trump ask China to investigate Biden

Trump's friend Rudy Giuliani is in bed with a number of slimy characters in the Ukraine, including a Russian under US sanctions. He has some very corrupt clients there.

That's all you need to know to tell you that Trump is not the least bit interested in rooting out corruption.

This was all about colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent. Trumptards are being massively hoaxed.
President Zelenskyy: I would like to tell you that I also have quite a few Ukrainian friends that live in the United States. Actually last time I traveled to the United States, I stayed in New York near Central Park and I stayed at the Trump Tower.

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

Actually last time I traveled to the United States, I stayed in New York near Central Park and I stayed at the Trump Tower.

Wonder why I didn't get a response from G5 on this...

Did Zlalinsky stay at Trump towers before he was elected president?

Before Trump was elected president?

Why is that a big deal to you?

Just throwing crap at the oscillation machine?
Zelensky made a point of telling PRESIDENT Trump he had stayed at his hotel.

Obviously currying favor.


Damn you're paranoid.
Remember... the average Democrat thinks the bidens are clean and pure.

Don't be a Democrat. Don't be dumb.
Ivanka at least had products able to get trademarks. Hunter Biden was never anything more than a drunk and drug addict who pimped out his father.

Hunter Biden sold access to the vice president. Investigating that illegal activity is very much called for.
We will soon find out more, like about john Carey's son and others involved in "real" corruption.
Ivanka at least had products able to get trademarks. Hunter Biden was never anything more than a drunk and drug addict who pimped out his father.

Hunter Biden sold access to the vice president. Investigating that illegal activity is very much called for.
Democrats are so brainwashed, the media tells them the bidens are clean and pure, they believe it.

Don't be a Democrat... you'll look stupid soon.
Ivanka at least had products able to get trademarks. Hunter Biden was never anything more than a drunk and drug addict who pimped out his father.

Hunter Biden sold access to the vice president. Investigating that illegal activity is very much called for.
I more than Ivanka was doing. If that’s at all true about Hunter
Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE

China this month awarded Ivanka Trump seven new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses, including books, housewares and cushions.

At around the same time, President Trump vowed to find a way to prevent a major Chinese telecommunications company from going bust, even though the company has a history of violating American limits on doing business with countries like Iran and North Korea.

Maybe the Dems need to investigate this!
trump's action that he is doing in the open with the world watching are much worse than anything Nixon ever did...

The paid trolls on this board are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to defend the treasonous bastard....
Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

What a piece if shit. He asked a Communist Dictatorship to interfere in a US election..and he tied it to trade talks.....shameful

So if President Trump says Big Foot & Loch Ness Monster should team up to investigate Elizabeth Warren you actually think that 1) The President is really calling on them to do so, and 2) Even if they did exist they would hear Trump and do exactly what he asked?

This also means you believe that China, whose balls Trump has been busting in this Trade War, is suddenly going to call a 'Time Out' so they can do Trump a favor by putting effort into investigating some old fart and his corrupt drug-using son?!


Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

What a piece if shit. He asked a Communist Dictatorship to interfere in a US election..and he tied it to trade talks.....shameful

So if President Trump says Big Foot & Loch Ness Monster should team up to investigate Elizabeth Warren you actually think that 1) The President is really calling on them to do so, and 2) Even if they did exist they would hear Trump and do exactly what he asked?

This also means you believe that China, whose balls Trump has been busting in this Trade War, is suddenly going to call a 'Time Out' so they can do Trump a favor by putting effort into investigating some old fart and his corrupt drug-using son?!


A. China actually exists and are looking for any advantage they can get in the stupid trade war Trump started.
B. If they thought they could get concessions from Trump of Course they would make up shit on Biden
Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

What a piece if shit. He asked a Communist Dictatorship to interfere in a US election..and he tied it to trade talks.....shameful

So if President Trump says Big Foot & Loch Ness Monster should team up to investigate Elizabeth Warren you actually think that 1) The President is really calling on them to do so, and 2) Even if they did exist they would hear Trump and do exactly what he asked?

This also means you believe that China, whose balls Trump has been busting in this Trade War, is suddenly going to call a 'Time Out' so they can do Trump a favor by putting effort into investigating some old fart and his corrupt drug-using son?!


Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster? That's what you poor souls have been reduced to?

How about you join us in reality. Trump just solicited China to interfere with our election....based on Trump's personal fantasies, backed by nothing. After doing the same thing with the Ukraine. But then, this is the same hapless idiot that gobbled the mindless Birther conspiracy for half a decade, forward the moronic 'windmills cause cancer' batshit, and insisted global warming is a hoax by the Chinese.
Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

What a piece if shit. He asked a Communist Dictatorship to interfere in a US election..and he tied it to trade talks.....shameful
He they they should.. do you know what that means?

trump is illegally requesting helpung from a foreign country to assist him with his re-election campaign.....he us breaking the law....while his Stooge Bob Barr looks on...

FEC Chair at Odds With Justice Position on Foreign Campaign Help

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