Trump Attacks Trudeau as He Heads to Kim Jong-un Summit: A Closer Look

Watch it and I advise you not to get your queer snout anywhere near my Ass you pedo…

We all realize you desperately want to orgasmically scream out you are a buttsex "slut," but quit fantasizing about anal sex for a moment you sick weirdo, and answer the dayem question.
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Jesus is from the middle east, so is moses and most great men. The orange is from a tan salon.

Issa, if you actually graduated high school, I think we have grounds for a lawsuit for reparations. :p
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.
I believe you are confusing him with the Hillary campaign.
Trudeau has to get used to the idea that he has to have equality in tariffs, They tax the US with 10% taxes and we reciprocate with 2.5%. A lot of room for Trudeau to give. Our workers and farmers depend on it. Trump has the back of the American citizens.
Good point Jackson, in fact The Donald ultimately wants no tariffs anywhere so free trade can flourish. But he has to do what he has to do to get the crooks to pay attention.
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.
But wait... 'low energy Jeb' would undoubtedly have been 'niceererrable' and more 'estrogenetic' fostering a posture of US 'fetal position' in the world... thereby not "triggering" metro sexual Trudeau and Macron into angst... Yes by all means we should revert back to Obama era tactics of 'pink lines' and surreptitious payoffs in the Billions to placate our antagonists...
I dont care for Obama, Trudeau, jeb or Kim...all I know Trump is a scum and is everything negative that a decent human being should be. The lying, the bullying, the narcissism, the sexism, sends the wrong message to not only our kids but to society as a whole.
Well, I like your response! on the lying.. lets pause, on the bullying, on the sexism... are you friggin kidding? who cares what he did 'umpteen years ago as a celebrity businessman' I think most women, older and more sheltered than myself, understand the concept of 'locker room talk' and "gallivanting promiscuity" & if we were just honky dory as a Nation, perhaps we would nit pick on the personal life of our Commander and Chief... We don't have that luxury, & thank God we have a decisive, no holds barred President at this point in time...!
If you dont find Trump as an ok person morally that tells me a lot about you.
So you ok with him calling people names, all the bragging he does constantly, the fighting he does on tweeter, the constant drama he seeks?
I'm sorry but I was brought up normal, ans Trumps kind shouldn't be allowed a gram of respect. I dont care what he achieves politically....even El Chao and pablo Escobar had their admirers and by your logic, they were wonderful people.
Let's imagine that I... (we) are an employer & DJT is an employee who performs quite well at his job... much better than the last employee we had in that position (lol). I might not like some aspects of this employee's personality, morality, past & present indiscretions ... but keep him on and praise him within the narrow scope of the job he is hired to do... This approach decidedly does not delve past the parameters of his position... theoretically, do I wish that this employee's personal affairs were as pure as the wind driven snow... well sure, but first and foremost he's judged by (me, myself & I) on his job performance.
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.

Are you suggesting that Trump is from the Middle East?
Jesus is from the middle east, so is moses and most great men. The orange is from a tan salon.

They were all murdered, weren't they? Typical Middle East.
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.
But wait... 'low energy Jeb' would undoubtedly have been 'niceererrable' and more 'estrogenetic' fostering a posture of US 'fetal position' in the world... thereby not "triggering" metro sexual Trudeau and Macron into angst... Yes by all means we should revert back to Obama era tactics of 'pink lines' and surreptitious payoffs in the Billions to placate our antagonists...
I dont care for Obama, Trudeau, jeb or Kim...all I know Trump is a scum and is everything negative that a decent human being should be. The lying, the bullying, the narcissism, the sexism, sends the wrong message to not only our kids but to society as a whole.
Well, I like your response! on the lying.. lets pause, on the bullying, on the sexism... are you friggin kidding? who cares what he did 'umpteen years ago as a celebrity businessman' I think most women, older and more sheltered than myself, understand the concept of 'locker room talk' and "gallivanting promiscuity" & if we were just honky dory as a Nation, perhaps we would nit pick on the personal life of our Commander and Chief... We don't have that luxury, & thank God we have a decisive, no holds barred President at this point in time...!
If you dont find Trump as an ok person morally that tells me a lot about you.
So you ok with him calling people names, all the bragging he does constantly, the fighting he does on tweeter, the constant drama he seeks?
I'm sorry but I was brought up normal, ans Trumps kind shouldn't be allowed a gram of respect. I dont care what he achieves politically....even El Chao and pablo Escobar had their admirers and by your logic, they were wonderful people.
Let's imagine that I... (we) are an employer & DJT is an employee who performs quite well at his job... much better than the last employee we had in that position (lol). I might not like some aspects of this employee's personality, morality, past & present indiscretions ... but keep him on and praise him within the narrow scope of the job he is hired to do... This approach decidedly does not delve past the parameters of his position... theoretically, do I wish that this employee's personal affairs were as pure as the wind driven snow... well sure, but first and foremost he's judged by (me, myself & I) on his job performance.
Even if he uses insults, intimidation, bullying in the work place?
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.

Are you suggesting that Trump is from the Middle East?
Jesus is from the middle east, so is moses and most great men. The orange is from a tan salon.

They were all murdered, weren't they? Typical Middle East.
So were millions of blacks in the US
So were millions of native Indians
So were millions of American in the civil war
So were president and politicians in the US
So are thousands of Americans each year.

Your point ?
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.

Are you suggesting that Trump is from the Middle East?
Jesus is from the middle east, so is moses and most great men. The orange is from a tan salon.

They were all murdered, weren't they? Typical Middle East.
So were millions of blacks in the US
So were millions of native Indians
So were millions of American in the civil war
So were president and politicians in the US
So are thousands of Americans each year.

Your point ?

Millions of blacks in the US? (I wish)
Millions of Native Indians? (That's kind of a stretch)
Millions of Americans in the Civil War? (Less than 700,000)

Keep trying,Boy!
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.

Are you suggesting that Trump is from the Middle East?
Jesus is from the middle east, so is moses and most great men. The orange is from a tan salon.

They were all murdered, weren't they? Typical Middle East.
So were millions of blacks in the US
So were millions of native Indians
So were millions of American in the civil war
So were president and politicians in the US
So are thousands of Americans each year.

Your point ?

Millions of blacks in the US? (I wish)
Millions of Native Indians? (That's kind of a stretch)
Millions of Americans in the Civil War? (Less than 700,000)

Keep trying,Boy!

You wish millions of 'black' Americans were murdered?
Trump can bring unemployment to 0%, denuclearize the world but will go down as the worst thing that happened to the US and humanity...he brought morals to a new low...where bullying, name calling, lying, fooling people, cheating is normal and acceptable.

Are you suggesting that Trump is from the Middle East?
Jesus is from the middle east, so is moses and most great men. The orange is from a tan salon.

They were all murdered, weren't they? Typical Middle East.
So were millions of blacks in the US
So were millions of native Indians
So were millions of American in the civil war
So were president and politicians in the US
So are thousands of Americans each year.

Your point ?

Millions of blacks in the US? (I wish)
Millions of Native Indians? (That's kind of a stretch)
Millions of Americans in the Civil War? (Less than 700,000)

Keep trying,Boy!
You have your own numbers I guess. You get the point...the US is as violent.

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