Too harsh! Trump suggests Desantis' 6 week abortion law went too far

You are debating in circles.... I pointed out that for a very long time Roe was critiqued by legal scholars and I used Ginsburg's very words when you asked for an example...
Chief Justice Warren E. Burger Associate Justices William O. Douglas · William J. Brennan Jr. Potter Stewart · Byron White Thurgood Marshall · Harry Blackmun Lewis F. Powell Jr. · William Rehnquist were the sitting justices in 1973....
I don't know if you can say it was a republican court... the court is appointed by presidents with congressional approval....
For a long time the appointing of justices was not a partisan issue like it is today... it was at best a divided court in 1973.....
However 1973 was a long time ago and we didn't know half of what we know today about human development in the womb.... so the argument that it was a republican court that did it means very little....
So was Hellar.

So has every major court decision ever.

Did you expect 100 percent consensus?
Her statement, in a conversation, spelled out her saying she would have rather seen the issue go the direction of the 10th amendment, which would have been constitutional. So the majority violated the constitution by legislating from the bench. Lawsuits were filed right after the decision too.
Using the 9th amendment to pass Roe v Wade did not violate the constitution.

That's a rediculous assertion.
So was Hellar.

So has every major court decision ever.

Did you expect 100 percent consensus?
That has nothing to do with anything I've said... the wise man can see when he's been defeated and resigns in honor and has inner peace over the knowledge he has gained in the process....
Agree. The religious nuts calling fetuses younger than 8 weeks late a "baby" have lost their marbles.
Religious nuts are a threat to the party.
Snake in the grass douchebags like you are a threat to the sovereignty and continuation of America.

You don't hide it. Much.
That has nothing to do with anything I've said... the wise man can see when he's been defeated and resigns in honor and has inner peace over the knowledge he has gained in the process....
A wise man also doesn't earn victory simply by claiming it.

Your point was that RGB was against how it was decided. My point is every decision has people who disagree and that doesn't mean that all those cases were wrong too.

That seems to have everything to do with what you said.
A wise man also doesn't earn victory simply by claiming it.

Your point was that RGB was against how it was decided. My point is every decision has people who disagree and that doesn't mean that all those cases were wrong too.

That seems to have everything to do with what you said.
You bring up a new point every time I defeat the last point you made.... you could at least acknowledge that I was right about how long people have been saying RvW was bad law.... the fact that this court overturned it is evidence as how bad the 73 decision was....
like I said it was judicial dictate not a proper constitutional ruling.... at the time many states had a church on every block and they felt disregarded by their nation's highest court....
It was long overdue.... now the question is where do we go from here?.... and Trump's suggestion should be taken seriously by both sides....
You bring up a new point every time I defeat the last point you made.... you could at least acknowledge that I was right about how long people have been saying RvW was bad law.... the fact that this court overturned it is evidence as how bad the 73 decision was....

It wasn't a new point. It was the same point.

Or it's evident how strongly activist these judges are.

like I said it was judicial dictate not a proper constitutional ruling.... at the time many states had a church on every block and they felt disregarded by their nation's highest court....
It was long overdue.... now the question is where do we go from here?.... and Trump's suggestion should be taken seriously by both sides....
It was a proper constitutional ruling. Even if you think otherwise.

Where we go is it is now states rights.

Trump's suggestion is irrelevant.
Since the moment after the 'law' was singned in '73, the 10th amendment challenge was on.

Activist judges legislate from the bench.
Constitutional judges apply the law.
Agreed. Roe v Wade, based on the 9th amendment is applying the law.

Activists judges chosen by the federalist society apply their opinions.
It was activist judges who created R v W in '73.
Show me where in the constitution it gives the judicial branch authority to legislate.
Straw man.

They didn't legislate.

They interpreted the constitution and they applied the 9th amendment. Just like the right to travel, marriage and presumption of innocence.

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