To be fair to Newt on the issue of his past marriages.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
What people don't understand, and keep forgetting in this life (and I can't understand why with all the experience people have on such a thing), is that there are plenty of people who have never truly found their soul mate in their life, and that they may never find their soul mate in their life all depending, even though they were looking and/or have been looking for that person through out their whole life or lives during.

Newt has been married three times now, and it can only be hoped that he has finally found his soul mate in life, and that it is good that he has since released his first two wives, in so that they to will hopefully someday find their soulmates as well in their lives also.

You see, what the media doesn't think that we understand, is that people can be married to someone in their life, but that doesn't mean that they are happy (or) even that they truly love one another. So if they have made a mistake when they did get married, either to someone they really didn't know in life, until later on down the line, or thought that they could love, but then found out differently later on down the line (what ever the case was), then it is definetly their choice to not be married to that person anymore if were seriously unhappy with one another in the relationship.

Now some people stay together in these situations, because of the children involved by agreement there of (or other reasons), but that doesn't mean that they are like any other married couple in life at that point (or) will ever be at that point. The main thing for both at some given moment, is to do right by the children always when it is possible to do so.

At this point, it just becomes an arrangement until the kids get big enough to deal with a divorce in many cases. So if Newt was un-happy or his wives were also, and a divorce was eminant in each case, then who are we to speculate upon what him and his former wives were going through in each of these marriages, especially the way it is being talked about by us (or) scrutinized by us today ? Hey the women might have seen Newt as incompatible for them in the situation, so they might have wanted out just as well, yet even so they may not have told Newt, but instead they just showed coldness unto him (don't touch me etc.), that may have caused him to go in search of at that point in time, where as both were still trying to hang on even so, but truly didnot love one another anymore, and both of them new that in each situation being delt with.

Now the media is speculating by calling Newt a scumbag and what have you because of his situations in life pertaining to his marriages, but like I said, we truly don't know what the situation was within these marriages as was lived in, or even how these marriges came to be in the first place... Example: What if they got married for reasons like money or fame or things of that nature at those levels, where soon the fun wore off, and they both realized that they really didn't love one another, so should they have been forced by us to stay together?

NOPE !!!

How can we call this man a scumbag and bad person, when we don't even know what the situation was that he was living in back then, or what his wives were living in also, when it came to whether or not these couples were truly compatible in life or not ?

The good thing is, is that Newt isn't trashing his former wife/wives (i.e. the mothers of his & their children together), by saying to us in some kind of cheezy defense of, that they had some serious problems in life, in which may have sent him into the arms of another woman because of, and also that his former wives aren't trashing him as a father of their children together, and this maybe because of the incompatiblity issues or lack of love issues etc. in which they may have gotten married mistakenly over.

People of America today, you know how it is these day's, and more often now than it was back in the old days, where as a man & woman marries, only to find out quickly or sometimes years later, that they had messed up and married the wrong person. Is it our standard these days, to somehow keep people together, just because they look good together?

Newt has a say in this also, but what I found to be so cheezy, is that the networks went out and paid money for Newts former wife, to be questioned by them in hopes to trash him, but didn't have Newt on at the same time to respond to the situation. Now they should have had Newt on to defend himself, in order to give us a fair and balanced understanding of the situation if that is what they hoped that they were supposedly doing. However they didn't, and so these slime ball media outlets talk all kinds of bad about Fox, but then they go and do something far beneath what Fox News does, where as they try and skew the message for political reasons, and then hope we just eat it all up. The show called " Young Turks" was one in specific that was doing this in which I watched the other night. :cuckoo:
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I guess when Newt was banging some chicks while he was married to his first wife he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

And then when he was banging some more chicks while he was married to his second wife, he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

The neverending quest for a "soul mate" is an exhausting one I guess.

He should have tried Argentinia. It worked for Mark Sanford.
How can we call this man a scumbag and bad person:

We can do so simply by holding him to his own standards.

NEWT GINGRICH: To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine. (Cheers, applause.)
South Carolina GOP CNN debate, Jan. 19, 2012. Transcript - Lynn Sweet

In reviving the presidential sex scandal just one week before Election Day, Gingrich and his chief strategists aimed to energize their most loyal supporters, whose enthusiasm appeared to be waning after House conservatives lost the budget fight and the Clinton scandal fell off the front pages.
1998: Special Report: Clinton Accused

NEWT GINGRICH: And if you want to put people in jail, I want to second what Michelle said. You ought to start with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. And let's look at the politicians who created the environment, the politicians who profited from the environment and the politicians who put this country in trouble.

CHARLIE ROSE, HOST: Clearly, you're not saying they should go to jail?

GINGRICH: Well, in Chris Dodd's case, go back and look at the Countryside deals. In Barney Frank's case, go back and look at the lobbyists he was close to that -- that -- at Freddie Mac.
FULL TRANSCRIPT: Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP Debate in N.H. - -

Gingrich’s first contract with the mortgage company was in 1999, five months after he resigned from Congress and as House speaker, according to a Freddie Mac press release.

His primary contact inside the organization was Mitchell Delk, Freddie Mac’s chief lobbyist, and he was paid a self- renewing, monthly retainer of $25,000 to $30,000 between May 1999 until 2002, according to three people familiar with aspects of the business agreement.

During that period, Gingrich consulted with Freddie Mac executives on a program to expand home ownership, an idea Delk said he pitched to President George W. Bush’s White House.
Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg

By his own standards, Newt should be in jail.
I guess when Newt was banging some chicks while he was married to his first wife he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

And then when he was banging some more chicks while he was married to his second wife, he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

The neverending quest for a "soul mate" is an exhausting one I guess.

He should have tried Argentinia. It worked for Mark Sanford.
You only have one side of the story, but yet you are sure that he was the scumbag eh? Maybe Newt is a better man than you think him to be or give him absolutely no credit for, and thus if something happened that caused him to fall out of love with his first and then second wife, well maybe he isn't one to go trashing his former wives, thus talking about it wrecklacy to the media, and so instead he is taking it all onto his own shoulders for the sake of his children and their mothers in the situations. Ever think about it that way maybe?

I would love to see them all on a show together, discussing how their lives have gotten better since the split, and how it was for them to do the right thing for all in the situations, and then for them to wish each other a happy life afterwards.. You know the show "REBA" was a super popular show, but look at the situation or senario that was the script in that show, where as it related to so many peoples lives in this day and age, and where as people understand these things better now, but all of a sudden we are to listen to the media trash someone for political reasons, and act as if we are just dum enough to swallow what they push on us?
What people don't understand, and keep forgetting in this life (and I can't understand why with all the experience people have on such a thing), is that there are plenty of people who have never truly found their soul mate in their life, and that they may never find their soul mate in their life all depending, even though they were looking and/or have been looking for that person through out their whole life or lives during.

Newt has been married three times now, and it can only be hoped that he has finally found his soul mate in life, and that it is good that he has since released his first two wives, in so that they to will hopefully someday find their soulmates as well in their lives also.

You see, what the media doesn't think that we understand, is that people can be married to someone in their life, but that doesn't mean that they are happy (or) even that they truly love one another. So if they have made a mistake when they did get married, either to someone they really didn't know in life, until later on down the line, or thought that they could love, but then found out differently later on down the line (what ever the case was), then it is definetly their choice to not be married to that person anymore if were seriously unhappy with one another in the relationship.

Now some people stay together in these situations, because of the children involved by agreement there of (or other reasons), but that doesn't mean that they are like any other married couple in life at that point (or) will ever be at that point. The main thing for both at some given moment, is to do right by the children always when it is possible to do so.

At this point, it just becomes an arrangement until the kids get big enough to deal with a divorce in many cases. So if Newt was un-happy or his wives were also, and a divorce was eminant in each case, then who are we to speculate upon what him and his former wives were going through in each of these marriages, especially the way it is being talked about by us (or) scrutinized by us today ? Hey the women might have seen Newt as incompatible for them in the situation, so they might have wanted out just as well, yet even so they may not have told Newt, but instead they just showed coldness unto him (don't touch me etc.), that may have caused him to go in search of at that point in time, where as both were still trying to hang on even so, but truly didnot love one another anymore, and both of them new that in each situation being delt with.

Now the media is speculating by calling Newt a scumbag and what have you because of his situations in life pertaining to his marriages, but like I said, we truly don't know what the situation was within these marriages as was lived in, or even how these marriges came to be in the first place... Example: What if they got married for reasons like money or fame or things of that nature at those levels, where soon the fun wore off, and they both realized that they really didn't love one another, so should they have been forced by us to stay together?

NOPE !!!

How can we call this man a scumbag and bad person, when we don't even know what the situation was that he was living in back then, or what his wives were living in also, when it came to whether or not these couples were truly compatible in life or not ?

The good thing is, is that Newt isn't trashing his former wife/wives (i.e. the mothers of his & their children together), by saying to us in some kind of cheezy defense of, that they had some serious problems in life, in which may have sent him into the arms of another woman because of, and also that his former wives aren't trashing him as a father of their children together, and this maybe because of the incompatiblity issues or lack of love issues etc. in which they may have gotten married mistakenly over.

People of America today, you know how it is these day's, and more often now than it was back in the old days, where as a man & woman marries, only to find out quickly or sometimes years later, that they had messed up and married the wrong person. Is it our standard these days, to somehow keep people together, just because they look good together?

Newt has a say in this also, but what I found to be so cheezy, is that the networks went out and paid money for Newts former wife, to be questioned by them in hopes to trash him, but didn't have Newt on at the same time to respond to the situation. Now they should have had Newt on to defend himself, in order to give us a fair and balanced understanding of the situation if that is what they hoped that they were supposedly doing. However they didn't, and so these slime ball media outlets talk all kinds of bad about Fox, but then they go and do something far beneath what Fox News does, where as they try and skew the message for political reasons, and then hope we just eat it all up. The show called " Young Turks" was one in specific that was doing this in which I watched the other night. :cuckoo:

China called...... They want their wall back.
I guess when Newt was banging some chicks while he was married to his first wife he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

And then when he was banging some more chicks while he was married to his second wife, he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

The neverending quest for a "soul mate" is an exhausting one I guess.

He should have tried Argentinia. It worked for Mark Sanford.
You only have one side of the story, but yet you are sure that he was the scumbag eh?

A guy who cheats on his wife? And then runs ads about Clinton cheating on HIS wife, just before an election?

Yeah. I am sure he's a hypocritical scumbag. A bigger scumbag than Clinton, and that's really saying something.
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I guess when Newt was banging some chicks while he was married to his first wife he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

And then when he was banging some more chicks while he was married to his second wife, he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

The neverending quest for a "soul mate" is an exhausting one I guess.

He should have tried Argentinia. It worked for Mark Sanford.
Hey I'm just trying to be more curious and open minded here in all of this mess, but to answer you, the issue with Mark Sandford wasn't that he was off to seek his soulmate, but that he did this while he was supposed to be on the job doing the work and duites of S.C. States business, where as he was also spending money that belong to the state on these trips etc. so I heard.. Now that was dispicable as far as the taxpaying citizens of the state were concerned with about their governer.

I thought Mark Sanford was a fool by what he did, but then again, I don't truly know what his situation was either in his marriage, so who was I to judge that part of it. Now the voters job was to judge him for his performance and actions as a governer, so he got what was coming to him, in which was exactly right in that case.
I guess when Newt was banging some chicks while he was married to his first wife he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

And then when he was banging some more chicks while he was married to his second wife, he was too damn busy to get divorced first.

The neverending quest for a "soul mate" is an exhausting one I guess.

He should have tried Argentinia. It worked for Mark Sanford.
You only have one side of the story, but yet you are sure that he was the scumbag eh?

A guy who cheats on his wife? And then runs ads about Clinton cheating on HIS wife, just before an election?

Yeah. I am sure he's a hypocritical scumbag. A bigger scumbag than Clinton, and that's really saying something.
Read my reply on Mark Sanford of South Carolina above, now are you sure about what Newt did was wrong concerning Clinton? Clinton did wrong at his job, thus making it an issue concerning his job. Newt's events didnot concern his job at all, but rather his private life. Big difference!
How can we call this man a scumbag and bad person:

We can do so simply by holding him to his own standards.

NEWT GINGRICH: To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine. (Cheers, applause.)
South Carolina GOP CNN debate, Jan. 19, 2012. Transcript - Lynn Sweet

1998: Special Report: Clinton Accused

NEWT GINGRICH: And if you want to put people in jail, I want to second what Michelle said. You ought to start with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. And let's look at the politicians who created the environment, the politicians who profited from the environment and the politicians who put this country in trouble.

CHARLIE ROSE, HOST: Clearly, you're not saying they should go to jail?

GINGRICH: Well, in Chris Dodd's case, go back and look at the Countryside deals. In Barney Frank's case, go back and look at the lobbyists he was close to that -- that -- at Freddie Mac.
FULL TRANSCRIPT: Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP Debate in N.H. - -

Gingrich’s first contract with the mortgage company was in 1999, five months after he resigned from Congress and as House speaker, according to a Freddie Mac press release.

His primary contact inside the organization was Mitchell Delk, Freddie Mac’s chief lobbyist, and he was paid a self- renewing, monthly retainer of $25,000 to $30,000 between May 1999 until 2002, according to three people familiar with aspects of the business agreement.

During that period, Gingrich consulted with Freddie Mac executives on a program to expand home ownership, an idea Delk said he pitched to President George W. Bush’s White House.
Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg

By his own standards, Newt should be in jail.
Go back and you will find that everyone one was either on board with at some point in time (or) had a hand in the ok'ing of at some point and time (or) was in support of at some point in time, this Freddie Mack and Fannie May corporation, at least until it all went south on them.. Otherwise If you supported housing and loans to the poor or struggling in America etc. and you held office as a politician, most likely you supported Fannie May and Freddie Mack at some point and time. Newt is no diffrent to have been involved somehow in these names, just like everyone else in Washington DC was also. We just need to make sure where Newt was standing at in all of this mess. Nothing wrong with being involved with that which you may have thought was ok at the time, but then to later find out differently, in which could be what the situation was with Newt... I don't know, just giving him the benefit of an open mind in the case or cases.

Lets lay it all out on the table.
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People divorce. I have been divorced once. Yes, getting married was a mistake.
Is he qualified to the POTUS? Absolutely. Being married three times and divorced twice doesn't make him less qualified. What bothers me, is that both women were ill when he divorced them. Once, I can understand. But twice?

A soul mate is fine and good. When you marry, you enter a partnership. But that does not mean that you lean on your spouse for all of your happiness. And bedroom compatibility does not equal a satisfying marriage. It's the icing on the cake. But that seemed to be the most important thing to him, oddly.

Both former wives may have turned into exponential hags and nags. If I were undergoing surgery to remove a tumor and Newt was out looking for his soulmate, I would be a little pissed off too. And he left his second wife at a very fragile time, just after having been diagnosed with MS. It's a very lonely and scary feeling. Not once...but twice, this man did this. It seems very cold-hearted.

He may make a fine president; who knows? But leaving two seriously chronically ill women for another woman, makes me question his character.
I thought Mark Sanford was a fool by what he did, but then again, I don't truly know what his situation was either in his marriage, so who was I to judge that part of it. Now the voters job was to judge him for his performance and actions as a governer, so he got what was coming to him, in which was exactly right in that case.

It is amazing the stretches people will make to come up with imaginary justifications for why a person would not get a divorce and instead cheat on their wives.

Let me tell you about Mark Sanford, because he is a real pig.

So first, the married Republican Governor, Mark Sanford, abandons his post and runs off to Argentina to be with, in his words, his "soul mate". His staff, trying to explain his mysterious absence from his job, tell reporters he is on a nature walk on the Appalachian Trail.

I am not making any of this up.

The Governor is spotted in an airport returning from South America. Instead of doing the smart thing and letting his flackies handle the media, he openly brags about his infidelity any time he gets near an open microphone.

Then comes the obligatory perp walk to the podium in front of the cameras. Everyone expects him to resign. And amazingly, for probably the first time in history, the wife declines to stand beside her man for the press conference. She jumps in the car and drives away, not even bothering to wave goodbye to the jackass over her shoulder.

Good for her! Perhaps the only sane person in this whole tragedy.

The Governor refuses to resign. So now we must hear exactly why he said he won't resign.

Basically, Mark Sanford says that in the bible, King David cheated on his wife. He espied another woman while walking on the roof of his palace who was also married and he fixed it so her husband would be killed in battle, and after all that, he did not resign as king. So what's good for King David is good for Governor Sanford.

No, really. I swear I am not making this up. A bible thumping Governor used the bible to justify his fooling around with another woman and not resigning from office. He really did. Look it up.
How can we call this man a scumbag and bad person:

We can do so simply by holding him to his own standards.

South Carolina GOP CNN debate, Jan. 19, 2012. Transcript - Lynn Sweet

1998: Special Report: Clinton Accused

FULL TRANSCRIPT: Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP Debate in N.H. - -

Gingrich’s first contract with the mortgage company was in 1999, five months after he resigned from Congress and as House speaker, according to a Freddie Mac press release.

His primary contact inside the organization was Mitchell Delk, Freddie Mac’s chief lobbyist, and he was paid a self- renewing, monthly retainer of $25,000 to $30,000 between May 1999 until 2002, according to three people familiar with aspects of the business agreement.

During that period, Gingrich consulted with Freddie Mac executives on a program to expand home ownership, an idea Delk said he pitched to President George W. Bush’s White House.
Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg

By his own standards, Newt should be in jail.
Go back and you will find that everyone one was either on board with at some point in time (or) had a hand in the ok'ing of at some point and time (or) was in support of at some point in time, this Freddie Mack and Fannie May corporation, at least until it all went south on them.. Otherwise If you supported housing and loans to the poor or struggling in America etc. and you held office as a politician, most likely you supported Fannie May and Freddie Mack at some point and time. Newt is no diffrent to have been involved somehow in these names, just like everyone else in Washington DC was also. We just need to make sure where Newt was standing at in all of this mess. Nothing wrong with being involved with that which you may have thought was ok at the time, but then to later find out differently, in which could be what the situation was with Newt... I don't know, just giving him the benefit of an open mind in the case or cases.

Lets lay it all out on the table.

It really goes over your head, the hypocrisy part, doesn't it.

I will use smaller words: It isn't so much that Newt took part in it, it is that he says anyone who did take part in it should be in jail.

So by his own words and standards, he should be in jail.
People divorce. I have been divorced once. Yes, getting married was a mistake.

Again, the hypocrisy goes over your head. Small words: Newt is having an affair. He finds out the President is having an affair. Newt runs political ads attacking the President for having an affair.

Newt is caught evading taxes and lying to Congress and is heavily fined. He is the only Speaker in history this has happened to.

He refuses to resign.

The President lies about his affair and Newt impeaches him. He demands the President resign.

Newt the tax evader is currently attacking Romney for not paying enough taxes.

Past AND PRESENT, Newt is a hypocrite.

You have to be a complete sucker and idiot to believe he went to God for forgiveness. He has not changed one bit. This is not a man who has repented. He was a serial hypocrite then, and he is a serial hypocrite now.
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I thought Mark Sanford was a fool by what he did, but then again, I don't truly know what his situation was either in his marriage, so who was I to judge that part of it. Now the voters job was to judge him for his performance and actions as a governer, so he got what was coming to him, in which was exactly right in that case.

It is amazing the stretches people will make to come up with imaginary justifications for why a person would not get a divorce and instead cheat on their wives.

Let me tell you about Mark Sanford, because he is a real pig.

So first, the married Republican Governor, Mark Sanford, abandons his post and runs off to Argentina to be with, in his words, his "soul mate". His staff, trying to explain his mysterious absence from his job, tell reporters he is on a nature walk on the Appalachian Trail.

I am not making any of this up.

The Governor is spotted in an airport returning from South America. Instead of doing the smart thing and letting his flackies handle the media, he openly brags about his infidelity any time he gets near an open microphone.

Then comes the obligatory perp walk to the podium in front of the cameras. Everyone expects him to resign. And amazingly, for probably the first time in history, the wife declines to stand beside her man for the press conference. She jumps in the car and drives away, not even bothering to wave goodbye to the jackass over her shoulder.

Good for her! Perhaps the only sane person in this whole tragedy.

The Governor refuses to resign. So now we must hear exactly why he said he won't resign.

Basically, Mark Sanford says that in the bible, King David cheated on his wife. He espied another woman while walking on the roof of his palace who was also married and he fixed it so her husband would be killed in battle, and after all that, he did not resign as king. So what's good for King David is good for Governor Sanford.

No, really. I swear I am not making this up. A bible thumping Governor used the bible to justify his fooling around with another woman and not resigning from office. He really did. Look it up.

I had forgotten about the King David thing. :lol:
I'm still laughing about Newt's daughters contacting the "liberal media" to let them know that their daddy didn't want an open marriage. It's not really surprising that they stood up for their father, but that he made sure that all of America knew that his daughters had been kept abreast of their father's and step-mother's sex life. And their friends supposedly knew as well. So how was this accomplished? Imagine..."girls, Dad doesn't want an open marriage, just in case that rumor ever comes out."-when the daughters phoned home.
I thought Mark Sanford was a fool by what he did, but then again, I don't truly know what his situation was either in his marriage, so who was I to judge that part of it. Now the voters job was to judge him for his performance and actions as a governer, so he got what was coming to him, in which was exactly right in that case.

It is amazing the stretches people will make to come up with imaginary justifications for why a person would not get a divorce and instead cheat on their wives.

Let me tell you about Mark Sanford, because he is a real pig.

So first, the married Republican Governor, Mark Sanford, abandons his post and runs off to Argentina to be with, in his words, his "soul mate". His staff, trying to explain his mysterious absence from his job, tell reporters he is on a nature walk on the Appalachian Trail.

I am not making any of this up.

The Governor is spotted in an airport returning from South America. Instead of doing the smart thing and letting his flackies handle the media, he openly brags about his infidelity any time he gets near an open microphone.

Then comes the obligatory perp walk to the podium in front of the cameras. Everyone expects him to resign. And amazingly, for probably the first time in history, the wife declines to stand beside her man for the press conference. She jumps in the car and drives away, not even bothering to wave goodbye to the jackass over her shoulder.

Good for her! Perhaps the only sane person in this whole tragedy.

The Governor refuses to resign. So now we must hear exactly why he said he won't resign.

Basically, Mark Sanford says that in the bible, King David cheated on his wife. He espied another woman while walking on the roof of his palace who was also married and he fixed it so her husband would be killed in battle, and after all that, he did not resign as king. So what's good for King David is good for Governor Sanford.

No, really. I swear I am not making this up. A bible thumping Governor used the bible to justify his fooling around with another woman and not resigning from office. He really did. Look it up.

In bold letters above (just a note), should we even be saying "instead of him doing the smart thing at that point"?? I wouldn't have helped this guy with any kind of "instead of doing the smart thing", because there was no smart thing that he could have done at that point, wouldn't you agree?...

Yes, Mark Sandford after all the evidence was in or a little bit of it was in, was defintely a scumbag for sure.... I feel your frustration on that issue for sure, and I agree with you whole heartedly....
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What scares the shit out of the left is frankly none of us give a shit.

I don't care that he was banging old whatserhername while the first wife wa having health issues. Oh yeah. the douche bag who's playing holier than thou now even thou she was the one banging newt as the so called first wife lay dying so dramatically in bed.

Oh Marianne the one so upset now. That Marianne had not a problem banging Newt whilst his first wife was dying.


I just want someone who can run the country compared to kiddo who just parties down every day.
People divorce. I have been divorced once. Yes, getting married was a mistake.

Again, the hypocrisy goes over your head. Small words: Newt is having an affair. He finds out the President is having an affair. Newt runs political ads attacking the President for having an affair.

Newt is caught evading taxes and lying to Congress and is heavily fined. He is the only Speaker in history this has happened to.

He refuses to resign.

The President lies about his affair and Newt impeaches him. He demands the President resign.

Newt the tax evader is currently attacking Romney for not paying enough taxes.

Past AND PRESENT, Newt is a hypocrite.

You have to be a complete sucker and idiot to believe he went to God for forgiveness. He has not changed one bit. This is not a man who has repented. He was a serial hypocrite then, and he is a serial hypocrite now.

No, it hasn't gone over my head. I'm trying to be diplomatic, but now I won't hold back. I've thought he was a shithead since the Clinton impeachment. Did you read my whole post? I think that his daughters getting involved, and then his making sure that everyone knew it, is comical.

Don't worry. Like his second wife, I'm an MS patient. He sure as shit won't get my vote.
Another example Newt is a lying sack of shit long after he "went to God for forgiveness":

Gingrich’s business relationship with Freddie Mac spanned a period of eight years. When asked at the debate what he did to earn a $300,000 payment in 2006, the former speaker said he “offered them advice on precisely what they didn’t do,” and warned the company that its lending practices were “insane.”

Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Businessweek

Now here is what he actually told the GSEs. Here is a Q&A session old Newt had with Freddie Mac employees in 2007.

Q: A key element of the entrepreneurial model is using the private sector where possible to save taxpayer dollars and improve efficiency. And you believe the GSE model provides one way to use the private sector.

Gingrich: Some activities of government – trash collection is a good example – can be efficiently contracted out to the private sector. Other functions – the military, police and fire protection – obviously must remain within government. And then there are areas in which a public purpose would be best achieved by using market-based models. I think GSEs provide one of those models. I like the GSE model because it provides a more efficient, market-based alternative to taxpayer-funded government programs. It marries private enterprise to a public purpose. We obviously don't want to use GSEs for everything, but there are times when private enterprise alone is not sufficient to achieve a public purpose. I think private enterprise alone is not going to be able to help the Gulf region recover from the hurricanes, and government will not get the job done in a very effective or efficient manner. We should be looking seriously at creating a GSE to help redevelop this region. We should be looking at whether and how the GSE model could help us address the problem of financing health care. I think a GSE for space exploration ought to be seriously considered – I'm convinced that if NASA were a GSE, we probably would be on Mars today.

The man is GSE crazy! He loves them! He wants more of them. He can't get enough of them.

To continue:
Gingrich: Certainly there is a lot of debate today about the housing GSEs, but I think it is telling that there is strong bipartisan support for maintaining the GSE model in housing. There is not much support for the idea of removing the GSE charters from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And I think it's clear why. The housing GSEs have made an important contribution to homeownership and the housing finance system. We have a much more liquid and stable housing finance system than we would have without the GSEs. And making homeownership more accessible and affordable is a policy goal I believe conservatives should embrace. Millions of people have entered the middle class through building wealth in their homes, and there is a lot of evidence that homeownership contributes to stable families and communities. These are results I think conservatives should embrace and want to extend as widely as possible. So while we need to improve the regulation of the GSEs, I would be very cautious about fundamentally changing their role or the model itself.

Q: This is not a point of view one normally associates with conservatives.

Gingrich: Well, it's not a point of view libertarians would embrace. But I am more in the Alexander Hamilton-Teddy Roosevelt tradition of conservatism. I recognize that there are times when you need government to help spur private enterprise and economic development. Look at our own history. The government provided railroad land grants to encourage widespread adoption of what was then the most modern form of transportation to help develop our country. The Homestead Act essentially gave land away to those willing to live on it and develop it. We used what were in effect public-private partnerships to bring telephone service and electricity to every community in our nation. All of these are examples of government bringing about desired public purposes without creating massive, taxpayer-funded bureaucracies. To me that is a pragmatic and effective conservative approach.

"We have a much more liquid and stable housing finance system than we would have without the GSEs."

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