Trump Economy creates 263,000 jobs in April, unemployment falls to 3.6%


Please see post 54.
Or don't.
But just because economic numbers are "mixed" does not mean that YOU can draw a CONCLUSION that completely contradicts the actual numbers YOUR assumption is based on. FACTS have nothing to do with partisanship, you made a false assumption that is contradicted by real unmixed numbers, but you are too partisan to admit you could ever be wrong. Anyone who exposes your false "logic" can only be partisan to you!
Please note that I said "probably". You can disagree with that all you want.

If the President had a (D) after his name, you'd be all thrilled 'n stuff.

You're a partisan zombie. Embrace it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Then, get me out of your head.
Except there is NO "probably" about it. People were NOT "reentering" as you FALSELY claimed, they were LEAVING in great numbers, and that and only that brought the UE rate down. I even posted the exact numbers and did the subtraction for you and yet you STILL see a "probability" you were right.

You have to remember how Tramp interpreted the exact same numbers under Obama, so my holding Tramp to HIS own standard does NOT make me a partisan, it simply means I have a much better memory than a partisan hack like you.
A longtime skeptic of the official jobs figures, Trump claimed the "real number" is 96 million people without jobs, which would correspond to an unemployment rate of 37.8 percent

You're a partisan hack. Embrace it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
Oh, cheer up.

Maybe we'll lose a ton of jobs next month, more people will be suffering, and Trump's 2020 chances will decline.

Never give up hope.
Still the partisan hack, attacking me with your OWN fabrications simply because I pointed out YOUR flawed "logic" which was completely contradicted by the facts.
Hey, I was just trying to help!

The Markets are up 40% since Trump took over from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.
Tramp IS the lying cocksucker in chief, and the market rose 149% under the Great President Obama. POS Tramp has a long way to go to catch the Great President Obama.
Just Heard it on TV. (No Link yet)

263,000 jobs added.

Unemployment rate has plunged to 3.6 (lowest since 1969)

Wage growth is at 3.2% (Highest since 2008)

Biden will probably give a talk on morality. His nonsense about stagnant wages and China
not being a competitor have already been taken to the trash heap.
Too bad most of the wage growth is going to the 1%, super duper. Inequality and upward Mobility are at their worst ever and just keep getting worse.
But just because economic numbers are "mixed" does not mean that YOU can draw a CONCLUSION that completely contradicts the actual numbers YOUR assumption is based on. FACTS have nothing to do with partisanship, you made a false assumption that is contradicted by real unmixed numbers, but you are too partisan to admit you could ever be wrong. Anyone who exposes your false "logic" can only be partisan to you!
Please note that I said "probably". You can disagree with that all you want.

If the President had a (D) after his name, you'd be all thrilled 'n stuff.

You're a partisan zombie. Embrace it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Then, get me out of your head.
Except there is NO "probably" about it. People were NOT "reentering" as you FALSELY claimed, they were LEAVING in great numbers, and that and only that brought the UE rate down. I even posted the exact numbers and did the subtraction for you and yet you STILL see a "probability" you were right.

You have to remember how Tramp interpreted the exact same numbers under Obama, so my holding Tramp to HIS own standard does NOT make me a partisan, it simply means I have a much better memory than a partisan hack like you.
A longtime skeptic of the official jobs figures, Trump claimed the "real number" is 96 million people without jobs, which would correspond to an unemployment rate of 37.8 percent

You're a partisan hack. Embrace it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
Oh, cheer up.

Maybe we'll lose a ton of jobs next month, more people will be suffering, and Trump's 2020 chances will decline.

Never give up hope.
Still the partisan hack, attacking me with your OWN fabrications simply because I pointed out YOUR flawed "logic" which was completely contradicted by the facts.
Hey, I was just trying to help!

No you weren't. You just couldn't admit you were wrong because you were to lazy a partisan hack to check the facts before you posted your bullshit.
Unemployment is two thirds lower than it was under Obama who had some rates OVER 10 per cent, well into two figures.

This is bad news for the libs, tanking the Triumphant Trump Economy and the Donald's tremendous Trumponomics program is becoming very urgent.
Did you hear about George W bush and the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008, which basically cost rich countries a year or 2 of GDP in debt to avoid the full-blown selling apples on the corner typical GOP operation. About half the dupes don't know a damn fact lol, just garbage propaganda. Any little bump Trump got is from a trillion dollars worth of sugar... And debt.
The Markets are up 40% since Trump took over from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.
Tramp IS the lying cocksucker in chief, and the market rose 149% under the Great President Obama. POS Tramp has a long way to go to catch the Great President Obama.
Numbers always look great coming back from a recession. Nothing new or exciting there, Ed.
What I found curious was how the fed reserve felt a need to keep the lending rates near 0
the entire time Obama was in office. Even with that, Obama's last two years in office
real GDP grew by 1.7% per year.
You can spin and twist all you want in the fantasy of yours.
Just Heard it on TV. (No Link yet)

263,000 jobs added.

Unemployment rate has plunged to 3.6 (lowest since 1969)

Wage growth is at 3.2% (Highest since 2008)

Biden will probably give a talk on morality. His nonsense about stagnant wages and China
not being a competitor have already been taken to the trash heap.
Too bad most of the wage growth is going to the 1%, super duper. Inequality and upward Mobility are at their worst ever and just keep getting worse.
How can this be? According to all the experts if Donald Trump was elected President the economy was going to crash and we would suffer the worst economic crisis in history.
Give him time, it took the GOP 6 years to destroy the GREAT Clinton economy. I'm sure Tramp can destroy the Great Obama economy in less time.
How can this be? According to all the experts if Donald Trump was elected President the economy was going to crash and we would suffer the worst economic crisis in history.
Give him time, it took the GOP 6 years to destroy the GREAT Clinton economy. I'm sure Tramp can destroy the Great Obama economy in less time.

We can only hope so...dumbass.
The Markets are up 40% since Trump took over from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.
Tramp IS the lying cocksucker in chief, and the market rose 149% under the Great President Obama. POS Tramp has a long way to go to catch the Great President Obama.
Numbers always look great coming back from a recession. Nothing new or exciting there, Ed.
What I found curious was how the fed reserve felt a need to keep the lending rates near 0
the entire time Obama was in office. Even with that, Obama's last two years in office
real GDP grew by 1.7% per year.
You can spin and twist all you want in the fantasy of yours.
The FED had already started raising rates BEFORE Obama left office, and Tramp wants the FED to cut rates now to put off the crash he sees coming at least till he is out of office.
How can this be? According to all the experts if Donald Trump was elected President the economy was going to crash and we would suffer the worst economic crisis in history.
Give him time, it took the GOP 6 years to destroy the GREAT Clinton economy. I'm sure Tramp can destroy the Great Obama economy in less time.
Might want to look at Obama's last two years in office and Trump"s first two years, son.
Those numbers look more like Obama's regulations were destroying our economy.
Trump's nullifying Obama's regulations strengthened the economy.
That's just the observation
Last edited:
The Markets are up 40% since Trump took over from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.
Tramp IS the lying cocksucker in chief, and the market rose 149% under the Great President Obama. POS Tramp has a long way to go to catch the Great President Obama.
Numbers always look great coming back from a recession. Nothing new or exciting there, Ed.
What I found curious was how the fed reserve felt a need to keep the lending rates near 0
the entire time Obama was in office. Even with that, Obama's last two years in office
real GDP grew by 1.7% per year.
You can spin and twist all you want in the fantasy of yours.
The FED had already started raising rates BEFORE Obama left office, and Tramp wants the FED to cut rates now to put off the crash he sees coming at least till he is out of office.
When you say...."already started", which year and which quarter was that? Be honest Ed, people are looking.
And lettuce not forget the TRILLIONS funneled into the economy by Quantitative Easing under the Lying Cocksucker.
How can this be? According to all the experts if Donald Trump was elected President the economy was going to crash and we would suffer the worst economic crisis in history.
Give him time, it took the GOP 6 years to destroy the GREAT Clinton economy. I'm sure Tramp can destroy the Great Obama economy in less time.

The great Clinton economy which gave birth to two great bubbles, and the greatest recession since the great depression?

Ain't that great indeed.
Obama's last two years in office
real GDP grew by 1.7% per year.

You can spin and twist all you want in the fantasy of yours.
Oh the IRONY!
GDP grew 2.6% in 2015 and 1.9% in 2016. BOTH years more than your 1.7% FANTASY.

Now you will claim they still weren't good rather than admit you lied.

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