Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due, Now, $500 Billion In PPP Funds Have Gone Missing


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due, Now, $500 Billion In PPP Funds Have Gone Missing

“On financial disclosure forms, Trump has reported holding 14 loans on 12 properties. At least six of those loans, representing about $479 million in debt, are due over the next four years. Some are guaranteed by Trump himself, meaning a creditor could come after his personal—not corporate—assets if he defaults. If he holds onto the White House, the refinancing of these debts could take his conflicts of interest to absurd new heights. How will the public know if these deals are on the up and up or whether Trump is receiving sweetheart terms from a bank that wants an in with the president? And what might a lender desire in return for helping Trump out of a financial jam?”

With the impeached president trump on the hook for so very much money, and his extreme opposition to any congressional oversight in the distribution of over $2 trillion in coronavirus assistance funds, perhaps his fingers are into the cookie jar up to his elbows, and going deeper each day.

Add to this, seven of the Democrats on the committee established with the exclusive duty to oversee just how the administration is spreading the pandemic relief money around have begun asking some important questions concerning over $500 billion of that cash. At the same time, attorneys for the Treasury Department are searching for methods to make an additional $500 billion untraceable. A successful plan concocted by these attorneys would permit at least a trillion dollars of borrowed money to disappear with no questions asked.

Trump has a half billion in loans coming due. They may be his biggest conflict of interest yet.

Congress Steps Up Pressure as Trump Administration Evades Bailout Oversight


Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due, Now, $500 Billion In PPP Funds Have Gone Missing

“On financial disclosure forms, Trump has reported holding 14 loans on 12 properties. At least six of those loans, representing about $479 million in debt, are due over the next four years. Some are guaranteed by Trump himself, meaning a creditor could come after his personal—not corporate—assets if he defaults. If he holds onto the White House, the refinancing of these debts could take his conflicts of interest to absurd new heights. How will the public know if these deals are on the up and up or whether Trump is receiving sweetheart terms from a bank that wants an in with the president? And what might a lender desire in return for helping Trump out of a financial jam?”

With the impeached president trump on the hook for so very much money, and his extreme opposition to any congressional oversight in the distribution of over $2 trillion in coronavirus assistance funds, perhaps his fingers are into the cookie jar up to his elbows, and going deeper each day.

Add to this, seven of the Democrats on the committee established with the exclusive duty to oversee just how the administration is spreading the pandemic relief money around have begun asking some important questions concerning over $500 billion of that cash. At the same time, attorneys for the Treasury Department are searching for methods to make an additional $500 billion untraceable. A successful plan concocted by these attorneys would permit at least a trillion dollars of borrowed money to disappear with no questions asked.

Trump has a half billion in loans coming due. They may be his biggest conflict of interest yet.

Congress Steps Up Pressure as Trump Administration Evades Bailout Oversight

OK your link from Mother Jones has links to articles by Mother Jones they purport as reliable sources. Meh

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due, Now, $500 Billion In PPP Funds Have Gone Missing

“On financial disclosure forms, Trump has reported holding 14 loans on 12 properties. At least six of those loans, representing about $479 million in debt, are due over the next four years. Some are guaranteed by Trump himself, meaning a creditor could come after his personal—not corporate—assets if he defaults. If he holds onto the White House, the refinancing of these debts could take his conflicts of interest to absurd new heights. How will the public know if these deals are on the up and up or whether Trump is receiving sweetheart terms from a bank that wants an in with the president? And what might a lender desire in return for helping Trump out of a financial jam?”

With the impeached president trump on the hook for so very much money, and his extreme opposition to any congressional oversight in the distribution of over $2 trillion in coronavirus assistance funds, perhaps his fingers are into the cookie jar up to his elbows, and going deeper each day.

Add to this, seven of the Democrats on the committee established with the exclusive duty to oversee just how the administration is spreading the pandemic relief money around have begun asking some important questions concerning over $500 billion of that cash. At the same time, attorneys for the Treasury Department are searching for methods to make an additional $500 billion untraceable. A successful plan concocted by these attorneys would permit at least a trillion dollars of borrowed money to disappear with no questions asked.

Trump has a half billion in loans coming due. They may be his biggest conflict of interest yet.

Congress Steps Up Pressure as Trump Administration Evades Bailout Oversight

Mother Jones are bigger Commies than the new TYT and Democracy Now.

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due, Now, $500 Billion In PPP Funds Have Gone Missing

“On financial disclosure forms, Trump has reported holding 14 loans on 12 properties. At least six of those loans, representing about $479 million in debt, are due over the next four years. Some are guaranteed by Trump himself, meaning a creditor could come after his personal—not corporate—assets if he defaults. If he holds onto the White House, the refinancing of these debts could take his conflicts of interest to absurd new heights. How will the public know if these deals are on the up and up or whether Trump is receiving sweetheart terms from a bank that wants an in with the president? And what might a lender desire in return for helping Trump out of a financial jam?”

With the impeached president trump on the hook for so very much money, and his extreme opposition to any congressional oversight in the distribution of over $2 trillion in coronavirus assistance funds, perhaps his fingers are into the cookie jar up to his elbows, and going deeper each day.

Add to this, seven of the Democrats on the committee established with the exclusive duty to oversee just how the administration is spreading the pandemic relief money around have begun asking some important questions concerning over $500 billion of that cash. At the same time, attorneys for the Treasury Department are searching for methods to make an additional $500 billion untraceable. A successful plan concocted by these attorneys would permit at least a trillion dollars of borrowed money to disappear with no questions asked.

Trump has a half billion in loans coming due. They may be his biggest conflict of interest yet.

Congress Steps Up Pressure as Trump Administration Evades Bailout Oversight

OK your link from Mother Jones has links to articles by Mother Jones they purport as reliable sources. Meh
Maybe you should read
Then you can get the info from someone who knows more about Trump than anyone around here.
According to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, as of April 30, 2020, almost 1.1 million payments totaling nearly $1.4 billion had gone to decedents. GAO recommends that IRS should consider cost-effective options for notifying ineligible recipients how to return payments. IRS agreed.

So basically the IRS sent money to dead people., That is what happens with no oversight and how Trump runs the government.

Unemployment - the UI program is generally intended to provide benefits to individuals who have lost their jobs; under PPP, employers are generally required to retain or rehire employees for full loan forgiveness.

No oversight or control to prevent improper payments. The stories will start coming out on how some have used this to their advantage and not for its intended purpose. With the reopening , I know people who have not be rehired and I would bet that employers got some of this money and have not rehired all of them.

All the money of this stimulus package and no oversight or control on how it is being spent. Free money

We can call it the Trump money booth. a grab fest of get it now and how much can you get.

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due, Now, $500 Billion In PPP Funds Have Gone Missing

“On financial disclosure forms, Trump has reported holding 14 loans on 12 properties. At least six of those loans, representing about $479 million in debt, are due over the next four years. Some are guaranteed by Trump himself, meaning a creditor could come after his personal—not corporate—assets if he defaults. If he holds onto the White House, the refinancing of these debts could take his conflicts of interest to absurd new heights. How will the public know if these deals are on the up and up or whether Trump is receiving sweetheart terms from a bank that wants an in with the president? And what might a lender desire in return for helping Trump out of a financial jam?”

With the impeached president trump on the hook for so very much money, and his extreme opposition to any congressional oversight in the distribution of over $2 trillion in coronavirus assistance funds, perhaps his fingers are into the cookie jar up to his elbows, and going deeper each day.

Add to this, seven of the Democrats on the committee established with the exclusive duty to oversee just how the administration is spreading the pandemic relief money around have begun asking some important questions concerning over $500 billion of that cash. At the same time, attorneys for the Treasury Department are searching for methods to make an additional $500 billion untraceable. A successful plan concocted by these attorneys would permit at least a trillion dollars of borrowed money to disappear with no questions asked.

Trump has a half billion in loans coming due. They may be his biggest conflict of interest yet.

Congress Steps Up Pressure as Trump Administration Evades Bailout Oversight


This belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due, Now, $500 Billion In PPP Funds Have Gone Missing

“On financial disclosure forms, Trump has reported holding 14 loans on 12 properties. At least six of those loans, representing about $479 million in debt, are due over the next four years. Some are guaranteed by Trump himself, meaning a creditor could come after his personal—not corporate—assets if he defaults. If he holds onto the White House, the refinancing of these debts could take his conflicts of interest to absurd new heights. How will the public know if these deals are on the up and up or whether Trump is receiving sweetheart terms from a bank that wants an in with the president? And what might a lender desire in return for helping Trump out of a financial jam?”

With the impeached president trump on the hook for so very much money, and his extreme opposition to any congressional oversight in the distribution of over $2 trillion in coronavirus assistance funds, perhaps his fingers are into the cookie jar up to his elbows, and going deeper each day.

Add to this, seven of the Democrats on the committee established with the exclusive duty to oversee just how the administration is spreading the pandemic relief money around have begun asking some important questions concerning over $500 billion of that cash. At the same time, attorneys for the Treasury Department are searching for methods to make an additional $500 billion untraceable. A successful plan concocted by these attorneys would permit at least a trillion dollars of borrowed money to disappear with no questions asked.

Trump has a half billion in loans coming due. They may be his biggest conflict of interest yet.

Congress Steps Up Pressure as Trump Administration Evades Bailout Oversight
Well kiss my grits and tie me kangaroo down, sport. House moneymanager and dowager Maxine Waters has left the building in order to project her wrongdoing against President Trump on him while she plays more, more, and even more dirty tricks on President Trump.
According to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, as of April 30, 2020, almost 1.1 million payments totaling nearly $1.4 billion had gone to decedents. GAO recommends that IRS should consider cost-effective options for notifying ineligible recipients how to return payments. IRS agreed.

So basically the IRS sent money to dead people., That is what happens with no oversight and how Trump runs the government.

Unemployment - the UI program is generally intended to provide benefits to individuals who have lost their jobs; under PPP, employers are generally required to retain or rehire employees for full loan forgiveness.

No oversight or control to prevent improper payments. The stories will start coming out on how some have used this to their advantage and not for its intended purpose. With the reopening , I know people who have not be rehired and I would bet that employers got some of this money and have not rehired all of them.

All the money of this stimulus package and no oversight or control on how it is being spent. Free money

We can call it the Trump money booth. a grab fest of get it now and how much can you get.

Well at least he didn't he didn't use the IRS to go after political enemies....who did that, dumbfuck?
According to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, as of April 30, 2020, almost 1.1 million payments totaling nearly $1.4 billion had gone to decedents. GAO recommends that IRS should consider cost-effective options for notifying ineligible recipients how to return payments. IRS agreed.

So basically the IRS sent money to dead people., That is what happens with no oversight and how Trump runs the government.

Unemployment - the UI program is generally intended to provide benefits to individuals who have lost their jobs; under PPP, employers are generally required to retain or rehire employees for full loan forgiveness.

No oversight or control to prevent improper payments. The stories will start coming out on how some have used this to their advantage and not for its intended purpose. With the reopening , I know people who have not be rehired and I would bet that employers got some of this money and have not rehired all of them.

All the money of this stimulus package and no oversight or control on how it is being spent. Free money

We can call it the Trump money booth. a grab fest of get it now and how much can you get.

Well at least he didn't he didn't use the IRS to go after political enemies....who did that, dumbfuck?

Stop calling yourself names we all know that Trumps IRS audit was abused as 2 IRS whistleblowers have filed complains of Trump appointees interfering in Trumps audit. Trump refuses to release his returns. Nothing to hide here but he still refuses as he does have something to hide. He also have his appointees attempting to influence the audit on behalf of Trump.
Stop calling yourself names we all know that Trumps IRS audit was abused as 2 IRS whistleblowers have filed complains of Trump appointees interfering in Trumps audit. Trump refuses to release his returns. Nothing to hide here but he still refuses as he does have something to hide. He also have his appointees attempting to influence the audit on behalf of Trump.

And why you want to know about his taxes? What is the benefit for you? The release of his taxes is not mandatory to be the president, so what is the fuss?

You show here the copy of your last income tax.
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Stop calling yourself names we all know that Trumps IRS audit was abused as 2 IRS whistleblowers have filed complains of Trump appointees interfering in Trumps audit. Trump refuses to release his returns. Nothing to hide here but he still refuses as he does have something to hide. He also have his appointees attempting to influence the audit on behalf of Trump.

And why you want to know about his taxes? What is the benefit for you? The release of his taxes is not mandatory for being the president, so what is the fuss?

You show here the copy of your last income tax.

I am not the president. So there is no need for me to release my tax return. I do not have to show you my return because you I am not the president and the office is more important than the individual . If I was president then I would show you my returns.

Every president since Richard Nixon has release their tax returns. They chose to release their returns. What benefit is it for the prior Presidents to release their tax returns.

It shows that they have nothing to hide. It Trump by refusing to release his returns is sending a message loud and clear that he has something to hide.

The previous Presidents did release their returns. It shows honesty. It shows respect for the office. Nothing to hide. No bad things happen. They did not go to jail. It was not a big deal for them. It shows honesty. Nothing bad happen to them. Well except for Nixon but he lied and as a result a liar should be dismissed if they are the president. If I remember correctly there might have been some issues but it wasn't the reason he resigned.

Yet for Trump it is a big deal. I do not know why it is a big deal for him as his supporters will ignore it anyway. So why is he afraid to release his return. The law and order president lied about knowing about the Stormy Davis payments. He eventually change his story that he did know and approve the deal only after Cohen turned on him.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, says, “There was no knowledge of any payments from the president,” adding, “I’ve had conversations with the president about this.” She says, “He has denied all these allegations.”

Reporters on Air Force One ask Mr. Trump if he knew about the payment to Ms. Clifford. He responds, flatly, “No.” Asked why Mr. Cohen made the payment, Mr. Trump says: “You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.

Mr. Trump, in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” acknowledges knowing that Mr. Cohen represented him in dealing with Ms. Clifford. “He represents me, like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me,” he said.

a known liar and you don't want to see his tax returns.

I certainly do because he lies and hires liars to lie on his behalf.

The two whistle blowers said that his audit has some issues. Well that is another post.

But that just me
Stop calling yourself names we all know that Trumps IRS audit was abused as 2 IRS whistleblowers have filed complains of Trump appointees interfering in Trumps audit. Trump refuses to release his returns. Nothing to hide here but he still refuses as he does have something to hide. He also have his appointees attempting to influence the audit on behalf of Trump.

And why you want to know about his taxes? What is the benefit for you? The release of his taxes is not mandatory for being the president, so what is the fuss?

You show here the copy of your last income tax.

I am not the president. So there is no need for me to release my tax return. I do not have to show you my return because you I am not the president and the office is more important than the individual . If I was president then I would show you my returns.

Every president since Richard Nixon has release their tax returns. They chose to release their returns. What benefit is it for the prior Presidents to release their tax returns.

It shows that they have nothing to hide. It Trump by refusing to release his returns is sending a message loud and clear that he has something to hide.

The previous Presidents did release their returns. It shows honesty. It shows respect for the office. Nothing to hide. No bad things happen. They did not go to jail. It was not a big deal for them. It shows honesty. Nothing bad happen to them. Well except for Nixon but he lied and as a result a liar should be dismissed if they are the president. If I remember correctly there might have been some issues but it wasn't the reason he resigned.

Yet for Trump it is a big deal. I do not know why it is a big deal for him as his supporters will ignore it anyway. So why is he afraid to release his return. The law and order president lied about knowing about the Stormy Davis payments. He eventually change his story that he did know and approve the deal only after Cohen turned on him.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, says, “There was no knowledge of any payments from the president,” adding, “I’ve had conversations with the president about this.” She says, “He has denied all these allegations.”

Reporters on Air Force One ask Mr. Trump if he knew about the payment to Ms. Clifford. He responds, flatly, “No.” Asked why Mr. Cohen made the payment, Mr. Trump says: “You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.

Mr. Trump, in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” acknowledges knowing that Mr. Cohen represented him in dealing with Ms. Clifford. “He represents me, like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me,” he said.

a known liar and you don't want to see his tax returns.

I certainly do because he lies and hires liars to lie on his behalf.

But that just me
Well, for sure he has filed his taxes, so the IRS has reviewed them and so far they have not found anything illegal on them.

That is enough to consider the president is honest reporting his taxes.

But it happens that income taxes is a private thing. Like in my former job, the rule -a rule never mentioned- was never tell anyone how much your salary was.

He doesn't want you to know how much money he made before, how much rich he is.

And knowing about it won't make you think he is honest or dishonest, but surely will satisfy your curiosity only, or cause more jealousy from your part.

Apparently he doesn't want you to have that kind of satisfaction and such is his RIGHT.
Stop calling yourself names we all know that Trumps IRS audit was abused as 2 IRS whistleblowers have filed complains of Trump appointees interfering in Trumps audit. Trump refuses to release his returns. Nothing to hide here but he still refuses as he does have something to hide. He also have his appointees attempting to influence the audit on behalf of Trump.

And why you want to know about his taxes? What is the benefit for you? The release of his taxes is not mandatory for being the president, so what is the fuss?

You show here the copy of your last income tax.

I am not the president. So there is no need for me to release my tax return. I do not have to show you my return because you I am not the president and the office is more important than the individual . If I was president then I would show you my returns.

Every president since Richard Nixon has release their tax returns. They chose to release their returns. What benefit is it for the prior Presidents to release their tax returns.

It shows that they have nothing to hide. It Trump by refusing to release his returns is sending a message loud and clear that he has something to hide.

The previous Presidents did release their returns. It shows honesty. It shows respect for the office. Nothing to hide. No bad things happen. They did not go to jail. It was not a big deal for them. It shows honesty. Nothing bad happen to them. Well except for Nixon but he lied and as a result a liar should be dismissed if they are the president. If I remember correctly there might have been some issues but it wasn't the reason he resigned.

Yet for Trump it is a big deal. I do not know why it is a big deal for him as his supporters will ignore it anyway. So why is he afraid to release his return. The law and order president lied about knowing about the Stormy Davis payments. He eventually change his story that he did know and approve the deal only after Cohen turned on him.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, says, “There was no knowledge of any payments from the president,” adding, “I’ve had conversations with the president about this.” She says, “He has denied all these allegations.”

Reporters on Air Force One ask Mr. Trump if he knew about the payment to Ms. Clifford. He responds, flatly, “No.” Asked why Mr. Cohen made the payment, Mr. Trump says: “You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.

Mr. Trump, in an interview on “Fox & Friends,” acknowledges knowing that Mr. Cohen represented him in dealing with Ms. Clifford. “He represents me, like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me,” he said.

a known liar and you don't want to see his tax returns.

I certainly do because he lies and hires liars to lie on his behalf.

But that just me
Well, for sure he has filed his taxes, so the IRS has reviewed them and so far they have not found anything illegal on them.

That is enough to consider the president is honest reporting his taxes.

But it happens that income taxes is a private thing. Like in my former job, the rule -a rule never mentioned- was never tell anyone how much your salary was.

He doesn't want you to know how much money he made before, how much rich he is.

And knowing about it won't make you think he is honest or dishonest, but surely will satisfy your curiosity only, or cause more jealousy from your part.

Apparently he doesn't want you to have that kind of satisfaction and such is his RIGHT.

So why did other presidents both Republicans and Democrats choose to release their returns?
So how do you know they found nothing. They are still under seal and not even congress can see them. He is still hiding it.
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