Town halls gone wild

It's like talking to a child.

Talking to you is like talking to a child but I have an hour to kill so why not spend it educating the inept?

He's not part of their news broadcast, nor has he ever been. He has a show on there, just like Glen Beck had a show on CNN. Again, did Glens views represent those of the network and the news broadcast that CNN put on nightly?

WOW look at you spin. What's the name of the network his program is on?? FOXNEWS.

Due to the FACT that his program is ON the foxnews network, he is in FACT part of foxnews. To deny this and try to claim otherwise is beyond ignorant.

You're an idiot. Beck's program was on the Cable News Network, due to the FACT that his program was on the Cable New Network, he was in FACT part of CNN. Therefore, according to your logic, his views were a clear representation and endorsement of CNN views.

Like candy from a baby. :lol:

So when and where did I say what you are trying to attribute to me?? Did i say anything about being a representation of any network's views?? NO i did not so why do you dishonestly try to attribute something that I NEVER said to me??

Fact is that hannity is a part of the foxnews network. That is all I said and that is an irrefutable FACT. The FACT that you feel the need to spin and LIE as you try to attack me for something that I never said says quite a lot about how far you will go if you think it will help win an argument.

LOL I also think it's funny that you are trying to brag about exposing your own dishonesty. HAHA
It's like talking to a child.

Talking to you is like talking to a child but I have an hour to kill so why not spend it educating the inept?

He's not part of their news broadcast, nor has he ever been. He has a show on there, just like Glen Beck had a show on CNN. Again, did Glens views represent those of the network and the news broadcast that CNN put on nightly?

WOW look at you spin. What's the name of the network his program is on?? FOXNEWS.

Due to the FACT that his program is ON the foxnews network, he is in FACT part of foxnews. To deny this and try to claim otherwise is beyond ignorant.

Ok, without having read through a good part of this thread, is there anywhere else on Fox News besides Hannity and Beck where Tea Parties are being promoted on the network?


News Coverage Of 'Tea Parties' Raises Concern : NPR

Fox News airing on-screen text describing "tea party" protests that Fox News hosts will be attending as "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties."
I agree - but, here's the problem with Fox - opinion presented as news or mixed with news. Or, as in some of those links - actively promoting the Tea Party movement in the guise of news. That's dishonest and it's not simply giving the news - it's sponsoring the movement.

It is not simply giving the news about an election say - it's actively sponsoring a candidate or a program. Did Fox provide the same level of endorsement to, say - Code Pink? I don't think so. Did they attend and promote Code Pink demonstrations like they did the Tea Parties? I doubt it. And I'm not talking about their talk programs like Hannity.

Now you figure out if you can see that there is a difference between providing news about a movement and sponsoring that movement.

Now that assessment is based (almost) entirely on perspective.
(and so you won't make any more inferences as to my meaning- so are the assessments of those who rail against CNN, MSNBC, etc....)


You post two links to Media Matters???? That discredited piece of shit site? It's lucky the IRS hasn't shut them down for violating their 501 (c)(3) status. As they say in Jamaica, "Soon come, mon"

And then you top that off with a link to a comedian's site. WTF?????

Is this what passes for legitimate information to you???? I'll bet you're one the 8% of people who actually respond to spam ads.

Get out of here until you have something legit.

LOL, you ask for links and you get links, then you whine about the links. However, there was a post of yours on the previous page where you mention a "local" reporter and yet I saw no links and very little specifics. I wonder why??

Fair criticism. It didn't occur to me that their would be anything to link to since I heard it on the radio. However, you stimulated me to go look.

Fred Grandy morning show You can download the entire show from this page and listen to what I heard.

Basically, the reporter they interviewed was Steven Portnoy of ABC News. He attended the town hall and reported his finding that there was no apparent "organization." You will also hear the Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party call in and say exactly what he did. He said that he forwarded the time, date and location of the various town halls to his mailing list. That was the extent of the Rep Party's "organization" effort.
and there is a difference between the news and the various hack commentators employed to give their OPINIONS.

see if you can figure that out.

I agree - but, here's the problem with Fox - opinion presented as news or mixed with news. Or, as in some of those links - actively promoting the Tea Party movement in the guise of news. That's dishonest and it's not simply giving the news - it's sponsoring the movement.

It is not simply giving the news about an election say - it's actively sponsoring a candidate or a program. Did Fox provide the same level of endorsement to, say - Code Pink? I don't think so. Did they attend and promote Code Pink demonstrations like they did the Tea Parties? I doubt it. And I'm not talking about their talk programs like Hannity.

Now you figure out if you can see that there is a difference between providing news about a movement and sponsoring that movement.

I guess you just missed the so called 'coverage' of the tea parties on the other (Obama) networks?

No, I didn't. It's just that they were far less extensively covered in other media news sources and not promoted except in the (anti-Obama) network - if that is how you wish to term the news outlets that don't agree with your viewpoint.
Talking to you is like talking to a child but I have an hour to kill so why not spend it educating the inept?

WOW look at you spin. What's the name of the network his program is on?? FOXNEWS.

Due to the FACT that his program is ON the foxnews network, he is in FACT part of foxnews. To deny this and try to claim otherwise is beyond ignorant.

You're an idiot. Beck's program was on the Cable News Network, due to the FACT that his program was on the Cable New Network, he was in FACT part of CNN. Therefore, according to your logic, his views were a clear representation and endorsement of CNN views.

Like candy from a baby. :lol:

So when and where did I say what you are trying to attribute to me?? Did i say anything about being a representation of any network's views?? NO i did not so why do you dishonestly try to attribute something that I NEVER said to me??

Fact is that hannity is a part of the foxnews network. That is all I said and that is an irrefutable FACT. The FACT that you feel the need to spin and LIE as you try to attack me for something that I never said says quite a lot about how far you will go if you think it will help win an argument.

LOL I also think it's funny that you are trying to brag about exposing your own dishonesty. HAHA

:cuckoo: I used the exact same words you did and substitued Fox News Network for Cable News Network. You really are an idiot, aren't you?
I agree - but, here's the problem with Fox - opinion presented as news or mixed with news. Or, as in some of those links - actively promoting the Tea Party movement in the guise of news. That's dishonest and it's not simply giving the news - it's sponsoring the movement.

It is not simply giving the news about an election say - it's actively sponsoring a candidate or a program. Did Fox provide the same level of endorsement to, say - Code Pink? I don't think so. Did they attend and promote Code Pink demonstrations like they did the Tea Parties? I doubt it. And I'm not talking about their talk programs like Hannity.

Now you figure out if you can see that there is a difference between providing news about a movement and sponsoring that movement.

Now that assessment is based (almost) entirely on perspective.
(and so you won't make any more inferences as to my meaning- so are the assessments of those who rail against CNN, MSNBC, etc....)

who actively promoted the Tea Parties? Was it on a "news" show or was it one of the political commentary shows? If it was the latter, who fucking cares? Do they make any bones about being right-wing? I think not.
Now that assessment is based (almost) entirely on perspective.
(and so you won't make any more inferences as to my meaning- so are the assessments of those who rail against CNN, MSNBC, etc....)

Is it...?

Opinion is offering your thoughts or feelings about a topic rather than simply stating the facts of the topic.

I didn't base my comment on my opinon. I took it from this: Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) | Understanding News in the Information Age

Fox journalists were even more prone to offer their own opinions in the channel's coverage of the war in Iraq. There 73% of the stories included such personal judgments. On CNN the figure was 2%, and on MSNBC, 29%.
Fox News is a "Sponsor" of the Tea Parties?

Link please.

Are you serious?? Didn't foxnews send their programs out to tea parties and hold events as well as provide entertainment?? I seem to remember hannity broadcasting live at a tea party with his show and he brought a performer to basically give a free concert.
It should be more than obvious to anyone with common sense that foxnews was trying to talk and prop the tea parties up with all of the attention they gave to them.

First, I don't keep track of the coming and going of all the "personalities" on Fox. My view of Hannity is that he is a shameless self-promoter and if there were three people standing on a corner he would try to get in front of them and try to promote something.

Having said that, he does have another job other than his show on Fox (which I've never seen). He has a radio show. So, I'm unsure whether he was at the Tea Party in his capacity as a radio host or as part of Fox.

Uh that was already explained for you. His foxnews show was LIVE at the event and he brought in an entertainer to perform for the crowd. I don't know how much more simple I can make it.

I know other radio hosts attended but did not get up on stage at Tea Parties. Laura Ingram for one. As for whether Fox sponsored the event, I would view sponsorship as requiring either funding or advertising the events and where and when they would be held or at a minimum giving out the web site with that information.

Hannity was advertising that he and his show would be at the event weeks BEFORE the event.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

Moments ago, Sean Hannity, of Hannity's America on Fox News, announced that he is going to broadcast LIVE from the ATLANTA TEA PARTY!!!! Fox will also have news crews in other cities around the country at their Tea Parties. This is huge and exciting news for the Atlanta event and also for the Tea Party movement in general.

We are honored to have Hannity covering our Atlanta Tea Party!

Because of this announcement, we are going to extend the time of our event to end at 10:00 and we may also be adjusting the start time. Be patient as we make a few adjustments to our plan. Please check back here at or the Atlanta Tea Party FaceBook event page for more details in the coming days. Atlanta Tea Party: Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

Does that count? - Sean Hannity 'On the Record' on the Anti-Tax Tea Party Protests - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta
Last edited:
didn't base my comment on my opinon. I took it from this: Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) | Understanding News in the Information Age

Thanks, I'll check that out, including who contributed and who funded the project, (primary in determining bias, if any).
You're an idiot. Beck's program was on the Cable News Network, due to the FACT that his program was on the Cable New Network, he was in FACT part of CNN. Therefore, according to your logic, his views were a clear representation and endorsement of CNN views.

Like candy from a baby. :lol:

So when and where did I say what you are trying to attribute to me?? Did i say anything about being a representation of any network's views?? NO i did not so why do you dishonestly try to attribute something that I NEVER said to me??

Fact is that hannity is a part of the foxnews network. That is all I said and that is an irrefutable FACT. The FACT that you feel the need to spin and LIE as you try to attack me for something that I never said says quite a lot about how far you will go if you think it will help win an argument.

LOL I also think it's funny that you are trying to brag about exposing your own dishonesty. HAHA

:cuckoo: I used the exact same words you did and substitued Fox News Network for Cable News Network. You really are an idiot, aren't you?

Really?? So can you show me when and where I said anything about hannity being a clear representation of the network's view?? The FACT is that I said nothing of the sort. You introduced that spin in a desperate attempt to argue that hannity is not a part of fox NEWS programs when the discussion was about the FACT that is is a part of foxnews.

You exposed your dishonesty when you tried to attirbute your own flawed and failed logic to my statements as you tried to claim it was my logic. LOL

Did you get that or are you still having issues keeping up?
Are you serious?? Didn't foxnews send their programs out to tea parties and hold events as well as provide entertainment?? I seem to remember hannity broadcasting live at a tea party with his show and he brought a performer to basically give a free concert.
It should be more than obvious to anyone with common sense that foxnews was trying to talk and prop the tea parties up with all of the attention they gave to them.

First, I don't keep track of the coming and going of all the "personalities" on Fox. My view of Hannity is that he is a shameless self-promoter and if there were three people standing on a corner he would try to get in front of them and try to promote something.

Having said that, he does have another job other than his show on Fox (which I've never seen). He has a radio show. So, I'm unsure whether he was at the Tea Party in his capacity as a radio host or as part of Fox.

Uh that was already explained for you. His foxnews show was LIVE at the event and he brought in an entertainer to perform for the crowd. I don't know how much more simple I can make it.

I know other radio hosts attended but did not get up on stage at Tea Parties. Laura Ingram for one. As for whether Fox sponsored the event, I would view sponsorship as requiring either funding or advertising the events and where and when they would be held or at a minimum giving out the web site with that information.

Hannity was advertising that he and his show would be at the events weeks BEFORE the event.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

Moments ago, Sean Hannity, of Hannity's America on Fox News, announced that he is going to broadcast LIVE from the ATLANTA TEA PARTY!!!! Fox will also have news crews in other cities around the country at their Tea Parties. This is huge and exciting news for the Atlanta event and also for the Tea Party movement in general.

We are honored to have Hannity covering our Atlanta Tea Party!

Because of this announcement, we are going to extend the time of our event to end at 10:00 and we may also be adjusting the start time. Be patient as we make a few adjustments to our plan. Please check back here at or the Atlanta Tea Party FaceBook event page for more details in the coming days. Atlanta Tea Party: Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

Does that count? - Sean Hannity 'On the Record' on the Anti-Tax Tea Party Protests - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta

Hannity is a right-wing political commentator who has a show on Fox. It is not surprising nor does it cross some kind of journalistic line to have him at or even involved in an event. As noted in your article, the event was already scheduled, not something that he or Fox thought up or created. He went to an already scheduled event.

Now if you care to argue that his participation made the event larger than it would otherwise be. I would agree with you. By saying he would do his show live from there and bring some entertainer with him, I'm sure it was a bigger event than it would otherwise have been.

Not sponsorship though. Unless you just want to stretch the meaning to prove your point.
didn't base my comment on my opinon. I took it from this: Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) | Understanding News in the Information Age

Thanks, I'll check that out, including who contributed and who funded the project, (primary in determining bias, if any).

OK, did some preliminary research: Funded by the Pew Reaserch Center. Research based on public OPINION polls (caps for emphasis).

I'll stand by my statement, for now.
First, I don't keep track of the coming and going of all the "personalities" on Fox. My view of Hannity is that he is a shameless self-promoter and if there were three people standing on a corner he would try to get in front of them and try to promote something.

Having said that, he does have another job other than his show on Fox (which I've never seen). He has a radio show. So, I'm unsure whether he was at the Tea Party in his capacity as a radio host or as part of Fox.

Uh that was already explained for you. His foxnews show was LIVE at the event and he brought in an entertainer to perform for the crowd. I don't know how much more simple I can make it.

Hannity was advertising that he and his show would be at the events weeks BEFORE the event.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

Moments ago, Sean Hannity, of Hannity's America on Fox News, announced that he is going to broadcast LIVE from the ATLANTA TEA PARTY!!!! Fox will also have news crews in other cities around the country at their Tea Parties. This is huge and exciting news for the Atlanta event and also for the Tea Party movement in general.

We are honored to have Hannity covering our Atlanta Tea Party!

Because of this announcement, we are going to extend the time of our event to end at 10:00 and we may also be adjusting the start time. Be patient as we make a few adjustments to our plan. Please check back here at or the Atlanta Tea Party FaceBook event page for more details in the coming days. Atlanta Tea Party: Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

Does that count? - Sean Hannity 'On the Record' on the Anti-Tax Tea Party Protests - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta

Hannity is a right-wing political commentator who has a show on Fox. It is not surprising nor does it cross some kind of journalistic line to have him at or even involved in an event. As noted in your article, the event was already scheduled, not something that he or Fox thought up or created. He went to an already scheduled event.

Now if you care to argue that his participation made the event larger than it would otherwise be. I would agree with you. By saying he would do his show live from there and bring some entertainer with him, I'm sure it was a bigger event than it would otherwise have been.

Not sponsorship though. Unless you just want to stretch the meaning to prove your point.

WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.
WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

So I guess that means if you go to a political rally/demonstration/etc., your employer is sponsoring/promoting said event, just because you work for him/her?
Very interesting concept. Strange but interesting.

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