To the ones who just don't get it and think Obama should negotiate~

All they are asking is to have the delay extended for everyone.


The employer mandate is a minor part of the law....effecting only 1% of businesses. In fact....there is bi-partisan agreement that it may not be necessary at all. It may be removed altogether.

The individual mandate is the core of the law. This latest attempt to kill the law is disguised as a simple request to delay. The nutters know tht to delay the individual mandate is to kill the law.

"All they are asking"............please.

It is not a minor part of the law. without the employee reporting there is no way to verify compliance with the law, and delaying it allows employers to skip providing insurance that complies with the law, or pay the accompanying penalty. This actually means that some people, potentially more than the 40 million who are supposed to get insurance, will not be eligible for insurance under the new exchanges, and won't get the coverage they could if they were. If you really cared about the things you claim you do you would be outraged about this.

But you dismiss it as minor because you prefer to believe that Obama cares.
The last two bill suggested that Obamacare just be delayed for now until the rules and regs are all written, the exchanges are ready to run, and all the other glitches can be worked out. It is NOT an unreasonable request.

1) Glitches would happen a year from now just as they are happening now. No time like the present to start working them out.

2) The Republicans know that it will be harder to campaign against the ACA once it's up and running and people are enrolled, even if there are glitches they can point to.

On those two points alone, it is most definintely an unreasonable request.

I'd like to say it will ultimately be turned down, too, but I'm not quite that confident.

Sorry, but entire states not being able to sign up is not a glitch.
That's all fine and wonderful~

Let me tell you a story, even a pediatrician doesn't have a clue until they have had a baby themselves.

They understand just how hard it is and become more compassionate.

There was a group of us in a room getting chemo and the one screaming from being scared had a masters in psychology.

So there you have it, your eyes don't open until its happened to you. Why, because its our survival mechanism in our brains.

Sure there are many advances to our machines and medications, did I say that there wasn't.
But on the other token, most drugs and machines have side affects.

The insurance companies won't pay for alternative medicine, why because many things don't make the money.

For instance try looking up iodine vs. the drug femara..

Femara is Full of side affects, while iodine will do the same thing for $1.00 ..Femera is Very expensive and is a strongly needed drug for 75% of the women with breast cancer.

That's idiotic and childish on your part. Not to mention stupid.

No Company in their right mind pays for treatments that aren't approved.


How many times a day do you sit in front of your TV and hear, "Hyah, I'm Irving Goldblatt of Goldblatt, Goldberg, Rubenstein and Silver, and if you were treated with XYXYZ Drug for cancer and your Dick fell off, call us at 1-800-SUCKIT"

Grow up dewd. Stop blaming everybody else for you misfortune.

The VAST majority of Insurance Companies are more than happy to pay legitimate claims.

Do you know what a Million Dollars is to an Insurance Company that pays out BILLIONS every year in Claims?

Nothing. Less than nothing. It's like pennies to them.

They don't mind paying claims, it's what they're in business to do.

It's the charlatans, liars, connivers, frauds, snake-oil salesmen, the AMA, Insurance Departments and MOST OF ALL -- scumbag lawyers that make their lives difficult.

Not you. Not your claims.

Miniscule is spelled Minuscule

The FDA is forcing our American doctors to sign legal documents to only prescribe FDA approved medications. They haven't even been trained in any other method expect what is approved by the FDA.

Our FDA is fucking us over, we see that with our food, water, medications.
Many a times horrid drugs are given knowing it has already been on the commercials making money by suing.

It doesn't mean that alternative medicine is bad, it just means that it doesn't make enough money.

Its all about money.

The Big Pharma's wine and dine the doctors , catering lunch in several times a week to sell their product.

Most oncologist are so busy with the current FDA approved drugs they don't have time to see if there is a better less expensive way.

If you want to remain clueless and know it all go ahead. Most know it alls are so busy thinking that they are right, they miss so much.

No one is blaming anyone, most people are trying to make it better for the next guy.
It all needs a complete overhaul, and this may be the first step of many.

Alternative medicine doesn't make money because it doesn't work.

Let me rephrase that using single syllables for the idiots among us, snake oil is fake.

So, do you go around asking to check the size of Men's dicks?

Is that how you came across this bit of fascinating knowledge?

Quit while you're ahead

The worldwide use of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) has grown considerably in the past 20 years. Analysing surveys done over the past ten years the general conclusion can
be made that 20% of EU citizens have a clear preference for CAM healthcare, and another 20% are
regular users of CAM. More than 100 million citizens in the EU make use of CAM today. The most
commonly used CAM therapies in Europe are Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Phytotherapy (= herbal
medicine), Anthroposophic medicine, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, Osteopathy and Chiropractic.
According to the WHO, “it is extremely important to create the conditions for the correct and appropriate use of CAM which, if used correctly, can contribute to the protection and the enhancement of
citizens’ health and well being.” This can only happen if the public at large and EU decision makers
receive suitable information on CAM and actual CAM research. The outcome of research on complementary medicine undertaken by research centres and working groups is usually presented only in
scientific journals and to fellow scientists. Thus, the information rarely reaches the group of policy
and decision makers on European health policies.

As CAM frequently forms part of a healthy lifestyle, it may have positive impacts on public health in general. A recent study for example showed that children with an anthroposophic lifestyle have fewer problems regarding allergies than children from other backgrounds.7
More studies have to be done to confirm
the positive relationship between healthy lifestyle and use of CAM. In any case, in several Member States
of the European Union this has led to decisions by growing numbers of national health services to reimburse CAM Health service and products. Several countries in Europe currently run activities promoting
CAM as an essential part of primary health care.

WHO suggests that general consumer information regarding CAM may include the following key issues:
• The importance of the need to take charge of one’s own health by being an informed consumer.
• The need for all providers, both conventional health care providers and CAM practitioners, to
be aware of the major CAM and conventional therapies in use in order to promote the best
treatment strategy to meet the patient’s specific needs and prevent potentially dangerous
• The importance of ensuring that the provider is competent and provides CAM services and
products of quality.
• Where relevant, the need for consumers to find out about standard charges and possible health
insurance coverage for CAM therapies.


Something else you need to know, snake oil kills.

For those who believe in science over magic, here are some facts.


In prospective experimental studies in patients with asthma, it is difficult to determine whether responses to placebo differ from the natural course of physiological changes that occur without any intervention. We compared the effects of a bronchodilator, two placebo interventions, and no intervention on outcomes in patients with asthma.


Among the 39 patients who completed the study, albuterol resulted in a 20% increase in FEV1, as compared with approximately 7% with each of the other three interventions (P<0.001). However, patients' reports of improvement after the intervention did not differ significantly for the albuterol inhaler (50% improvement), placebo inhaler (45%), or sham acupuncture (46%), but the subjective improvement with all three of these interventions was significantly greater than that with the no-intervention control (21%) (P<0.001).
Full Text of Results...


Although albuterol, but not the two placebo interventions, improved FEV1 in these patients with asthma, albuterol provided no incremental benefit with respect to the self-reported outcomes. Placebo effects can be clinically meaningful and can rival the effects of active medication in patients with asthma. However, from a clinical-management and research-design perspective, patient self-reports can be unreliable. An assessment of untreated responses in asthma may be essential in evaluating patient-reported outcomes. (Funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine; number, NCT01143688.)

MMS: Error

Snake oil might make you feel better because you can fool yourself, but it doesn't treat the underlying problem.
Found this on Facebook. This thing scares the hell out of me.

Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.

Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.

Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN).

Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)

Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.

Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)

Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.

HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:

"Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.
Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls , Texas

All of theabove should give you the ammo you need to oppose Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts
Wait. So you got cancer, got state of the art treatment presumably with a cure or remission, insurance paid for a large chunk of it so you didnt go bankrupt, and you want to change this system??

No the complete opposite~ I saw what really was going on by getting cancer~ The way they bloodsuck $$$ out of you when the word is out and let the ones who don't have insurance go through all of their savings, and once these people are drained, they drop them. Very common story~

I find that very very corrupt and something needs to be done, at least this is a start.

Not only is the medical part of it way over the top, so it the medication.

The politicians are in bed with our medical world, and have been since the first multimillionaire gave money to the medical school back in the 1800's

Most people don't know that until they get sick.

And most of us are going to get old and sick so its not like your going to walk away from it unless if you die a faster kind of death.

Let me tell you a true story.....

I had a Lady walk into my Office one time, and she started complaining about a Cancer Policy (not one of ours) she'd had for 30 years and about what a rip-off it was.

I said, "How do you mean, ma'am."

She replied, "I've had this Policy for thirty years and I've never gotten one penny from it."

I politely threw her out of the Office.

I'm calling you out.

I was an Insurance Agent for 25 years and I never saw anything even remotely similar to what you're describing.

OTOH, you had the right to die instead.

They're curing people today that, as little as twenty years ago, would have had to live with a Death Sentence over their heads for the next few years.

I'm old enough. I remember.

They're transplanting hearts, curing cancer, solving mysteries, inventing incredible machines and coming up with treatments unheard of in the world of medicine before five years ago.

And you know what? They work.

Think about this, hard-luck-sam......

It costs a LOT more money to keep someone alive than it does to let them die.

A lot more.

And here's something else you can stick in your pipe and puff on....

You know who's coming up with 99% of the new drugs and the new treatments and the new machines for the Medical Practice in this World?

American Companies.

Then; other Countries simply steal the drug recipes (after our Company spent BILLIONS bringing it to market) and sell them or give them away on the cheap and backwards-engineer our machines and steal them too.
Excellent post!

You are right. Likely 20 years ago, maybe less, this guy would be dead and wouldn't have insurance premiums to worry about. But advances in modern medicine, paid for by *gasp* profits from operations, have allowed him to live. Insurance allowed him to have state of the art treatment and not go bankrupt doing it.
And what does he do? He complains that Big Government is meddling and forcing insurance companies to institute controls and policies. Why isn't he complaining about Big Government?
This is an example of libtard logic, and this administrations utter contempt for the people it claims to represent....

"The National Park Service has ordered the closure of a Virginia park that sits on federal land, even though the government provides no resources for its maintenance or operation.

The Claude Moore Colonial Farm announced on Wednesday that NPS has ordered it to suspend operations until Congress agrees to a deal to fund the federal government.

According to Anna Eberly, managing director of the farm, NPS sent law enforcement agents to the park on Tuesday evening to remove staff and volunteers from the property.

&#8220;You do have to wonder about the wisdom of an organization that would use staff they don&#8217;t have the money to pay to evict visitors from a park site that operates without costing them any money,&#8221; she said.

The park withstood prior government shutdowns, noting in a news release that the farm will be closed to the public for the first time in 40 years.

&#8220;In previous budget dramas, the Farm has always been exempted since the NPS provides no staff or resources to operate the Farm,&#8221; Eberly explained in an emailed statement.

&#8220;In all the years I have worked with the National Park Service &#8230; I have never worked with a more arrogant, arbitrary and vindictive group representing the NPS,&#8221; Eberly said"

Park Service Orders Closure of Park that Receives No Federal Funding | Washington Free Beacon

The Republicans sent 800,000 workers home

Go figure

As usual you ignore the elephant in the room which is the fact that this particular shutdown (as are all the open monument shutdowns in DC) are purely punitive. They are the admin throwing a 5 year old class hissy fit and taking the ball and going home because they lost.

Not very adult, not caring at all of the people they claim to represent and very clearly an example of what lies in store for 'we the people' if they ever get complete control.

Good to see some facts for a change this morning. All these Tea-publicans are doing is whining and ignoring any truth. Haaa Whom ever runs in 2016 on the democrat side has it easy.
This Tea party is blind and in denial
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Found this on Facebook. This thing scares the hell out of me.

Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.

Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.

Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN).

Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)

Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.

Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)

Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.

HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:

"Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.
Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls , Texas

All of theabove should give you the ammo you need to oppose Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts

Fact Checker - A judge's letter on health care and an email gone viral

There is indeed a former county judge named David Kithil who lives in Marble Falls, Texas, which is about 50 miles northeast of Austin. In August, 2009, he wrote a letter to the River Cities Tribune, a local newspaper with a circulation of under 5,000, detailing his objections to one of the health care bills then pending in the House of Representatives--H.R. 3200.

As a former judge of Burnet County, Texas, Kithil is not a health care expert--and congressional language can be obtuse. His analysis is often debatable. The assertion of "real-time access" to bank accounts appears to be referring to a benign section allowing electronic funds transfers. The claim about doctors' fees refers to boilerplate saying the government will not pay less than rates set under Medicare. Similarly, the bill does not ration cancer care, but allows for a study of whether specialty hospitals are charging more for the same service as general hospitals--and then would actually boost payments to general hospitals.

But in any case, he was analyzing a bill that had not yet passed the House. The language was changed before final House passage in November, 2009. Then the Senate in December passed its own, more conservative version of a health care overhaul. By March, 2010, the House accepted much of the Senate bill, with some adjustments. While the email refers to the dangers of so-called "Obamacare," Kithil's letter has little to do with the final version of the legislation--which Kithil readily acknowledges.

"What I wrote about was a bill that never became law," Kithil said in a telephone interview Thursday. He said he has not had an opportunity to go through the final bill, but knows that some of the items that had concerned him were not enacted into law.

And of course, Snopes gets it totally wrong saying that judge Kithil NEVER wrote such a letter, lol.
The Republicans sent 800,000 workers home

Go figure

As usual you ignore the elephant in the room which is the fact that this particular shutdown (as are all the open monument shutdowns in DC) are purely punitive. They are the admin throwing a 5 year old class hissy fit and taking the ball and going home because they lost.

Not very adult, not caring at all of the people they claim to represent and very clearly an example of what lies in store for 'we the people' if they ever get complete control.

Good to see some facts for a change this morning. All these Tea-publicans are doing is whining and ignoring any truth. Haaa Whom ever runs in 2016 on the democrat side has it easy.
This Tea party is blind and in denial

Yet they have the Democrats flailing their arms and pissing their panties. :lmao:
Once there was a man named Sam who eventually became known as Hard Luck Sam....

When Sam was a mere child of 12, he was on a cruise ship with his family that went down, taking everybody but Sam to their watery graves.

Sam looked up to the sky and said, "Why me, God? Why me?

Sam eventually got married and one day on the way to a Restaurant in their car, Sam and Mrs Sam got hit by a run-away truck, killing his Wife but leaving him unscathed.

Again, Sam looked to the Heavens and asked, "Why me, God? Why me?"

Then a few years later, Sam was diagnosed with Cancer. He went through the treatments and survived but still, Sam looked up and said, "Why Me, God. Why me?"

Suddenly, the clouds parted, the Earth shook and the sky went black when a booming voice said, "Sam, you're starting to really piss me off."

Nobody has seen Sam in a long, long time.
This is an example of libtard logic, and this administrations utter contempt for the people it claims to represent....

"The National Park Service has ordered the closure of a Virginia park that sits on federal land, even though the government provides no resources for its maintenance or operation.

The Claude Moore Colonial Farm announced on Wednesday that NPS has ordered it to suspend operations until Congress agrees to a deal to fund the federal government.

According to Anna Eberly, managing director of the farm, NPS sent law enforcement agents to the park on Tuesday evening to remove staff and volunteers from the property.

“You do have to wonder about the wisdom of an organization that would use staff they don’t have the money to pay to evict visitors from a park site that operates without costing them any money,” she said.

The park withstood prior government shutdowns, noting in a news release that the farm will be closed to the public for the first time in 40 years.

“In previous budget dramas, the Farm has always been exempted since the NPS provides no staff or resources to operate the Farm,” Eberly explained in an emailed statement.

“In all the years I have worked with the National Park Service … I have never worked with a more arrogant, arbitrary and vindictive group representing the NPS,” Eberly said"

Park Service Orders Closure of Park that Receives No Federal Funding | Washington Free Beacon

The Republicans sent 800,000 workers home

Go figure

No, they tried to fund the government. Harry said no and sent everyone home. Obama concurred. True story! :thup:

Where did you hear this, "true story"??? Rabbi??
The radical right wing did not want to fund the government, historical records prove they got what they wanted, a government shutdown. The Senate passed a budget in March of this year and all Boehner needed to do was employ the normal course of business - have a conference committee. Boehner refused and the crisis of yesterday is what we got.

No, they used funding the Government as extortion to kill a law that they couldn't do through legislative means

They fucked over 800,000 loyal workers because they did not have the votes to do it in Congress


Nevertheless the GOP house passed three separate bills that would keep those 800,000 (your number) loyal workers on the job. The President and Democrats said nope. It's our way or nothing. End of story.

Lie, all three offers required the established law, the ACA, be delayed for a year. Extortion, not negotiation.

And like petulant children they are now shutting down facilities that have NEVER been closed in previous government shutdowns and doing their damndest to inflict maximum pain on as many people as possible.


Yet people like you keep defending them to the hilt.

Yep, and like me. You defend radical & callous assholes with your lies.

Here's Harry Reids response to a CNN reporter's question re closure of a cancer facility. Her question, "If you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn't you do that?" His response, "Why would we want to do that?" I don't think he really intended it the way it came across--even Harry Reid isn't THAT dumb or probably not THAT cold blooded--but how hard of heart do people have to be to intentionally hurt people when there is absolutely no reason to do so?

Nice default to being a demagogue (of course you are simply parroting the demagoguery of the right - no surprise there.

[ame=]Harry Reid 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer - YouTube[/ame]

You're are disgustingly dishonest. Boehner and the Tea Party scumbags are the ones who hope to deny seriously ill people health insurance, many of whom lost their jobs and insurance and because of pre existing condition are being fucked over by the current system.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Good post!!!
The Republicans sent 800,000 workers home

Go figure

No, they tried to fund the government. Harry said no and sent everyone home. Obama concurred. True story! :thup:

Where did you hear this, "true story"??? Rabbi??

The House has the Constitutional power of the budget. They can fund or defund any damned thing they want to and this has been the case for two centuries.

But now the Demofascists are pretending that this is the first time any House leadership has ever done this and are holding 'America hostage'. Meantime, Obama's administration is carrying out Chigo machine style retribution to make the public hurt as much as possible to put pressure on the GOP while the main stream press pretends it is all the Houses fault.

This is the FIRST president in our history to refuse to negotiate with Congress when it shut down the government over funding disputes and the idiots supporting that fascist are undermining the most democratic branch of our government in favor of their stealth dictator.

The Republic is being betrayed by the whole Democratic Party.
The radical right wing did not want to fund the government, historical records prove they got what they wanted, a government shutdown. The Senate passed a budget in March of this year and all Boehner needed to do was employ the normal course of business - have a conference committee. Boehner refused and the crisis of yesterday is what we got.

No, they used funding the Government as extortion to kill a law that they couldn't do through legislative means

They fucked over 800,000 loyal workers because they did not have the votes to do it in Congress


Nevertheless the GOP house passed three separate bills that would keep those 800,000 (your number) loyal workers on the job. The President and Democrats said nope. It's our way or nothing. End of story.

Lie, all three offers required the established law, the ACA, be delayed for a year. Extortion, not negotiation.

And like petulant children they are now shutting down facilities that have NEVER been closed in previous government shutdowns and doing their damndest to inflict maximum pain on as many people as possible.


Yet people like you keep defending them to the hilt.

Yep, and like me. You defend radical & callous assholes with your lies.

Here's Harry Reids response to a CNN reporter's question re closure of a cancer facility. Her question, "If you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn't you do that?" His response, "Why would we want to do that?" I don't think he really intended it the way it came across--even Harry Reid isn't THAT dumb or probably not THAT cold blooded--but how hard of heart do people have to be to intentionally hurt people when there is absolutely no reason to do so?

Nice default to being a demagogue (of course you are simply parroting the demagoguery of the right - no surprise there.

[ame=]Harry Reid 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer - YouTube[/ame]

You're are disgustingly dishonest. Boehner and the Tea Party scumbags are the ones who hope to deny seriously ill people health insurance, many of whom lost their jobs and insurance and because of pre existing condition are being fucked over by the current system.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

The Constitution gives the HOUSE the power to fund or defund programs they do not like, and EVERY President before Obama has negotiated to end the government shut down.

The shut down is being implemented by Obama, not the GOP, though the Senate and WH share responsibility for not coming up with a budget because they refuse to negotiate so Americans can get back on the job.

In other words you are a liar and a slime ball. You are helping to undermine the power of the most democratic branch of our government which make you a useful fool for the fascists that are destroying our democracy.

Nevertheless the GOP house passed three separate bills that would keep those 800,000 (your number) loyal workers on the job. The President and Democrats said nope. It's our way or nothing. End of story.

Lie, all three offers required the established law, the ACA, be delayed for a year. Extortion, not negotiation.

And like petulant children they are now shutting down facilities that have NEVER been closed in previous government shutdowns and doing their damndest to inflict maximum pain on as many people as possible.


Yet people like you keep defending them to the hilt.

Yep, and like me. You defend radical & callous assholes with your lies.

Here's Harry Reids response to a CNN reporter's question re closure of a cancer facility. Her question, "If you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn't you do that?" His response, "Why would we want to do that?" I don't think he really intended it the way it came across--even Harry Reid isn't THAT dumb or probably not THAT cold blooded--but how hard of heart do people have to be to intentionally hurt people when there is absolutely no reason to do so?

Nice default to being a demagogue (of course you are simply parroting the demagoguery of the right - no surprise there.

Harry Reid 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer - YouTube

You're are disgustingly dishonest. Boehner and the Tea Party scumbags are the ones who hope to deny seriously ill people health insurance, many of whom lost their jobs and insurance and because of pre existing condition are being fucked over by the current system.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

The Constitution gives the HOUSE the power to fund or defund programs they do not like, and EVERY President before Obama has negotiated to end the government shut down.

The shut down is being implemented by Obama, not the GOP, though the Senate and WH share responsibility for not coming up with a budget because they refuse to negotiate so Americans can get back on the job.

In other words you are a liar and a slime ball. You are helping to undermine the power of the most democratic branch of our government which make you a useful fool for the fascists that are destroying our democracy.

History is repeating itself:

On November 14 1996 , major portions of the federal government suspended operations.[4] The Clinton administration later released figures detailing the costs of the shutdown, which included payments of approximately $400 million to furloughed federal employees who did not report to work.[6]
The first budget shutdown concluded with Congress enacting a temporary spending bill, but the underlying disagreement between Gingrich and Clinton was not resolved, leading to the second shutdown.
A 2010 Congressional Research Service report summarized other details of the 1995-1996 government shutdowns, indicating the shutdown impacted all sectors of the economy. Health and welfare services for military veterans were curtailed; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped disease surveillance; new clinical research patients were not accepted at the National Institutes of Health; and toxic waste clean-up work at 609 sites was halted. Other impacts included: the closure of 368 National Park sites resulted in the loss of some seven million visitors; 200,000 applications for passports and 20,000 to 30,000 applications for visas by foreigners went unprocessed each day; U.S. tourism and airline industries incurred millions of dollars in losses; more than 20% of federal contracts, representing $3.7 billion in spending, were affected adversely
Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times to pay for his unprecedented military build up

Bush 41 raised the debt ceiling 9 times.

Bush 43 raised the debt ceiling 7 times.

AND NEVER, not once, did the democrats use it to extract policy concessions.

The Debt Ceiling has been raised far more by Republicans, yet the Democrats have never made an issue of it.

But it gets weirder. Obama is now asking for the Republican spending levels in the Continuing Resolution. His opening bid is a huge compromise. And because he compromised so thoroughly on the CR, the Republicans sense weakness - and now they are trying to end his presidency by destroying his signature legislation, which was supported in two elections, passed into law, and survived a supreme court challenge.

This has never happened before. The debt ceiling has never been used like this before.

The Republicans have never had a problem raising the debt ceiling when their guy was in office. Bush took the nation from record surpluses to unprecedented deficits without one challenge to his many debt ceiling increases. Not one Republican made a peep when Bush raised the debt ceiling 7 times. Not one peep.

The country has been taken over by criminals.
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See if the mods will let you change your user name to blindpartisan instead of blindboo. Harry Reid shut down the gubmint. That's a fact.


Sorry, but we are dealing in reality here. Republicans repeatedly stated that they did not want the government to shut down. While they were working, the senate was out doing whatever. They brought several plans that were rejected and Reid refused to negotiate and compromise. Plans were on the table. Reid rejected them and the government shut down because he didn't get his way. Any way you want to slice it and dice it, those are the cold hard facts. This shutdown is on Harry and Barack and it will cost them in 2014 and 2016.

You must not be aware of the entire scenario. Republicans have submitted bills, yes, but they all want to do away with Obamacare. Why would Reid, knowing the President isn't going to sign it, even bother with them. It's Republicans that won't submit a clean bill (one that doesn't try to destroy Obamacare), and why there is a stalemate.

Sorry, but the way most Americans see it, it's the Republicans that are to blame, and the polls don't back your assertion that the Dems are being blamed. Time for you to face the facts.

Polls: Republicans Blamed for Government Shutdown

Republicans may take more blame for shutdown, poll says - CBS News
Wrong, all of the bills submitted were clean. None had obamacare funding attatched

For over 200 years this is how appropriation bills were handled. Item by item.
Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times to pay for his unprecedented military build up

Bush 41 raised the debt ceiling 9 times.

Bush 43 raised the debt ceiling 7 times.

AND NEVER, not once, did the democrats use it to extract policy concessions.

The Debt Ceiling has been raised far more by Republicans, yet the Democrats have never made an issue of it.

But it gets weirder. Obama is now asking for the Republican spending levels in the Continuing Resolution. His opening bid is a huge compromise. And because he compromised so thoroughly on the CR, the Republicans sense weakness - and now they are trying to end his presidency by destroying his signature legislation, which was supported in two elections, passed into law, and survived a supreme court challenge.

This has never happened before. The debt ceiling has never been used like this before.

The Republicans have never had a problem raising the debt ceiling when their guy was in office. Bush took the nation from record surpluses to unprecedented deficits without one challenge to his many debt ceiling increases. Not one Republican made a peep when Bush raised the debt ceiling 7 times. Not one peep.

The country has been taken over by criminals.

You are sadly misinformed. Yes, there have been numerous debt ceiling increases, and I would bet a good steak dinner that not a single one of them was passed without some kind of policy negotiations included in the bill:

Kevin Hassett and Abby McCloskey of the American Enterprise Institute last week wrote in a column for the Wall Street Journal 60% of debt limit increases that included other legislative items came in Democratic Congresses while 15% came in Republican-led ones and the remaining 25% were in divided ones.

“Debt-limit votes have provided a regular vehicle for legislation. Divided governments have a difficult time passing anything. Since the consequences of government default are so severe, debt-limit legislation has always passed in the end, and it has often included important additional legislative accomplishments,” the pair wrote.
Debt ceiling hikes included policy ideas in the past ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

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