trump ask China to investigate Biden

Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster? That's what you poor souls have been reduced to?
It is the perfect / exact level of seriousness this thread / the hysterical reaction from snowflakes to Trump F*ing with them deserves...
Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster? That's what you poor souls have been reduced to?
It is the perfect / exact level of seriousness this thread / the hysterical reaction from snowflakes to Trump F*ing with them deserves...

The Intel IG found the threat credible. With Trump absolutely melting down (hysteric babble about 'civil wars' 'stock market crashes' 'coups' and 'treason'), including throwing an embarrassing little tantrum in front of the President of Finland. And storming off in a childish huff.

Looks like President Snowflake needs to make up some more awards to give support for impeachment is growing.
The Intel IG found the threat credible.
No, Atkinson did NOT find there was any credibility to the claim.

Under oath before his Confirmation hearing Atkinson stated if there was ever any question about the credibility of a complaint he would bring the issue up to the SENATE Intel Committee as required and discuss it. Instead, he immediately called Adam Schiff and the HOUSE Intel Commit which is run by liars, classified Info leakers, and Impeachment-crazed Democrats.

Atkinson, btw, worked as a Deputy Lead in the DOJ section that handled / controlled the 1st FISA Court request filing - yeah, he was ass-deep in the Obama failed coup attempt. His boss was forced to resign when he was questioned about his handling of the FISA Court request. Under oath, former FBI Agent page testified that McCabe and she was briefed by Atkinson's boss...and him...on the status of the Trump investigation / coup attempt.

Interesting how so many coincidences such as the same people always being at the heart of scandals / coup attempts / Atkinson is here.

Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster? That's what you poor souls have been reduced to?
It is the perfect / exact level of seriousness this thread / the hysterical reaction from snowflakes to Trump F*ing with them deserves...

The Intel IG found the threat credible. With Trump absolutely melting down (hysteric babble about 'civil wars' 'stock market crashes' 'coups' and 'treason'), including throwing an embarrassing little tantrum in front of the President of Finland. And storming off in a childish huff.

Looks like President Snowflake needs to make up some more awards to give support for impeachment is growing.

Negatory, Big Ben.
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The Intel IG found the threat credible.
No, Atkinson did NOT find there was any credibility to the claim.

Under oath before his Confirmation hearing Atkinson stated if there was ever any question about the credibility of a complaint he would bring the issue up to the SENATE Intel Committee as required and discuss it. Instead, he immediately called Adam Schiff and the HOUSE Intel Commit which is run by liars, classified Info leakers, and Impeachment-crazed Democrats.

Atkinson, btw, worked as a Deputy Lead in the DOJ section that handled / controlled the 1st FISA Court request filing - yeah, he was ass-deep in the Obama failed coup attempt. His boss was forced to resign when he was questioned about his handling of the FISA Court request. Under oath, former FBI Agent page testified that McCabe and she was briefed by Atkinson's boss...and him...on the status of the Trump investigation / coup attempt.

Interesting how so many coincidences such as the same people always being at the heart of scandals / coup attempts / Atkinson is here.


"The whistleblower stated on the form that he or she possessed both first-hand and other information. The ICIG reviewed the information provided as well as other information gathered and determined that the complaint was both urgent and that it appeared credible. " Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

It helps if it you read the actual statement from Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence ....rather than just your typical making shit up as you go along.
Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster? That's what you poor souls have been reduced to?
It is the perfect / exact level of seriousness this thread / the hysterical reaction from snowflakes to Trump F*ing with them deserves...

The Intel IG found the threat credible. With Trump absolutely melting down (hysteric babble about 'civil wars' 'stock market crashes' 'coups' and 'treason'), including throwing an embarrassing little tantrum in front of the President of Finland. And storming off in a childish huff.

Looks like President Snowflake needs to make up some more awards to give support for impeachment is growing.

Negatory, Big Ben.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual statements from the Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence.....over you.
Trump projects so many of his own faults, failings, and corruption onto others that I am starting to wonder if he was born in Kenya.

The previous buffoon in the wh had several family members in kenya. Didn't he even have a few brothers who he wouldn't acknowledge.

So Trump idiotically gobbled down the batshit birther conspiracy for HALF A DECADE because Obama had a brother in Kenya?

If so, he's even more startlingly gullible than I thought.
Trump projects so many of his own faults, failings, and corruption onto others that I am starting to wonder if he was born in Kenya.

The previous buffoon in the wh had several family members in kenya. Didn't he even have a few brothers who he wouldn't acknowledge.

So Trump idiotically gobbled down the batshit birther conspiracy for HALF A DECADE because Obama had a brother in Kenya?

If so, he's even more startlingly gullible than I thought.

Naw, he's just dancing in lib heads.
Trump is head of the executive of the USA. That includes all investigative agencies--FBI, CIA etc and f they need his help to get a foreign government to help with obvious FRAUD, then an argument can be made that it is hs duty to do so.

A Vice President is accused of shaking down a foreign government for money for his son, effectively for himself. He is on tape talking about how he intervened in Ukraine's affairs to get their counterpart to our Attorney General--FIRED.

That ought to be a crime itself....and it certainly gives the appearance of extortion.

Try to take your tin foil hat off for a second, and consider how you would be thinking if a Trump son, fresh off getting kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use, then lands a fat job for Ukraine--knowing nothing about Ukraine or the company paying him...and then his VEPP father is on tape bragging about how he got the Prosecutor who was investigating this sham--FIRED.

Joe Biden is obviously dirty...and he does not get a Pass because he is running for President (and losing again as usual).

And the same thing goes for asking China what the Hell they were doing investing in a Drug Addict...if they had any other reason at all except he was the Veep's son and the Dumb-Ass Veep was busy giving the store away to China. who happened to be the son.

Trump is doing his job.
Trump projects so many of his own faults, failings, and corruption onto others that I am starting to wonder if he was born in Kenya.

The previous buffoon in the wh had several family members in kenya. Didn't he even have a few brothers who he wouldn't acknowledge.

So Trump idiotically gobbled down the batshit birther conspiracy for HALF A DECADE because Obama had a brother in Kenya?

If so, he's even more startlingly gullible than I thought.

Naw, he's just dancing in lib heads.

Or demonstrating why a batshit conspiracy theorist isn't suitable for high office.As they are prone to champion the most idiotic ideas.

Like Trump did when he insisted that Global Warming was a hoax by the Chinese.

Or some nonsnse about 'wind mills causing cancer'.

Or that Trump won the popular vote.
Trump projects so many of his own faults, failings, and corruption onto others that I am starting to wonder if he was born in Kenya.

The previous buffoon in the wh had several family members in kenya. Didn't he even have a few brothers who he wouldn't acknowledge.

So Trump idiotically gobbled down the batshit birther conspiracy for HALF A DECADE because Obama had a brother in Kenya?

If so, he's even more startlingly gullible than I thought.

Naw, he's just dancing in lib heads.

Or demonstrating why a batshit conspiracy theorist isn't suitable for high office.As they are prone to champion the most idiotic ideas.

Like Trump did when he insisted that Global Warming was a hoax by the Chinese.

Or some nonsnse about 'wind mills causing cancer'.

Or that Trump won the popular vote.

Or 57 states

Or lowering your premiums

Or weapons of mass destruction

Or 'I didn't have sex with that woman'
Trump projects so many of his own faults, failings, and corruption onto others that I am starting to wonder if he was born in Kenya.

The previous buffoon in the wh had several family members in kenya. Didn't he even have a few brothers who he wouldn't acknowledge.

So Trump idiotically gobbled down the batshit birther conspiracy for HALF A DECADE because Obama had a brother in Kenya?

If so, he's even more startlingly gullible than I thought.

Naw, he's just dancing in lib heads.

Or demonstrating why a batshit conspiracy theorist isn't suitable for high office.As they are prone to champion the most idiotic ideas.

Like Trump did when he insisted that Global Warming was a hoax by the Chinese.

Or some nonsnse about 'wind mills causing cancer'.

Or that Trump won the popular vote.

Or 57 states

A flub. The difference between Obama and Trump is the Obama didn't hold to his flub, insisting that there were actually 57 states, and even using a sharpie pen on a map of the US to 'prove' it. Or make up stories of an 'original map' with 57 states.Or compel government officials to back his story.

That's the difference between a slip of the tongue.......and the idiot ramblings of a hapless conspiracy theorist.

And Trump bought the idiot birther conspiracy for nearly 5 years. 5 years of adherence to one of the most foolish, evidence free, stupid conspiracy theories this side of 'shapeshifting lizard men'. Demonstrating Trump's profound and inexcusable gullibility.

But what are you going to do about our POTUS? Dipshit are gonna dip.

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