Zone1 Trinity religionsssssssssssssss


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Trinity religionssssssssssss fail this true mark of Jesus' religion 100%= 1 Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--what don't they understand about no division?
These religions have about 5-7 teachings in common, then all of them are divided by their dogmas. All creation sees a mass of confusion because of that.
Proof they do not belong to Jesus= Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers on earth to remind them and guide them into ALL truth= not partial truth. The bible as well shows one must come to an accurate knowledge( Eph 4:13= attain oneness in faith= one religion and an accurate knowledge=all of Gods 1 truth-- 1Tim 2:4= all men should come to an accurate knowledge.
Here is what trinity religions accomplish=2Tim 3:7--Never able to come to an accurate knowledge)--How can they when every one of them teaches different truths, that can't possibly be truths, because there is only 1 truth. So they are not being guided by holy spirit because they would all have the same truth as Jesus promised, that means they do not have Jesus.

This is who they are-2Cor 11:12-15--RUN FROM THEM.

Will you be like the Bereans and make sure of all things?

Here is another bible truth-A house divided(trinity religionssssssssss) willnot stand.
what don't they understand about no division?

they do understand ...

the trinity is required to tie the crucifiers religion of servitude through jesus to the heavens - knowing full well at the time jesus never claimed divinity or being a messiah.
How can they when every one of them teaches different truths, that can't possibly be truths, because there is only 1 truth. So they are not being guided by holy spirit because they would all have the same truth as Jesus promised, that means they do not have Jesus.
Trinity is tough to absorb as God is unfathomable, yet we work to ever understand Him better. God is One.
  • God is Creator, Father of all.
  • Christians are taught the Son is the Word of God, and it is through God's Word that creation occurred.
  • The Spirit of God hovered over all even before Creation with the Word began.
Trinity is not a division of God, but a way to delve a bit further into the mystery of God and how He presents Himself to us:
  • As caring Father/Creator
  • As a powerful Word
  • As Spirit hovering over all
Trinity is tough to absorb as God is unfathomable, yet we work to ever understand Him better. God is One.
  • God is Creator, Father of all.
  • Christians are taught the Son is the Word of God, and it is through God's Word that creation occurred.
  • The Spirit of God hovered over all even before Creation with the Word began.
Trinity is not a division of God, but a way to delve a bit further into the mystery of God and how He presents Himself to us:
  • As caring Father/Creator
  • As a powerful Word
  • As Spirit hovering over all
My OP is about the trinity religions, not the trinity. I used bible facts to show they are not Jesus' religion.
Trinity religionssssssssssss fail this true mark of Jesus' religion 100%= 1 Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--what don't they understand about no division?
These religions have about 5-7 teachings in common, then all of them are divided by their dogmas. All creation sees a mass of confusion because of that.
Proof they do not belong to Jesus= Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers on earth to remind them and guide them into ALL truth= not partial truth. The bible as well shows one must come to an accurate knowledge( Eph 4:13= attain oneness in faith= one religion and an accurate knowledge=all of Gods 1 truth-- 1Tim 2:4= all men should come to an accurate knowledge.
Here is what trinity religions accomplish=2Tim 3:7--Never able to come to an accurate knowledge)--How can they when every one of them teaches different truths, that can't possibly be truths, because there is only 1 truth. So they are not being guided by holy spirit because they would all have the same truth as Jesus promised, that means they do not have Jesus.

This is who they are-2Cor 11:12-15--RUN FROM THEM.

Will you be like the Bereans and make sure of all things?

Here is another bible truth-A house divided(trinity religionssssssssss) willnot stand.
You seemed to be more concerned with dogma than God.
My OP is about the trinity religions, not the trinity.
What ever you are saying has nothing to do with the OP.

your inaccurate opinion -

Trinity religionssssssssssss fail this true mark of Jesus' religion 100%=
the trinity is required to tie the crucifiers religion of servitude, christianity through jesus to the heavens - knowing full well at the time jesus never claimed divinity or being a messiah.

whatever other trinity religions are there than - christianity

and for the reason to connect jesus to the heavens when at that time before the c-bible was written no one believed jesus was divinity or jesus themself ever claimed to be either divine or a messiah ...

- is why they madeup the trinity as part of the christian religion as being necessary to bring christianity to a heavenly origin.
Trinity religionssssssssssss fail this true mark of Jesus' religion 100%= 1 Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--what don't they understand about no division?
These religions have about 5-7 teachings in common, then all of them are divided by their dogmas. All creation sees a mass of confusion because of that.
Proof they do not belong to Jesus= Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers on earth to remind them and guide them into ALL truth= not partial truth. The bible as well shows one must come to an accurate knowledge( Eph 4:13= attain oneness in faith= one religion and an accurate knowledge=all of Gods 1 truth-- 1Tim 2:4= all men should come to an accurate knowledge.
Here is what trinity religions accomplish=2Tim 3:7--Never able to come to an accurate knowledge)--How can they when every one of them teaches different truths, that can't possibly be truths, because there is only 1 truth. So they are not being guided by holy spirit because they would all have the same truth as Jesus promised, that means they do not have Jesus.

This is who they are-2Cor 11:12-15--RUN FROM THEM.

Will you be like the Bereans and make sure of all things?

Here is another bible truth-A house divided(trinity religionssssssssss) willnot stand.
John 10:30
“The Father and I are one.”
John 10:30
“The Father and I are one.”

forgeries and fallacies of the c-bible ...

no one not even a crucifier is one with anything in the heavens. - called spiritual independence, self determination - liberation theology those in the 1st century died for.
And placing the form of religion above God won't either.
I don't place my religion above God. But Luke 10:16 is clear--By either listening or rejecting the teachers lead by Jesus, its the same as listening or rejecting Jesus and God as well.
I don't place my religion above God. But Luke 10:16 is clear--By either listening or rejecting the teachers lead by Jesus, its the same as listening or rejecting Jesus and God as well.
And you get to decide that for everyone?
Trinity religionssssssssssss fail this true mark of Jesus' religion 100%= 1 Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division--what don't they understand about no division?
These religions have about 5-7 teachings in common, then all of them are divided by their dogmas. All creation sees a mass of confusion because of that.
Proof they do not belong to Jesus= Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers on earth to remind them and guide them into ALL truth= not partial truth. The bible as well shows one must come to an accurate knowledge( Eph 4:13= attain oneness in faith= one religion and an accurate knowledge=all of Gods 1 truth-- 1Tim 2:4= all men should come to an accurate knowledge.
Here is what trinity religions accomplish=2Tim 3:7--Never able to come to an accurate knowledge)--How can they when every one of them teaches different truths, that can't possibly be truths, because there is only 1 truth. So they are not being guided by holy spirit because they would all have the same truth as Jesus promised, that means they do not have Jesus.

This is who they are-2Cor 11:12-15--RUN FROM THEM.

Will you be like the Bereans and make sure of all things?

Here is another bible truth-A house divided(trinity religionssssssssss) willnot stand.
What part of Matthew 28:18-20 do you fail to comprehend? One cannot enter the kingdom of God...i.e, the church/kingdom given to Jesus Christ (Matthew 16) by the Father, void of being baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:28-29) in the name of the Godhead, (The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit -- Matthew 28:18-20).

The first 10 verses of 1 Cor. when read in context explains itself.......... Paul is "chastising" the congregation at Cornith......because they were dividing the congregation into explained clearly in Vs 12 of 1 Cor. 1 ....some were claiming that Paul was responsible for their conversion, some were saying that Apollos was responsible, some saying that Cephas (Peter) was responsible..........some saying that Jesus himself was responsible......."

Paul is warning them to speak as asking, "Is Jesus divided.........was Paul crucified for you......or where you baptized in the name of Paul? -- 1 Cor. 1:13

The same author that you are misquoting in 1 Cor. 1-10 is the same author that stated in an Epistle to the Colossians, "For in Him (Jesus) dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily.." -- Col. 2:9 And this author explained in detail that the Old Law had been nailed to the sacrificial cross of Jesus Christ (Col. 2:14)

In fact the term Godhead is addressed 7 times in the Holy Scriptures (Ps. 8:5, Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20, Col. 1:19, Col. 2:9)

"And in Him (Jesus), you have been made complete, and He (Jesus) is the head over ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY...." -- Col. 2:10 explains that Jesus has been given a kingdom with all rule and authority (in heaven and on earth) .....which agrees with (Matthew 28:18)

(Matthew 3:16-17) Explains that all 3 persons of the Godhead were present when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

There is no "ROYAL" WE used in Genesis with it is written, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man (Adam) has become as ONE OF US...................(Genesis 3:22)

US: The objective case of we..........the persons (more than 1) speaking. One of us means.......more than 1 are being represented in communications.
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What part of Matthew 28:18-20 do you fail to comprehend? One cannot enter the kingdom of God...i.e, the church/kingdom given to Jesus Christ (Matthew 16) by the Father, void of being baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:28-29) in the name of the Godhead, (The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit -- Matthew 28:18-20).

The first 10 verses of 1 Cor. when read in context explains itself.......... Paul is "chastising" the congregation at Cornith......because they were dividing the congregation into explained clearly in Vs 12 of 1 Cor. 1 ....some were claiming that Paul was responsible for their conversion, some were saying that Apollos was responsible, some saying that Cephas (Peter) was responsible..........some saying that Jesus himself was responsible......."

Paul is warning them to speak as asking, "Is Jesus divided.........was Paul crucified for you......or where you baptized in the name of Paul? -- 1 Cor. 1:13

The same author that you are misquoting in 1 Cor. 1-10 is the same author that stated in an Epistle to the Colossians, "For in Him (Jesus) dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily.." -- Col. 2:9 And this author explained in detail that the Old Law had been nailed to the sacrificial cross of Jesus Christ (Col. 2:14)

In fact the term Godhead is addressed 7 times in the Holy Scriptures (Ps. 8:5, Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20, Col. 1:19, Col. 2:9)

"And in Him (Jesus), you have been made complete, and He (Jesus) is the head over ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY...." -- Col. 2:10 explains that Jesus has been given a kingdom with all rule and authority (in heaven and on earth) .....which agrees with (Matthew 28:18)

(Matthew 3:16-17) Explains that all 3 persons of the Godhead were present when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

There is no "ROYAL" WE used in Genesis with it is written, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man (Adam) has become as ONE OF US...................(Genesis 3:22)

US: The objective case of we..........the persons (more than 1) speaking. One of us means.......more than 1 are being represented in communications.
The term godhead is not found in Gods bible. Its a made up word by men.
Yes a kingdom given to Jesus by the one who is greater than him.

Us = YHWH(Jehovah) and his master worker( Jesus) Prov 8
I decided nothing. Facts are facts, they cannot be denied, but many lead by the darkness try.
I disagree. I think you do believe you have the final say on all matters pertaining to God. That you are the final authority.
The term godhead is not found in Gods bible. Its a made up word by men.
Yes a kingdom given to Jesus by the one who is greater than him.

Us = YHWH(Jehovah) and his master worker( Jesus) Prov 8
You mean the bible that your cult made up, 2000 years after Jesus Christ ascended into heaven? Why do all cults attempt to discredit the 66 books of original Holy Bible canon?
You mean the bible that your cult made up, 2000 years after Jesus Christ ascended into heaven? Why do all cults attempt to discredit the 66 books of original Holy Bible canon?

they are all madeup ...

the spoken religion of antiquity is six words in length in all languages and is eternal - or the golden rule - spoken is all that is needed - - there is not a messiah nor anyone that ever claimed to be one.

- only judas made the claim for someone else to collect his silver coins.

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