Today's Democrats re: Obama- "We hope he fails"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
How ironic. The Democrats apparantly have evolved in 2 years to become racists.

Barack Obama, acting very out of character for a modern politician, is putting his neck squarely on the line with a massive bipartisan compromise. As his often harshest critic, I credit him for it. He's sorta like an NFL coach having to release a popular star player b/c it just doesn't fit the team any longer. Obama made a huge compromise for the good of the country, imo. We simply cannot afford tax increases right now. And we don't need the added deficit, but right now, is another 13 months of unemployment gonna make that huge of a difference? I'd rather not do it, BUT, as a compromise, sure. Lets work together if thats all we can do.


Democrats, in their blind, kamakaze hatred of the rich, won't allow it. They are coming out against President Obama. This is a landmark moment in his presidency. His legacy, and chance of re-election, truly could turn on this month.

And the Dems are blocking it. He is trying to get through this successfully, and his own party is putting an effort in to stop it.

Is it safe to say that right now, the Dem's are "Hoping he fails"????


DeMint was wrong. THIS is his Waterloo.
How ironic. The Democrats apparantly have evolved in 2 years to become racists.

Barack Obama, acting very out of character for a modern politician, is putting his neck squarely on the line with a massive bipartisan compromise. As his often harshest critic, I credit him for it. He's sorta like an NFL coach having to release a popular star player b/c it just doesn't fit the team any longer. Obama made a huge compromise for the good of the country, imo. We simply cannot afford tax increases right now. And we don't need the added deficit, but right now, is another 13 months of unemployment gonna make that huge of a difference? I'd rather not do it, BUT, as a compromise, sure. Lets work together if thats all we can do.


Democrats, in their blind, kamakaze hatred of the rich, won't allow it. They are coming out against President Obama. This is a landmark moment in his presidency. His legacy, and chance of re-election, truly could turn on this month.

And the Dems are blocking it. He is trying to get through this successfully, and his own party is putting an effort in to stop it.

Is it safe to say that right now, the Dem's are "Hoping he fails"????


DeMint was wrong. THIS is his Waterloo.

And for 2012, the Dems will hold up Chuck Schumer to oppose Obama's nomination. :lol:
You don't remember when this same thing happened to Clinton?

Of course not.

Oh, but Clinton wasn't black, and he wasn't the Savior of All Mankind Except the Rich White CEO's hahahaha!!!!!

You Dem's are now hoping Obama's bipartisan deal fails. YOU HOPE HE FAILS!!! YOU RACIST!!!!

If nothing else comes of this........I at least hope you left wingers finally realize ONE extremely valuable lesson: NEVER put all your faith in government, it will always fail you!!! But we got room for you over here on the Tea Party. We hope the government always fails, that way it will leave us alone!
You don't remember when this same thing happened to Clinton?

Of course not.

Oh, but Clinton wasn't black, and he wasn't the Savior of All Mankind Except the Rich White CEO's hahahaha!!!!!
I don't think I get your joke. What Dem has called Obama the "Savior of All Mankind"? I only ever hear Conservatives calling him that.

You Dem's are now hoping Obama's bipartisan deal fails. YOU HOPE HE FAILS!!! YOU RACIST!!!!
I never called anyone who didn't support Obama a racist. So you fail.

I'm also not a Dem, and although I don't like the tax compromise, I don't hope that "Obama fails".

If nothing else comes of this........I at least hope you left wingers finally realize ONE extremely valuable lesson: NEVER put all your faith in government, it will always fail you!!!
I've never had any "faith" in government, I'm basically an anarchist.
But we got room for you over here on the Tea Party. We hope the government always fails, that way it will leave us alone!
No, I'll pass on the "tea party" invitation. Good luck on that one, the Republicans you guys just got elected to "clean up Washington" are already dirtying it up. I give it 2 years until the "tea party" is completely marginalized and meaningless. Remember the millions who protested the Iraq war under Bush? Haven't seen them in a while.
How ironic. The Democrats apparantly have evolved in 2 years to become racists.

Barack Obama, acting very out of character for a modern politician, is putting his neck squarely on the line with a massive bipartisan compromise. As his often harshest critic, I credit him for it. He's sorta like an NFL coach having to release a popular star player b/c it just doesn't fit the team any longer. Obama made a huge compromise for the good of the country, imo. We simply cannot afford tax increases right now. And we don't need the added deficit, but right now, is another 13 months of unemployment gonna make that huge of a difference? I'd rather not do it, BUT, as a compromise, sure. Lets work together if thats all we can do.


Democrats, in their blind, kamakaze hatred of the rich, won't allow it. They are coming out against President Obama. This is a landmark moment in his presidency. His legacy, and chance of re-election, truly could turn on this month.

And the Dems are blocking it. He is trying to get through this successfully, and his own party is putting an effort in to stop it.

Is it safe to say that right now, the Dem's are "Hoping he fails"????


DeMint was wrong. THIS is his Waterloo.

No link?? I haven't heard this at all.
I don't think I get your joke. What Dem has called Obama the "Savior of All Mankind"? I only ever hear Conservatives calling him that.

no he didn't, but hes made several silly references to himself etc. that well, appear arrogant and self aggrandizing. you know this.....
It's so obvious that Dems are opposed to Obama because they cannot tolerate a black man leaving the Dem Plantation

Fucking racists cocksuckers
Chris Mathews spent hours raging on anyone on the right for being the least bit critical of President Obama.They had one thing in common they were white.And that made them racists.So now when the Left is going after the President aren't they racists?
I don't think I get your joke. What Dem has called Obama the "Savior of All Mankind"? I only ever hear Conservatives calling him that.

no he didn't, but hes made several silly references to himself etc. that well, appear arrogant and self aggrandizing. you know this.....

He's made some jokes, yes.

I'm just sick of the "you're a liberal therefore you think Obama is the Messiah" bullshit.
Chris Mathews spent hours raging on anyone on the right for being the least bit critical of President Obama.They had one thing in common they were white.And that made them racists.So now when the Left is going after the President aren't they racists?

Do you people really not get it?? Can people really be that stupid?? Apparently so. We are criticizing his actions. We have not questioned his patriotism, place of birth, or religion. HELLOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
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