Trump basks in media praise

He just wants to get some stuff accomplished and he and some of his advisors realize that the chaotic and disorganized Republicans in Congress can't govern. He is wisely going the route of negotiating and compromising with Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who have long histories of knowing how to get things done in the Congress.
Trump cares more about polls, approval, and getting respect than ideology and support for the Republican Party. It is all about ego for trump. He will flip flop on any issue in a New York minute if it helps to boost his ego and scale back the constant mocking he gets every day.
He just wants to get some stuff accomplished and he and some of his advisors realize that the chaotic and disorganized Republicans in Congress can't govern. He is wisely going the route of negotiating and compromising with Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who have long histories of knowing how to get things done in the Congress.
Trump cares more about polls, approval, and getting respect than ideology and support for the Republican Party. It is all about ego for trump. He will flip flop on any issue in a New York minute if it helps to boost his ego and scale back the constant mocking he gets every day.

The GOP won't even repeal Obamacare even though they did so under Obama, knowing he would veto it.

Trump has just come to the realization that the GOP is really the DNC, as you say, if Trump wants to "get things done" he must do the bidding of Soros and company.

The only compromise is doing the bidding of the DNC. It's pure tyranny.
He just wants to get some stuff accomplished and he and some of his advisors realize that the chaotic and disorganized Republicans in Congress can't govern. He is wisely going the route of negotiating and compromising with Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who have long histories of knowing how to get things done in the Congress.
Trump cares more about polls, approval, and getting respect than ideology and support for the Republican Party. It is all about ego for trump. He will flip flop on any issue in a New York minute if it helps to boost his ego and scale back the constant mocking he gets every day.

Compromise is when both sides give up something. What did Trump get from Schumer and Pelosi? What Trump. did was surrender Pelosi and Schumer wrote the bill they wanted and Trump signed it. You are telling me that Trump just signed whatever the other person wanted when he was doing business deals. Do you support allowing Pelosi and Schumer to write a tax bill? I would rather see nothing happen that to see that happen.
Schumer and Pelosi will stab Trump in the back, I guess he'll have to learn his lesson like Reagan did.

Trump, who demands loyalty but gives none, has stabbed his own party in the back. Schumer and Pelosi are in no way obligated to support Trump. The policies he ran on are odious as best, so they should get what they can and ignore the rest.

Of course Trump had abandoned everything he ran on so it's hard to know if there's anything to support. Trump continues to flip flop like a caught flounder so anything is possible.

Here's hoping he opts for Medicare for all. Otherwise known as single payer.
He just wants to get some stuff accomplished and he and some of his advisors realize that the chaotic and disorganized Republicans in Congress can't govern. He is wisely going the route of negotiating and compromising with Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who have long histories of knowing how to get things done in the Congress.
Trump cares more about polls, approval, and getting respect than ideology and support for the Republican Party. It is all about ego for trump. He will flip flop on any issue in a New York minute if it helps to boost his ego and scale back the constant mocking he gets every day.

The GOP won't even repeal Obamacare even though they did so under Obama, knowing he would veto it.

Trump has just come to the realization that the GOP is really the DNC, as you say, if Trump wants to "get things done" he must do the bidding of Soros and company.

The only compromise is doing the bidding of the DNC. It's pure tyranny.
"Soros and company" is just code for "the Jews". Everything isn't a global conspiracy of epic proportions. Sometimes things are simply what they are without all the spin and nonsense. Want to get something done, go to the people in charge that can make it happen. Period.
It's obvious that the GOP congress is a total failure - it's also obvious that the American people are fed up with them. They may talk the talk, but they sure as hell don't walk the walk.

On the other hand, the Dems do actually try to get things done. You may not like what they try to do, but at least they try.

For Trump it's obvious - he'd better make nice with the Dems if he is to accomplish anything. Besides, if the mid-term elections go well for the Dems, he may need their good will if he's to survive politically at all.
It's obvious that the GOP congress is a total failure - it's also obvious that the American people are fed up with them. They may talk the talk, but they sure as hell don't walk the walk.

On the other hand, the Dems do actually try to get things done. You may not like what they try to do, but at least they try.

For Trump it's obvious - he'd better make nice with the Dems if he is to accomplish anything. Besides, if the mid-term elections go well for the Dems, he may need their good will if he's to survive politically at all.
One could EASILY argue the failure of congress not doing anything isnt a failure ;)
I do get what you are saying though.
Never happen. Trump might get a backhanded compliment for "cooperating" with democrats but it is ludicrous to even suggest that President Trump will ever ever "bask in media praise".
Schumer and Pelosi will stab Trump in the back, I guess he'll have to learn his lesson like Reagan did.

Trump, who demands loyalty but gives none, has stabbed his own party in the back. Schumer and Pelosi are in no way obligated to support Trump. The policies he ran on are odious as best, so they should get what they can and ignore the rest.

Of course Trump had abandoned everything he ran on so it's hard to know if there's anything to support. Trump continues to flip flop like a caught flounder so anything is possible.

Here's hoping he opts for Medicare for all. Otherwise known as single payer.

Can you back up even one of the crazy claims you just made? Learn the difference between facts and triggered rage.
For my fellow conservatives, get a clue. The
He just wants to get some stuff accomplished and he and some of his advisors realize that the chaotic and disorganized Republicans in Congress can't govern. He is wisely going the route of negotiating and compromising with Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who have long histories of knowing how to get things done in the Congress.
Trump cares more about polls, approval, and getting respect than ideology and support for the Republican Party. It is all about ego for trump. He will flip flop on any issue in a New York minute if it helps to boost his ego and scale back the constant mocking he gets every day.

The GOP won't even repeal Obamacare even though they did so under Obama, knowing he would veto it.

Trump has just come to the realization that the GOP is really the DNC, as you say, if Trump wants to "get things done" he must do the bidding of Soros and company.

The only compromise is doing the bidding of the DNC. It's pure tyranny.
"Soros and company" is just code for "the Jews". Everything isn't a global conspiracy of epic proportions. Sometimes things are simply what they are without all the spin and nonsense. Want to get something done, go to the people in charge that can make it happen. Period.

No, no it's not. Soros and company want the Zionist nation to dissolve and create another Holocaust.
Never happen. Trump might get a backhanded compliment for "cooperating" with democrats but it is ludicrous to even suggest that President Trump will ever ever "bask in media praise".

Trump has been playing the media like a bunch of marionettes since his run for Presidency began. Doesn't seem too improbable that he'll have them eating out of his hand if he chooses.
It's obvious that the GOP congress is a total failure - it's also obvious that the American people are fed up with them. They may talk the talk, but they sure as hell don't walk the walk.

On the other hand, the Dems do actually try to get things done. You may not like what they try to do, but at least they try.

For Trump it's obvious - he'd better make nice with the Dems if he is to accomplish anything. Besides, if the mid-term elections go well for the Dems, he may need their good will if he's to survive politically at all.

Sure, things "get done" so long as it is from the Progressive hand book.

If you want to continue the massive spending, or murder the unborn, or destroy morality in the schools, then the sky is the limit to "get things done".

We are now $20 trillion plus in debt by "getting things done"
with Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who have long histories of knowing how to get things done in the Congress.
And zero history of ever compromising with Republicans, or yielding an inch to what they want to do.

As Brit Hume recently said, Trump can easily "get a lot done" in Congress. All he has to do is completely capitulate to what the Democrats want, and agree to borrow and spend without limit, without requiring anything in return from the Democrats. And that is what he has done.

So, of course the media is praising him. Never mind that the deal is a bad one for America's long-term interests. The media is uninterested in things that will help the country survive. They only want what's best today, for Democrat officials only. And that is what Trump has given them.
It's obvious that the GOP congress is a total failure - it's also obvious that the American people are fed up with them. They may talk the talk, but they sure as hell don't walk the walk.

On the other hand, the Dems do actually try to get things done. You may not like what they try to do, but at least they try.

For Trump it's obvious - he'd better make nice with the Dems if he is to accomplish anything. Besides, if the mid-term elections go well for the Dems, he may need their good will if he's to survive politically at all.

Sure, things "get done" so long as it is from the Progressive hand book.

If you want to continue the massive spending, or murder the unborn, or destroy morality in the schools, then the sky is the limit to "get things done".

We are now $20 trillion plus in debt by "getting things done"

The Republicans are just as guilty of massive spending as the Dems. They have no interest in outlawing abortion either.

I'll bet you also thought that the Republicans would repeal Obamacare!

with Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who have long histories of knowing how to get things done in the Congress.
And zero history of ever compromising with Republicans, or yielding an inch to what they want to do.

As Brit Hume recently said, Trump can easily "get a lot done" in Congress. All he has to do is completely capitulate to what the Democrats want, and agree to borrow and spend without limit, without requiring anything in return from the Democrats. And that is what he has done.

So, of course the media is praising him. Never mind that the deal is a bad one for America's long-term interests. The media is uninterested in things that will help the country survive. They only want what's best today, for Democrat officials only. And that is what Trump has given them.

The Democrats have a long history of compromising with real Republicans - the ones you call RINOS. They refuse to compromise with a bunch of RWNJ's that have taken over the Republican party.
It's obvious that the GOP congress is a total failure - it's also obvious that the American people are fed up with them. They may talk the talk, but they sure as hell don't walk the walk.

On the other hand, the Dems do actually try to get things done. You may not like what they try to do, but at least they try.

For Trump it's obvious - he'd better make nice with the Dems if he is to accomplish anything. Besides, if the mid-term elections go well for the Dems, he may need their good will if he's to survive politically at all.

Sure, things "get done" so long as it is from the Progressive hand book.

If you want to continue the massive spending, or murder the unborn, or destroy morality in the schools, then the sky is the limit to "get things done".

We are now $20 trillion plus in debt by "getting things done"

The Republicans are just as guilty of massive spending as the Dems. They have no interest in outlawing abortion either.

I'll bet you also thought that the Republicans would repeal Obamacare!


No, I've been advocating people to support their local Article V movement. I have no illusions about the traitorous nature of the GOP.
Never happen. Trump might get a backhanded compliment for "cooperating" with democrats but it is ludicrous to even suggest that President Trump will ever ever "bask in media praise".

Like I said, Trump was basking.

"I got a call early this morning" from Trump, Schumer told The New York Times on the podcast "The New Washington" on Thursday.

"He said, 'This was so great!' Here's what he said: 'Do you watch Fox News?' I said, 'Not really.' 'They're praising you!' Meaning me. But he said, 'And your stations' — I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — 'are praising me! This is great!'"

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