Trifecta! SpaceX launches first mission on Falcon Heavy and lands all three boosters


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

First successful heavy space launch.

We are getting closer to being able to get away from the need to use Russian rocket motors.

Story @ Trifecta! SpaceX launches first mission on Falcon Heavy and lands all three boosters
It is a shame NASA is so corrupted. And that the swamp controls the purse strings. The SLS is a lemon with an endless vortex of dollars spent on it. The leading space fairing nation that has not put a person into space in 9 years. Sold to us as an easy upgrade from the Space Shuttle solid boosters and orange tank stack. I have read that each launch of this white elephant will cost between 1.5 billion and 2.5 billion dollars! That is before the goods are put into it. You gotta be kidding me. It was supposed to be cheap. They promised us. Really! So the gateway project is doable and more to our pride and still massively cheaper then the Progs green crap and other things. But the Progs need to get on board. No more changing the space program as per each administration. The only issue is the SLS. Ph uk you Boeing!

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