Trump is now George W. Bush
Our involvement in Vietnam started with Eisenhower and ended with Ford - with Nixon escalating in between.

While probably much closer to the truth, that doesn't change the fact that Johnson got the U.S. seriously involved in combat and the D camp bears responsibility for much of the casualty count.

Maybe the better measure would be between wars forced upon the U.S., and "wars of choice", better known as "criminal wars of aggression" since shortly after WW II. In these cases, the number of civilians needlessly killed in that criminal pursuit should be added to the count. Unless we think "we" (Americans) count, but "you" (lesser humans) don't.

Anyway, Trump apparently threw wide open the door toward yet another war in the Middle East - following the old neo-con adage, "Real men go to Tehran" that was all the rage until Bush, the monstrous clown, fell on his red honking nose with the lesser war he criminally started. Of course, as is usually the case, letting criminals get away Scot free results in more criminality down the line. There was a time when Republicans were aware of that, and President Obama, to his eternal shame, didn't exactly insist on accountability either.
Republicans please quit electing presidents who have yet to learn the price of war.
You do know that more US troops have died under a Democrats Presidency than Republicans ?
Only because FDR was in office in WWII.
WWI Woodrow Wilson D 116,516 deaths
WWII Franklin Delanor Roosevelt. D 416,800 deaths
Korean War Harry Truman D 33,686 deaths
Vietnam War John F. Kennedy D conflict escalated during Lyndon Baines Johnson. D administration. 58,220 deaths.

Our involvement in Vietnam started with Eisenhower and ended with Ford - with Nixon escalating in between.
You are seriously historically retarded. Truman started by sending equipment and a small number of advisors during the Eisenhower administration it climbed to 1000 troops. Under Kennedy that number was over 16,000. LBJ started the real escalation by 1967 there were 500,000 troops in Vietnam.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces

While I agree with everything you said, I gotta point out that Obama and his supporters were NOT anti war, when Obama was drone striking the hell out of the middle east and keep those same wars going, that W started.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Would not be fooled again.”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

As we are seeing Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support the war. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

Hyperbole much? Maybe another cuple pallets of cash?

What he said was absolutely true. In fact, I remember W campaigning on a "more humble foreign policy." For the record, at first, I was a pretty big W fan. But 6 months and 3 days after 9/11, W said "I'm really just not that concerned with Osama." That's when everything started changing, little by little. Up until the invasion of Iraq.

Trump is just like W.
Republicans please quit electing presidents who have yet to learn the price of war.
You do know that more US troops have died under a Democrats Presidency than Republicans ?
Only because FDR was in office in WWII.
WWI Woodrow Wilson D 116,516 deaths
WWII Franklin Delanor Roosevelt. D 416,800 deaths
Korean War Harry Truman D 33,686 deaths
Vietnam War John F. Kennedy D conflict escalated during Lyndon Baines Johnson. D administration. 58,220 deaths.

Our involvement in Vietnam started with Eisenhower and ended with Ford - with Nixon escalating in between.
You are seriously historically retarded. Truman started by sending equipment and a small number of advisors during the Eisenhower administration it climbed to 1000 troops. Under Kennedy that number was over 16,000. LBJ started the real escalation by 1967 there were 500,000 troops in Vietnam.

Kennedy, from what I understand, didn't send combat troops. Only security forces to protect our aid to south vietnam. It was LBJ that sent combat forces and the rest of our war machines to Vietnam.

LBJ was a scumbag POS.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Would not be fooled again.”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

As we are seeing Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support the war. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

Hyperbole much? Maybe another cuple pallets of cash?

What he said was absolutely true. In fact, I remember W campaigning on a "more humble foreign policy." For the record, at first, I was a pretty big W fan. But 6 months and 3 days after 9/11, W said "I'm really just not that concerned with Osama." That's when everything started changing, little by little. Up until the invasion of Iraq.

Trump is just like W.

To a degree yes I agree with you. But Dubya was weak and soft. And he commited the USA to 20 years of war for money. He set in place an apparatus to spy on Americans. Just ask Donald Trump and all those other guys. They can tell you all about it.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces

The only reason why the far right radical extremists were against the bush boy wars was because Obama was president. If romney or mccain had been president they would have still loved the Iraq War.

Of course they will do the exact same thing with trump as they did with the bush boy. They have been ever since trump was nominated. March lock step with every word and action trump takes. Which is what they did in the bush boy years. What they will ALWAYS do when we have a republican president.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Would not be fooled again.”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

As we are seeing Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support the war. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

Hyperbole much? Maybe another cuple pallets of cash?

What he said was absolutely true. In fact, I remember W campaigning on a "more humble foreign policy." For the record, at first, I was a pretty big W fan. But 6 months and 3 days after 9/11, W said "I'm really just not that concerned with Osama." That's when everything started changing, little by little. Up until the invasion of Iraq.

Trump is just like W.

To a degree yes I agree with you. But Dubya was weak and soft. And he commited the USA to 20 years of war for money. He set in place an apparatus to spy on Americans. Just ask Donald Trump and all those other guys. They can tell you all about it.

Trump reauthorized FISA 702. Apparently he likes it a whole lot better when everyone else is being spied on, except him.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces

The only reason why the far right radical extremists were against the bush boy wars was because Obama was president. If romney or mccain had been president they would have still loved the Iraq War.

Of course they will do the exact same thing with trump as they did with the bush boy. They have been ever since trump was nominated. March lock step with every word and action trump takes. Which is what they did in the bush boy years. What they will ALWAYS do when we have a republican president.

As true as that might be, I didn't see the democrats protesting the wars when Obama was president.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979
Too bad you can't read or understand history before then. Say 1953 when the CIA overthrew the government of Iran because they wouldn't kiss America's ass. THAT is where this started,1979 was just the Iranian people's response but go ahead wash your hands of ANYTHING wrong the US ever does.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces

Uh no.
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979
Too bad you can't read or understand history before then. Say 1953 when the CIA overthrew the government of Iran because they wouldn't kiss America's ass. THAT is where this started,1979 was just the Iranian people's response but go ahead wash your hands of ANYTHING wrong the US ever does.
The US and britain backed royalists in iran who wanted to return the shah to power in the midst of a bitter struggle with the soviet union

I still believe the iranian people were better off under the shah than what they got after he was gone

but thats old history now

the fact Is that iran today is a theocracy ruled by 14th century muslim wackos and is a threat to every democracy in the world
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979

Great, why haven't we taken out Putin & Kim?
Remember as Trump was running he said he was going to get us out of the endless wars of the Middle East. Trumpers railed against the lies of W. and said that Trump would never be W. and would never get us into another middle eastern war. All the Trumpers who said they went along with W. during the run up to the 2003 invasion said they were misled and in the words of Peter Townsend, ‘Won’t be fooled again!”

Turns out once again in the words of Peter Townsend, the new boss is the “same as the old boss”, and Trumpers are being fooled again.

As we run up to war with Iran we are hearing the same BS as with Iraq. This war will be a hundred time worse.

Trumpist lemmings are lining up to support a war with Iran. Just like 2003.

Trumpists are and have always been Bushies. We can see that now.

U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
As a proud “trumpist” I have known iran was our enemy since 1979

Great, why haven't we taken out Putin & Kim?
No doubt the Empire has worked up contingency plans for killing them. After all, decades ago they wanted to kill Americans to get a war going with Cuba.

See Operations Northwoods.

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