Trump impeachment: Half-empty spectator gallery puzzles senators


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
The Senate spectator gallery was at least half-empty throughout the first week of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and senators serving as the jury in the marathon sessions are taking notice — some stunned that there aren’t more people watching history unfold, while others understand the public avoiding the repetitive proceedings.

“I’m really surprised at that because this is kind of historic and I would think this would be an opportunity for people to get in there regardless of whose side you are on,” Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) told The Post Friday.


Some Republicans said the monotonous Democratic opening arguments are to blame.

“You know, 28 hours of hearing the same thing over and over again isn’t all that exciting,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has passed the hours with crossword puzzles.

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), who underwent back surgery in August, joked: “Well, if I had a choice I’d probably be home watching Chicago PD.” He added: “No, don’t put that in there or that would make me sound terrible.”

You know, I'm old enough to remember the Nixon hearings when they were ongoing, and how people were transfixed daily to this process...Today we see nothing like that...In fact after a grueling 24 hrs. of various Democrat managers regurgitating the same pablum, and indeed expounding at time far afield from the actual charges themselves, the general public seems unimpressed...and worse for Democrats unmoved by their arguments...

After all this from Democrats, there is NO change in polling...

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump Impeachment and Removal From Office: Support/Oppose

I'd say Democrats are failing in a big way.
Here the impeachment "gallery" is completely empty. No one is watching...
24 hours of "Trump is a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater"



Doesn't hold anyone's attention for very long.
After all this from Democrats, there is NO change in polling...

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump Impeachment and Removal From Office: Support/Oppose

I'd say Democrats are failing in a big way.

Boy, I'm sure not surprised. I can't stand to listen to any of that. I was trying to get some epidemic news yesterday and had to settle for Bloomberg Business broadcasting from Asia --- all the other networks had live coverage of a frizzy-haired Dem woman spouting hated against Trump.
Agreed, the Nixon thing was a LOT more interesting. I watched it every day on TV ----- but I missed the day that John Dean told about the White House tape recorder!!!! I've been kicking myself ever since.

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