Today's Press Conference by Trump might have been his best yet...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Any of you who haven't seen it, well worth viewing:

Here's the youtube replay I found:

Yes, he was combative, but more relaxed than usual. Also, he took it to media about leaks and strategies. My favourite line was to the British reporter:

At around the 59:20 mark. Just before that he went pretty hard at a guy questioning the Russian spy ship:
"Where are you from?"
"Here's another beauty".

LOL. Poor guy hardly had the chance to kick the ball.

If that were a CBC reporter I think I would put the video in my signature. If it were CBC Trump could also assume the reporter was a state agent so he would be vindicated in making such a statement. The reality of state run media is you can be there are state run actors working there and "reporting" the news, no different than any other socialist or communist state on earth.
NBC's Peter Alexander put up the best defense of Trump's media attack. But on the whole the media spent far too much time on Russia while ignoring the bread-and-butter issues faced by Americans in their daily lives and didn't do itself any favor.

NBC's Peter Alexander put up the best defense of Trump's media attack. But on the whole the media spent far too much time on Russia while ignoring the bread-and-butter issues faced by Americans in their daily lives and didn't do itself any favor.

Beside the symbolism of giving the presser in front of a Golden Shower curtain, his answer for his lying was first "I was given that information" and second "Ive seen that information around." Basically he is admitting he is too stupid to recognize fake information when it is fed to him or when he sees it himself, but is willing to spread the gossip if it suits his purposes.
Yeah trump was a laugh a minute today. I had to laugh real hard when president trump whined about the government listening in on his phone calls.

Het trump, if you don't like the government listening in on your phone calls than change it. Just make sure you change it for everybody.
I listened to it and commented on the portion of it that preceded his taking press questions. You'll find my comments here: A blizzard of literal and contextual falsehoods from Trump. It's a long post with lots of external references to support the assertions/refutations I make in it.

I can't say I liked or didn't like the first part of the press conference. Press conferences aren't the sorts of thing about which I'd have such an emotion. I can say I found a lot of his extemporizing to be rather incoherent -- mainly because, as the man often does, he failed to complete many of his sentences and then launched into the "stream of consciousness" idea that popped into his head at just that moment. That makes me think, "Wait. What are you talking about? You were starting to say one thing, but then you cut-off that idea, and now you've just tossed in a sentence that doesn't have a thing to do with it." I'll "work" hard enough to understand children when they do that, but I'm not overlooking that from a POTUS or any other person who's job partly entails communicating effectively and coherently.

I didn't much care for his deflection during the Q&A part of the press conference. I don't ever care for it when a public official dodges or otherwise does not directly answer the question they are asked. I like it even less when an otherwise bombastic politician does it.
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