Trump embraces Putin’s sympathetic comments to claim political persecution


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023

The Washington Post, September 13, 2023​

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

Trump, who is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases and who has accused prosecutors of targeting him to hamper his political future, posted on his social media platform just after midnight that Putin essentially agrees with him. Trump leads a large field of candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Putin, who has a history of persecuting his political opponents, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.” He predicted that the proceedings against Trump would diminish America’s global standing, to Russia’s benefit...

The comments reflected the largely warm relationship between the two leaders during Trump’s presidency, which included a 2018 summit at which Trump refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election...

In Russia, Putin and his allies have cracked down on dissent, most recently against many who have protested the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope there are a few Trump supporters who are embarrassed by Trump taking satisfaction in being supported by a brutal dictator.
Who better to recognize persecution of an opponent than Putin? He can see what half of this country is oblivious to. If Trump wasn't running for the office, none of these stupid charges would have ever been made. Out of sight out of mind would have been the mantra of the Democrats where Trump was concerned.
Odd that Putin never invaded ANYONE when Trump was in the White House
It is odder that Trump never condemned the invasion.


The Washington Post, September 13, 2023​

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

Trump, who is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases and who has accused prosecutors of targeting him to hamper his political future, posted on his social media platform just after midnight that Putin essentially agrees with him. Trump leads a large field of candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Putin, who has a history of persecuting his political opponents, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.” He predicted that the proceedings against Trump would diminish America’s global standing, to Russia’s benefit...

The comments reflected the largely warm relationship between the two leaders during Trump’s presidency, which included a 2018 summit at which Trump refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election...

In Russia, Putin and his allies have cracked down on dissent, most recently against many who have protested the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope there are a few Trump supporters who are embarrassed by Trump taking satisfaction in being supported by a brutal dictator.
YOu know they aren't.

The Washington Post, September 13, 2023​

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

Trump, who is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases and who has accused prosecutors of targeting him to hamper his political future, posted on his social media platform just after midnight that Putin essentially agrees with him. Trump leads a large field of candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Putin, who has a history of persecuting his political opponents, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.” He predicted that the proceedings against Trump would diminish America’s global standing, to Russia’s benefit...

The comments reflected the largely warm relationship between the two leaders during Trump’s presidency, which included a 2018 summit at which Trump refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election...

In Russia, Putin and his allies have cracked down on dissent, most recently against many who have protested the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope there are a few Trump supporters who are embarrassed by Trump taking satisfaction in being supported by a brutal dictator.
Poootin is desperately trying to bolster trump, so he can read some more secret documents that his agents copied at Mar-a-lugo.

The Washington Post, September 13, 2023​

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

Trump, who is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases and who has accused prosecutors of targeting him to hamper his political future, posted on his social media platform just after midnight that Putin essentially agrees with him. Trump leads a large field of candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Putin, who has a history of persecuting his political opponents, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.” He predicted that the proceedings against Trump would diminish America’s global standing, to Russia’s benefit...

The comments reflected the largely warm relationship between the two leaders during Trump’s presidency, which included a 2018 summit at which Trump refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election...

In Russia, Putin and his allies have cracked down on dissent, most recently against many who have protested the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope there are a few Trump supporters who are embarrassed by Trump taking satisfaction in being supported by a brutal dictator.
I think both WaPo and Trump are mischaracterizing the comments as, "sympathetic."

I read what Putin said, he doesn't give a rats ass what happens to Trump.

This is fake news.
The democrats are acting like Stalinists
This is more closely to what Putin said. . . he made the observation that the American political oligarchy was showing its true colors, and now, no matter if a nation is aligned with the west, or more multilateral, the western rhetoric about, "fair elections," will sound pretty hollow going forward from here on out. . .
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Poootin is desperately trying to bolster trump, so he can read some more secret documents that his agents copied at Mar-a-lugo.
Why are you lying? Why are you just blatantly making shit up?

This is completely detached from reality. What in the hell are you even basing this assessment on?

Did you even read the question and answer interview between Ilya Doronov & Vladimir Putin, at the Plenary session of the 8th Eastern Economic Forum?

From reading the WaPo article? I seriously doubt Robyn Dixon and Marianne LeVine did. For I can assure you this?

(From the article. . . )

“Get it straight. Trump is under indictment because of his conduct. He played with fire and is getting burned. And now his best buddy is coming to his defense,” Christie wrote in a social media post. “If you are on the same side as Putin, you might want to rethink your position.”

Former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson, also a longtime critic of Trump, noted Trump and Putin are using the same talking points and said Trump’s actions are “giving comfort to our enemies.” Former Wyoming congresswoman Liz Cheney (R), who has not ruled out a presidential run if it would keep Trump from serving a second term, also blasted both Putin and pro-Trump Republicans.

“Putin has now officially endorsed the Putin-wing of the Republican Party,” Cheney wrote. “Putin Republicans & their enablers will end up on the ash heap of history. Patriotic Americans in both parties who believe in the values of liberal democracy will make sure of it.”

Is nothing but war propaganda and brainwashing from the CIA. This has not a damn thing to do with what Putin said. It will do nothing towards resolving the political differences, seeking a negotiated settlement or finding peace. It only ratchets up the conflict and tensions.


The Washington Post, September 13, 2023​

Former president Donald Trump pointed to sympathetic comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin early Wednesday to try to bolster his case that he is being treated unfairly by prosecutors in the United States.

Trump, who is facing 91 charges in four separate criminal cases and who has accused prosecutors of targeting him to hamper his political future, posted on his social media platform just after midnight that Putin essentially agrees with him. Trump leads a large field of candidates for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Putin, who has a history of persecuting his political opponents, claimed Tuesday that the criminal cases against Trump were part of “the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.” He predicted that the proceedings against Trump would diminish America’s global standing, to Russia’s benefit...

The comments reflected the largely warm relationship between the two leaders during Trump’s presidency, which included a 2018 summit at which Trump refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election...

In Russia, Putin and his allies have cracked down on dissent, most recently against many who have protested the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

I hope there are a few Trump supporters who are embarrassed by Trump taking satisfaction in being supported by a brutal dictator.
I liked what other Republicans said about Putin's comments:

Mike Pence
In a statement, former vice president Mike Pence said Putin’s opinion has no value in the United States. “America’s founding principles will always stand the test of time,” Pence said. “Putin should be more concerned about how quickly his military went from being the second most powerful in the world to the second most powerful in Ukraine.”

Chris Christie
called Putin a “brutal, mass-murdering, KGB hitman” and said that Trump needs new role models.
“Get it straight. Trump is under indictment because of his conduct. He played with fire and is getting burned. And now his best buddy is coming to his defense,” Christie wrote in a social media post. “If you are on the same side as Putin, you might want to rethink your position.”

Asa Hutchinson
noted Trump and Putin are using the same talking points and said Trump’s actions are “giving comfort to our enemies.”

Liz Cheney
“Putin has now officially endorsed the Putin-wing of the Republican Party,” Cheney wrote. “Putin Republicans & their enablers will end up on the ash heap of history. Patriotic Americans in both parties who believe in the values of liberal democracy will make sure of it.”
Odd that Putin never invaded ANYONE when Trump was in the White House
The entire buildup of Russian forces in a sovereign country aka Ukraine (Crimea, Donbas&Luhansk) happened during St. Donald's reign.
The human scumbag - also never insisted, enforced or proposed a retreat of Russian troops from illegally annexed and occupied Crimea. nor from Donbas or Luhansk. (supporting, enacting a UN mandate) nor supporting the Minsk I & II agreements.

He was even to chicken to kick Iran's ass after them having downed a Global Hawk. (since he is absolutely aware of his voter-flock's mindset - being against out of area actions). Only against Syria (not posing any threat to the USA getting into a war- he ordered for some 50 missiles to be fired). He made a total mess out of Afghanistan, and provided the basis for N-Korea to further embark onto it's nuke and missile program.

The only thing aside from keeping his potential disgruntled voters disgruntled - was that he knew and respected the US Imperialistic and hegemonic global policy. Therefore he never insisted or made sure that NATO aka the USA would abandon it's policy of a continued Eastward Expansion - and therefore not hindering Ukraine from becoming a NATO member - whilst at the same time driving a huge political wedge between NATO and the USA. Making his disgruntled voters a bit happy (hey look I am doing something) via propagating the withdrawal of US troops in Germany, and then sending them back to Germany, Britain, Poland the Baltic states and Romania.

It is St. Donald main feature - "don't do anything" - just play Golf, grab pussies and keep those disgruntled voters (aka MAGA's) disgruntled (via constantly heating up "their" vision of a Great USA, - which naturally never happened, since he didn't do anything about it), so that he could ensure that those disgruntled folks would vote another 4 years for him, to play Golf, grab pussies and do nothing.

Anyway I am aware that "these folks" will never wake up towards reality - and realize that they are simply being used by the human scumbag who only possesses the ability of a pimp.
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Read the conference comments for yourself.

Liz Cheney
“Putin has now officially endorsed the Putin-wing of the Republican Party,” Cheney wrote. “Putin Republicans & their enablers will end up on the ash heap of history. Patriotic Americans in both parties who believe in the values of liberal democracy will make sure of it.”


Chris Christie
And now his best buddy is coming to his defense,” Christie wrote in a social media post. “If you are on the same side as Putin, you might want to rethink your position.”

Also LIES.

As far as Mike Pence & Asa Hutchinson? It is possible that they read the exchange, there are no factual inaccuracies in their statements, just patriotic spin. I don't find anything wrong with that.

Those other two have now exposed themselves as having no integrity, and not good international partners for peace.

Here is the complete translation of the conference and the original exchange;

Vladimir Putin’s address at the plenary session of the 8th Eastern Economic Forum.
September 12, 2023
Russky Island, Primorye Territory

"Ilya Doronov: Now I will ask a question that becomes more relevant and pressing every day.

I will begin with the regional elections that just ended. Several regions in the Far Eastern Federal District voted on National Election Day – in fact, Russians could vote in the course of three days this year. Let’s congratulate the winning candidates.

Three years ago, when you were asked if you were going to seek re-election, you said you had not decided. Now we are six months away from the presidential campaign. Are you still undecided about running?

Vladimir Putin: The law says the parliament is to appoint the next election at the end of the year. When the decision is made, the election will be announced, the date will be appointed, then we will talk.

IlyaDoronov: Ok, we can ask you then.

Then I have a question about the presidential election in the United States. What are your expectations regarding this? They are taking place next year, and some strange things are happening there; we understand that Trump could be taken into custody at any time.

Vladimir Putin:Why should we be concerned about that? I believe there will be no fundamental change in US foreign policy towards Russia, regardless of who becomes President.

It is true that we hear Mr Trump say he can resolve many serious problems, including the Ukraine crisis, in a few days. Well, that is something to be happy about. It would be good. But, in the grandscheme of things, we… by the way, despite the accusations of him having specialties with Russia, which is complete nonsense and absurdity, he imposed the greatest number of sanctions on Russia during his presidency. So, I find it difficult to say what to expect from a new President, whoever it may be. It is unlikely, though, that any crucial change will take place, because the current authorities have conditioned American society to be anti-Russia in nature and spirit; that is how things are. They did this, and it will now be very difficult for them to turn that ship around. That is the first point.

Second, they view Russia as an existential and constant adversary or even an enemy and implant this idea into the heads of ordinary Americans. This is not good because it fosters hostility. Despite this, there are many people in America who want to build good and friendly business relationships with us and, moreover, share many of our positions, primarily from the perspective of preserving traditional values. We have many friends and like-minded people there. But, of course, they are being suppressed.

So, we have no way of knowing who will be elected, but whoever it is, it is unlikely that the anti-Russia policy of the United States will change.

As for the persecution of Trump, well, in today's conditions, in my view, that’s a good thing.

Ilya Doronov: Why is that?

Vladimir Putin: Because it reveals the rotten American political system, which should not be able to claim it can teach others about democracy.

Everything that is happening to Trump is the political persecution of a political rival. That is what it is. And it is happening in the eyes of the US public and the whole world. They have exposed their domestic problems. In this sense, if they are trying to fight us, it is good because it shows, as they used to say in Soviet times, the beastly appearance of American imperialism, its beastly snarling grimace.

Ilya Doronov: Yes, I remember that."

Since you have raised this topic, let me share another quote with you, but this time I will not tell you who it belongs to, and I am doing this on purpose. “It is regarded as essential when studying the history and culture of China, or Thailand, or any African country, to feel some respect for the distinctive features of that culture. But when it comes to the thousand years of Eastern Christianity in Russia, Western researchers by and large feel only astonishment and contempt: why ever did this strange world, an entire continent, persistently reject the Western view of things? Why did it refuse to follow the manifestly superior path of Western society? Russia is categorically condemned for every feature which distinguishes it from the West.”

You just mentioned an existential enemy. This quote, by the way, belongs to Solzhenitsyn, who left this country, lived in the West, and later came back.

Where does this attitude towards us come from, in your opinion?

Vladimir Putin: First, I would like to say that my face-to-face conversations with Alexander Solzhenitsyn persuaded me that he was honest and sincere in his patriotic feelings towards Russia. To an extent, he was a nationalist, but in the positive, civilised sense of the word.With this in mind, I am not surprised that this quote belongs to him. This is my first point.

Second, everything that deals with Russia’s relations with the West revolves around the geopolitical interests of the Western countries. This applies to all these attacks, including in the spiritual domain – they are all an extension of this geopolitical confrontation. Of course, the West has long sought to convert Russia to Catholicism and to bring it under the Holy See’s rule. And when that failed, they started searching for ways to cast our country as the Evil Empire. It was Reagan who coined this phrase, but in fact we have been seeing this since the Middle Ages, or maybe even earlier.

Whenever Russia raised its head and emerged as a real geopolitical competitor, and I am talking about competition here and nothing else, Russia instantly came up against someone’s containment policies. By the same token, the West is seeking to contain China in its development, seeing that under the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership and with our friend, President of the People’s Republic of China at the helm, the country has been making great strides in its development. This comes as a shock to them, and they are doing everything to slow China’s development. But they have not been able to do this, they are late. This is a missed opportunity for them, and it is already too late. This is an objective process.

This is not just about China. There is also India, as well as Indonesia. New centres of power will emerge, and in their efforts to contain these processes certain Western countries, led by the United States, will do nothing but hurt themselves.

Ilya Doronov: Can we ask you to share a secret with us?

You remember Xi Jinping’s visit …

Vladimir Putin: I never share secret information. How could you think otherwise? I used to work for the KGB, after all.

Ilya Doronov: I see. In that case, can you share an insight with us, if possible.

Xi Jinping visited Russia, and we remember the video when you saw him off, and he said: we started change which has not been seen for the past 100 years. What did he mean?

Vladimir Putin: You know, we talked to each other one on one for four hours. There were so many nuances and details.

All I can say is that in recent years we have indeed reached an unprecedented level in our relations. This applies to our interactions in all their aspects. . .. "

Don't just buy what pawns of the military industrial complex, or the corporate controlled press are telling you to. Go to the first hand sources, and think as free and sovereign people are supposed to.
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The entire buildup of Russian forces in a sovereign country aka Ukraine (Donbas&Luhansk) happened during St. Donald's reign.
The human scumbag - also never insisted, enforced or proposed a retreat of Russian troops from illegally annexed and occupied Crimea. nor from Donbas or Luhansk. (supporting, enacting a UN mandate) nor supporting the Minsk I & II agreements.

He was even to chicken to kick Iran's ass after them having downed a Global Hawk. (since he is absolutely aware of his voter-flock's mindset - being against out of area actions). Only against Syria (not posing any threat to the USA getting into a war- he ordered for some 50 missiles to be fired). He made a total mess out of Afghanistan, and provided the basis for N-Korea to further embark onto it's nuke and missile program.

The only thing aside from keeping his potential disgruntled voters disgruntled - was that he knew and respected the US Imperialistic and hegemonic global policy. Therefore he never insisted or made sure that NATO aka the USA would abandon it's policy of a continued Eastward Expansion - and therefore not hindering Ukraine from becoming a NATO member - whilst at the same time driving a huge political wedge between NATO and the USA. Making his disgruntled voters a bit happy (hey look I am doing something) via propagating the withdrawal of US troops in Germany, and then sending them back to Germany, Britain, Poland the Baltic states and Romania.

It is St. Donald main feature - "don't do anything" - just play Golf, grab pussies and keep those disgruntled voters (aka MAGA's) disgruntled (via constantly heating up "their" vision of a Great USA, - which naturally never happened, since he didn't do anything about it), so that he could ensure that those disgruntled folks would vote another 4 years for him, to play Golf and do nothing.

Anyway I am aware that "these folks" will never wake up towards reality - and realize that they are simply being used by the human scumbag who only possesses the ability of a pimp.
trump is a physical coward and a mental midget. his monday morning quarterbacking is bad for america and the world.

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