Tonight...Romney, "I love teachers"....Earlier it was a different story


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Flip-Flop Mitt

[ame=]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

Did Romney endorse Obama tonight? Maybe obama will chose him for his Sec. Of State.
Oh, hell no he didn't? Romney to withdraw for Afghanistan in 2014? What alter ego was Romney tonight?
He agree with Obama because he was clueless on foreign policie and to agreed is to hide your own lack of undestanding on foreigh policies. He really throw Obama off tonight because Obama did not have anyone to debate.
Romney scared the stih out of Kerry tonight. Me too.
Did Romney endorse Obama tonight? Maybe obama will chose him for his Sec. Of State.
Oh, hell no he didn't? Romney to withdraw for Afghanistan in 2014? What alter ego was Romney tonight?
He agree with Obama because he was clueless on foreign policie and to agreed is to hide your own lack of undestanding on foreigh policies. He really throw Obama off tonight because Obama did not have anyone to debate.
Romney scared the stih out of Kerry tonight. Me too.

At one point, Romney repeated what Obama said almost word for word for about 5 minutes.

Remember when Romney said Syria was a path to the sea for Iran. They don't share a border. Romney should have listened to his teacher.
Uh, right. Cuz saying you don't want to hire more teachers is the same thing as saying you hate them.

The GOP's long helm animosity to the educational community has to do with the teachers unions long held support for the Democratic candidates.

That is why for the last thrity years or so the GOP's narrative has been that education is failing (it isn't really) and their continued mythology that teachers cannot be fired because of unions.

So of course Mitt hates the educational community.

The Educational community filled with people who can read and do read and who therefore understand what nonsense the GOP is trying to hand this nation.
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