To Promote Climate Alarm, Good News Is Regularly Portrayed as a Disaster


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Warmist/alarmists promoting lies and distortions indicate they have fully abandoned science and reality of the world around them, they run on ideology and propaganda.

Watts Up With That?

To Promote Climate Alarm, Good News Is Regularly Portrayed as a Disaster

January 1, 2021

Guest essay by — H. Sterling Burnett


Dishonesty has seemingly become the hallmark of reporting on climate research. In 2020, the dishonesty reached new heights as multiple studies which actually presented (or that could have presented) good news, were portrayed by the researchers involved and media hacks covering them as if they showed purported human-caused climate change was causing various disasters. The truth is, time and again, the data—often including data provided by the studies—refutes the claimed climate disaster, instead showing the environment getting better. Below I’ll deconstruct a few examples of this fearmongering habit.

Recently, The Guardian and other media outlets have claimed an updated atlas of bird habitats shows global warming is “pushing” birds further north. The Guardian’s story would lead one to believe birds en masse are being forced out of shrinking natural habitats into unsuitable locations by climate change. This is not true. As The Heartland Institute’s President James Taylor wrote in a Climate Realism post responding to The Guardian’s article, the atlas itself tells a completely different story.



Now watch the off topic trolling crap roll on as they stumble all over the place irrationally trying to dispute a straightforward article.
That is not far from the truth. I'm regularly forced to listen to a PBS radio show called 'All Things Considered'.

It has become a parody of a news show. They will find a global warming hook for ANY story.

They ran a story about a guy who makes handcrafted pickles and had a climate change angle 45 seconds into the story.
for that matter there is usually very little good news published. I remember when there was a cfl US map and it ran a tabulation of energy saved with every bulb installed, These days most have switched to LEDs saving even more. Business is going LED with motion sensors. Gloom and doom to keep up the "need to do something" more
That is not far from the truth. I'm regularly forced to listen to a PBS radio show called 'All Things Considered'.

It has become a parody of a news show. They will find a global warming hook for ANY story.

They ran a story about a guy who makes handcrafted pickles and had a climate change angle 45 seconds into the story.

Sheesh... I always knew there was something wrong with that Peter Piper guy and his pickled peppers, but who's next to go? the hot pretzel vendor?
That is not far from the truth. I'm regularly forced to listen to a PBS radio show called 'All Things Considered'.

It has become a parody of a news show. They will find a global warming hook for ANY story.

They ran a story about a guy who makes handcrafted pickles and had a climate change angle 45 seconds into the story.

Sheesh... I always knew there was something wrong with that Peter Piper guy and his pickled peppers, but who's next to go? the hot pretzel vendor?

Apparently, everything these days is connected to Global Warming.
That is not far from the truth. I'm regularly forced to listen to a PBS radio show called 'All Things Considered'.

It has become a parody of a news show. They will find a global warming hook for ANY story.

They ran a story about a guy who makes handcrafted pickles and had a climate change angle 45 seconds into the story.

Sheesh... I always knew there was something wrong with that Peter Piper guy and his pickled peppers, but who's next to go? the hot pretzel vendor?

Apparently, everything these days is connected to Global Warming.

Only if you believe in global warming.
Warmist/alarmists promoting lies and distortions indicate they have fully abandoned science and reality of the world around them, they run on ideology and propaganda.

Watts Up With That?

To Promote Climate Alarm, Good News Is Regularly Portrayed as a Disaster

January 1, 2021

Guest essay by — H. Sterling Burnett


Dishonesty has seemingly become the hallmark of reporting on climate research. In 2020, the dishonesty reached new heights as multiple studies which actually presented (or that could have presented) good news, were portrayed by the researchers involved and media hacks covering them as if they showed purported human-caused climate change was causing various disasters. The truth is, time and again, the data—often including data provided by the studies—refutes the claimed climate disaster, instead showing the environment getting better. Below I’ll deconstruct a few examples of this fearmongering habit.

Recently, The Guardian and other media outlets have claimed an updated atlas of bird habitats shows global warming is “pushing” birds further north. The Guardian’s story would lead one to believe birds en masse are being forced out of shrinking natural habitats into unsuitable locations by climate change. This is not true. As The Heartland Institute’s President James Taylor wrote in a Climate Realism post responding to The Guardian’s article, the atlas itself tells a completely different story.



Now watch the off topic trolling crap roll on as they stumble all over the place irrationally trying to dispute a straightforward article.

EPA is currently under lockdown. If prez Trump dispatches Jersey Joe then EPA will be under lockdown for another four+ years.
That is not far from the truth. I'm regularly forced to listen to a PBS radio show called 'All Things Considered'.

It has become a parody of a news show. They will find a global warming hook for ANY story.

They ran a story about a guy who makes handcrafted pickles and had a climate change angle 45 seconds into the story.
Many academics have complained that it's difficult to get published in a scientific journal unless they put a climate change spin on it.

That's how thoroughly corrupt commies and their stooges have infiltrated academia.
Birds are evil ... they'll shit in your open mouth without a thought ... bastards ...

This spins both ways ... and both sides are pumping in those extra quarters for the longer spin cycle ... we won't know anything about how climate is changing for another 100 years ... at least ... this is one of the things that has to be analysed after-the-fact ...

Look for the lies ... they abound on both sides of the debate ...

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