TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem

Then what are you suggesting? Who has to e-verify?
Diving into semantics wont get us anywhere.

It's not semantics. These are very real concerns, that will impact real people. Most of you who are eager to 'get tough' on immigration haven't really considered the kind of police state that will be required.
Forcing employers to use e-verify? lol
Sorry, I just cant follow that reasoning.

I'm not surprised. But you should. Reasoning is required for wise decision making.
Lol absolutely. But you are grasping at straws. There is a difference.

Are you denying that innocent people will get tangled up in the kind of enforcement effort you're advocating?
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

There has always been a solution available, it's just that all the big 'anti-racist' criminal illegal alien fans prefer not taking responsibility for their own political positions. Sponsorship has always been available, is relatively quick, and there are 10's of millions of pro-immigration people to sponsor every single one of them and then some, so have at it, you're in luck! Visit the INS web site to find out how right this minute!

We're all looking forward to seeing the cute 'family pics all you pro-illegal alien fans will be posting soon and hearing how wonderful and noble you feel for being such a progressive and feeling human.
Well, they should either all be regulated, or all not. But that's not really the issue. You're insisting that employers function as immigration officers. I'm asking why consumers shouldn't be tasked with the same responsibility. If employers have to perform intensive investigations on everyone they hire, why should consumers who buy goods and services from people the don't know?
That's my point. Everyone else is regulated by health officials, so why are you saying taco trucks should not be held to the same standard?

Does this include hiring people to clean your house or do yard work? What about paying someone to cook you tacos (ie the ubiquitous taco truck)?
Most of those workers are part of a know, like Mitt Romney used. ;)

As for taco trucks, aren't they supposed to be licensed?

I suppose so. How do you know if they're licensed or not?
Diving into semantics wont get us anywhere.

It's not semantics. These are very real concerns, that will impact real people. Most of you who are eager to 'get tough' on immigration haven't really considered the kind of police state that will be required.
Forcing employers to use e-verify? lol
Sorry, I just cant follow that reasoning.

I'm not surprised. But you should. Reasoning is required for wise decision making.
Lol absolutely. But you are grasping at straws. There is a difference.

Are you denying that innocent people will get tangled up in the kind of enforcement effort you're advocating?
You mean making employers use e-verify? lol
I guess its possible, but that's a possibility with EVERYTHING.
Look black, nobody wants the elderly couple down the street to check the immigration status of their 10 year old neighbor to rake leaves. That's ridiculous.
If you want to follow the lead of left-wingers, you could certainly do that. But isn't it overbearing government in both cases?
A good point. Will you be voting Libertarian this election or will you be voting Democrat? Neither?

I pretty much always vote Libertarian. I've never voted Democrat. Voted Republican - once, for Reagan in his first term. Regretted it.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

There has always been a solution available, it's just that all the big 'anti-racist' criminal illegal alien fans prefer not taking responsibility for their own political positions. Sponsorship has always been available, is relatively quick, and there are 10's of millions of pro-immigration people to sponsor every single one of them and then some, so have at it, you're in luck! Visit the INS web site to find out how right this minute!

We're all looking forward to seeing the cute 'family pics all you pro-illegal alien fans will be posting soon and hearing how wonderful and noble you feel for being such a progressive and feeling human.
Are you denying that innocent people will get tangled up in the kind of enforcement effort you're advocating?
Tangled up how? They don't have a birth certificate, government ID, voter registration card or other proof of legal residency? How often does that come up? I'm good with providing a means for those few people who have none of the above to verify citizenship or residency status.
Not at all. The two aren't as easily distinguished as you might imagine. And they're no different in principle. Is paying someone to mow your lawn "employing" them, or buying something from a business?
Let's start big and work small. Obviously E-verifying the kid next door to mow your lawn or babysit your kid is "small". Let's start with businesses and employers of 5-10 or more people. If that works, then we can update the system later.
It's not semantics. These are very real concerns, that will impact real people. Most of you who are eager to 'get tough' on immigration haven't really considered the kind of police state that will be required.
Forcing employers to use e-verify? lol
Sorry, I just cant follow that reasoning.

I'm not surprised. But you should. Reasoning is required for wise decision making.
Lol absolutely. But you are grasping at straws. There is a difference.

Are you denying that innocent people will get tangled up in the kind of enforcement effort you're advocating?
You mean making employers use e-verify? lol
I guess its possible, but that's a possibility with EVERYTHING.
Look black, nobody wants the elderly couple down the street to check the immigration status of their 10 year old neighbor to rake leaves. That's ridiculous.

The sad thing is, the people most likely to get burned by this kind of police state shit are small start-ups who don't have the funds to perform comprehensive investigations on everyone they hire. No doubt the larger companies they are competing against will support your proposal.
Are you denying that innocent people will get tangled up in the kind of enforcement effort you're advocating?
Tangled up how? They don't have a birth certificate, government ID, voter registration card or other proof of legal residency? How often does that come up?

It comes up quite often. Especially among the poor, and people who aren't compulsively documenting their lives to placate government.
The sad thing is, the people most likely to get burned by this kind of police state shit are small start-ups who don't have the funds to perform comprehensive investigations on everyone they hire. No doubt the larger companies they are competing against will support your proposal.
Bullshit. My wife used E-verify in her work at a temp employment agency. It's not a big deal. What's a big deal is requiring it.

For Employers
It comes up quite often. Especially among the poor, and people who aren't compulsively documented their lives to placate government.
Please provide some factual data or percentages. Saying "quite often", "a lot", "many" and the like is just a smoke screen.

Why are you so anxious to protect illegals? Do you have a business that uses them?
Forcing employers to use e-verify? lol
Sorry, I just cant follow that reasoning.

I'm not surprised. But you should. Reasoning is required for wise decision making.
Lol absolutely. But you are grasping at straws. There is a difference.

Are you denying that innocent people will get tangled up in the kind of enforcement effort you're advocating?
You mean making employers use e-verify? lol
I guess its possible, but that's a possibility with EVERYTHING.
Look black, nobody wants the elderly couple down the street to check the immigration status of their 10 year old neighbor to rake leaves. That's ridiculous.

The sad thing is, the people most likely to get burned by this kind of police state shit are small start-ups who don't have the funds to perform comprehensive investigations on everyone they hire. No doubt the larger companies they are competing against will support your proposal.
Isnt e-verify internet based?
I wouldn't think larger companies are the actual problem.. At least for the most part.
It comes up quite often. Especially among the poor, and people who aren't compulsively documented their lives to placate government.
Please provide some factual data or percentages. Saying "quite often", "a lot", "many" and the like is just a smoke screen.

Why are you so anxious to protect illegals? Do you have a business that uses them?

I'm anxious to protect everyone who doesn't live their lives sucking up to authoritarian government.

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