To All Women! Where Is The Outrage Over This Porno Film?

I hate to say it, but more importantly, there are people who are actually voting for her because they like the way she looks. Nothing wrong with them seeing her for who she is.

And, frankly, I'm not sure what all the hubbub is about. She's still a nice looking woman. If the right didn't whine about every question or every thing raised about Sawwah Bawwacuda, no one would have even noticed.

As for the porn thing... who cares?
Amazing the Libs cannot for the life of them cannot say this is wrong no matter if it is a dem or a rep Where have we gone wrong in this country if you are not voting for someone you can tolerate the media doing whatever they please to them. I hope that none of us are ever being victimized and lots and lots of people just stand around and watch without saying a word shame on anyone who condones that sleaze ball Larry F. He is a slug and always will be.

Are you fucking blind?

Of course, making her the target of this pornography is in bad taste.
A new porno movie is being produced with a Sarah Palin look-a-like. You know it wasn't that long ago when someone simply mentioned Hillary Clinton's clevage-in a jounalist article-that women across this country were outraged over that comment.

So I guess it's O.K. to do this to a republican woman candidate--(actually make a porno movie--with a look-a-like.) Yet if you're speaking about a democrat female candidate--then the most innocent comment can be taken as sexist.

Where's the outrage now? Where's the outrage over a man (Larry Flint-of Penthouse) who decides to take a woman of great accomplishment & trash her in front of her five children--to be shown world-wide for nothing more than PROFIT.

Where's the outrage from all you women that were defending Hillary Clinton over sexist comments?

You know, I have to agree with Sarah Palin. If you're a woman who doesn't support another woman, regardless of party affiliation, there should be a special place in hell for you.

How can we be outraged if this is the first we have heard about it? I don't follow the porn industry, so this is all news to me. Glad you are informed.

Frankly, I'm NOT a fan of porn, but it's legal so whatcha gonna do. I choose not to watch it, so should you if it offends you.
Amazing the Libs cannot for the life of them cannot say this is wrong no matter if it is a dem or a rep Where have we gone wrong in this country if you are not voting for someone you can tolerate the media doing whatever they please to them. I hope that none of us are ever being victimized and lots and lots of people just stand around and watch without saying a word shame on anyone who condones that sleaze ball Larry F. He is a slug and always will be.

of course it's wrong. I don't see anyone saying it's right mdjgirl. I think what I see people saying is it shouldn't come as a big shock to the cons that this is happening, not with the way they've been drooling over Sarah Palin since she was announced as the VP nominee.

What would you like the libs to do? storm the set and demand that they shut down production? yeah right.

why should we be outraged? This has nothing to do with us. The people making this film are clearly NOT targeting Libs as the audience. How about some outrage that the Cons have turned Palin into an object to be objectified with their continued and overt slobbering about how she looks, while totally ignoring what she says.
of course it's wrong. I don't see anyone saying it's right mdjgirl. I think what I see people saying is it shouldn't come as a big shock to the cons that this is happening, not with the way they've been drooling over Sarah Palin since she was announced as the VP nominee.

What would you like the libs to do? storm the set and demand that they shut down production? yeah right.

why should we be outraged? This has nothing to do with us. The people making this film are clearly NOT targeting Libs as the audience. How about some outrage that the Cons have turned Palin into an object to be objectified with their continued and overt slobbering about how she looks, while totally ignoring what she says.

The porn industry does anything to make a buck, I doubt very seriously that only conservatives look at it and I think the point of the outrage was that the liberal party has a history of objecting to woman being "used" in such a fashion. Someone is wondering why there is no outrage when the "victim" is Sarah Palin.
A new porno movie is being produced with a Sarah Palin look-a-like. You know it wasn't that long ago when someone simply mentioned Hillary Clinton's clevage-in a jounalist article-that women across this country were outraged over that comment.

So I guess it's O.K. to do this to a republican woman candidate--(actually make a porno movie--with a look-a-like.) Yet if you're speaking about a democrat female candidate--then the most innocent comment can be taken as sexist.

Where's the outrage now? Where's the outrage over a man (Larry Flint-of Penthouse) who decides to take a woman of great accomplishment & trash her in front of her five children--to be shown world-wide for nothing more than PROFIT.

Where's the outrage from all you women that were defending Hillary Clinton over sexist comments?

You know, I have to agree with Sarah Palin. If you're a woman who doesn't support another woman, regardless of party affiliation, there should be a special place in hell for you.

I think Sara Palin in a porn would do a hell of alot more for the American people then her as a VP. At least she's be helping and not hurting(no pun intended)
If they made a porno film with a Michelle Obama look alike?
The ghettos would be on fire.

Oh because the ghettos are the only places black people live you racist POS. Actually, thank you for proving our point that the McCain/Palin group is filled with racist POS like yourself
I didn't know anything about it, I don't think its been on TV or the Newspapers out here because I haven't heard about it. Maybe there is not a big outrage because people haven't been told? I don't think exploiting anybody sexually leads to any good feelingsI am sure it makes Sarah Palin and her family feel bad to have a pornographer make a movie about her. I imagine once the word gets out that people will find it distasteful. Aside from that, it might be considered natural for a man to see someone as pretty (like Jackie O, Sarah Palin, ) I don't really see that as sexist. Maybe I am wrong.
A new porno movie is being produced with a Sarah Palin look-a-like. You know it wasn't that long ago when someone simply mentioned Hillary Clinton's clevage-in a jounalist article-that women across this country were outraged over that comment.

So I guess it's O.K. to do this to a republican woman candidate--(actually make a porno movie--with a look-a-like.) Yet if you're speaking about a democrat female candidate--then the most innocent comment can be taken as sexist.

Where's the outrage now? Where's the outrage over a man (Larry Flint-of Penthouse) who decides to take a woman of great accomplishment & trash her in front of her five children--to be shown world-wide for nothing more than PROFIT.

Where's the outrage from all you women that were defending Hillary Clinton over sexist comments?

You know, I have to agree with Sarah Palin. If you're a woman who doesn't support another woman, regardless of party affiliation, there should be a special place in hell for you.

how do you even know about this....? Do you have a link that i missed?

it will only be shown to those "in to" porn.... it will not be shown to the whole world or there for her children to see, unless they are seeking to view porn...?

None the less, it is a sleasy thing to do, but this is part of stupid unregulated capitalism....i don't see how it could be stopped....:(

And also, if it was not for all the con men going goo goo gah gah over her and all of their comments, I doubt the porn industry would have seen the money making value in this....

Sadly, this is what i see as the this capitalistic world that we live in.

how do you even know about this....? Do you have a link that i missed?

it will only be shown to those "in to" porn.... it will not be shown to the whole world or there for her children to see, unless they are seeking to view porn...?

None the less, it is a sleasy thing to do, but this is part of stupid unregulated capitalism....i don't see how it could be stopped....:(

And also, if it was not for all the con men going goo goo gah gah over her and all of their comments, I doubt the porn industry would have seen the money making value in this....

Sadly, this is what i see as the this capitalistic world that we live in.


yes---alas--only con men look at porn:rolleyes:
of course it's wrong. I don't see anyone saying it's right mdjgirl. I think what I see people saying is it shouldn't come as a big shock to the cons that this is happening, not with the way they've been drooling over Sarah Palin since she was announced as the VP nominee.

What would you like the libs to do? storm the set and demand that they shut down production? yeah right.

why should we be outraged? This has nothing to do with us. The people making this film are clearly NOT targeting Libs as the audience. How about some outrage that the Cons have turned Palin into an object to be objectified with their continued and overt slobbering about how she looks, while totally ignoring what she says.

Does it matter who said what and did what on this issue Larry F is wrong I think we all can stand oh I don't know TOGETHER on this one and tell him so.

Yes I saw the Obama girl no I was not thrilled with her either but it is a double standard in this country men are seen as studs and women are seen as whores big difference.

Why does it have to come up with who looks any particular way or what they wearing or how their shoes look. Who is hot who is not that is so juvenile it is not funny but hey that is where we are today sad isn't it.
yes---alas--only con men look at porn:rolleyes:

OF course was just the Con men's goo goo gah gahs and MILF comments that got the money making venture of Flint's going...he saw dollar signs and someone to exploit....
If Hillary was as good looking and a milf as well, and still in the running, I wouldn't put it past Flint what so ever, to have had a hillary look alike porn film as well.... he's in for the money...always has been....
If Hillary was as good looking and a milf as well, and still in the running, I wouldn't put it past Flint what so ever, to have had a hillary look alike porn film as well.... he's in for the money...always has been....

and only liberal men would be interested ? :rofl:
A new porno movie is being produced with a Sarah Palin look-a-like. You know it wasn't that long ago when someone simply mentioned Hillary Clinton's clevage-in a jounalist article-that women across this country were outraged over that comment.

Yeah, but Sarah Palin is hot. No one's going to make a porno with a Hillary Clinton look-a-like. Maybe they have, I don't know, I'm not really into porn...
I hate to say it, but more importantly, there are people who are actually voting for her because they like the way she looks. Nothing wrong with them seeing her for who she is.

And, frankly, I'm not sure what all the hubbub is about. She's still a nice looking woman. If the right didn't whine about every question or every thing raised about Sawwah Bawwacuda, no one would have even noticed.

As for the porn thing... who cares?

lol, I call Pelosi a whore and you get a bent out of shape, yet someone is making a porno movie depciting Palin who coul dbe the next vice president of the United States and all you can say is...who cares?

I bet if it were pelosi, (god what an scary porno that would be), you would be holding protests outside the studio

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