Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

A widely respected Senator.
McCain showed courage and Trump showed cowardice. One is viewed as a brave man the other is viewed as a man without courage.

...and McCain lost to a radical, lying scumbag and Trump is light years ahead of everyone
He lost for various reasons, none of which refer to his character or courage. Having an know nothing idiot for a VP didn't help.
You are delusional if you think Trump is light years ahead. He is ahead in a field of Republicans going after the nomination and over a year before the general election. You also seen to be ignoring the fact that his poll numbers are now going backwards, indicating he has lost momentum and is now loosing support.

and you seem to be ignoring the fact that the hildebeast will be under indictment for criminal release of classified information.

mark my words, Hillary Clinton will never be president.

Words marked for future use. Can't wait!!!
Quite the double standard since Obama does no such thing himself. So, why is Trump morally obligated to defend him? If Obama cannot come out and denounce that accusation, what does that say about him?

Could it either be A) he is a Muslim, or B) he's just too much of a lilly-livered coward to come out and defend himself from unfounded accusations?

Since we all know he isn't the former we are left with the latter. The best thing to do here is leave each man to fight his own battles. Trump is not his babysitter.

Hey, nitwit...Obama has NOTHING to gain from refuting scumbags' assertions; conversely, Trump has a LOT to lose from either "offending" his base of closeted racists or from "offending" all decent republicans who are finally seeing him as a fringe candidate without a moral rudder.

As for you...

Going to answer my challenge in the Bull Ring?
Obama has NOTHING to gain from refuting scumbags' assertions

Wasn't it you that told me that "silence is acquiescence?"

Suddenly that doesn't ring so true for you, now does it? Why is that? Why on one end is it imperative to break silence and on the other maintain it?

You said basically "Trump's silence makes him implicit, he must speak out against it" while then saying "Obama has a right to be silent."

Double standard much?
You love how we are suppose to believe Obama is all big and bad then we have all these ninnies whining about how he should be DEFENDED over a remark make by an AMERICAN citizen. that right there is a reason to NEVER put in another progressive/democrat as our President. they can't stand on their own two feet. they need to stay in the sandbox. who want's some thin skinned little man, who is a thug one minuet and the next they have him some hopeless case

kick them out come 2016. we are SICK and tired of Obama, his whiney ass party and all their cult followers making demands on the rest of us
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.
Is that equal to when obama the butt boy referred to the republicans as enemies?
Not even close. Obama wasn't displaying cowardice the way Trump was.

What is being cowardly about Trump knowing that he could not have changed that man's mind?
He did the right thing and moved on to another more sane question.
Did you even notice that Hillary has no audience participation?
He didn't have to change the man's mind and no one is suggesting he should have tried. All he had to do was tell the guy and the crowd that it was inappropriate to bash a religion and question the President's religion at HIS VENUE and event. He didn't have to agree or disagree, just point out that HIS VENUE and events were not designed or meant to be hate platforms or construed as such. He was a coward for not doing so.

He had to do that to accomplish what, make liberals respect him?

Why should he waste his breath?
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.
Is that equal to when obama the butt boy referred to the republicans as enemies?
Not even close. Obama wasn't displaying cowardice the way Trump was.

What is being cowardly about Trump knowing that he could not have changed that man's mind?
He did the right thing and moved on to another more sane question.
Did you even notice that Hillary has no audience participation?
He didn't have to change the man's mind and no one is suggesting he should have tried. All he had to do was tell the guy and the crowd that it was inappropriate to bash a religion and question the President's religion at HIS VENUE and event. He didn't have to agree or disagree, just point out that HIS VENUE and events were not designed or meant to be hate platforms or construed as such. He was a coward for not doing so.

He had to do that to accomplish what, make liberals respect him?

Why should he waste his breath?

He's not going to win the general with just White Christian racists alone.

And this just effectively killed his chances..
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.
Is that equal to when obama the butt boy referred to the republicans as enemies?
Not even close. Obama wasn't displaying cowardice the way Trump was.

What is being cowardly about Trump knowing that he could not have changed that man's mind?
He did the right thing and moved on to another more sane question.
Did you even notice that Hillary has no audience participation?
He didn't have to change the man's mind and no one is suggesting he should have tried. All he had to do was tell the guy and the crowd that it was inappropriate to bash a religion and question the President's religion at HIS VENUE and event. He didn't have to agree or disagree, just point out that HIS VENUE and events were not designed or meant to be hate platforms or construed as such. He was a coward for not doing so.

He had to do that to accomplish what, make liberals respect him?

Why should he waste his breath?
You need to look at this situation for what it really is.
When obama ran the liberals were quick to accuse others of being racist if they did not vote for obama, policy or anything else didnt matter, it was only because he was dark skinned that people chose not to vote for him.
Of course the liberals learned what a mistake they made with the dark skin guy but they cant say it. They have spent so much time accusing others that disagree with obama of being racist that for them to now admit the truth would be racist in their own words.
So they only have white people running.
The logical thing is to take the front runner for the conservative side (not republican ) and make it so that if you vote for him, you are racist. basically the same thing. as soon as the candidate on the republican ticket is picked, you can bet that the left will spend their energy making that person out to be racist.
Considering that there is a good chance the republican nomination will be female, its too early to claim a sexist agenda from the right, however if the rights candidate is not female, then it will certainly become a sexist issue.

Its the way they work. they have nothing to run on so they try to use shame and fear of being called a name.
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.
Is that equal to when obama the butt boy referred to the republicans as enemies?
Not even close. Obama wasn't displaying cowardice the way Trump was.

What is being cowardly about Trump knowing that he could not have changed that man's mind?
He did the right thing and moved on to another more sane question.
Did you even notice that Hillary has no audience participation?
He didn't have to change the man's mind and no one is suggesting he should have tried. All he had to do was tell the guy and the crowd that it was inappropriate to bash a religion and question the President's religion at HIS VENUE and event. He didn't have to agree or disagree, just point out that HIS VENUE and events were not designed or meant to be hate platforms or construed as such. He was a coward for not doing so.

He had to do that to accomplish what, make liberals respect him?

Why should he waste his breath?
Believe it or not, many independents and even many conservative still respect things like honor, character and class.
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.
Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.
And thus Donald Trump reveals that party is more important than principles. Scoring points is more important than truth.

Just like all the unprincipled, parroting rubes who adore him.
Trump's birther past does obligate him to repudiate it.

do you know how goofy that sounds? Hillary is the one who should be up licking his shoes. she started the birther crap. the hell with him. we don't have defend him from our own American citizens
Is that equal to when obama the butt boy referred to the republicans as enemies?
Not even close. Obama wasn't displaying cowardice the way Trump was.

What is being cowardly about Trump knowing that he could not have changed that man's mind?
He did the right thing and moved on to another more sane question.
Did you even notice that Hillary has no audience participation?
He didn't have to change the man's mind and no one is suggesting he should have tried. All he had to do was tell the guy and the crowd that it was inappropriate to bash a religion and question the President's religion at HIS VENUE and event. He didn't have to agree or disagree, just point out that HIS VENUE and events were not designed or meant to be hate platforms or construed as such. He was a coward for not doing so.

He had to do that to accomplish what, make liberals respect him?

Why should he waste his breath?
Believe it or not, many independents and even many conservative still respect things like honor, character and class.

Yes, and the people demanding an apology from Trump have none of those things. They are dishonest scumbag weasels.
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.
You live in a delusional world. Plenty of conservatives, including conservative media have criticized him and questioned his response. The liberal media is not responsible for making him drop in the polls or keeping his high disapproval rating with Republican voters.
Trump has bragged about being a whiner to get what he wants. Whining is something you teach little children to stop doing before they enter kindergarten. Trump has never gotten out of the spoiled brat stage.
John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

A widely respected Senator.
McCain showed courage and Trump showed cowardice. One is viewed as a brave man the other is viewed as a man without courage.

"Courage?" Okay. Maybe. I don't know. McCain corrected his supporter and Trump decided to let it run. Its possible that he didn't want to interrupt the guy or something like that. However; when you're in a forum and a person brings up something that is flat out wrong and you accept it as look stupid. I mean, what if the guy said, "We all know the world is flat...." and he didn't correct him. We would rightly assume that The Donald thinks the world is flat.

No, only liberal morons like you would draw that conclusion. Polite people don't say anything when a dumbass says something stupid. I'm sure you've noticed people remaining quiet after you've spoken.
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"
You people have no idea how many millions of people are laughing their asses off over all this and AT YOU demanding he's to defend the thug.

Leftist Conundrum Over ‘Obama Is A Muslim’ Assertion

all of with comments
Weasel Zippers
Going to answer my challenge in the Bull Ring?

A bull ring?? What's a bull ring. torero???

As I've told someone else, I follow the old adage of never wrestling with pigs in a pigsty because one is bound to get dirty and the pig actually LIKES it. LOL
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.
Going to answer my challenge in the Bull Ring?

A bull ring?? What's a bull ring. torero???

As I've told someone else, I follow the old adage of never wrestling with pigs in a pigsty because one is bound to get dirty and the pig actually LIKES it. LOL

And in more simpler terms, you're scared. I understand. I am the pack of wolves to your sty of pigs.

Can't go around calling people pigs when you're acting like one.
Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.
And thus Donald Trump reveals that party is more important than principles. Scoring points is more important than truth.

Just like all the unprincipled, parroting rubes who adore him.

^ LOLz

When did Defending Obama's Hurt Feelings become a qualification for POTUS?
Defending the Truth should always come first. When someone tells a lie, it should be pounced upon and trounced, no matter who tells the lie or who the lie is about.

That's what integrity looks like. But you wouldn't know.

Are you admitting that Dims have no integrity? When have they ever "pounced" on any of Obama's lies? Hillary's?

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