Trump and Republicans desperate to get rid of Mueller


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As Robert Mueller begins to methodically uncover the Trump administration's many dealings with Russia, in addition to the financial crimes they've committed, some republicans are scrambling like rats to find a way to get rid of him. Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Louis Gohmert of Texas say say Mueller should step down because he was FBI director when a Russian-backed company purchased American uranium mines in 2010. They say he mishandled the case, which Trump has called the "real Russia story. In addition, Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist and current head of Breitbart News, has a different idea: de-fund Mueller's office. Bannon is looking to garner "support for a proposal from Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., that would end funding for Mueller’s office within six months of the bill being signed into law," Politico reported. In order to gain the support, he has pushed the idea on prominent conservative news outlets and figures such as Fox News's Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham as well as radio host Rush Limbaugh. There is no evidence Robert Mueller mishandled anything, and Bannon's idea of defunding Muellers investigation would require congressional approval. If the Trump administration is as squeaky clean as they claim, then why are they trying to shut Mueller down??

It's clear the Trump administration is scrambling to keep their ties with Russia hidden, as well as their many shady business dealings. This shows the growing desperation some republicans have to stop this investigation at all cost!

Republicans just introduced a resolution to remove Mueller from the Trump-Russia investigation

Mueller facing new Republican pressure to resign in Russia probe

Here's how Republicans want to stop Robert Mueller's investigation

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