Trump admits - Russia hacked US election

White House concedes Russia meddled in campaign, but denies it changed the result

Republicans cannot end any investigation now. Nor can Mueller be 'fired'. Tick, tick, tick...
funny, why don't you pull out the piece that states that.

from your link:

"On Thursday, shortly before Sanders was scheduled to hold a briefing, Trump sent out a series of tweets about Russian intervention where he described it as “a big Dem HOAX!” and a “big Dem scam and excuse for losing the election!” Trump pointed to the fact the DNC did not turn over its computer servers to the FBI to look at for evidence."
White House concedes Russia meddled in campaign, but denies it changed the result

Republicans cannot end any investigation now. Nor can Mueller be 'fired'. Tick, tick, tick...

Fantastic.......Is the orange clown then also ready to admit that his presidency is ILLEGITIMATE????? LOL

He won't admit to collusion with the Russians until the last minute. Then the favorite fallback of Republicans of having their president resign and then the vice president once seated just issues a pardon for the criminal as with Nixon. Bush Jr. did the same with Scooter Libby. They've figured out they can commit any crime they like as long as they have someone in power that can then pardon the criminal.

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