Top 10 Countries With Highest Household Debt All Socialist

Always halarious reading ignorant American rightwingers go at it with ignorant Euro rightwingers.

We are NOT ignorant though. If we were ignorant we would agree with these ridiculous suggestions that EVERYONE is Socialist.

No actually you are ignorant when you say that any of the developed first world democracies, including Sweeden, have socialist economies.

You are ignorant when you conflate personal and national debt. (Government spending is not directly reflected in Ritardo's graph data, as even a socialist country like USSR had low personal debt level as the credit system was pretty much non-existant)

You are ignorant when you talk about national debt without respect to GDP.
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Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Even if what you say is true they still have things America really needs like socialized medicine and less self centered individual ideology and more concerned with improving the community. European countries seem to have more compassion to all their citizens. America is more about greed and selfish individual interests. America's viewpoint if I have it good with a good job and healthcare why should I care about someone working on slave wages with no healthcare or shitty healthcare. America is about living for me, myself and I.

America would be better off it were in even bigger debt yet had all these socialized programs Europeans have to improve the quality of life of the working poor.

No, it wasn't "if" what you say it's true. It is the statistics and this is what should be expected with a trip down the Socialist river of no return.

I appreciate a well crafted comment but the truth is., when you run out of the money of the peasants you grab the profits of the corporations employing the peasants, then they have no money to pay the peasants so you become Communists and there's nothing left but a job at the state.

Those peasants of the "under class" they're the ones who make this country great. It's time for them to get their "fair share" instead of giving our money away to protect other countries. It's time we demand FAIR trade and quit blaming America.for other people's problems.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Even if what you say is true they still have things America really needs like socialized medicine and less self centered individual ideology and more concerned with improving the community. European countries seem to have more compassion to all their citizens. America is more about greed and selfish individual interests. America's viewpoint if I have it good with a good job and healthcare why should I care about someone working on slave wages with no healthcare or shitty healthcare. America is about living for me, myself and I.

America would be better off it were in even bigger debt yet had all these socialized programs Europeans have to improve the quality of life of the working poor.

No, it wasn't "if" what you say it's true. It is the statistics and this is what should be expected with a trip down the Socialist river of no return.

Hey idiot, your "per cent" graph has nothing to with "Socialism", if anything it's an indicator of easy personal credit capitalist countries enjoy and sky-high real estate costs, which again, is not a trait of socialism, but capitalist markets.
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Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark, Norway and Switzerland are NOT Socialist, sorry I know being American you WANT to THINK they are but as a European I can 100% tell you they are NOT Socialist. Netherlands is NOT Socialist except for Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the other parts are basic Centre-Right.

Of ALL those nations the ACTUAL Socialist are: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Sweden, I think with Trudeau that Canada perhaps now also and from the others in that Top 10 Australia and United Kingdom have Conservative Centre-Right Government so they are not Socialist but at random are prone to voting for their Labour Parties to be the Governments.

So out of that Top 10 the Socialist nations are: Sweden and that is all there is, the one and not any other. Ireland with it's Openly Faggot UNELECTED Prime Minister COULD be heading Socialist THOUGH his political party Fine Gael ARE Centre-Right. Have you HEARD of Fine Gael even? Thought not.

Our American friends do need to get educated about European Politics and what EXACTLY constitutes a Socialist nation with a Socialist Government because without this our American friends seem very ignorant of the situation. To say like in this thread title that ALL the below nations in that Top 10 are Socialist is very ignorant:

Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Switzerland.
To American conservatives...Socialists are any countries that help their people
Yah we know.
Every sentence begins with, "here, let me help you."
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Even if what you say is true they still have things America really needs like socialized medicine and less self centered individual ideology and more concerned with improving the community. European countries seem to have more compassion to all their citizens. America is more about greed and selfish individual interests. America's viewpoint if I have it good with a good job and healthcare why should I care about someone working on slave wages with no healthcare or shitty healthcare. America is about living for me, myself and I.

America would be better off it were in even bigger debt yet had all these socialized programs Europeans have to improve the quality of life of the working poor.

No, it wasn't "if" what you say it's true. It is the statistics and this is what should be expected with a trip down the Socialist river of no return.

Hey idiot, your "per cent" graph has nothing to with "Socialism", if anything it's an indicator of easy personal credit capitalist countries enjoy and sky-high real estate costs, which again, is not a trait of socialism, but capitalist markets.
Government debt has also gone up as it did in the United States. to avert another full blown GOP World depression takes a lot of money.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
As I said, socialism is an economic term, the definition from the dictionary is a state where means of production are owned or regulated by the community. But today there is pure socialism which is communism and doesn't work, and socialism is just fair well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. We need Universal Health Care to qualify as socialists. The prime minister of Finland and I know best I guess. I have had many discussions in foreign countries about it and I know my 20th century history. I have a masters in history and and speak fluent French civilization.
Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
As I said, socialism is an economic term, the definition from the dictionary is a state where means of production are owned or regulated by the community. But today there is pure socialism which is communism and doesn't work, and socialism is just fair well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. We need Universal Health Care to qualify as socialists. The prime minister of Finland and I know best I guess. I have had many discussions in foreign countries about it and I know my 20th century history. I have a masters in history and and speak fluent French civilization.
Did you see that trans gender Senate candidate who said I don't even know what socialism is... That is the smart way to say it in this silly country at this point...
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
You also need democracy and smart stuff LOL like taxing the rich and investing in citizens and infrastructure. Then The community needs to regulate business and industry like every like modern country does. Living wage good vacations daycare parental leave ID card 2 end illegal immigration cheap College and training Etc. But the Finland prime minister says the US plus ACA equals socialist, even if it is a giveaway to the rich GOP mess..
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Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Jeez...clearly, you have NO IDEA what socialism actually means.

'Definition of socialism
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state'

Definition of SOCIALISM

Are you saying that there is no private ownership of businesses and/or real estate in Canada?

Yes or No, please?

And if the answer is 'no' (which it obviously should be), than Canada is NOT a socialist country and/or socialism does not reign supreme in Canada.

Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
As I said, socialism is an economic term, the definition from the dictionary is a state where means of production are owned or regulated by the community. But today there is pure socialism which is communism and doesn't work, and socialism is just fair well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. We need Universal Health Care to qualify as socialists. The prime minister of Finland and I know best I guess. I have had many discussions in foreign countries about it and I know my 20th century history. I have a masters in history and and speak fluent French civilization.

No, Socialism is where the means of production are in the hands of the government.

Communism is when there is no government and the means of production are in the hands of the people.

Very different.

No, you don't need universal healthcare to be socialist and couldn't give a rats ass about you CV making you think you're somehow superior to other people and therefore you must be right.
Here's what you get with Socialism.

Up to your ass in debt just to live.

There is no such thing as "free", lieberals. You just belong to a debtors prison.


Jeez...clearly, you have NO IDEA what socialism actually means.

'Definition of socialism
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state'

Definition of SOCIALISM

Are you saying that there is no private ownership of businesses and/or real estate in Canada?

Yes or No, please?

And if the answer is 'no' (which it obviously should be), than Canada is NOT a socialist country and/or socialism does not reign supreme in Canada.
Means of production owned or regulated by the community. Everyone but in America knows socialism is just Fair capitalism with a good safety net."we are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
As I said, socialism is an economic term, the definition from the dictionary is a state where means of production are owned or regulated by the community. But today there is pure socialism which is communism and doesn't work, and socialism is just fair well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. We need Universal Health Care to qualify as socialists. The prime minister of Finland and I know best I guess. I have had many discussions in foreign countries about it and I know my 20th century history. I have a masters in history and and speak fluent French civilization.

No, Socialism is where the means of production are in the hands of the government.

Communism is when there is no government and the means of production are in the hands of the people.

Very different.

No, you don't need universal healthcare to be socialist and couldn't give a rats ass about you CV making you think you're somehow superior to other people and therefore you must be right.
Listen Bernie Sanders doesn't want government ownership of industry and business. I'm sick of socialism having no meaning in the United States. it's so confused. f*** the United States, the Bastion of Cold War idiocy and propaganda. Communism is pure socialism and doesn't work.
Denmark isn't socialist, nor Holland, nor Norway, nor Australia, nor Switzerland, nor Ireland.

I doubt you even know what you're actually looking at. Debt can mean a lot of things.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
You also need democracy and smart stuff LOL like taxing the rich and investing in citizens and infrastructure. Then The community needs to regulate business and industry like every like modern country does. Living wage good vacations daycare parental leave ID card 2 end illegal immigration cheap College and training Etc. But the Finland prime minister says the US plus ACA equals socialist, even if it is a giveaway to the rich GOP mess..

No, you don't.
Who do you think are socialists? Definition is means of production are owned or regulated by the community... So it's anything but pure socialism is communism, socialism is now really just Faire capitalism with a good safety net. Outside the US or where people are political.

So, if we go for Socialist being a country with some Socialism, then the US is a Socialist country.

Try - education. Mass education is socialist.

Public libraries.

Police force

Armed forces


Public parks

Social security

You know, Socialist things in the US.
Not quite you need Health Care at least I think. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed.

Why do you need healthcare? Because it's convenient for an argument?


The problem here is that people will move the borders of things in order to make an argument stick.

What's a socialist country? Probably one that has full scale socialism, which I'd say is the means of production.

Healthcare, armed forces, police, infrastructure, all socialized, doesn't make a socialized country.
You also need democracy and smart stuff LOL like taxing the rich and investing in citizens and infrastructure. Then The community needs to regulate business and industry like every like modern country does. Living wage good vacations daycare parental leave ID card 2 end illegal immigration cheap College and training Etc. But the Finland prime minister says the US plus ACA equals socialist, even if it is a giveaway to the rich GOP mess..

No, you don't.
Debbie WTF is your definition in your own words. Your link it can mean anything.

Check this in Wikipedia the history of socialism. it says socialism in the first half of the twentieth century was mainly referring to the USSR, but afterafter World War 2 that became communism and socialism is usually democratic and the first thing it needs pal is Universal Healthcare.
Or just keep going around in circles with the brainwashed u.s. populace.

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