To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee taken off Mississippi school reading list

Ya'll would laugh your faces off at the letters I've received challenging books over offensive content.
But it's your job to make sure left-wing books with material offensive to Christians, stays in the library so children have full access.

Got it.

so bigotry is now a rightwingnut trumptard mandate

Mississippi, acknowledging that the truth hurts and trying to run from it. As always. If some student from Mississippi goes to college (unlikely) and doesn't know about To Kill A Mocking Bird, that student should be thrown out and sent back to his/her parents for an education. Mississippi is always the last in the class and this stupidity is the reason why. I feel very sorry for any kid growing up in the ignorant soup of that state.
But it's your job to make sure left-wing books with material offensive to Christians, stays in the library so children have full access.

Got it.

I am going to name the stacks dedicated to trannys, abortion, and, atheism after you.
i ASSUME that it was parents who objected . If so it seems to me that its the parental RIGHT to object and then get removal of the book if they want it removed .
feck the pointy headed librarian as she is probably just as bad as many taxpayer paid union protected hip hoppin millenial public school teachers PJ .
up to the parents isn't it ??

There is the problem, the left thinks they know best....parents be damned
They should do home schooling.
------------------------------------------- disagree , I think that parents / taxpayers are supposed to be in charge of Public Schools PJ .
Of course you do. :rolleyes:
-------------------------------------------- i think that Parents [supposedly] being in charge is a feature of American Public Schools PJ !!
To Kill a Mocking Bird won a Pulitzer Prize, sold 30,000,000 copies and was translated into more than 40 languages.
Mississippi, keep your kids stupid.
To Kill a Mocking Bird won a Pulitzer Prize, sold 30,000,000 copies and was translated into more than 40 languages.
Mississippi, keep your kids stupid.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- not TRUE , kids can read it when their parents allow or when the kids buy it or see it outside of Public School PJ !!
I love how all of you airheads are blaming librarians and teachers for this decision. I suggest reading the linked article. The decision was made by the school board, which is probably an elected body.

Perhaps the electorate will relieve them of the burden during the next election.

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