Trump brilliance...he’s forcing Mexicrats down a rabbit hole. They’ll have to make an admission soon

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Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
He’s playing the Part Of Filth like a fiddle and they probably know it.
Soon the filth will be all out of desperate, pathetic excuses they will be forced to admit they have become the Party Of Mexico and that they believe Mexico has a right to fuck Americans over. There’s simply nowhere to go and no more spin to be used. This is a stand-off where one Party is clearly attempting to protect Americans and one Party is clearly attempting to protect Mexico’s ‘RIGHT’ to fuck our ass....SIMPLE SHIT.

“Walls don’t work.”
Every border agent interviewed has agreed that walls do work. Prisons and jails are built with walls surrounding them because they work.

“We can’t afford a wall.”
Americans haven’t been affected by debt in decades. We spend to mitigate growing expense...that’s what we do. We spend $100 now to stop from spending $1,000 later. It’s a no-brainer that third graders understand.

“Walls are a sign of racism.”
Only the twisted LibTardian mind can even fathom something so weird.
Americans deserve the right to choose who joins them just as you deserve the right to choose who walks through the front door of your home. Our right to choose can only be preserved with a barrier.

“Mexico was suppose to pay for the Wall.”
Let’s pretennd Mexico’s check bounced and they have refused to make it good.
He’s playing the Part Of Filth like a fiddle and they probably know it.
Soon the filth will be all out of desperate, pathetic excuses they will be forced to admit they have become the Party Of Mexico and that they believe Mexico has a right to fuck Americans over. There’s simply nowhere to go and no more spin to be used. This is a stand-off where one Party is clearly attempting to protect Americans and one Party is clearly attempting to protect Mexico’s ‘RIGHT’ to fuck our ass....SIMPLE SHIT.

“Walls don’t work.”
Every border agent interviewed has agreed that walls do work. Prisons and jails are built with walls surrounding them because they work.

“We can’t afford a wall.”
Americans haven’t been affected by debt in decades. We spend to mitigate growing expense...that’s what we do. We spend $100 now to stop from spending $1,000 later. It’s a no-brainer that third graders understand.

“Walls are a sign of racism.”
Only the twisted LibTardian mind can even fathom something so weird.
Americans deserve the right to choose who joins them just as you deserve the right to choose who walks through the front door of your home. Our right to choose can only be preserved with a barrier.

“Mexico was suppose to pay for the Wall.”
Let’s pretennd Mexico’s check bounced and they have refused to make it good.

You missed the sticky:

"Merged about 30 threads in this one forum JUST from today.. Topics on the shutdown showdown, what is a wall, emergency powers, all those stories. Just because you have a comment -- doesn't mean there should be a brand new thread... Just because a different media source weighs in -- don't need a new thread.

We're cutting lots of slack on the "on topic" rule here. Don't want this place to look like Twitter. Bad enough y'all are talking past each other when you're TOGETHER in one thread on a topic. Don't need to make that worse by having 4 or 6 simultaneous shouting matches on every daily outrage...

Gonna start closing/warning threads on folks who are abusing the thread creation button and NOT checking the listings before they post. Use judgement and courtesy please.. "

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