turkey may be a NATO member (for now) but they certainly don't have our interests anywhere in mind, and they are currently cozying up to our enemies.
And I've gotta say, you tRumplings seem to have an unhealthy obsession with my ass.

What's up with that?
they are? when did they become our ally? Are they part of the UN? Turkey is. That makes them the ally. what a fking idiot. the Kurds are a people, countries are allies.
Damn kid. You got yer keyboard and yer mouse and you're just-a bangin' away without a clue aren't ya.
I don't play games. Go get your board game Clue out and have fun.
Republicans please quit electing presidents who have yet to learn the price of war.
Obama was at war with someone for HIS ENTIRE TWO FUCKING TERMS
obama did a shitload of drone attacks. looks like trump is following that lead but it's disingenuous to say that obama was a peace loving president when he did well over 500 drone attacks in his tenure.
That is definitely true, Bill Clinton also bombed Iraq every week or two, sometimes even more often.
Republicans please quit electing presidents who have yet to learn the price of war.
You do know that more US troops have died under a Democrats Presidency than Republicans ?
Only because FDR was in office in WWII.
WWI Woodrow Wilson D 116,516 deaths
WWII Franklin Delanor Roosevelt. D 416,800 deaths
Korean War Harry Truman D 33,686 deaths
Vietnam War John F. Kennedy D conflict escalated during Lyndon Baines Johnson. D administration. 58,220 deaths.
Republicans please quit electing presidents who have yet to learn the price of war.
You do know that more US troops have died under a Democrats Presidency than Republicans ?
Only because FDR was in office in WWII.
WWI Woodrow Wilson D 116,516 deaths
WWII Franklin Delanor Roosevelt. D 416,800 deaths
Korean War Harry Truman D 33,686 deaths
Vietnam War John F. Kennedy D conflict escalated during Lyndon Baines Johnson. D administration. 58,220 deaths.

Our involvement in Vietnam started with Eisenhower and ended with Ford - with Nixon escalating in between.
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