Tracking GOP Antisemitism

Sixties Fan

Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2017
[ The rise of antisemitism in the US, I noticed, started once Trump was elected President. He seemed to encourage groups which felt under represented to take action and express themselves. And that started during his candidacy. And so they did.
So did the Nazis, the KKK and every other racist and antisemitic group and militia in the US. And all of them voted for Republican candidates from 2016 on. Jewish groups themselves noticed all of this and continue to try to do something about it.

Who amongst Republicans has tried to take office, or has taken office, and has actually shown examples of being antisemitic?

I will be posting what I find from various sources ]


There's been a rise in right-wing, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories tied to the coronavirus pandemic.

Two progressive Jewish organizations have joined forces to launch a new website that tracks anti-Semitism in the Republican Party., a project of Bend the Arc: Jewish Actionand Jews Against White Nationalism, went live on Tuesday afternoon. It features an up-to-date timeline of stories about GOP figures promoting anti-Semitic tropes, collaborating with fascist groups or condoning hate directed at Jews.

“As COVID-19 continues to spread, so do dangerous conspiracy theories targeting Jews, immigrants, and Asian Americans,” says a statement on the site. “These conspiracies are amplified by right-wing politicians and pundits seeking to redirect blame for the scale of this pandemic away from Donald Trump — and onto minority groups.”
Recent stories shown on the website’s timeline include Department of Health and Human Services official Michael Caputo, an April hire, promoting conspiracy theories about Jewish billionaire George Soros just a month earlier; a GOP congressional candidate meeting with a white supremacist organization in Georgia; and the continued use of anti-Semitic signs at right-wing anti-lockdown protests.

Bend the Arc and Jews Against White Nationalism say they launched the site due to an uptick in hate crimes and violence directed at Jews and other minority groups during the Trump administration, including the massacre of 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018, the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history.

“No political party has a monopoly on antisemitism,” the site says, “but deadly antisemitism is almost entirely coming from white nationalists inspired and emboldened by the far-right extremists who have taken over the GOP.”

The site is also meant as a way to correct the record, a spokesperson for the two Jewish groups explained to HuffPost. In 2018 and 2019, news coverage referenced alleged anti-Semitic rhetoric on the left almost twice as much as anti-Semitic rhetoric on the right, according to a study from Media Matters, a liberal media watchdog group.
This, the progressive groups say, was not an accurate reflection of what was going on but the result of a deliberate strategy by the GOP to deflect accusations of bigotry by painting Democrats as the party of anti-Semitism. The groups point to statements by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third highest-ranking Republican in the House, who said that her party’s 2020 election strategy was to demonize Democrats as “infanticiders, socialists and anti-Semites.” does point to some anti-Semitic incidents on the left, including a recent tweet by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) singling out Jews for violating social distancing guidelines during the pandemic.

The site is also careful to explain the ways the right has tried to exploit and weaponize accusations of anti-Semitism against the left. After de Blasio’s tweet, for example, the site noted how the president’s son and campaign adviser, Donald Trump Jr., promoted the Islamophobic conspiracy theorythat Jews and Christians are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement during the pandemic, while Muslims are given special treatment.

(full article online)

Part 1

The Republican Party has an antisemitism problem that’s reflected in its support of antisemitic media. Media Matters found more than 100 examples of Republican officials and campaign nominees embracing and promoting antisemitic media figures and outlets in 2021 and 2022.

Republicans have promoted and embraced people who have said that “we don't want people who are Jewish”; stated that Jewish people should “get the fuck out of America”; smeared Jewish people as “deceivers” who “plot,” “lie,” and “do whatever they have to do to accomplish their political agenda”; claimed that there was a “Jew Coup” against former President Donald Trump; and wished for “a total Aryan victory.”

Former President Donald Trump, who is running again for the White House, recently met with two virulent antisemites and admirers of Hitler: Ye (formerly Kanye West) and Nick Fuentes. House Republicans are also set to reinstate the committee assignments of Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) and Paul Gosar (AZ), who have both frequently advanced antisemitism.

Part 2

Antisemitic media figures and outlets​

The following antisemitic media figures and outlets are referenced multiple times in this guide:

Nick Fuentes. Fuentes is a streamer who uses his platform to forward white nationalist and antisemitic views. He is a Holocaust denier who has said that he wants “a total Aryan victory”; claimed that Jewish people have too much power; and stated that Jewish people should “get the fuck out of America.”

Andrew Torba and Gab. Torba is the CEO of social media platform Gab, which is a haven for white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and antisemites. Torba has said that he wants to exclude Jewish people from American political life, stating: “We don't want people who are Jewish. … This is an explicitly Christian movement because this is an explicitly Christian country.” He claims that Jewish people have too much power and “we're not bending the knee to the 2% anymore.”

Vincent James Foxx and Daily Veracity. Foxx is a streamer who heads the white nationalist site Daily Veracity. Foxx is a Holocaust denier who has also said that “the Holocaust is weaponized” against white people. He's claimed that Jewish people supposedly “not only control Hollywood, congress, and the media, but they control social media as well.” And he's alleged that the impeachment of former President Donald Trump was “The Jew Coup.”

Allen and Francine Fosdick. The Fosdicks host a streaming program and organize a yearly conference. They have promoted conspiracy theories alleging Jewish people, led by the Rothchilds, have been manipulating events such as wildfires through “space weather” and lasers; aim to subjugate the human race; and perpetuate evil “bloodlines” with other prominent Jewish people.

TruNews. TruNews is an antisemitic outlet led by Rick Wiles. TruNews has claimed that there was a “Jew coup” against former President Donald Trump and that “seditious Jews” were “orchestrating” his “impeachment lynching.” Wiles has said of Jewish people: “They are deceivers, they plot, they lie, they do whatever they have to do to accomplish their political agenda. … You have been taken over by a Jewish cabal.” He’s also claimed that “the American people are being oppressed by Jewish tyrants.”

Jarrin Jackson. Jackson is a streamer who unsuccessfully ran for the Oklahoma state Senate. He said that he “largely” agrees with the conspiracy theories that Jews are “taking over the world” and that they are attempting to get rid of white people through immigration and miscegenation. He’s also stated that he’s “not beholden to Jews” and listed “the Jews” as evidence that “evil exists.”

Part 3

Republicans embracing and promoting antisemitic media from 2021-2022​

Across multiple months​

  • Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar regularly posts on Gab.
  • Arizona state Rep. and secretary of state nominee (unsuccessful) Mark Finchem regularly posts on Gab.
  • Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers regularly posts on Gab.
  • Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward has repeatedly posted on Gab.
  • California House nominee (unsuccessful) Mike Cargile regularly posts on Gab.
  • Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert regularly posts on Gab.
  • Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz regularly posts on Gab.
  • Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene regularly posts on Gab.
  • Greene made seven payments totaling $37,761.01 to Gab.
  • The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee in Idaho endorsed commentator David Reilly for a school board seat in 2021. Reilly has claimed “that ‘Judaism is the religion of anti-Christ,’ and that ‘all Jews are dangerous.’” In 2022, the Kootenai GOP paid $11,000 for “operations” to Reilly and also tried to install him in Idaho Democratic Party leadership. He served as a voting delegate at the Idaho GOP convention.
  • Maryland’s gubernatorial nominee (unsuccessful) Dan Cox frequently posted on Gab before removing his account following scrutiny.
  • New Hampshire state Rep. Roy Rock regularly posts on Gab.
  • New York Rep. Elise Stefanik stood by and defended right-wing commentator and congressional candidate (unsuccessful) Carl Paladino after he said that Hitler is “the kind of leader we need today. We need somebody inspirational.”
  • North Carolina House nominee (unsuccessful) Sandy Smith regularly posted on Gab.
  • Ohio House nominee (unsuccessful) J.R. Majewski regularly posts on Gab.
  • Pennsylvania gubernatorial nominee (unsuccessful) Doug Mastriano regularly posted on Gab but later removed his account following criticism.
  • Washington House nominee (unsuccessful) Joe Kent regularly posted on Gab.
  • The Ashtabula County Republican Party in Ohio regularly posted on Gab before the election.
  • The Douglas County Republican Party in Georgia repeatedly posted on Gab before the election.
  • The Wyoming Republican Party regularly posts on Gab.

Part 4



  • Robert Regan, who would later become a Michigan state House nominee (unsuccessful), wrote a Facebook post that promoted a piece on the fringe right-wing website American Digital News accusing Jewish people, led by the Rothschild family, of causing global problems for their financial benefit.

  • Paul Gosar was the keynote speaker at Fuentes’ America First Political Action Conference. (Gosar and Fuentes met at a restaurant after the event.)


  • Republican National Committee member Solomon Yue, CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski and Drew Myers reported, appeared on the YouTube program of Greyson Arnold, who has “a history of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi statements.” During the program, Yue “spoke supportively” of Nick Fuentes. “Yue told CNN in an email he was unaware of the views of either man, Arnold or Fuentes, at the time of the interview and rejected them.”
  • Robert Regan used Facebook to agree with an antisemitic meme by QAnon influencerJordan Sather which stated: “What is the real virus plaguing the world? (((Them))).”

  • Paul Gosar, as CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck reported, took a trip to the border with Greyson Arnold.

  • Paul Gosar praised Fuentes and told people to follow him on Twitter.
  • Gosar wrote to the FBI asking for information about its No Fly List. He tweeted of his letter: “Today young America First supporters like @NickJFuentes and tomorrow anyone else the regime dislikes. Secret tribunals and no ability to challenge in court is immoral.”
  • Robert Regan shared a meme sourced from the defunct pro-Nazi website that claimed that feminism “is a Jewish program to degrade and subjugate white men.”

  • Wendy Rogers appeared on TruNews.
  • Paul Gosar promoted Foxx’s Daily Veracity on Twitter.




  • Paul Gosar promoted Daily Veracity four times through his House email list.
  • Gosar promoted a column by Michelle Malkin on The Unz Review. As The Informant’s Nick Martin wrote, Gosar was promoting a site “that routinely publishes the work of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and Holocaust deniers” and was founded “by former California businessman Ron Unz, who has written ‘it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so.’”

  • Wendy Rogers wrote on Twitter: “Take Nick Fuentes off of the no fly list.”
  • Rogers wrote on Twitter: “Put President Trump, Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Nick Fuentes, and others back on Twitter. Take Nick Fuentes off of the No Fly List.”
  • Paul Gosar twice promoted Foxx on Twitter.
  • Gosar, as Martin wrote, “retweeted Kyle Clifton, a young antisemite who has called Jews ‘evil’ and described the religion as an ‘elite cabal’ that controls the government and media.”
  • Gosar posted a video praising Gab and Andrew Torba.

  • Wendy Rogers wrote on Twitter after Nick Fuentes called her “based”: “Thank you, Nick Fuentes. We love you.”
  • Rogers wrote on Twitter: “Because Nick Fuentes said I am BASED, I am now truly BASED. It is official.”
  • Rogers wrote on Twitter: “To everyone who thinks they are BASED. I am officially based because Nick Fuentes said I am based. It is like knighthood. You have to get it from the originator.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “I like Stew Peters, Lin Wood, Jarrin Jackson, and Nick Fuentes. I don’t know Baked Alaska but he is growing on me. Anyone who is being harassed by Pelosi’s Fedsurrection gulag team deserves to be heard.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “Nick Fuentes and Lin Wood are being attacked by a lot of the same people. The Deep State is after them. That is why I defend them. I can't stand it when communists single out people and take away their rights and attempt to ruin their reputation.”
  • Paul Gosar responded to a tweet in which writer Jack Hadfield asked, “Why has Twitter taken down so many people on the populist nationalist right today?” Gosar wrote: “Go to Gab.” Hadfield has moderated a Facebook group that that includes “jokes about the Holocaust” and “antisemitic conspiracy theories.”

Part 5



  • Arizona gubernatorial nominee (unsuccessful) Kari Lake wrote on Twitter: “Join me on Gab. So much less vitriol than Twitter and easy to use.”
  • Matt Gaetz wrote: “I’m LOVING Gab!”
  • Paul Gosar, as the Twitter account AZ Right Wing Watch wrote, shared a tweet from the account “Based Andy Biggs Fan.” The account features antisemitic content.
  • Gosar wrote on Gab: “The phony January 6th Committee's partisan witch-hunt continues as they have now set their sights on young conservative Christians like Nick Fuentes. This is pure political persecution and it has to stop. @realnickjfuentes.” Fuentes responded by thanking him.
  • Gosar quoted the Gab user “Retardedist Retarded Retard” and wrote: “Thank you all for inviting me onto Gab back in August. I love the platform and I love the communities that use it. Gab is the future of social media - it's an honor to have your support.” The user that Gosar quoted is an antisemitic fan of Nick Fuentes.

Part 6

  • Wendy Rogers wrote on Gab: “Listen to Stew Peters, Bannon’s War Room, Lin Wood, Jarrin Jackson, Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, Tucker, Flyover Conservatives and many others who are exposing the truth. We may not agree with everyone, but there is wisdom in many counselors and it is better than listening to the #MockingbirdMedia.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “Free Nick Fuentes. Free everyone. Free speech is not dangerous. Silencing speech is dangerous. If they can ban Fuentes they can ban the gospel.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “Good evening to everyone except the people who hate our freedom of speech and want to ban Nick Fuentes.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “First they came for Alex Jones and no one said anything. Then they came for Nick Fuentes and no one did anything. Then they came for President Trump. Next they will come for all of us.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “Happy show Anniversary to the most persecuted man in America - Nick Fuentes.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “I like Lin Wood, Andrew Torba, Laura Loomer, Nick Fuentes, and General Flynn. I think I made everyone mad all at the same time. Here we go! #JesusIsKing.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “Any politician who whines about censorship but doesn’t defend President Trump, Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes is a hypocrite.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “The Feds need to restore Nick Fuentes’ ability to travel or they are no better than the USSR. Take him and other patriots off of the no fly list NOW.”

Part 7


  • Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at Nick Fuentes’ America First Political Action Conference.
  • Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, who also unsuccessfully ran for governor, spoke at Fuentes’ America First Political Action Conference through a prerecorded message.
  • Paul Gosar spoke at Fuentes’ America First Political Action Conference through a prerecorded message.
  • Wendy Rogers spoke at Fuentes’ America First Political Action Conference through a prerecorded message.
  • McGeachin was pictured with Vincent James Foxx at an event. She was subsequently asked about it but didn’t condemn him or his antisemitic views.
  • Rogers called on Foxx to “run for office.”
  • Gosar wrote: “I love Gab!”

  • Doug Mastriano appeared on Allen and Francine Fosdick’s program.
  • Paul Gosar wrote on Gab: “It's amazing what Andrew Torba and his team have done with Gab. I joined this truly free speech platform last November and since then I've watched as the performance, quality, and features have increased astronomically. There's even a Gab marketplace now where users can buy/sell goods and services. Andrew is a pioneer, leading millions away from the information stranglehold of Big Tech. I'm excited to see the Parallel Economy develop further. Gab on!”
  • Janice McGeachin defended speaking at Nick Fuentes’ America First Political Action Conference on the show of Jack Hadfield, who has moderated a Facebook group that that includes “jokes about the Holocaust” and “antisemitic conspiracy theories.”


  • Doug Mastriano appeared in a video interview with Andrew Torba, during which they both praised each other.
  • Media Matters documented that Georgia Senate nominee (unsuccessful) Herschel Walker ran advertising on Gab.
  • Media Matters documented that Paul Gosar has run advertising on Gab.

  • Joe Kent gave an interview to Greyson Arnold, as CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck reported.
  • Mark Finchem endorsed Jarrin Jackson.
  • Wendy Rogers endorsed Jarrin Jackson.
  • Paul Gosar wrote in a fundraising plea on Gab: “Andrew Torba & I have a great relationship and I'm thoroughly satisfied with my decision to join. Since that time, I have been attacked and smeared simply for having an account and posting on this platform to over 120,000 followers and for consistently promoting Gab on my other social media.”

  • The Washington Republican Party paid Greyson Arnold $821.87 for “payroll,” the Daily Beast reported.
  • Wendy Rogers thanked Andrew Torba for endorsing her state senate campaign.
  • Mark Finchem thanked Andrew Torba for endorsing his secretary of state campaign.
  • Doug Mastriano accepted a campaign donation from Gab CEO Andrew Torba.

Part 8


  • J.R. Majewski reaffirmed his support for Gab following criticism in a post on the website.
  • Kari Lake endorsed antisemitic commentator Jarrin Jackson’s Oklahoma state senate bid, stating that “the Soros media attack him relentlessly because he's over the target.” Following criticism, she rescinded her endorsement through her campaign.
  • Paul Gosar wrote on Gab: “They've been going after Andrew Torba for months now - some would say years - because the platform that he is building threatens the Liberal World Order and their control over what we're allowed to say and see online.”

  • The Wyoming GOP praised Gab, writing: “The Wyoming Republican Party uses more than just Instagram and Facebook to communicate digitally. Gab is an awesome platform where Republican censorship is not evident. Head over to Gab and follow us @WYGOP.”
  • Paul Gosar promoted a film featuring Nick Fuentes, writing: “The persecution against Christians and Conservatives by the Biden Regime brings great dishonor to our country. If Americans do not have the freedom to dissent, then they have no freedom at all.” He later deleted the tweet.

  • Missouri Sen.-elect Eric Schmitt tweeted that “America needs a @kanyewest @KidRock tour” shortly after Ye wrote his “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE” tweet. Schmitt later deleted it and claimed he “wasn't aware of the recent comments.”
  • Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita tweeted after Ye’s “death con 3” tweet: “The constant hypocrisy from the media is at an all-time high. They have now gone after Kanye for his new fashion line, his independent thinking, & for having opposing thoughts from the norm of Hollywood.”

  • Doug Mastriano’s campaign, the Daily Beast reported, helped with “a Facebook group which has for months featured a stream of xenophobic, transphobic, and antisemitic memes.”
  • Trump had dinner with Ye and Nick Fuentes at his Mar-a-Lago estate.
  • Paul Gosar wrote on Gab: “Gab is like Facebook but with free speech, anonymity, and a parallel economy of businesses who share our American values. The company is owned and run by Christian Americans, and the terms of service is the First Amendment. I'm glad to be here.”

[ The rise of antisemitism in the US, I noticed, started once Trump was elected President. He seemed to encourage groups which felt under represented to take action and express themselves. And that started during his candidacy. And so they did.
So did the Nazis, the KKK and every other racist and antisemitic group and militia in the US. And all of them voted for Republican candidates from 2016 on. Jewish groups themselves noticed all of this and continue to try to do something about it.

Who amongst Republicans has tried to take office, or has taken office, and has actually shown examples of being antisemitic?

I will be posting what I find from various sources ]


There's been a rise in right-wing, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories tied to the coronavirus pandemic.

Two progressive Jewish organizations have joined forces to launch a new website that tracks anti-Semitism in the Republican Party., a project of Bend the Arc: Jewish Actionand Jews Against White Nationalism, went live on Tuesday afternoon. It features an up-to-date timeline of stories about GOP figures promoting anti-Semitic tropes, collaborating with fascist groups or condoning hate directed at Jews.

“As COVID-19 continues to spread, so do dangerous conspiracy theories targeting Jews, immigrants, and Asian Americans,” says a statement on the site. “These conspiracies are amplified by right-wing politicians and pundits seeking to redirect blame for the scale of this pandemic away from Donald Trump — and onto minority groups.”
Recent stories shown on the website’s timeline include Department of Health and Human Services official Michael Caputo, an April hire, promoting conspiracy theories about Jewish billionaire George Soros just a month earlier; a GOP congressional candidate meeting with a white supremacist organization in Georgia; and the continued use of anti-Semitic signs at right-wing anti-lockdown protests.

Bend the Arc and Jews Against White Nationalism say they launched the site due to an uptick in hate crimes and violence directed at Jews and other minority groups during the Trump administration, including the massacre of 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018, the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history.

“No political party has a monopoly on antisemitism,” the site says, “but deadly antisemitism is almost entirely coming from white nationalists inspired and emboldened by the far-right extremists who have taken over the GOP.”

The site is also meant as a way to correct the record, a spokesperson for the two Jewish groups explained to HuffPost. In 2018 and 2019, news coverage referenced alleged anti-Semitic rhetoric on the left almost twice as much as anti-Semitic rhetoric on the right, according to a study from Media Matters, a liberal media watchdog group.
This, the progressive groups say, was not an accurate reflection of what was going on but the result of a deliberate strategy by the GOP to deflect accusations of bigotry by painting Democrats as the party of anti-Semitism. The groups point to statements by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third highest-ranking Republican in the House, who said that her party’s 2020 election strategy was to demonize Democrats as “infanticiders, socialists and anti-Semites.” does point to some anti-Semitic incidents on the left, including a recent tweet by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) singling out Jews for violating social distancing guidelines during the pandemic.

The site is also careful to explain the ways the right has tried to exploit and weaponize accusations of anti-Semitism against the left. After de Blasio’s tweet, for example, the site noted how the president’s son and campaign adviser, Donald Trump Jr., promoted the Islamophobic conspiracy theorythat Jews and Christians are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement during the pandemic, while Muslims are given special treatment.

(full article online)

Gimme a fuckin' break. Trump was the most pro-Israel President this country's seen in ages. List any GOP anti-Semitic person in Congress and I'll point out Jew-haters like AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley.
Gimme a fuckin' break. Trump was the most pro-Israel President this country's seen in ages. List any GOP anti-Semitic person in Congress and I'll point out Jew-haters like AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley.
So true. When Trump saw all the antisemitism on leftist campuses, he issued an EO withholding federal funds from colleges that allowed antisemitism to fester. He wanted it to become permanent legislation, and the Republicans were in support. But the Democrats - including Schumer - blocked it.

How about Berkeley, that bastion of liberal thinking, with their “No Jew Speaking“ zones? The Jewish Dean of the law school pointed out that even he wasn’t allowed to speak!

And what about all these liberal “inclusive” organizations? Remember how the Women”s March had to cancel some of their engagements due to all the protests about their antisemitism? They even kicked the ONE Jew off their Board because they said the blacks wouldn’t want a Jew in a leadership position.
Last edited:
[ The rise of antisemitism in the US, I noticed, started once Trump was elected President. He seemed to encourage groups which felt under represented to take action and express themselves. And that started during his candidacy. And so they did.
So did the Nazis, the KKK and every other racist and antisemitic group and militia in the US. And all of them voted for Republican candidates from 2016 on. Jewish groups themselves noticed all of this and continue to try to do something about it.

Who amongst Republicans has tried to take office, or has taken office, and has actually shown examples of being antisemitic?

I will be posting what I find from various sources ]


There's been a rise in right-wing, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories tied to the coronavirus pandemic.

Two progressive Jewish organizations have joined forces to launch a new website that tracks anti-Semitism in the Republican Party., a project of Bend the Arc: Jewish Actionand Jews Against White Nationalism, went live on Tuesday afternoon. It features an up-to-date timeline of stories about GOP figures promoting anti-Semitic tropes, collaborating with fascist groups or condoning hate directed at Jews.

“As COVID-19 continues to spread, so do dangerous conspiracy theories targeting Jews, immigrants, and Asian Americans,” says a statement on the site. “These conspiracies are amplified by right-wing politicians and pundits seeking to redirect blame for the scale of this pandemic away from Donald Trump — and onto minority groups.”
Recent stories shown on the website’s timeline include Department of Health and Human Services official Michael Caputo, an April hire, promoting conspiracy theories about Jewish billionaire George Soros just a month earlier; a GOP congressional candidate meeting with a white supremacist organization in Georgia; and the continued use of anti-Semitic signs at right-wing anti-lockdown protests.

Bend the Arc and Jews Against White Nationalism say they launched the site due to an uptick in hate crimes and violence directed at Jews and other minority groups during the Trump administration, including the massacre of 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018, the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history.

“No political party has a monopoly on antisemitism,” the site says, “but deadly antisemitism is almost entirely coming from white nationalists inspired and emboldened by the far-right extremists who have taken over the GOP.”

The site is also meant as a way to correct the record, a spokesperson for the two Jewish groups explained to HuffPost. In 2018 and 2019, news coverage referenced alleged anti-Semitic rhetoric on the left almost twice as much as anti-Semitic rhetoric on the right, according to a study from Media Matters, a liberal media watchdog group.
This, the progressive groups say, was not an accurate reflection of what was going on but the result of a deliberate strategy by the GOP to deflect accusations of bigotry by painting Democrats as the party of anti-Semitism. The groups point to statements by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third highest-ranking Republican in the House, who said that her party’s 2020 election strategy was to demonize Democrats as “infanticiders, socialists and anti-Semites.” does point to some anti-Semitic incidents on the left, including a recent tweet by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) singling out Jews for violating social distancing guidelines during the pandemic.

The site is also careful to explain the ways the right has tried to exploit and weaponize accusations of anti-Semitism against the left. After de Blasio’s tweet, for example, the site noted how the president’s son and campaign adviser, Donald Trump Jr., promoted the Islamophobic conspiracy theorythat Jews and Christians are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement during the pandemic, while Muslims are given special treatment.

(full article online)

Part 6

  • Wendy Rogers wrote on Gab: “Listen to Stew Peters, Bannon’s War Room, Lin Wood, Jarrin Jackson, Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, Tucker, Flyover Conservatives and many others who are exposing the truth. We may not agree with everyone, but there is wisdom in many counselors and it is better than listening to the #MockingbirdMedia.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “Free Nick Fuentes. Free everyone. Free speech is not dangerous. Silencing speech is dangerous. If they can ban Fuentes they can ban the gospel.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “Good evening to everyone except the people who hate our freedom of speech and want to ban Nick Fuentes.”
  • Rogers wrote on Gab: “First they came for Alex Jones and no one said anything. Then they came for Nick Fuentes and no one did anything. Then they came for President Trump. Next they will come for all of us.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “Happy show Anniversary to the most persecuted man in America - Nick Fuentes.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “I like Lin Wood, Andrew Torba, Laura Loomer, Nick Fuentes, and General Flynn. I think I made everyone mad all at the same time. Here we go! #JesusIsKing.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “Any politician who whines about censorship but doesn’t defend President Trump, Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes is a hypocrite.”
  • Rogers wrote on Telegram: “The Feds need to restore Nick Fuentes’ ability to travel or they are no better than the USSR. Take him and other patriots off of the no fly list NOW.”

[ The rise of antisemitism in the US, I noticed, started once Trump was elected President. He seemed to encourage groups which felt under represented to take action and express themselves. And that started during his candidacy. And so they did.
So did the Nazis, the KKK and every other racist and antisemitic group and militia in the US. And all of them voted for Republican candidates from 2016 on. Jewish groups themselves noticed all of this and continue to try to do something about it.

Who amongst Republicans has tried to take office, or has taken office, and has actually shown examples of being antisemitic?

I will be posting what I find from various sources ]


There's been a rise in right-wing, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories tied to the coronavirus pandemic.

Two progressive Jewish organizations have joined forces to launch a new website that tracks anti-Semitism in the Republican Party., a project of Bend the Arc: Jewish Actionand Jews Against White Nationalism, went live on Tuesday afternoon. It features an up-to-date timeline of stories about GOP figures promoting anti-Semitic tropes, collaborating with fascist groups or condoning hate directed at Jews.

“As COVID-19 continues to spread, so do dangerous conspiracy theories targeting Jews, immigrants, and Asian Americans,” says a statement on the site. “These conspiracies are amplified by right-wing politicians and pundits seeking to redirect blame for the scale of this pandemic away from Donald Trump — and onto minority groups.”
Recent stories shown on the website’s timeline include Department of Health and Human Services official Michael Caputo, an April hire, promoting conspiracy theories about Jewish billionaire George Soros just a month earlier; a GOP congressional candidate meeting with a white supremacist organization in Georgia; and the continued use of anti-Semitic signs at right-wing anti-lockdown protests.

Bend the Arc and Jews Against White Nationalism say they launched the site due to an uptick in hate crimes and violence directed at Jews and other minority groups during the Trump administration, including the massacre of 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018, the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history.

“No political party has a monopoly on antisemitism,” the site says, “but deadly antisemitism is almost entirely coming from white nationalists inspired and emboldened by the far-right extremists who have taken over the GOP.”

The site is also meant as a way to correct the record, a spokesperson for the two Jewish groups explained to HuffPost. In 2018 and 2019, news coverage referenced alleged anti-Semitic rhetoric on the left almost twice as much as anti-Semitic rhetoric on the right, according to a study from Media Matters, a liberal media watchdog group.
This, the progressive groups say, was not an accurate reflection of what was going on but the result of a deliberate strategy by the GOP to deflect accusations of bigotry by painting Democrats as the party of anti-Semitism. The groups point to statements by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third highest-ranking Republican in the House, who said that her party’s 2020 election strategy was to demonize Democrats as “infanticiders, socialists and anti-Semites.” does point to some anti-Semitic incidents on the left, including a recent tweet by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) singling out Jews for violating social distancing guidelines during the pandemic.

The site is also careful to explain the ways the right has tried to exploit and weaponize accusations of anti-Semitism against the left. After de Blasio’s tweet, for example, the site noted how the president’s son and campaign adviser, Donald Trump Jr., promoted the Islamophobic conspiracy theorythat Jews and Christians are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement during the pandemic, while Muslims are given special treatment.

(full article online)

Is that why President Trump had Arab countries in the middle east sign peace agreements with Israel? Stupid idiots like you who still think Joe Biteme is better than shit on a shingle, still just grasp how great the former President really was.

Trump's Legacy of Peace
In the space of just four months, together with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump has achieved four peace deals between Israel and Arab states—twice the number achieved by all his predecessors combined.
Wokester lefties are the biggest bigots in the world & they are the ones that started the whole diverge/divest from Israel movement.
Hitler & his crew of National Socialist leftists had some problems with the Jews too I heard...
Arthur Jones is an avowed member of the American Nazi Party, a Holocaust denier and a sympathizer of the Ku Klux Klan.

He also is the Republican candidate challenging Democratic Rep. Dan Lipinski for Illinois’ Chicago-area 3rd Congressional District.

Jones is one of several Nazis, Holocaust deniers or white supremacists who have elbowed their way onto the GOP ballot for November’s midterm elections, in part by either concealing their views or running unopposed in the primary. But their campaigns have alarmed Republican leaders, with state and national GOP figures now speaking out against them and making clear they are not welcome in the party.

"The Illinois Republican Party and our country have no place for Nazis like Arthur Jones,” Tim Schneider, the chairman of the Illinois GOP, said in a statement to Fox News. “We strongly oppose his racist views and his candidacy for any public office, including the 3rd Congressional District."

Jones' campaign website is filled with numerous anti-Semitic statements, Holocaust denials and screeds against everything from immigration to term limits for federal judges.

"This idea that 'six million Jews,' were killed by the National Socialist government of Germany, in World War II, is the biggest, blackest, lie in history," Jones wrote in a piece called "The Holocaust Racket" that was posted on his campaign site.

This midterm election is the first time that Jones, a perennial candidate who has run for the Illinois district seven times since 1984 and was ejected from the ballot in 2016, has seen his name appear on the general election ballot. GOP officials say he made it on this year by gathering a sufficient number of valid signatures to gain access and because no other Republican ran in the heavily Democratic district.

Conservative Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, tweeted last month that voters in Illinois should “vote for the Democrat” over Jones and called him a “bigoted fool.”
Along with Jones, there is another outspoken Holocaust denier and anti-Semite on the Republican ballot in California.

John Fitzgerald is running against incumbent Democratic Rep. Mark DeSaulnier in California’s 11th Congressional District after finishing second with 24.8 percent of the vote in the state’s “jungle” primary. This qualified him for the general election. Before the June 8 primary, he seemed like an ordinary candidate with a stock campaign platform that highlighted, among other things, a more isolationist foreign policy, Second Amendment rights and campaign finance reform.

But a deeper dive into Fitzgerald reveals a number of troubling beliefs.

Fitzgerald, who has previously run in congressional races in 2010 and 2012 as a Democrat, falsely asserts that 9 percent of U.S. government officials are dual citizens of Israel and that Jews played a “prominent role” in the African slave trade. Last month, he posted on his site a reward of “$2,000 to anybody who can prove that the official Holocaust narrative is true” and said that Dwight D. Eisenhower ran concentration camps that killed Germans during WWII.

While there is little Republican leadership can do in the cases of Jones, Fitzgerald and other bigoted candidates who have won primaries, another controversial GOP candidate still has to make his way onto the general election ballot.

Paul Nehlen is running for a chance to fill the seat of House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District.

A self-described “pro-White” candidate who sought Ryan’s seat in 2016, Nehlen has made headlines for suggesting the country have a discussion about not letting Muslims live in the country, and for defending white supremacist messages on social media. He also published the phone numbers and addresses of people who criticized his campaign, said that all his critics were Jewish and blasted some elected officials for allegedly being dual citizens of the U.S. and Israel.

"While this treacherous situation presents a base-line ethical dilemma from any nation a person may share dual-citizen status, there is one nation where this condition presents particularly egregious pain: Israel. The reason is straightforward," Nehlen said in a press release. "Any criticism of Israel is portrayed as 'anti-Semitism' and the offending person is ostracized from polite society."

Nehlen was eventually banned from Twitter after he posted a photoshopped image of the United Kingdom’s Prince Harry and his now wife, actress Meghan Markle, where Markle was replaced with an image of the Cheddar Man, a dark-skinned man who is believed to be first modern Briton.

Nehlen, who describes himself as a “Wisconsin executive, entrepreneur, and inventor,” did not grant Fox News’ request for comment.

Nehlen, Jones, Fitzgerald and other fringe candidates in the GOP have emerged as PR problems for a Republican Party seeking to reject knee-jerk allegations of racism and xenophobia from the left, often aimed at Trump supporters of all stripes. In Wisconsin, the party is floating state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, state Sen. David Craig and Republican business executive Bryan Steil as possible alternatives to Nehlen.

“Paul Nehlen is not a member of the Republican Party of Wisconsin,” Wisconsin Republican Party spokesman Alec Zimmerman told Fox 6, adding that Nehlen’s membership dues this year were returned and that he isn’t a current member of any county Republican Party.

Zimmerman added: “Nehlen and his ideas have no place in the Republican Party.”

(full article online)

Arizona state Sen. Janae Shamp has promoted antisemitic influencers on her Facebook page. Her sources include a neo-Nazi who previously said he wants a picture of Adolf Hitler in “every classroom”; a Gab user who urged readers to “Fight the Jews on Every Single Issue”; a QAnon influencer who dreamed of the day that Jewish people would be “gone”; and a neo-Nazi radio host who served a prison sentence for issuing violent threats.

In addition to her repeated promotion of antisemites, Shamp has also forwarded QAnon propaganda dozens of times, which Media Matters reported on earlier this week. QAnon itselfis steeped in antisemitism. Shamp has not responded to reporters’ questions for comment about her QAnon activity, but she has taken down some of her posts.

Shamp has also compared people who oppose the COVID-19 vaccine to victims of the Holocaust. In one instance, Shamp shared an image of the Jewish badge with the word “unvaccinated” written over it.

Shamp’s sharing of bigoted accounts is part of a larger pattern of Republicans who have promoted antisemitic media figures and outlets. Those officials include fellow Arizona politicians Rep. Paul Gosar and state Sen. Wendy Rogers. Both of them, along with former President Donald Trump, endorsed Shamp's campaign.
The following are numerous examples of Shamp promoting the accounts of antisemites.

Shamp promoted neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell’s anti-Soros post
Shamp shared an anti-George Soros post that was credited as “Via Gab - @RealBlairCottrell.” (The writing was originally posted on a QAnon-themed Telegram account.) Blair Cottrell is a pro-violence neo-Nazi who has written of Hitler: “There should be a picture of this man in every classroom and every school, and his book should be issued to every student annually." He has also said, “The Jews are as small physically as they are degenerate in character,” and claimed that Jewish people "infiltrate and subvert entire generations of other nations in a bid for world power.”

The Gab account Shamp directed people to includes Cottrell praising Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers' Party (also known as the Nazi Party). He wrote: “The reason nobody will recreate National Socialism any time soon is because the NSDAP was built from the ground up by a decorated war veteran and thousands of high-stock, stoic German soldiers, frustrated and forced into political action by Germany’s terrible conditions following her defeat in the First World War. … Personally, I don’t even feel like I have the right to call myself a National Socialist. I work hard and am in good condition, however I don’t live morally enough yet.”
Gab itself is a haven for antisemites, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists. It is run by Andrew Torba, who has repeatedly made antisemitic remarks.

Shamp promoted the website of neo-Nazi Hal Turner
Shamp shared a COVID-19 conspiracy theory article on the website of white supremacist radio host Hal Turner. The Southern Poverty Law Center wrote:
On his radio show, Turner has ranted about “bull-dyke lesbians,” “savage Negro beasts,” “f------,” and even joked about a “portable n----- lyncher” machine. He has a nasty history of threatening political enemies, saying that they deserve to be killed and posting their addresses online. That practice caught up to him in August 2010, when he was convicted of threatening to assault and murder three federal judges.

The SPLC also documented Turner’s history of antisemitism. Publications including The New York Times and NPR have described him as a neo-Nazi.

Shamp cited InevitableET, “a leading and hugely antisemitic voice in the Q community”
Shamp shared election denial content credited to QAnon influencer InevitableET. Vice News wrote that InevitableET (real name Craig Longley) is “a leading and hugely antisemitic voice in the Q community.” The publication reported that he has imagined “the day Trump would leave the White House, suggesting that all Jews would be ‘gone,’ using the antisemitic three brackets ‘echo’ symbol to identify Jewish people. … He has taken part in the ‘Blue the Jew’ movement, where anti-Semites Photoshop images of Jewish people blue, a technique developed on fringe websites to use visual clues to disseminate hateful antisemitic messages while avoiding triggering mainstream platforms’ hate speech rules.” Vice added that Longley promoted the virulently antisemitic text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Shamp promoted antisemitic QAnon influencer Jordan Sather

Shamp shared a quote from QAnon influencer Jordan Sather, who has a history of antisemitism. He has written: “What is the real virus plaguing our world?” He then wrote the echo symbol that’s been used by antisemites to symbolize Jewish people: “(((Them))).”

Shamp promoted Gab account Wyatt, Austere Deplorable, who wants to “Fight the Jews on Every Single Issue”

Shamp shared a conspiracy theory post from the obscure and virulently antisemitic Gab account Wyatt, Austere Deplorable. That account, which also supports QAnon, had previously posted antisemitic remarks:

(full article online)

[ The rise of antisemitism in the US, I noticed, started once Trump was elected President. He seemed to encourage groups which felt under represented to take action and express themselves. And that started during his candidacy. And so they did.
So did the Nazis, the KKK and every other racist and antisemitic group and militia in the US. And all of them voted for Republican candidates from 2016 on. Jewish groups themselves noticed all of this and continue to try to do something about it.

Who amongst Republicans has tried to take office, or has taken office, and has actually shown examples of being antisemitic?

I will be posting what I find from various sources ]


There's been a rise in right-wing, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories tied to the coronavirus pandemic.

Two progressive Jewish organizations have joined forces to launch a new website that tracks anti-Semitism in the Republican Party., a project of Bend the Arc: Jewish Actionand Jews Against White Nationalism, went live on Tuesday afternoon. It features an up-to-date timeline of stories about GOP figures promoting anti-Semitic tropes, collaborating with fascist groups or condoning hate directed at Jews.

“As COVID-19 continues to spread, so do dangerous conspiracy theories targeting Jews, immigrants, and Asian Americans,” says a statement on the site. “These conspiracies are amplified by right-wing politicians and pundits seeking to redirect blame for the scale of this pandemic away from Donald Trump — and onto minority groups.”
Recent stories shown on the website’s timeline include Department of Health and Human Services official Michael Caputo, an April hire, promoting conspiracy theories about Jewish billionaire George Soros just a month earlier; a GOP congressional candidate meeting with a white supremacist organization in Georgia; and the continued use of anti-Semitic signs at right-wing anti-lockdown protests.

Bend the Arc and Jews Against White Nationalism say they launched the site due to an uptick in hate crimes and violence directed at Jews and other minority groups during the Trump administration, including the massacre of 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018, the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history.

“No political party has a monopoly on antisemitism,” the site says, “but deadly antisemitism is almost entirely coming from white nationalists inspired and emboldened by the far-right extremists who have taken over the GOP.”

The site is also meant as a way to correct the record, a spokesperson for the two Jewish groups explained to HuffPost. In 2018 and 2019, news coverage referenced alleged anti-Semitic rhetoric on the left almost twice as much as anti-Semitic rhetoric on the right, according to a study from Media Matters, a liberal media watchdog group.
This, the progressive groups say, was not an accurate reflection of what was going on but the result of a deliberate strategy by the GOP to deflect accusations of bigotry by painting Democrats as the party of anti-Semitism. The groups point to statements by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third highest-ranking Republican in the House, who said that her party’s 2020 election strategy was to demonize Democrats as “infanticiders, socialists and anti-Semites.” does point to some anti-Semitic incidents on the left, including a recent tweet by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) singling out Jews for violating social distancing guidelines during the pandemic.

The site is also careful to explain the ways the right has tried to exploit and weaponize accusations of anti-Semitism against the left. After de Blasio’s tweet, for example, the site noted how the president’s son and campaign adviser, Donald Trump Jr., promoted the Islamophobic conspiracy theorythat Jews and Christians are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement during the pandemic, while Muslims are given special treatment.

(full article online)

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