Trump accusers characterize asking for a phone number, name calling as sexual assault

One of the complaints against Al Franken was that in a group photo, he put his hand around a woman's waist.

I don't like him, but using this kind of garbage to force the man out of an office he was elected to is unconscionable.
Who told him he could put his hand around the womans waist? Any man knows thats not a permissible area to touch on a woman unless she says its ok.

In a group photo putting ones arm around the next person is guite acceptable.
He was groping me, and then he tried to put his hand up my blouse! The pig! Well? Did you move away from him and say NO? Did you stop him from groping you initially? Did you scream and say no? Did you kick him? Well, if you don't make it clear that you aren't interested in being groped in the first place, then don't be "shocked" when the man tries to take it to another level! :eusa_eh: I still remember the one who claims he molested her on the plane, where she stated it wasn't really a big deal when he was groping the top half of her body, but when he progressed and tried to slip his hand up her skirt, she was just outraged and violated! How is a guy supposed to know that when you are letting him grope you? :uhoh3:

And, this happened in an airliner? A famous person that everyone knows? And no eyewitnesses?

Come on folks, get real.
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

Room full? I’ve heard one complaint. Where’s the rest?
How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?

Find proof of actual assault and I would start being concerned. right now all you idiots have is bluster and a guy walking through a dressing room, something which plenty of guys have probably done.
I think you are very, very wrong to think that men walk through ladies' dressing rooms. It is absurd to even assume that, and I can only imagine you are saying that because you will say anything to defend Trump. Of course men are not allowed to walk into their dressing room unannounced when they are changing. Of course not. They are normal women, just like your mother, wife, daughter or sister: do you think it would be okay for a strange man to walk into the room when your daughter is changing? Do you think young womenn give up their right to modesty and privacy because they are beauty contestants? Idiotic to think men normally walk into their dressing room at will.

So all people working at these pageants are women? all people working backstage where models are changing for fashion shows are women?

What about a man who identifies as a woman? I guess by your logic we should stop them right?
You are not even using common sense or logic; you are just desperating trying to say anything to defend Trump. It doesn't matter who works for the pageant, men do not walk into women's dressing rooms when the women are half dressed. Period. Trump bragged about doing it and bragged that he could get away with it because he owned the pageant. Obviously it wasn't normal behavior.

You didn't answer my question.

Again, are all fashion designers female?
He was groping me, and then he tried to put his hand up my blouse! The pig! Well? Did you move away from him and say NO? Did you stop him from groping you initially? Did you scream and say no? Did you kick him? Well, if you don't make it clear that you aren't interested in being groped in the first place, then don't be "shocked" when the man tries to take it to another level! :eusa_eh: I still remember the one who claims he molested her on the plane, where she stated it wasn't really a big deal when he was groping the top half of her body, but when he progressed and tried to slip his hand up her skirt, she was just outraged and violated! How is a guy supposed to know that when you are letting him grope you? :uhoh3:

And, this happened in an airliner? A famous person that everyone knows? And no eyewitnesses?

Come on folks, get real.

It was a weird story, that's for sure. Don't be surprised if a man gets the wrong idea when you are sending him mixed signals is just one moral of the story for women. For men, it is just don't go around groping women unless you are clear that she wants you to grope her.
If asking someone out for a date is now sexual harassment, unfortunately real cases of harassment and misconduct will fall by the wayside.
Exactly. These people who yell "Fire!" when there isn't one are only stealing attention from those who really need it.

God bless you and the real victims always!!!


That settles it. We can grope, fondling, harass all we want because people should only be focused on rape.

Good thinking jackass.
Yeah that inability to distinguish criminal activity from normal interactions between the sexes is why rape is so common these days.
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

Room full? I’ve heard one complaint. Where’s the rest?

Natasha Stoynoff
While she was interviewing Trump in 2005 for an article for People magazine about the first anniversary of his third marriage, Trump lured her into a room at Mar-a-Lago, forced her against a wall and abruptly kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth. He then said they were going to have an affair.

Kristin Anderson
While she was at a Manhattan nightclub in the early 1990s, Trump slid his fingers under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh and touched her vagina through her underwear.

Summer Zervos
Trump kissed Zervos on the lips when he met her in his New York office, which upset Zervos, who had been a contestant on Season 5 of Trump’s “The Apprentice.” She then met Trump at the Beverly Hills Hotel in 2007 for what she thought would be dinner; instead, she was escorted to his private bungalow. “I stood up and he came to me and started kissing me open-mouthed as he was pulling me toward him,” she said. “He then grabbed my shoulder and started kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast.” He kept pursuing her, she said, at one point “thrusting his genitals” against her as he tried to kiss her. She said she again rebuffed him.

Mindy McGillivray
McGillivray said she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago in 2003, when she was 23, at a photo shoot during a concert by Ray Charles. “All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned.’’ She told the Palm Beach Post she was certain it was not an accident. “This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab,’’ she said. “It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.’’

Jill Harth
In the early 1990s, Jill Harth and her boyfriend at the time, George Houraney, worked with Trump on a beauty pageant in Atlantic City, and later accused Trump of inappropriate behavior toward Harth during their business dealings. She said that Trump pursued her and groped her; she alleged attempted rape in a sexual harassment suit that was withdrawn as a condition for settling a contract dispute. (We are including her account here because she gave interviews making these charges even after the lawsuit was withdrawn.) Trump had “his hands all over me,” Harth told the New York Times. “He was trying to kiss me. I was freaking out.”

Rachel Crooks
Trump in 2005 kissed her directly on the lips after she introduced herself and said she was a receptionist who worked for a company that did business with Trump.

Cathy Heller
While having Mother’s Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997 or 1998, her mother-in-law introduced her to Trump. She extended her hand to greet him and he grabbed her and kissed her on the mouth. She did turn her head slightly and so he wasn’t able to “get my whole mouth.”

Jessica Leeds
Trump attacked her while seated next to her on an airline flight. More than three decades ago, when she was a traveling business executive at a paper company, Leeds told the New York Times in 2016, she sat beside Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. They had never met before. About 45 minutes after takeoff, Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “He was like an octopus,” Leeds said. “His hands were everywhere.” She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Temple Taggart McDowell: The 1997 Miss Utah USA said Trump kissed her directly on the lips, at a time he was married to Marla Maples and McDowell was 21. Later, when she visited Trump Tower to discuss a modeling contract, she says Trump again embraced and kissed her on the lips, this time in front of two pageant chaperones and a receptionist. The New York encounter made one of the chaperones so “uncomfortable” that she advised McDowell not to go into any rooms with Trump alone, McDowell told NBC News.

Karena Virginia: A yoga instructor said Trump harassed and groped her during a chance encounter at the U.S. Open in 1998. Virginia said Trump, a total stranger, then grabbed her arm and touched her breast. “I was in shock,” Virginia said. “I flinched. He said, ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ I felt intimidated and powerless. I said ‘yes.’”

Jennifer Murphy: A former Apprentice contestant said Trump in 2004 kissed her on the lips. “He walked me to the elevator, and I said goodbye. I was thinking ‘oh, he’s going to hug me,’ but … he pulled my face in and gave me a smooch.”

Ninni Laaksonen: A former Miss Finland said Trump in 2006 grabbed her bottom shortly after he had married Melania. “Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt. He really grabbed my butt.”

Jessica Drake: A porn star and sex educator said that during a 2006 golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Trump “grabbed” her and two other unnamed women tightly and kissed them on the lips “without asking permission.” He then offered Drake $10,000 and the use of his private plane, she said, if she would agree to come back to his room and accompany him to a party.

There are also the accounts of former beauty contestants who say Trump walked in on them when they were half nude.

And, Trump bragged on the Howard Stern show of his “inspections” during the pageants: “You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”laint. Where’s the rest?[/QUOTE]
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.

It is basically the same atmosphere. Same if you are a dancer. There are managers who come in and yell at you to hurry up and change and get out there. They can be men or women. Lots of gay men in these industries who have no qualms with walking right in and yelling at people whether they are in a state of undress or not. There are people helping you get into and out of your clothes, applying make up and doing your hair. It is complete mayhem actually.
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.
Same thing. Same thing as theater. There is no such thing as building a backstage just for beauty contests.
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.

It is basically the same atmosphere. Same if you are a dancer. There are managers who come in and yell at you to hurry up and change and get out there. They can be men or women. Lots of gay men in these industries who have no qualms with walking right in and yelling at people whether they are in a state of undress or not. There are people helping you get into and out of your clothes, applying make up and doing your hair. It is complete mayhem actually.
In the recording where Trump is bragging to Howard Stern about walking in on these half naked women 'backstage', Trump states that there "are no men there." No men. But he can do it, he says, because he owns the pageant. The recording has been on TV today, it is easily found on the net, and I have posted it on the board earlier. It's easily found if you want to verify it. There are no men there: Trump says it himself.

“I'll tell you the funniest is that I'll go backstage before a show and everyone's getting dressed,” Trump told Stern. “No men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in, because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. … 'Is everyone OK?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes."
Last edited:
Is walking into the dressing room of half dressed contestants of a beauty pageant sexual assault? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is a man who does that just because he can a pervert?

Is grabbing a woman's genitals or breast sexual assault?

Is saying "If she wasn't my daughter, I'd be dating her" normal?

Is this guy just a normal man, husband, father or a pervert and possibly worse? Is he just a regular guy? Someone to be admired?

How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.
Same thing. Same thing as theater. There is no such thing as building a backstage just for beauty contests.
In the recording where Trump is bragging to Howard Stern about walking in on these half naked women 'backstage', Trump states that there "are no men there." No men. But he can do it, he says, because he owns the pageant. The recording has been on TV today, it is easily found on the net, and I have posted it on the board earlier. It's easily found if you want to verify it. There are no men there: Trump says it himself.

Your desperation is showing. You will clutch at any straws to defend this guy. No matter how irrational and wrong headed they are. It is true what he said: he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and you would still support him.
Last edited:
How many other men walked through the dressing room, or through these dressing rooms in general?

Actual assault. 1/4 so far. However there is no evidence Trump ever did any of that.

Talk isn't action

Amazing you ask these questions all of a sudden when it suits you politically.

The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.
Same thing. Same thing as theater. There is no such thing as building a backstage just for beauty contests.
In the recording where Trump is bragging to Howard Stern about walking in on these half naked women 'backstage', Trump states that there "are no men there." No men. But he can do it, he says, because he owns the pageant. The recording has been on TV today, it is easily found on the net, and I have posted it on the board earlier. It's easily found if you want to verify it. There are no men there: Trump says it himself.

Your desperation is showing. You will clutch at any straws to defend this guy. No matter how irrational and wrong headed they are. It is true what he said: he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and you would still support him.

Considering most of us admit Trump is a blowhard one wouldn't be surprised if he was exaggerating in some aspects of it.

You treat Trumps word like gospel now?
The dressing room of Miss Teen USA? The pervert you admire walked right in. Looking at teenage girls.

Evidently something he has in common with his buddy Roy Moore.,

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, Can;'t one 0f you trumpettes even admit this is wrong?
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.
Same thing. Same thing as theater. There is no such thing as building a backstage just for beauty contests.
In the recording where Trump is bragging to Howard Stern about walking in on these half naked women 'backstage', Trump states that there "are no men there." No men. But he can do it, he says, because he owns the pageant. The recording has been on TV today, it is easily found on the net, and I have posted it on the board earlier. It's easily found if you want to verify it. There are no men there: Trump says it himself.

Your desperation is showing. You will clutch at any straws to defend this guy. No matter how irrational and wrong headed they are. It is true what he said: he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and you would still support him.

Considering most of us admit Trump is a blowhard one wouldn't be surprised if he was exaggerating in some aspects of it.

You treat Trumps word like gospel now?
Your desperation is showing.
That's because you think of the backstage dressing room as actual room with perhaps a door. It is actually a very large space with dozens of people coming and going.
That is not true. We are not talking about a fashion show. We are talking about a beauty pageant. Totally different thing.
Same thing. Same thing as theater. There is no such thing as building a backstage just for beauty contests.
In the recording where Trump is bragging to Howard Stern about walking in on these half naked women 'backstage', Trump states that there "are no men there." No men. But he can do it, he says, because he owns the pageant. The recording has been on TV today, it is easily found on the net, and I have posted it on the board earlier. It's easily found if you want to verify it. There are no men there: Trump says it himself.

Your desperation is showing. You will clutch at any straws to defend this guy. No matter how irrational and wrong headed they are. It is true what he said: he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and you would still support him.

Considering most of us admit Trump is a blowhard one wouldn't be surprised if he was exaggerating in some aspects of it.

You treat Trumps word like gospel now?
Your desperation is showing.

Your hypocrisy is showing.

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