GOP trap catches Dems; How Dems see you, me, $$$, and the government role.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
A former Bush adviser was quoted in the recent days as saying they laid a "trap" with these tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, and it was kinda cool to see the Dem's step right in it. Oh well, that aside........the Dem's blind hatred of the rich is driving them to kamakaze political tactics now. The bill not only extends unemployment, but provides a 2% payroll tax cut for everyone. That means the poor and lower middle class folks pumping gas, stocking shelves, bagging groceries, waiting tables, digging ditches, you know, the "little guy". But nope. The Dem's fanatical hatred of the rich is too strong for them to ignore, and they're trying to block it just for the fact that they can't stand the rich being allowed to keep that money that the rich earned.

And that brings me to the bigger, more overwhelming point of this thread. The general role the left sees the government has, as compared to you, me, the rich, the poor, etc, etc, etc.

Money is money, regardless who has it. The rich aren't using it to wallpaper their homes, or shredding it to make fake grass in their yard. The rich are either spending it (into the market), saving it (into the banks, who then loan it, which is good), investing it (into the market), or using it to expand business (either spending or hiring, both good). So that money is going into the market, one way or the other. The problem is this:

- The banks aren't loaning, b/c too many Americans live outside their means and cannot repay the loans (Thanks Fanny, Freddy, Barney, Pelosi and everyone who pushed bad loans)

- The companies aren't hiring, because they dont know what the hell Obama is gonna do with taxes.

Meanwhile, the government does what it always does: Gives money away for nothing.

And THAT is the fundamental difference.

The government GIVES money away.

The rich make people EARN it away from them, through work or investment.

And thats why the left hates the rich, and loves the government. Because they'd rather be given a check by the gov't than have to earn one from a rich guy.

So whether that money gets into the market from a government spending project or handout.......or it gets their from a rich person's investment, spending, hiring or's all gonna be out there somewhere, in some form. Only problem is, the left wants it in the form that is GIVEN not in the form that is EARNED.

Government = $$$ given.
Private sector = $$$ earned.

And there you have it. It really is that simple. And the left absolutely hates the rich for that.
Watching cable news right now. All channels. My God this is getting more entertaining by the hour.
Come on lefties. Rip apart my premise here.

Gov't gives money to you.

The rich make you earn it.

Thats why you love gov't and hate the rich. You people truly are that simple minded.

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