trump Backs Down. Again.

There will be no executive order to add the citizenship question on the census.

The citizenship question won't be on the census.

trump has given up trying to put it on the census and says he will have the commerce department will get a count of undocumented people another way.

So the republican scheme of trying to cheat is stopped. This time.

Trump expected to end his fight to add citizenship question to census, sources say

The citizenship question won't be on the census because it's's not going to be on there because the lawsuits to block it are preventing it from being possible to put it on the census from a logistical standpoint. There simply isn't the time left to get it done. You might not want to celebrate too much, Dana...since overwhelmingly...people polled on the issue support having a citizenship question included. That's something that could hurt Democrats running for office in 2020.
Trying to cheat? On what? Every freaking country in the civilized world counts citizens and aliens in their census and America used to do it until Obama did away with the long form. It seems to me that Justice Roberts allowed the democrats to cheat.

Obama did away with the long form! I heard he was responsible for dropping the citizenship question but I didn't know it was through this means. I recall my dad cussing a blue streak when he received the 1970 long form. It contained endless crap like, "When entering your residence, do you enter from an exterior door or from the interior?" He wanted to reply, "When I'm drunk or sober?" The form ended up in our incinerator and we were told if anybody comes and asks about it, we haven't seen it.
Cheat? Why is knowing who has citizenship cheating? I would say keeping that info from Americans is cheating.

You're asking a question you know the answer to.

However to be polite, here's the answer to your question:

Dead man's hard drives the 'smoking gun' in census debate?

Now, however, a new wrinkle has emerged on the whole issue in an unusual way—via the hard drives of a deceased Republican strategist. Critics say the hard drives provide evidence for what they've been saying all along, that the citizenship question is a thinly disguised attempt to suppress minority voters and help white Republicans. The Justice Department says that's ridiculous. The Supreme Court has been informed of the new development, but whether it will play a role in justices' deliberations remains unclear. The details:

  • The strategist: The GOP's Thomas Hofeller is described by the New York Times as the "Michelangelo of gerrymandering, the architect of partisan political maps that cemented the party's dominance across the country." He died last August, and his estranged daughter, Stephanie Hofeller Lizon, recovered his hard drives.
  • His work: The hard drives, which his daughter gave to the advocacy group Common Cause, detail Hofeller's research in Texas. He concluded that if new voting maps were based not on population but more specifically on the number of American citizens of voting age, they "would be advantageous to Republicans and non-Hispanic whites." And they "would clearly be a disadvantage to the Democrats," he wrote, per the Washington Post.

In other words, like I said in my OP, cheat.
So illegals vote?

I'll play your game one more time. If you reply the same ridiculous way, I won't reply.

The citizenship question was put there to get an undercount of the population. Specifically in democratic held areas.

If there's an undercount of the population areas won't get the proper funding nor will they get the proper representation in congress. Thus losing seats that the state should have because of its population.

That will give an unfair benefit to republicans.

If you want to dispute that the proof of it was taken to the Supreme Court. At least one conservative judge on that court realized what trump and the republicans are trying to do and that wilber ross lied to the court about their reasons for that question.

Justice Roberts put in his ruling that the reasons the government were "contrived" which means he's saying he doesn't like being lied to.

You can play stupid all you want but all you're doing is making a fool of yourself.
You want taxpayers to fund illegals and give them representation? And, who is cheating?

Yes I do. It's what the constitution requires.

I see you hate the constitution, the rules that it requires for our government and nation.

Please tell me where in the constitution it says only citizens get representation and only citizens are counted in the census.

I know I'm going to be waiting a long time because the constitution requires ALL people to be counted. There's not one word in there about only citizens being counted.
Without the question it’s a pointless thing
Trying to cheat? On what? Every freaking country in the civilized world counts citizens and aliens in their census and America used to do it until Obama did away with the long form. It seems to me that Justice Roberts allowed the democrats to cheat.

The long form was dropped and replaced with the more frequent ACS after the 2000 census, a long time before Obama was POTUS. you people just parrot the same old talking points that have been refuted 1000 times...but you do not care...the last thing you care about is truth and honesty.
There will be no executive order to add the citizenship question on the census.

The citizenship question won't be on the census.

trump has given up trying to put it on the census and says he will have the commerce department will get a count of undocumented people another way.

So the republican scheme of trying to cheat is stopped. This time.

Trump expected to end his fight to add citizenship question to census, sources say

I read the story on HufPo.

Trump Says He's Dropping Effort To Get Citizenship Question On 2020 Census | HuffPost.

A racist question if there ever was. Aimed the Minority Population of our Country, mainly the Hispanic Voters.

Even that lying lowlife 5-Deferment Dodging POS 45 admitted the question would redistricting.

Pay attention all you Seig Heil Shouting, Goose Stepping, Blut un Boden Fuck Wads. The question was and remains Unconstitutional. Nor can the Orange Shit Gibbon overturn SCOTS with an Executive Order. It's called the Separation of Powers for a reason.
There will be no executive order to add the citizenship question on the census.

The citizenship question won't be on the census.

trump has given up trying to put it on the census and says he will have the commerce department will get a count of undocumented people another way.

So the republican scheme of trying to cheat is stopped. This time.

Trump expected to end his fight to add citizenship question to census, sources say

The OP is lying. He did issue one.

Trump, 'not backing down' in effort to count citizens amid census fight, announces executive order

Might want to get better "sources."
There will be no executive order to add the citizenship question on the census.

The citizenship question won't be on the census.

trump has given up trying to put it on the census and says he will have the commerce department will get a count of undocumented people another way.

So the republican scheme of trying to cheat is stopped. This time.

Trump expected to end his fight to add citizenship question to census, sources say
No they are gathering the information others ways and will be
Added to the census .. so if we know a town in California has 10 millions illegals they won’t get extra money or representation
There will be no executive order to add the citizenship question on the census.

The citizenship question won't be on the census.

trump has given up trying to put it on the census and says he will have the commerce department will get a count of undocumented people another way.

So the republican scheme of trying to cheat is stopped. This time.

Trump expected to end his fight to add citizenship question to census, sources say
No they are gathering the information others ways and will be
Added to the census .. so if we know a town in California has 10 millions illegals they won’t get extra money or representation

Algorithims ARE a 2-way street. :cool-45:
Obama did away with the long form! I heard he was responsible for dropping the citizenship question but I didn't know it was through this means.

Except the long form was removed in 2005 and a yearly survey is being used instead. Obama had nothing to do with it.
I am being taxed to house, clothe and feed trespassers.
And, if you elect democrats your taxes will be raised.

Your taxes will be raised by the state regardless if they lose federal funds because the illegals won't answer the question, thus an under count. If they answer the question and happen to get deported and it ends up being million's thus your state sales tax goes up. Not a win, win situation is it? You all are looking at it oh I have to pay for them or dems want more reps, you will pay if they are gone alright and far more than you do now. Yes I agree dems do want more reps.
So where does it say in the constitution the question "Are you a citizen" It says "All heads counted".
Trying to cheat? On what? Every freaking country in the civilized world counts citizens and aliens in their census and America used to do it until Obama did away with the long form. It seems to me that Justice Roberts allowed the democrats to cheat.


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