'Top 10 Best Countries to be a Woman'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013

Measures of well-being include life expectancy, education, purchasing power and standard of living. Not surprisingly, the top 10 countries are among the world's wealthiest.

1. Iceland
2. Norway
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Ireland
6. Sweden
7. Switzerland
8. Japan
9. Netherlands
10. France

SOURCE: UNDP Gender-related development index

The Ten Worst Countries for Women - The Feminist eZine

Measures of well-being include life expectancy, education, purchasing power and standard of living. Not surprisingly, the top 10 countries are among the world's wealthiest.

1. Iceland
2. Norway
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Ireland
6. Sweden
7. Switzerland
8. Japan
9. Netherlands
10. France

SOURCE: UNDP Gender-related development index

The Ten Worst Countries for Women - The Feminist eZine

Thanks! Interesting.

If I remember correctly, most of those countries are also considered the countries, having the happiest people. And Denmark.
#1? The USA. No better place to live on earth. Women have opportunity, wealth, fame, luxury and best of all, they're still protected by our Constitution.
I tend to agree, however with the current administration, I'm not sure they are still protected by the constitution. The 10 on the list are fortunate in that the women there don't have to deal with the current administration in the WH. Perhaps that is a reason why they were chosen top 10?
#1? The USA. No better place to live on earth. Women have opportunity, wealth, fame, luxury and best of all, they're still protected by our Constitution.
I tend to agree, however with the current administration, I'm not sure they are still protected by the constitution. The 10 on the list are fortunate in that the women there don't have to deal with the current administration in the WH. Perhaps that is a reason why they were chosen top 10?

LOL. That would mean that those countries are also the 10 best nations for a man to live in. hahaha
#1? The USA. No better place to live on earth. Women have opportunity, wealth, fame, luxury and best of all, they're still protected by our Constitution.
I tend to agree, however with the current administration, I'm not sure they are still protected by the constitution. The 10 on the list are fortunate in that the women there don't have to deal with the current administration in the WH. Perhaps that is a reason why they were chosen top 10?

LOL. That would mean that those countries are also the 10 best nations for a man to live in. hahaha
I'm not sure about the others, but I know that Australia and Canada have the same quality of life and opportunities as does the US. Their advantage is that they don't have to deal with the current WH administration. :evil:

So, yeah, it would apply to both men and women.
I tend to agree, however with the current administration, I'm not sure they are still protected by the constitution. The 10 on the list are fortunate in that the women there don't have to deal with the current administration in the WH. Perhaps that is a reason why they were chosen top 10?

LOL. That would mean that those countries are also the 10 best nations for a man to live in. hahaha
I'm not sure about the others, but I know that Australia and Canada have the same quality of life and opportunities as does the US. Their advantage is that they don't have to deal with the current WH administration. :evil:

So, yeah, it would apply to both men and women.

I can only say that I'm relieved that Obama can't "serve" a third term. He's been a horrible President. It's a sad thing that the first black President turned out to be the worst President in our history. I would even welcome Carter back if it meant Obama would step away.
It's a sad thing that the first black President turned out to be the worst President in our history. I would even welcome Carter back if it meant Obama would step away.

It's bad because he forcefully reinforced negative stereotypes. It'll be a very long time before the nation makes the same mistake again.
Some would argue that the USA sits atop this inquiring list, since American pop art features various female superheroine comic book avatars such as Supergirl and Catwoman that celebrate imaginative ideas about gender cooperation.

Looking closer at this list, though, I have to add special favoritism notes for Iceland, Canada, and Holland (Netherlands).

Iceland -- progressive populism politics is now fertile ground for gender equity dialogue

Canada -- laissez-faire culture mingling leaves comfy room for gender liberalism

Holland -- fashion and arts mix in a field welcoming to women as writers suggest

Places that need help include Afghanistan, Sudan, China, and Russia.



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