Tree Fort in Buiding 7....why?

Nov 15, 2009
I would like someone to explain why a tree fort was created in World Trade Center 7.

Just one high floor in Building 7 had its floors, walls, windows, etc reinforced to resist explosions, debris, etc making it basically a tree fort....why?
Why do you insist on recreating thread after thread after thread to whine about the exact same things? Can someone explain that to me? Is CD so starved for attention that he purposefully makes an ass out of himself because bad attention is still attention? Is it megalomania? Enqiring minds want to know!

As for the "tree fort", why is it you post what it is for and then pretend you're a complete dumbshit and have no idea what it was there for? The city of NY built it in 1999 so that the government of NYC would have a place to go in the event of an attack. It, along with the rest of WTC 7, was evacuated after the planes crashed. Barry Jennings and Michael Hess visited the center after the South tower was hit and the room was empty. So much for piloting the planes and setting the explosives from there. :lol:

So tell us again why you are so convinced the "tree fort" is the reason why WTC 7 was blown up. Got any evidence to support your bullshit?
Why do you insist on recreating thread after thread after thread to whine about the exact same things? Can someone explain that to me? Is CD so starved for attention that he purposefully makes an ass out of himself because bad attention is still attention? Is it megalomania? Enqiring minds want to know!

As for the "tree fort", why is it you post what it is for and then pretend you're a complete dumbshit and have no idea what it was there for? The city of NY built it in 1999 so that the government of NYC would have a place to go in the event of an attack. It, along with the rest of WTC 7, was evacuated after the planes crashed. Barry Jennings and Michael Hess visited the center after the South tower was hit and the room was empty. So much for piloting the planes and setting the explosives from there. :lol:

So tell us again why you are so convinced the "tree fort" is the reason why WTC 7 was blown up. Got any evidence to support your bullshit?

Was this tree fort the 9/11 cockpit?

Could this tree fort have the computer equipment to take over "hijacked" planes?

Was it reinforced to protect computer programs to remote operate "hijacked" planes?

Here is a recap on what you continued to lie about saying it didn't exist...

Remote operating passenger planes was developed just before 9/11 specifically to take over boeing, etc planes from hijackers...

Killtown's:* 9/11 coincidences and oddities page! - 2001

August 25, 2001 - Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force successfully auto lands a pilot-less FedEx Boeing 727 six times at Holloman AFB, NM using a military GPS landing system that will enable ground control to take control of a hijacked airplane and force land it.

Civil-Military Interoperability For GPS Assisted Aircraft Landings Demonstrated
Civil-Military Interoperability For GPS Assisted Aircraft Landings Demonstrated

The JPALS system is being developed to meet the Defense Department's need for an anti-jam, secure, all weather Category II/III aircraft landing system that will be fully interoperable with planned civil systems utilizing the same technology.
Marlborough - Oct. 1, 2001
A government-industry team accomplished the first precision approach by a civil aircraft using a military Global Positioning System (GPS) landing system Aug. 25 at Holloman AFB, N.M., Raytheon Company announced today.

Sicherheitssystem: Entführte Maschinen landen selbständig - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wissenschaft
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I would like someone to explain why a tree fort was created in World Trade Center 7.

Just one high floor in Building 7 had its floors, walls, windows, etc reinforced to resist explosions, debris, etc making it basically a tree fort....why?

What in the fuck are you babbling about?
I would like someone to explain why a tree fort was created in World Trade Center 7.

Just one high floor in Building 7 had its floors, walls, windows, etc reinforced to resist explosions, debris, etc making it basically a tree fort....why?

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

World Trade Center 7 had one floor in it completely reinforced to resist impacts etc...this high floor had an office for "fighting terrorism"...
I would like someone to explain why a tree fort was created in World Trade Center 7.

Just one high floor in Building 7 had its floors, walls, windows, etc reinforced to resist explosions, debris, etc making it basically a tree fort....why?

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

World Trade Center 7 had one floor in it completely reinforced to resist impacts etc...this high floor had an office for "fighting terrorism"...

So who gives a fuck? Log off and seek help.
Why do you insist on recreating thread after thread after thread to whine about the exact same things? Can someone explain that to me? Is CD so starved for attention that he purposefully makes an ass out of himself because bad attention is still attention? Is it megalomania? Enqiring minds want to know!

As for the "tree fort", why is it you post what it is for and then pretend you're a complete dumbshit and have no idea what it was there for? The city of NY built it in 1999 so that the government of NYC would have a place to go in the event of an attack. It, along with the rest of WTC 7, was evacuated after the planes crashed. Barry Jennings and Michael Hess visited the center after the South tower was hit and the room was empty. So much for piloting the planes and setting the explosives from there. :lol:

So tell us again why you are so convinced the "tree fort" is the reason why WTC 7 was blown up. Got any evidence to support your bullshit?

Was this tree fort the 9/11 cockpit?
No. If you believe differently, present the evidence that backs up your argument.

creativedreams said:
Could this tree fort have the computer equipment to take over "hijacked" planes?
No. The software has to be on the planes, not in a building.

creativedreams said:
Was it reinforced to protect computer programs to remote operate "hijacked" planes?
Why would one need to protect computer programs? Why not just run the software somewhere away from Ground Zero? It's not like you have to be RIGHT THERE. :lol:

creativedreams said:
Here is a recap on what you continued to lie about saying it didn't exist...
Bullshit, CreativeBullshit. I've never denied the technology exists. That is something YOU have to lie about in order to pretend you actually got something right.
No. If you believe differently, present the evidence that backs up your argument.
How could I have evidence that the terrorism fighting office tree fort in WTC7 was the 9/11 cockpit with the programs to take over "hijacked" planes when the crime scene was destroyed?

No. The software has to be on the planes, not in a building.
Software also has to be in the building with the programs to take over "hijacked" planes...

Why would one need to protect computer programs? Why not just run the software somewhere away from Ground Zero? It's not like you have to be RIGHT THERE. :lol:
Like I said before...Building 7 would be the perfect place to do it and destroy any evidence from an upcoming investigation...

I've never denied the technology exists. That is something YOU have to lie about in order to pretend you actually got something right.
You have denied the issue about the technology used to take over hijacked planes with remote operation many times and placed many spins on the issue....fact of the matter is the technology was developed for terrorism fighting and to take over passenger planes by remote control in the event they were hijacked...

The tree fort floor in Building 7 that was reinforced to resist impacts had a terrorism fighting office...
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No. If you believe differently, present the evidence that backs up your argument.
How could I have evidence that the terrorism fighting office tree fort in WTC7 was the 9/11 cockpit with the programs to take over "hijacked" planes when the crime scene was destroyed?
Then how do you know your bullshit claims are true? That's RIGHT! You're only guessing! :lol: Thanks for finally admitting all your bullshit arguments are nothing but the deranged rantings of a seriously delusional twisted fuck!

creativedreams said:
No. The software has to be on the planes, not in a building.
Software also has to be in the building with the programs to take over "hijacked" planes...
Really? What is your evidence of this? Seems to me you could just write the programs and have everything self contained. Or does that make too much sense for your little pea brain to comprehend?

creativedreams said:
Why would one need to protect computer programs? Why not just run the software somewhere away from Ground Zero? It's not like you have to be RIGHT THERE. :lol:
Like I said before...Building 7 would be the perfect place to do it and destroy any evidence from an upcoming investigation...
And like I've said before, BULLSHIT. You can't explain why WTC 7 would be the perfect place because the software could be run from ANYWHERE. No need to destroy evidence because nobody would be looking for it anywhere else. Reality has, once again, exposed your bullshit for the seriously fucked up rantings that they are.

creativedreams said:
I've never denied the technology exists. That is something YOU have to lie about in order to pretend you actually got something right.
You have denied the issue about the technology used to take over hijacked planes with remote operation many times and placed many spins on the issue....fact of the matter is the technology was developed for terrorism fighting and to take over passenger planes by remote control in the event they were hijacked...
And I have never denied the technology existed. I have denied your bullshit claims that these systems were used. You have no evidence to back up your claims BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION, yet you insist it is all true. That is, by definition, delusional.

creativedreams said:
The tree fort floor in Building 7 that was reinforced to resist impacts had a terrorism fighting office...
I think you've finally stroked out on us. :lol: That makes no sense even for one as fucked up as you are.
No. If you believe differently, present the evidence that backs up your argument.
How could I have evidence that the terrorism fighting office tree fort in WTC7 was the 9/11 cockpit with the programs to take over "hijacked" planes when the crime scene was destroyed?


So you basically just admitted to everyone here that you have NO evidence of what you claim extisted????

That is fucking funny!
I would like someone to explain why a tree fort was created in World Trade Center 7.

Just one high floor in Building 7 had its floors, walls, windows, etc reinforced to resist explosions, debris, etc making it basically a tree fort....why?

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

Since you are likely unfamiliar (sure don't care either) with the many disturbing facts surrounding 9/11 that question the whole story of how and is a recap with info about the tree fort...

A very controversial terrorism fighting headquarters was built like a tree fort high in World Trade Center 7.

This very controversial Command Bunker (tree fort) was designed on the 23rd floor of Buiding 7.

This "Bunker" as described by the Press was highly criticized because of the cost of over $15 Million Dollars.

The 50,000 sq. ft. "Bunker" on the 23rd floor of WTC7 went through many construction renovations and upgrades putting in bulletproof windows, bomb resistant walls as well as its own air supply and back up generators.

This "tree fort" had rooms full of computers, video monitors, etc from where the Mayor could oversee City Emergency Planning.

This "Skybox" was staffed around the clock...

The Office of Emergency Management(OMC) was created by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in 1996 and contained offices such as Counter Terrorism, Etc.

This new emergency group had their "Skybox" officially open in June 8, 1999.

This group mainly focused on counter terrorism.

This "Tree fort" was greatly ridiculed for its cost, location, and other various reasons.

The Press dubbed it names such as "Bunker", "Skybox", "Tree fort", etc.

Time Author Philip Shenon: "seemed the supreme example of how Guiliani's ego and arrogance knew no bounds"

WABC Radio mocked Guiliani with a "Name-That-Bunker" contest for its listeners.

This "Tree fort" was highly criticized not only for its massive cost but also for its location right next to one of America's biggest terrorist targets the WTC Twin Towers.

In addition it was criticized for the high floor it was on making it vulnerable to power, water, and elevator outages.

Perhaps most controversial was the 6,000 gallon fuel tank placed in the building.

In 1998 & 1999, Fire Department Officials warned that the tank violated City Fire Codes and poses a hazard. According to one Fire Dept Memorandum, "if the tank were to leak or catch fire it would mean disaster".

The 6,000 gallon fuel tank was positioned about 15 feet above the ground floor between the 2nd and 3rd floors and was near several lobby elevators.

This large tank of fuel was meant to fuel generators that would supply electricity to the 23rd floor "Treefort" in the event of power failure.

Originally it was wanted to run the fuel line from the tanks up the elevator shafts, which anyone in building construction knows how elevator shafts need to be fire rated for safety, but due to fierce opposition from the fire department they were not allowed to run fuel lines from the tanks up the elevator shafts...

Rudolph ("Rudy") Giuliani

New York City Office of Emergency Management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I would like someone to explain why a tree fort was created in World Trade Center 7.

Just one high floor in Building 7 had its floors, walls, windows, etc reinforced to resist explosions, debris, etc making it basically a tree fort....why?

This is hysterical. You just posted this:
How could I have evidence that the terrorism fighting office tree fort in WTC7 was the 9/11 cockpit with the programs to take over "hijacked" planes when the crime scene was destroyed?

So you're asking someone to explain why something was built when you admit there is no evidence that it existed?

I would like someone to explain why a tree fort was created in World Trade Center 7.

Just one high floor in Building 7 had its floors, walls, windows, etc reinforced to resist explosions, debris, etc making it basically a tree fort....why?

This is hysterical. You just posted this:
How could I have evidence that the terrorism fighting office tree fort in WTC7 was the 9/11 cockpit with the programs to take over "hijacked" planes when the crime scene was destroyed?

So you're asking someone to explain why something was built when you admit there is no evidence that it existed?


It is common knowledge the tree fort the had an office to fight terrorism existed, was located in Building 7, and was reinforced to resist impacts just before 9/11 making it a sky bunker...I have posted many mainstream news links and even how it was ridiculed on public radio programs as they spent over 15 million to reinforce this high floor for possible impacts...

There is evidence that it was developed just before 9/11 to fight terrorism by taking over passenger planes that are hijacked by remote control and it too is in mainstream news links before 9/11...

What there is no evidence of and may have been destroyed at the crime scene is if the counter terrorism office in the World Trade Center 7 sky bunker or tree fort used this technology
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Oh the NYC Office Of Emergency Management existed. There is no doubt about that. CreativeBullshit has no evidence beyond the fact it existed. All the rest of his bullshit lies are just the delusional rantings of a very sick mind.
Oh the NYC Office Of Emergency Management existed. There is no doubt about that. CreativeBullshit has no evidence beyond the fact it existed. All the rest of his bullshit lies are just the delusional rantings of a very sick mind.

Sick mind? Try inquisitive mind piecing together indisputable facts....facts are pieces to a like to cloud the indisputable facts with a smokescreen of bullshit in between the lines...

How the indisputable facts piece together is how they piece together...the garbage you fill in between the lines creating a cloud of bs and a smokescreen around all of the basic indisputable facts does not take away the fact they are there...
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Oh the NYC Office Of Emergency Management existed. There is no doubt about that. CreativeBullshit has no evidence beyond the fact it existed. All the rest of his bullshit lies are just the delusional rantings of a very sick mind.

Sick mind? Try inquisitive mind piecing together indisputable facts....facts are pieces to a like to cloud the indisputable facts with a smokescreen of bullshit in between the lines...

How the indisputable facts piece together is how they piece together...the garbage you fill in between the lines creating a cloud of bs and a smokescreen around all of the basic indisputable facts does not take away the fact they are there...

CreativeBullshit, I have one word for you..... BULLSHIT!!!!


Taking disparate facts, putting them together into a conspiracy theory, and PRETENDING that since it COULD HAVE HAPPENED LIKE THAT that it DID HAPPEN LIKE THAT is nothing short of ignorance on an epic scale.

Putting together "facts" together into an unrelated theory while ignoring common sense like "why would they do it that way and face massive risk of getting caught" only makes you the worlds biggest retard. Want proof? Why do you ignore the fact that the OEM was visited shortly after the second tower was hit and it was EMPTY? According to you they were feverishly working on setting the timing for the explosive charges that there is absolutely zero evidence for. Right there you have a direct, irrefutable fact that proves your theory is bullshit, yet you go right on pretending.

Pretending in the face of evidence to the contrary is, by definition, delusional. Actually pretending it is real is a sure sign of a seriously sick mind.
Oh the NYC Office Of Emergency Management existed. There is no doubt about that. CreativeBullshit has no evidence beyond the fact it existed. All the rest of his bullshit lies are just the delusional rantings of a very sick mind.

Sick mind? Try inquisitive mind piecing together indisputable facts....facts are pieces to a like to cloud the indisputable facts with a smokescreen of bullshit in between the lines...

How the indisputable facts piece together is how they piece together...the garbage you fill in between the lines creating a cloud of bs and a smokescreen around all of the basic indisputable facts does not take away the fact they are there...

CreativeBullshit, I have one word for you..... BULLSHIT!!!!


Taking disparate facts, putting them together into a conspiracy theory, and PRETENDING that since it COULD HAVE HAPPENED LIKE THAT that it DID HAPPEN LIKE THAT is nothing short of ignorance on an epic scale.

Putting together "facts" together into an unrelated theory while ignoring common sense like "why would they do it that way and face massive risk of getting caught" only makes you the worlds biggest retard. Want proof? Why do you ignore the fact that the OEM was visited shortly after the second tower was hit and it was EMPTY? According to you they were feverishly working on setting the timing for the explosive charges that there is absolutely zero evidence for. Right there you have a direct, irrefutable fact that proves your theory is bullshit, yet you go right on pretending.

Pretending in the face of evidence to the contrary is, by definition, delusional. Actually pretending it is real is a sure sign of a seriously sick mind.

The truly sick minded people are the likes of you who continue to manipulate and sway support away from a new and real investigation to clear up the many disturbing indisputable facts that creates descrepencies in the "official story" spoonfed to the world...
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LOL...I think I will write a song about the "Bunker in the Sky" !!!



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